After easily throwing off the chasing forces, we quickly reached the castle of Hagros, but Hagros and the others obviously didn’t know anything about this. Yiss ran back suddenly and was quite surprised, but she immediately became nervous when she heard me say that there was a large force moving here.

"We have been here for so long, no one knows why someone attacked us as soon as we got in touch with Dark God Palace?" Chief Guard Roswell was obviously a skeptical person. Although the words didn't come out clearly, the meaning was obvious, that is, they suspected that these people were Titans' people, and suspected that Titans would deal with them.

The Great Demon King of Haglos just wanted to explain, he was interrupted first: "It should not be Ditans. He is the main dark god, and your Divine Soul Seal records are all in the divine force core of Dark God Palace. Inside, if you really want to deal with you, there is a way. There is no need to send such an army. Besides, the other side is coming in the wrong direction."

"Wrong direction?" Clydia attendant suddenly asked: "Is it coming from Southwest?" I was surprised when I heard that Officer Clydia knew where the enemy came from before I said she, but I understood the next sentence. "The enemy must be the people of Light God Palace. The people of Dark God Palace need to pass the national barrier to come over. Although there are ways to get around, it is very troublesome. It is impossible to come by too many people, even if the Lord Titans really wants to deal with us. It must be a small number of elite, not as many people as President Purple Moon saw."

"Light God Palace?" Although I understand the meaning of Clydia's judgement, but I I was quite surprised. After all, the relationship between Light God Palace and us is a bit like a half-affiliated organization. The Light God Palace at the beginning was of course quite bullish, and it didn’t need to be affiliated with any power, but since the two Goddess of Light broke up and turned Light God Palace into a new school and an old school, the overall strength of Light God Palace is straightforward. It was cut across the board, and it didn't count if it was folded in half. The whole thing was a big drop.

According to a dying, starved camel is still bigger than a horse, Light God Palace should be a strong force in the region even if its strength declines, but this is not the case now. The Light God Palace is indeed very good. At the beginning, the Dark God Palace had been suppressed, and the Holy See of Jehovah did not dare to move. But the problem is that they are now divided. After the Light God Palace is weakened, the Dark God Palace will be suppressed severely. If If you don't attach to my name, Dark God Palace must have swallowed Light God Palace early. This is just one of the reasons why Light God Palace is not looking for the top of our guild, and the other reason is internal pressure.

The disintegration of Light God Palace can be said to have a direct relationship with our guild. It is not too much to say that our guild split Light God Palace in half. Just like the place where the old beauty has fought, there will always be a pro-self force. This is the reason that everyone can think of it. Our guild will spend so much effort to toss Light God Palace and fall apart. Don’t we know how to support a pro Our power? The problem is that Goddess of Light on both sides know that they are now down. Only by holding the thighs of our Frost Rose Alliance can they have the hope of defeating the other side. Therefore, the two sides are now willing to show their favor to me, just to get it. Support a little more than the opponent.

Light God Palace speaking of which is indeed split, but this is not a long time. There is actually no obvious gap between the people under him, but the upper forces on the two sides are different, and they are not the same as Dark God. A conflict of beliefs like Palace. Therefore, the two Goddess of Light both thought that as long as they defeated each other, as long as the opponent fell, the rest of the opponent would inevitably return to their side, and then Light God Palace would be resurrected. Although the re-integrated Light God Palace will inevitably be weaker than it was at the beginning, at least the internals are unified at that time, and there is enough strength to withstand external pressures, even the winks of our Frost Rose League can no longer be looked at.

Because they understand the truth of this, both sides are now obedient to our Frost Rose League, fearing that we will suddenly lead each other.

"If the other party is really the power of Light God Palace, it would be easy to handle." Although surprised that the other party may be the power of Light God Palace, it would be easy to handle this matter if they really did it. NS. The only question is whether this was done by Felindir or Marilyn.

Hagros, Great Demon King, they all looked at me in surprise when they heard what I said. In the end, the Chief Guard Roswell couldn't help but asked, "Are you someone at Light God Palace?" I heard that the Light God Palace has been split into two parts. Which side do you know?"

"I know both sides, but now I don’t know which side it is. People, it’s really hard to handle."

"Why?" Louise is relatively simple and doesn't understand why.

Clidia's attendant helped to explain: "Because if one of the parties did this, it must be hidden from the other party. If President Purple Moon asked the wrong person, it would be the same. Stabbing the matter out, this will hurt the other party. If you want the other party to retreat, you will ask someone. This asks someone to hurt someone first. How do you ask for someone?"

Louise After hearing it, I understood it, and then asked anxiously, "But we can't help but save it! President, you must help the Elder sister of Haglos!"

"You don't Say that I will help too, otherwise what am I doing back?"

"But now I don’t know who is going to persuade them to stop?"

I thought about it. Thinking: "Actually, this matter should be simple and simple."

"en? How do you say?" Great Demon King Haglos asked aloud. She is very anxious now. After all, the Dark God Palace has just recognized their identities. The accident happened less than a day after they came back. What do you think of Titans?

When the Great Demon King of Hagros asked this, I said: "I definitely can't ask about the situation at the Light God Palace, but I don't ask if they can tell by themselves."< /p>

"Huh? Let them say it by themselves?"

I nodded and said: "There are not one or two people who know me at Light God Palace. This kind of secret operation is impossible. Is it a small soldier? There must be high-level personnel in command. I want to be able to direct actions at this level. The opponent's level is absolutely qualified to know my situation. As long as he sees me, the other party will not take the initiative to attack."

Hagelos Great Demon King and Clydia's attendant also thought this method was good after hearing it, but this is a major event after all, so even if I pack a ticket and say that this can be done, they are also impossible I really threw this thing to me. It's like if a country says to another country: "As long as someone attacks you, I will help you kill that country." But even if that country really has that strength, is it a small country? Do you really dare to hand over your own national defense to others without any effort? So, even though they believe that I should be able to do it, Hagros Great Demon King, they still feel that it is necessary to defend themselves.

The question of how to defend them has nothing to do with me. I greeted them directly with the Great Demon King of Hagros and I left here and rushed to the direction of the unit.

Naturally, the marching speed of the large forces can't be fast, not to mention this is a forest, and it is a fairy-tale forest where devil beasts run all over the floor. Naturally, it won't get up soon.

I went back to the Great Demon King in Haglos. They rode the flying birds and it didn’t take long. When we rediscovered this unit, they were still in the same position we encountered before. not far away.

The flying creatures that chased me before didn’t chase us after they saw us fly away. The situation in the sky is relatively simple. The speed of the bird is obvious at a glance, and the other person knows how fast they see us. The chasing was in vain, so I just returned directly. This will wait for me to come back. There is no flying creature in the sky.

"Damn it, the guy in the sky is here again." I was spotted just over this unit. Asuka is indeed fast, but he is not a stealth fighter, so there is no need to consider the concealment. There are so many people in the troops below, and I have just been spotted by me from the sky. This will be watching the sky. Of course, I was spotted as soon as I appeared.

Several air cavalry heard the call of the observers and began to climb on the mount before the commander gave an order. The creatures that looked like Archaeopteryx were obviously also impatient, and the Knights had not fully climbed up to them. He had already begun to grab the trunk beside him and climbed up the treetop.

The reason why these guys can fly from the ground in the forest depends on their ability to climb trees. The forest in the game is not like in reality. The forests here are almost all extremely primordial forests. Those big trees can grow to seventy-eighty meters high without moving, and the trees are very close to each other. The branches of the trees are nested and stacked, blocking the sky of the entire forest densely. Such a place does not mean that you can fly and you can fly. It’s okay to hit everything like a giant dragon like an aerial tank directly, but the question is whether any creature has the terrifying defense and power of a giant dragon. Most flying creatures are not as strong as those on the ground. After all, flying needs to be lightweight, and the price of lightweight is a decrease in body strength. After all, abnormalities like giant dragons are rare, so the general creatures fall on the forest floor. It’s difficult to fly anymore, unless the body is small enough to shuttle between the branches of the trees, but these archaeopteryx-like creatures are all huge monsters, not to mention between the branches, they are among the trunks on the ground. Sometimes they have to detour appropriately. But these guys also have their own way. Although they are not as perverted as the giant dragon, they can be forced out of the branches by brute force, but they have their own way, that is, climbing trees.

Branches are not hard things. Most devil beasts can easily break them. The reason why flying creatures are blocked by branches is that they can’t wave their wings freely between branches, so they fly. Can't get up, it's not that they keep sticking branches. But climbing trees is different. As long as you follow the big tree, the branches will become sparser and sparse, and after the gap between the trees is opened, there will be blank areas. As long as they see enough space, these big guys jump into this blank area and then A few slaps on the wings will fly.

I was in the sky trying to see where I could go down and look for their leader, but I saw the trees below shaking, followed by a few archaeopteryx-like creatures rising into the sky. towards I chased over.

"Damn, I have hatred with you? Do you have to stare so tightly?" Looking at the Archaeopteryx flying below, I did not run away, but went the other way, and took the flying bird directly. , And then moved towards the forest below and smashed down.

The group of flying Knights below saw a bomb falling into the forest as soon as they flew up on their mounts. The depressed group of guys were going crazy. Their mounts are too bulky, and the next time it is not easy, it took a long time to fly. Didn't expect to go down again, which is not depressing.

A few people over there were hesitating whether to go down immediately, and suddenly they heard a scream and fighting from below. If you can’t think about it anymore, they have to re-direct the mount to sneak in. Among the forest.

Just as the air cavalry above was preparing to return, I had already broken through the dense branches blocking the forest floor below. The group of people below were still waiting to see if the air cavalry could stop this time. I came, and didn't expect a person suddenly fell from above and fell directly into the middle of the line. This group of people was in a mess. They are secret missions. It is already a shame to be found once. Someone will fall in the middle of the team. This will make people run again. In turn, Goddess will definitely send them to the country temple as a doorman.

As soon as I landed on my side, I saw people around me stunned for a while, and then a large row of weapons were handed over, so I had to take a step back and test a big tree, but The other party didn't mean to stop at all, and the weapon was immediately sent forward again, forcing me to jump onto the tree. As a result, the trunk under my feet was cut off by the sword qi blade glow in an instant.

I came to Chief-In-Charge here to persuade them to retreat. Of course, they can't come up and kill them. If they kill their people, it would be inconvenient to speak.

Since I can’t hurt people, I won’t be able to get down after jumping on the branches. Anyway, the criss-crossed branches between the trees are just like a sheep’s intestine trail. It’s much more convenient to run directly on top of the branches than underneath. .

When the group of people below saw that I was on the tree, naturally they couldn’t let me scurry around above them, but although the people here are still elite, most of them are orthodox professions like Knight. When the time comes, you don’t need an enemy to cut you off. As long as you step on the air by yourself, you can throw yourself half to death. So, although I knew that I couldn't let me scurry over their heads, there were not many who really caught up.

Those who climb the trees are not ordinary people, either they have very high attributes, even if they are not agile, they are enough to meet the needs of fighting and walking on branches, or they are full-time assassins and other high agility personnel. After they got on the tree, they all chased me. All of a sudden, I saw people jumping up and down between the branches, and it felt like a large group of monkeys were migrating.

Because I can't really do anything with them, I didn't stop to deal with these guys, so I took them to and fro over the team. In fact, I was looking for their leader.

In fact, in such a major event, the team leader was impossible to participate, so I quickly found the other party. To be precise, I didn't find him, but he found me. According to reports from his staff, the leader of this team quickly ran over from the front of the team, and then heard that I had climbed the tree, and naturally followed immediately, but after a long time, he finally found me.

"Stop it all!"

As I guess, the leader of this kind of action will definitely not be a rookie, and it must be a high-level person. Not everyone in Light God Palace knows about my affairs at Light God Palace. After all, Light God Palace also has a face. No one will tremble around the world about holding other people’s thighs. It’s the only way to do this. There is a problem with the head. However, the shrimp soldiers and crab generals below do not know that the middle and high level in the temple must know the inside story, and the leader in front of them happens to be the person who has reached the middle and high level standards.

Hearing a roar from the leader, all the people chasing me over there immediately stopped. I think they stopped naturally as well. Although I don't know that guy, he didn't organize the staff to intercept me after he came, but called to stop. Then he must have recognized me, otherwise he should be the first one this time.

"Chairman Purple Moon, don't do it, misunderstanding...misunderstanding!" The guy stopped him and immediately put on an expression like a traitor in the anti-Japanese movie moved towards me while shouting Ran over.

Seeing that guy stumbled on the branch and ran to this side, I pointed directly below, and then jumped down from the branch. The other party also knowingly followed me and walked towards me. Come here.

"Purple Moon, why are you here?" This guy is obviously a very good master, and he asked when he came to me, the tone made it seem like we are familiar.

"Whose subordinate are you?"

The other party was taken aback by mine, but quickly reacted and quickly explained: "We are from Filindier Goddess My subordinate."

"Filendil’s people." I said a word, and then asked: "Did you go to clear the heretic valley in an all-round way?" That guy just wanted to ask you. How did I know it, but I suffocated it when the words came to my lips, then looked at me suspiciously, thinking about it for a long time without speaking. Looking at him, I knew what he was worried about, and said directly: "I'll ask Felindir and she still has to say, do you think she will hide from me?"

My words are definitely a pitfall. , Accidental people fall to death without knowing how they died.

I asked him if he thought Filendil would conceal me. If he answered yes, he thought that Filendil had concealed something from me. Who am I now? I am the president of the Frost Rose Alliance, and the Frost Rose Alliance is the backer of the Light God Palace. Now Felindir has something to hide from me. What is the situation? What is going on for independence? Moreover, this guy is Felindir's subordinate, and he said that Felindir tried to conceal the truth of me on this matter. Doesn't that mean that he has leapfrogged and sued his boss? Who can bear you for this kind of thing? If he could climb up to gain actual benefits by taking down Filindil, that would be fine, but the problem is that he is basically impossible to get that kind of opportunity.

Although Light God Palace is affiliated to our Frost Rose League, they are still an independent organization. Our management of Light God Palace is also laissez-faire, only giving some direction on special matters. Opinions will not directly interfere with their actions. In other words, even if this guy fawns on me, it won’t do him any good, because I’m impossible to get him to our Frost Rose League, and it’s even more impossible to replace Felindir and let him be the Lord God for this reason.

From this you can see that as long as he nodded says yes, then basically his life is over. Of course, shaking his head is just to my liking. My purpose is to know what they are here for. If he denies and thinks that Filindil will not hide from me, then he himself can't hide from me. Even his immediate boss, Filindil, didn't intend to hide from me. If he dared to hide it, then he could only tell me their purpose.

So, this sentence of mine is a pit, no matter he is nodded or shakes his head, he will actually be tricked, but one is that I was deceived to the truth of the matter, and the other is that he threw his future into the pit. NS.

Fortunately, this guy responded very quickly, and suddenly realized that he must not be nodded, otherwise it would be useless to go back. After thinking about it, he also felt that it didn’t matter to tell me. Anyway, I guessed it myself, so he simply said, “President Purple Moon, you’re right. We went to the valley to clean up the heretic. However, you suddenly appeared here. Is there something here? Do you also want to participate in the suppression work?"

"Crimination and suppression you big-headed ghost." After the other party confirmed the purpose, I directly cursed: "Where did you get the information? Did you get your idea on me? Those people are all my friends, so you can kill them if you say they are killed?"

"Ah? This, this...I don’t know about this!" That guy Very innocent and very worried, said: "Goddess just ordered me to bring people here to clear a heretic gathering spot, and then gave some general information about the enemy. I don't know anything else!"

"Okay." Seeing that this guy was about to cry, I quickly interrupted him and said: "This is not a major event at all. Haven't you guys haven't started the cleanup yet. The error hasn't happened yet, and the remedy is still too late. Soon. Bring your person back to Light God Palace, and don’t move my friend’s place."

"Huh?" Although the person who knew me could not move, the guy was still stunned when he heard what I said. Then he looked at me very embarrassed. I understand what he meant. Felindir asked him to take someone to clean up the heretic, but he ran out and wandered around and went back without doing anything. What do you think Felindir would think of him? Although after he went back and analyzed the situation to Filindil, Filindil might also think that he was doing the right thing, but as the saying goes, the king is like a tiger, the main god is much more powerful than the king, so it is definitely better to be the main god It is much more dangerous to spend the night with a tiger. Although there seems to be a reason for this matter, the true speaking of which depends entirely on Felindir's mood. If Filindir is in a bad mood, saying that you are guilty, and you are guilty of violating military orders, this kind of crime cannot be relied upon. When the time comes, it will be a big trouble.

Understanding his embarrassment, I did not intend to have trouble with him, so I said directly: "That's it. You ordered your people to rest on the spot, and then you went with me and went back to see Felindir. I asked Filindier to give you an order to withdraw troops. When the time comes, you come back and bring the troops back. Isn’t that okay?"

That guy had a frown just now. Hearing my arrangement, I immediately nodded and said: "Okay, I will arrange it now."

Seeing that he ran to arrange the troops, I was not idle, and the team in the vicinity turned around. After a few laps, I confirmed the strength of these people, and then ran to look at the creatures that looked like Archaeopteryx.

The reason why I want to observe these people is to find out the battle strength level of this unit. This troop can be dispatched to work, it is definitely a hidden force belonging to Filindil, and being able to grasp more information about Filindil will also be beneficial to our control over her in the future. Therefore, information such as battle strength of these troops is very useful.

After the guy arranged the rest of the team, I also learned about the general situation of the troops, and then we left the forest and returned to the Light God Palace headquarters from the air.

Some of the guards at the Light God Palace headquarters know me, and of course some don’t, but this one next to me is a great character here, and the guards know all of them. I will follow him to guard nature. There is no word.

Filendil naturally has complete information control in his temple. I just walked through the hall when I saw Felendil took the initiative to greet him. After she saw me, she saluted me first, and then started to signal to the guy next to her with her eyes, wanting to know from him why he suddenly ran back, and he came back with me.

That guy is also a human spirit. As soon as he saw Felindir’s eyes, he immediately began to explain: "The Lord Felindir, that’s how it is. Our action team met when they were about to reach the target location. President Purple Moon. Later, we learned from President Purple Moon that the person living within the valley was actually a friend of President Purple Moon. So..."

Who is Felindir? Of course I understand when I'm all here. But that guy is also a thief. He didn't say that his team was discovered by me, but that I came to the door on the initiative after approaching the target, which shirked his own responsibility. Originally, they were acting secretly, and it was his responsibility to expose the target halfway, but if it was discovered at the target location, then there is no responsibility. After all, you are there, and of course you will be discovered before the attack. Just moved the place where we met a little bit forward, and this guy picked himself up. It really is an individual talent.

Filendil obviously didn't notice the other party's tricks, because she was considering other more important information. The content of her report is very clear, that is, the people she originally planned to deal with are my people, and she can't touch these people. If you want to move them, you have to turn your face on me. Thinking of the consequences, Filendil immediately made a decision. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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