Chapter 37 Magic Festival

The old witch doesn’t even know Bingquan. What is going on?

"You said you were the builder of the candy house?" I asked sharply.

The old witch nodded affirmatively said: "I did build it!"

"Then why don't you know Ice Fist?"

Old witch I looked at me quite aggrieved and asked: "Who is Bingquan? Why should I know?"

"Bingquan is an adventurer, he sells a lot of magical effects in Iceland All kinds of desserts. I thought he was the pastry chef who made those desserts, but I found out that he was a fake. After following him all the way here, I discovered that the desserts were actually made by you. Why don't you know Bingquan?"

After hearing what I said, the old witch shook her hand quickly and said: "No, no, you misunderstood! I did build the candy house, but I didn't say that I made the desserts for the candy house! You! The pastry chef that I said was not me!"

I was also taken aback when I heard the explanation of the old witch, and then reacted. It seems that there was indeed a misunderstanding before. The old witch said that she didn't make the desserts, but she built the house, which seemed pretty good. It's like if you find a contractor on a construction site and ask him if he built the house, he will definitely say yes, but even if he built the house, he doesn't need to produce cement and steel by himself, right? Therefore, although the old witch is the builder of the candy house, she does not necessarily have to make the desserts. She can use other people’s desserts to make the candy house, just like the builder who builds the house buys materials. , It is purely normal.

Although I knew I was wrong, I didn’t lose anything. Although the old witch’s words showed that she was not a magic pastry chef, it also showed that she definitely knew who the magic pastry chef was, and also Know the specific address of the other person, otherwise where did her desserts come from?

"In that case, it seems that I have found the wrong person. But you have to tell me where the magic pastry chef is."

When I heard my words, the old witch was immediately embarrassed. Said: "But I don't know where the magic pastry chef lives?"

"What?" Upon hearing this answer, I went up angrily and grabbed the old witch by the neck and lifted her directly. stand up. Although my height is not too tall, it is still very tall compared to the height of the old witch of 1.2 meters, so the old witch I held in my hand struggled with both feet directly off the ground. However, I didn’t care whether she was struggling or not. I just asked her loudly, “Since you don’t know where the magic pastry chef lives, where did you build the candy house? Don’t tell me you picked it up halfway, because I'm afraid I will break your neck when I hear that answer."

While struggling desperately, the old witch said with difficulty: "!'m buying. Yes!"

"Bought it?" I suddenly let go of the old witch and let her fall to the ground, then kicked her who was trying to get up again and continued to ask: "Are you here? Where did you buy it?"

Although she was kicked, the old witch now knows that she can’t compete with someone like me, otherwise she will die even worse, so she immediately replied: "I am I bought it at the Magic Festival."

"What? Magic Festival?"

"Hmm, it's Magic Festival."

"What is Magic Festival? Something?"

"The Magic Festival is not a thing, it is a holiday gathering, held once a month. Every time the gathering is held by wizards from all over the world, there are other things such as evil creatures or Great People like Demon King will gather at the venue of the Magic Festival and conduct trading activities. On this day, everyone will brag to each other about what they have done during this time, and exchange some academic experiences. Of course, the most important thing is to carry out some activities such as the buying and selling of magic items."

"It sounds like a rural market in the past!"

"I don't know what you said about going to the market. What is it, but we have a very grand Magic Festival. Although it is held more frequently once a month, there are still new discoveries every time."

"What about the next Magic Festival? When?" I asked eagerly.

"Tomorrow will be." The old witch said: "I am here to see how many children have been collected in the candy house, and then take them as a trade item, so that I can exchange for some magic coins. Buy the magic potion materials you need.” At this point, the old witch suddenly said sadly: “But this month, I don’t even think about buying anything. Not only was a little child not caught, even the candy house was destroyed. Now, if you rebuild, you will have to buy a lot of magic desserts!"

"Money coins are the money you used at the Magic Festival?"

"Not only the Magic Festival, but also usually Yes, as long as you can meet people in our circle."

"Your circle is a collection of bastard, right?"

"Although we do often do bad things , But how do you tell me to answer?" the old witch said embarrassingly.

I did not continue to ask them the question of the so-called circle, but changed the question and asked: "Then, besides the little child, what else can you exchange for magic coins?"

< p>"There are many things! For example, the blood of a virgin, a pure soul, and delicious human flesh. Oh, yes, a child can not only provide delicious human flesh, but also extract pure soul."

" Why are these things? Isn’t it a little more normal?” Although I am not the kind of compassionate caring person, but I have not been abnormal enough to collect those things, although I can get one at any time if I want. Heap, but I still decided to consider other things.

The old witch said with some embarrassment: "There are other things, but these three kinds of hard currency are the most in demand. As long as you have them, someone will definitely want them. Other things are not available. Stable, the demand is also unstable, so it is not always possible to exchange for Magic Coins. Sometimes someone wants it but no one sells it, and sometimes someone sells it and no one buys it."

"No Are those relatively frequent transactions?"

"Yes, of course." The old witch thought for a while and said: "If you have walnuts that have been struck by lightning but are not completely charred, Then you will definitely be able to exchange for magic coins."

"Will it be completely burnt after being struck by lightning? Don't you have anything normal?" Walnut is easy to find, so if you want it, get it. Hundreds of thousands of cubic meters are not a problem. The key is to be struck by lightning without being scorched. There are too many restrictions. It is estimated that the whole world will not find much.

The old witch probably knows that this thing is hard to find, so she can only continue: "In fact, there are still some things that are in stable demand, but they are too cheap!"

"What Something?"

"The tail of the gecko, the fangs of the poisonous snake, the core of the garlic, the saliva of the toad,..."

"Stop...what is this mess? Huh?" My face turned green when I heard these things, and I felt sick when I thought of those things.

The old witch said aggrieved: "I’m not trying to figure out a solution for you. You ask me about magic coins and the magic festival, but to find the magic dessert chef to buy her magic desserts. You don’t have anything that someone wants. Although the items just mentioned are cheaper, they are better to collect, as long as..."

"I don’t have that time, think about what else you can get Traded?"

"And what?" The old witch turned her head back and forth while tapping her head with her hand, and then it took a few seconds before she suddenly raised her head and said: "Oh, I thought Is now."

"What is it?"

"Crystal ball, the price of crystal ball varies according to the color of the crystal. In the case of the same color, white crystal is the cheapest, while the price of black liquid crystal is slightly higher. The blood crystal is the most expensive, and the processing level is also critical. The more round the crystal is, the more valuable it is, because the eccentric crystal ball may cause uneven distribution of magic power in some spells. In addition, in addition to the crystal ball, there are Bones are also very valuable."

"Bones? Are you talking about human bones?"

"The most popular among human bones is skull, which is also the best-selling variety in bones. A solid and complete human skeleton is more valuable, but a complete set of human bones is more expensive. In addition, keel bones and bones of other creatures can also be sold for money, but the price is unstable, and it is not always demanded. Only human bones are best sold, especially skulls. It’s almost never impossible to sell them."

"Yes, I have these two distinct things, which can be exchanged for money. But you are responsible for bringing them. I will go to the Magic Festival. When I sell the things, I will share a part of your magic coins as your reward and compensate you for your losses, so you will work hard for me and will not treat you badly."

As soon as I heard that there was still a payment, the old witch was immediately nodded with excitement. Looking at her big head, I was really afraid that she would throw her head off her neck.

"According to what you said, tomorrow is the Magic Festival. It is already noon. It seems we must hurry up."

"In fact, people will arrive one after another from this evening. So if you are in a hurry, you can already trade tonight."

"When will the magic pastry chef arrive?"

"I will arrive every second day, every time By the time she arrives, she will already be there, so I guess she will arrive early in the morning tomorrow even if she doesn’t go there tonight."

I nodded and said, "Well, let’s go now. Get some human bones and crystal ball back. Come with me and help me see which one is more valuable."

"Okay. But where are so many human bones around here?" The old witch said: "I've searched the area a long time ago, and if I can sell it, I've poached it a long time ago."

"Of course I can't look for it here. How many bones can you find if you have a bad place for courting death? Come with me, I naturally know where the bones are."

Although I told the old witch to come with me, I didn’t mean to wait for her to go, so I went straight up and grabbed her by the collar of her clothes. I picked it up, and then retracted the other familiars and left the rose vines for me to locate when I came back, and then summon jumped out of Asuka.

As soon as the bird appeared, it began to accelerate, and the speed exceeded the speed of sound within ten seconds. I'm used to this speed, it doesn't feel any special, but the old witch is terrified. The fastest means of transportation she had ever rode in before was her broomstick. It was indeed able to fly, and the speed was reasonable, but the so-called speed was also reasonable, but it was relative to the moving objects on the ground. In fact, the fastest flying speed of the old witch’s broomstick is only one hundred and fifty kilometers per hour. In reality, many cars can run to this speed. There are so many things faster than this in the game. After all, in the game After casually using an auxiliary spell like acceleration technique, even ordinary horses can run to a speed of 100 kilometers per hour. This 150 kilometers per hour is really not fast.

Although the old witch can comfortably face the oncoming wind on a broomstick at a speed of 150 kilometers per hour, but at this time, she can only She was shiver coldly shivered under the protection board of Asuka. After all, this was already ten times the speed of her broomstick, and she wouldn't be able to adapt to it for a while, but when she got used to it, she might not get used to riding the broomstick again.

I didn't care whether the old witch could adapt to this speed, as long as she couldn't die, she would be fine. Shooting out of the fairy tale forest at this speed, we soon crossed the border and entered the territory of Germany.

Why am I here? Naturally, he came to look for Titans. When it comes to human bones, how can there be more than Dark God Palace? This place is a magic cave. Human bones are like mountains. There are piles and piles, as many as you want. After all, the skeleton soldiers were used as cannon fodder during the battle between the light and dark temples. In any Holy War, the people in Dark God Palace felt that the battle had not officially begun, so as the skeletons without first purifying the tens of millions of skeleton soldiers. Naturally, human bones, the basic materials for soldiers, have to be stored for a long time.

"Okay, don't shake, we are here." After Asuka landed outside the Dark God Palace, I dragged the old witch off Asuka, but this one was obviously a little airsick. I am confused there.

"expert...please, let me take a break! I've never taken this kind of transportation before, it's so exciting! My heart can't stand it anymore!"

"Okay, don't call, I'll take care of it for you." As I said, I gave Ling to summon, and then Ling directly threw a dark blessing on it, and immediately restored the old witch to normal. "No problem now?"

"Well, it feels good, is this also a high level witch?" The old witch looked at Ling and asked.

"You are a witch!" Ling dignified a dark Goddess. It is naturally very angry to be called a witch, but her counterattack seems useless. After all, they are witches.

"It's okay, Ling, you go back first, you come with me."

"Okay." The old witch obediently followed me and walked around, and then walked around the front We saw the huge Dark God Palace with a few big trees in, and while seeing this huge temple, the old witch was completely petrified. " this...?"

"This is the temple of the Lord of Darkness, you must have never seen it. Please go in for a while and don't look around, high heels It’s the same out of the ravine!” (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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