Send someone to attack the Great Demon King of Haglos. They Felendil naturally have their own plan, and this plan is nothing more than profit.

As I said before, Filindil and Marilyn are now divided into two parts, the new school and the old school of Light God Palace. Both sides are fighting each other hard and arduously for their legitimacy. Although it seems that the strengths of the two sides are basically the same now, a closer study will reveal that the strengths of the two sides are actually quite different.

Filendil now occupies the headquarters of the Light God Palace in the past, and has a lot of material resources under his hands, that is, a lot of money and a solid foundation. However, Filindier's qualification for Goddess of Light is actually weaker than Marilyn. The reason why Filindir was able to become Goddess of Light was actually because there were a large group of veteran faction in the Light God Palace at that time. These guys are very strong in Light God Palace, and together they can even influence the decision of Goddess.

After the Light God Palace had a problem, the veteran faction also wanted to gain some benefits from it, such as expanding the scope of its power. However, an orthodox and tough Goddess would definitely not give them these powers. Therefore, they united and deliberately resisted the actual orthodox heir Marilyn, and pushed out the weaker Felendier. Thinking about this kind of thing, it feels a lot like the ancient throne struggle. First Prince is the orthodox heir, powerful and smart, but the Imperial court veteran wanted to retain more power, so he deliberately boycotted the Eldest Prince, and then pushed one of the most cowardly and incompetent prince to the throne, so that the Imperial Court became what they said Forget it.

The situation at Light God Palace was the same. Those veterans thought that Filendil had no foundation, so they wanted to let her be Goddess. However, although Filindil did not have a foundation, she was not stupid. On the contrary, she was a powerful figure with above average abilities. After inheriting the throne, she not only used the contradictions within the veteran group to disintegrate their alliance, but also used her wrist to erode and kill these elders one by one. Although this hand is beautiful, don't forget that these veterans themselves are part of the strength of Light God Palace. Felindir killed them, but her own strength also fell. Therefore, although Filindir was much stronger than Marilyn at the time of the split, it has now become a tie, because the power in Filindir was originally not hers and was consumed during the integration process. a lot of.

Compared with Felindir, Marilyn’s strength was weak at the beginning, but she went out to stand on her own, and those who can follow her are truly supportive of her, so in terms of unity It must be much better than Felindir's side. But Marilyn was kicked out at the beginning, so she almost went out of the house and didn't take away anything. Later, the start-up funds for the development were all raised by the people who followed her, and the life was tight.

Because of this historical problem of the split of the Light God Palace, the current situation is that Filindil is short of people and Marilyn is short of money. Because of this desire for interests, Marilyn has been working on various resources recently, and it seems that she has recently started a business, using the reputation of Light God Palace as a basis to vigorously develop the economy and strive to make money and develop herself. strength. On the other hand, Filindil, who lacked people, began to dig people everywhere, let alone heretic, now as long as it is not an undead, Filindil dares to pull into his temple. Regardless of the fact that the people of Filindil are okay, they are fighting around under the guise of eliminating heretic. In fact, they are just pulling up the strong. It is nothing but the hope that the number and overall strength of their own staff will be enriched as soon as possible.

Based on this situation, Filindir went to the Great Demon King of Haglos and their purpose became obvious. She just hopes to pull this force into her camp, so that she has another piece of bargaining chip against Marilyn. However, compared with the support of our Frost Rose League, the strength of the Haglos Great Demon King is very eye-catching, but still not enough.

With the support of the Great Demon King of Haglos, Filendil may not be able to defeat Marilyn immediately. No, it should definitely not work. However, if we offend us, as long as our support is tilted, they will be suppressed by Marilyn's immediately. Know that no money is better than no one. As long as you have the ability, if you don't have money, you can make money quickly, but you can't change it if no one is there. If you want to train ordinary people to become experts, it is a marathon project, and Filindil can't wait at all.

"Purple Moon, I’m sorry, but it seems we had a bit of a misunderstanding before. I don’t know that those are your friends." After Filindir determined the priorities, how humble and humble the attitude should be. "I'll let them retreat now, what do you think?"

I nodded agreed to her decision, which was what I meant. The one next to him doesn't need to wait for Felindir to order again. He listened to what he said just now, and he would immediately turn around to recall the troops.

Although this matter is resolved, I can't just pat my butt and leave. Even if they are affiliated with our Frost Rose League, it is an independent organization. Besides, even if you start a company and let others do the work for you, you still have to pay them. I’m already equivalent to cut off people’s money. Others on own initiative is considered to be a success. Of course, I can’t help but say one time.

"Are you short of people in your hands?"

As soon as Felindier heard what I said, I immediately knew that I was going to make some compensation, so she immediately nodded and said: "You also know the situation here, everything is there, but this person is really..."

"I also know your difficulties, but the people over there really can't give you . And in fact, you should thank me for this matter."

"Huh?" Felindier didn't expect me to make such a sentence abruptly, which made her very inexplicable.

I glanced at Filendil, and then asked, "Where did you know about the other party?"

"Well, it was an adventurer who said it. He said over there Inhabiting a lot of heretic, our Light God Palace should let the glory of God shine into that dark corner."

"Huh? Adventurer?" Honestly, I also startled. at first I always thought that the news of Filendil was leaked from the Dark God Palace. Just now I planned to go back and use this to go to Dark God Palace to find Titans to sell it. Didn't expect it was not what I thought.

Filendil knew that I didn’t know anything about it, so he said, “It’s just a long and wretched guy. I felt sick when I was filming the flattery, but Now I think he is not for our Light God Palace at all. That guy must have hatred with your friends, so he came to me to inform."

Filindier said that I have already guessed it. Who did it? Needless to say, except for Bingquan, I don't want to be a second person. This kid at first had the news of the magic pastry chef. Later, I took control of Louise, and he began to fight against me. He would definitely know that he could not get me, so he was thinking about finding a third party. The forces are giving me trouble. Unfortunately, his level is too low to understand the communicative aspects of high-end martial power like ours. Whether it was the Light God Palace he was looking for or the Great Demon King of Hagglos who was attacked, they were all power groups he couldn't provoke, but to me it was just a small group that was not as strong as our Frost Rose League.

"I probably know the person you are talking about. That guy must have told you the news for revenge. But, you may not know, they are actually from Titans. "

"What? Those guys are from Dark God Palace?" Filindir was obviously surprised.

If there was only one Light God Palace in the past, Felendil knew that the other party was Titans, then it must have been said to kill the other party. After all, Light God Palace and Dark God Palace were mortal enemies, not to mention the fact that the other party's behavior has actually penetrated the sphere of influence of Light God Palace. To be more serious, this is an invasion, but it has not been made public. But that was before. Now Light God Palace divided into two, this force is a bit complicated.

Think about the Japanese invasion of China during World War II. Why did Chiang hesitate to fight against Japan? Aren't you afraid that you will lose your strength and be taken advantage of by the ***? Filindil and Marilyn are in the same situation now. Do you think they have a good relationship with Titans? It's definitely not good. But if you want to let them deal with Ditans now, that's impossible. Both sides are holding back their energy and want to deal with each other. As long as Titans doesn’t provoke them actively, they will never provoke them, because the current Titans is much better than them. If the two of them Either party in the fight against Titans, then the final Goddess of Light will definitely be the other party.

As soon as he thought that he almost stabbed the hornet's nest, Filindil could not wait to tear up the adventurer who reported to him, but unfortunately he was not French, and the news was sent to others early. It is a trivial matter for their Divine Race to catch people in their own country, but going abroad is a big problem. Speaking of which system The definition of Divine Race looks a bit like the army of the country. When a foreign army invades, the army of the country can stop it, but the army can't interfere with local affairs in peacetime. Moreover, if the person to be arrested goes abroad, the army cannot chase it out, because that would be regarded as an invasion of another country.

Of course, Divine Race is different from the army. At least the country’s army can invade outside, but Divine Race can’t. Even if it is to expand, Divine Race can only use belief expansion and cannot be conquered by martial power. The only thing that can be conquered by martial power is the foreign war of the player's guild, but Divine Race can help guard the occupied area after the event.

Looking at Filindir thinking about it for a long time, I know she must have figured out the key points. At this time, I said again: "Since you are short of people, I can help you think about it. Way."

"Do you have a way?" Filindil is short of people now. I said that I could give it to her. Of course she was very excited.

I nodded and said: "I can't help it if there are too many. If it's only a small part, I have this ability."

"It doesn't matter, I am thirsty for talents now. , Can pull one is one." Filindier is not picky eaters.

I nodded and said: "Do you know that our Frost Rose League has just fought the Olympus Divine Race before, right?"

Filindier nodded. "At the beginning we suggested that you help us deal with the Olympus Divine Race, but didn't expect you to do it so thoroughly! By the way, you are now talking about this matter, do you intend to use the Olympus Divine Race? People give it to me?"

I shook the head with a smile, and then nodded again. Seeing Filindier’s incomprehensible eyes, he explained: "People are from Olympus Divine Race, but Not the people you think."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"How do you say. These people are indeed the genuine Olympus Divine Race, their The strength is also strong and some are weak, but they are all marginalized people in the Olympus Divine Race. These guys chose to follow us to leave the Olympus Divine Race only because they could not stand the oppression of Zeus, but they actually I don’t want to join the Divine Race in the chaos and order of the Frost Rose League."

"You mean to give these people to me?"

I nodded and said: "Those people are not What to say, but our Frost Rose League pays attention to a high degree of subjective initiative, we don't want to force people to come in. The Frost Rose League has not yet reached that point. Most of these people have a contempt for the guild Divine Race, and feel that they are in chaos and order. Staying in Divine Race as if your entire Divine Spark has fallen. Your Light God Palace is a genuine Divine Race anyway, and you have dealt with the Olympus Divine Race before, and they all know that your strength is not weak, as long as Let them come, and they won’t feel that they are depraved anymore."

Filindier heard this and immediately nodded and said: "This is a good way. Give them all to me. I'm short of people. Well, it’s not too crowded."

When I heard this, I mumbled in my heart: "You are not too crowded, but I have to dare to give it. If you are an honest person Forget it. After being pushed onto the stage, he turned around and took care of the elders who manipulated him. How cruel is this?" It can be said that Felindir is ambitious. Once the strength in his hand exceeds a certain critical value, this girl will definitely be a fiercer than Hitler. Flindersell can definitely do it all over Europe and wildly looking at the world.

Because Filindir is not a person who keeps his own feet, people can give it, but the degree must be controlled.

Actually, I want to compensate Filindir not for a temporary purpose, but Rose and the others mentioned this to me before, but they didn’t find time to implement this before, but now it’s just a matter of convenience. That's it.

In fact, before the start of the battle against the Olympus Divine Race, Rose and the others had already considered enhancing the strength of Light God Palace.

If the Frost Rose League is to be a world policeman, then you have to master the balance like a Yankee. The forces in a region cannot be completely intimate. How can we mix up if you are all intimate? Of course, chaos is not enough, so that there is only destruction but no production, and we will not be able to get any benefits. Therefore, in order to obtain benefits from a certain area, it is necessary to create a generally stable environment here, so that society can develop. However, on the basis of stability, local conflicts cannot be stopped. If the world is Datong, we don't expect anything, we must create tensions and confrontations, so that we have an excuse to intervene. That's what Lao Mei did at the beginning, and our guild is now just a doctrine, and it's not a special invention. But I have to say that this trick is really easy to use, it can be said to be unsatisfactory.

The original situation between Divine Race in Europe is stable and it is in line with the interest requirements. However, we saw the benefits in the Olympus Divine Race, so we extracted this part of the benefits. As a result, the Olympus Divine Race was greatly weakened.

Without the containment of the Olympus Divine Race, Western European forces began to become a little complicated. The Dark God Palace is completely free of threats, and they may be able to stay honestly in a short period of time. After a long time, the Light God Palace will definitely be unlucky.

The crying poor guy of Jehovah is not a good man and believer. The Olympus Divine Race has our guild’s joint defense agreement. Of course, Jehovah’s Holy See does not know this, but as long as they invade Austria Linpis Divine Race, we will send troops, when the time comes, they will know.

If you can't chew on the east side, then go west. Dark God Palace is too hard, and it is easy to break your teeth if you don't bite. Now Light God Palace is divided into two, it's like holding up a sign that says "I am a soft persimmon". Therefore, whether it is Dark God Palace or the Holy See, it will eventually target Light God Palace.

I said before that regional stability and local conflicts are the key to our wealth. Therefore, Light God Palace cannot be destroyed, otherwise it will not be regional stability but regional melee. Therefore, the strength of Light God Palace must be strengthened, and at least it must be able to withstand the offensive of Dark God Palace and the Holy See, thus returning to the basic state of regional stability. However, to enhance the Light God Palace to increase the Light God Palace, this degree must be mastered. Infusion of some blood makes the Light God Palace stronger, and it is enough to block the two powerful enemies. Accidentally smashed chicken blood in, that would be a bad thing. Once the strength of Light God Palace surpasses Dark God Palace and the Holy See, they will not dare to move Light God Palace. Therefore, the European Divine Race will become the same as the nuclear powers. Everyone holds nuclear weapons. In this case, local conflicts will no longer exist, because no benefits can be obtained, and no one will rush into battle. However, they stopped fighting, so how do we mix?

So, enhancing the strength of Light God Palace is planned when we attacked the Divine Race of Olympus, but we have started to execute it now. However, the amount of blood transfusion must be well controlled, and Filendier and Marilyn must not be too strong. Another point is that the balance between Filindil and Marilyn must also be controlled. Although this time is to give off to Felindir, I have already planned it. Most of the staff are given to Felindir, but when the work is over here, I will detour to see Marilyn again. At least a few people will be given to her, and she will also need to subsidize her a little bit of money, so that they can level the strength between them again. Anyway, the balance can't be tilted, and it's convenient for us to control it by not landing on both sides?

My plan here has been set long ago, but there is no specific plan. I am only talking to Filindil about my intentions, and I have to go back to Isengard and discuss with Rose and the others. . But Felindir knew that people like me would not lie. If I don't want to give it, just leave it alone. Since I said it, it will definitely be given to her. Therefore, even if I had to go back and discuss it first, she was very grateful.

After briefly talking about the situation with Felindir, I left here and returned to the Great Demon King in Haglos. After they were there, Louise was the first to rush up and want to ask It depends on the situation, so I told them about the matter. Of course I didn't say anything specific, but told them that the other party was Felindir's person, and I had already got Felindir's promise to give up attacking here, so they were completely safe.

After dealing with things here, Hagros Great Demon King, they still want to save me a meal to celebrate, but I am anxious to deal with the situation in Europe, so I left the valley with Louis Si flew to Tianyu City.

The area of ​​Tianyu City itself is not small, but because the city structure is like a Mercedes-Benz logo, it is a three-fork shape, so it is not too big in the city. However, Louise is very curious about Tianyu City. Here is a good rare treasure posture. It's right to think about it, Louise has never left the fairy forest since she can remember, so she is very curious about the outside world. Besides, Tianyu City uses completely Chinese-style buildings, with corners and cornices, carved beams and painted buildings. The whole city is antique, and it feels like a water town in the south of the Yangtze River. No one cares about this architectural style in China, but it is definitely an eye-catching design in Europe. It is said that foreign monks can recite sutras, and people like different things. We built Chinese-style buildings in Europe and European-style buildings in China. This idea is absolutely correct. Anyway, it seems that the effect is very good now. Foreigners like the design style of Tianyu City, and the Chinese players also like Isinger's design style.

"Wow, is this the city of your guild? It's so big!" Louise yelled excitedly as she walked on the street.

I seriously corrected: "It's not you, but us. You are now a member of the Frost Rose League. Remember, this is our city."

" Yeah, I didn't get used to it for a while." Louise said, and suddenly ran towards the Yichu shop, and then yelled to buy some herbs that she didn't have enough materials.

I directly grabbed her and said: "Our guild will have its own supply channels. The medicines here are all externally sold drugs, and the grades are relatively low. You are joining the guild this time instead of cooperating. It’s a relationship, so the guild provides materials for making medicines. If you open an order for what you need, someone will prepare it for you to ensure that the materials are of the highest quality."

"Wow, free materials? "

"Of course."

"hahaha, I'm so happy, I used to spend money to do experiments, although Hagros elder sister they often give me some magic coins, However, many medicine ingredients are still not collected properly, which makes the taste of my candies sometimes go bad."

"Don't worry, there will be no problems like this in the future. Follow me now, don't go away I’ll take you to the headquarters of our guild."

"Headquarters? You said that Isinger? Isn’t it here?"

"This is Tianyu City, yes Our guild's forward base in Europe, Isinger in China!"

"Where is China?" Louise's words directly knocked me down. No way, this one doesn’t know anything, you explain to her the location of China, the pairing will involve more geographical problems, so I decided not to explain to her for the time being, or look back and find someone who is patient and give her first. Let's talk about the popularization of basic knowledge! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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