After seeing those brats, I was directly confused by the sight in front of me. The little children in front of them no longer have any normal images. They are all colorful like painters, but they are not paint, but candy and desserts of various colors, and the most terrifying thing is... these little children They didn't know what architecture was, so they ate away the four main load-bearing columns and part of the walls in the middle of the house.

The candy house is not entirely made up of candies. Although it is called a candy house, it is just a meaning. In fact, the components of the candy house include various types of desserts, and a large part of them are chocolates and the like. As far as desserts are concerned, these are all top-notch things, but as far as building materials are concerned, these are all substandard products. It’s not easy to build a small house with these unqualified building materials. Now a bunch of brats have gnawed off the load-bearing pillars and a wall. If there is no problem, then I can only praise The magic is magical.

"Quickly, quickly, come out to me, the house is going to collapse!"

When a group of children heard me, they didn’t respond immediately, but stared at me in a daze. After a while, one of the boys who seemed to be the biggest, probably the eleventh-two boy suddenly grabbed a piece of semi-melted hot chocolate paste and threw it at me. "Go to hell, idiot." The child yelled while throwing it away.

Boom. The hot chocolate that flew in front of me did not stick directly to my face like they did in their previous pranks, but when they were more than a foot away from me, they suddenly bumped into something, and they were suddenly thrown into a ball of purple. The flame completely evaporated, and in the end I didn't even see a slag.

"Hey, brat, don’t you know that pranks are for big butts?"

"Don’t know what is the protection of minors?" That threw hot chocolate at me The boy yelled: "If you dare to move me, I will call the police and the police will arrest you."

Although everyone in the game’s costumes are like Halloween performances, you can still see the appearance of the people. Out some things in reality. The child in front of him can be guessed at a glance that he is an American, because children in other countries rarely use child protection laws to threaten adults. This kind of thing can only be done by American children. Of course, we can understand this as the rebellious spirit of the Americans. However, I am very upset now.

"Brat, do you know what I do?"

"What do I care about you?"

"No, you have to know, because... …I’m actually a trafficker who specializes in catching children and selling them to Africa.” As I said, I stretched out my hand and tapped on the wall next to it. The candy house, which was already a severely dangerous house, fell down in a burst of cracks. , And the brat below was buried in a pile of candy shards in an instant.

The candy house is just a small single-story house, with a simple structure and quite low. In addition, it is made of candy, so it is not very heavy. Even if it is dumped, it will not kill anyone. However, being buried in candy is enough for them to suffer.

Originally, I wanted to wait for these little bastards to crawl out of the candy ruins, then grab them all and send Qilin warrior back to their parents, but I haven’t waited for the brat to come out. , But a scream suddenly sounded behind me.

"Oh, what have you done? My candy house!" With a cry, a super old witch with a chin that can be used as an awl, and a height of less than one meter two from the forest beside Ran out, and finally stood in front of the ruins of the candy house and burst into tears.

I looked at the old witch with a little surprise. I have to say that this image is too classic. Ten people can guess at a glance that this is a witch, because this arrow is based on the witch. The template is designed. Representative tattered robe, pointed wizard hat, camel’s very difficult to deal with body, the huge head almost grows on the chest instead of on the shoulders, and the long downward-curved nose looks like a beak Rather than a human nose, of course, the face like a dry bark and the huge pustules on the face are indispensable, oh yes, and the very irregular yellow teeth that grow very stubborn.


I was about to explain, suddenly the old witch stopped crying, and then pulled out from the basket behind him, it didn’t look like A magic wand that can be stuffed into a basket. Of course, this magic wand is different from most magic wands in the game. Unlike the gorgeous staff used by the player, this staff is entirely made of wood and is not inlaid with any gems. The bottom of the staff is a relatively straight branch. Simply remove the branches and polish it a little. The top of the staff is just a spiral structure with branches that are coiled and there is nothing left.

Although this staff is a bit simpler, after all, this one is the witch in the fairy tale candy house, which means that this one should be regarded as a boss. For such an existence, underestimating her must be prepared to suffer, and I don't want to suffer, so I didn't underestimate her.

As soon as the other party took out the staff, I hurriedly backed away and stretched the distance. At the same time, Eternity was in my hands, but it hadn't been unfolded yet.

"Misunderstanding, this is a misunderstanding, please let me explain."

"No matter who it is, you will pay a price for ruining my candy house." The old witch flustered and exasperated Yelled, then raised the staff and shook it to the sky twice, then pointed the head of the staff towards me.

Without our usual magic bombs or other light and shadow effects, a peng sound came directly under my feet, accompanied by a cloud of pink smoke rising, I hurriedly opened The wings flicked vigorously, and while dispelling the smoke, the person also stepped back.

After I stepped away, at the position where I just stood, a few green rattans went straight out of the ground and flew in the air. If it weren’t for me to flash fast, these rattans would definitely be available now. Wrapped around me.

"hey hey hey, let me explain it somehow."

"I will explain it slowly when you die." The witch shook his staff twice after speaking. Then I pointed forward, and I quickly dodged in fright. Then I heard the peng sound again. A big tree suddenly disappeared, and a cute little white rabbit appeared on the spot. However, although the rabbit is very cute, I was taken aback. In the past, everyone used to fight back and forth against other people. This kind of transformation spell is really rare, and I don't know if my resistance can block this thing. What if I can't stop it and become a rabbit by her, then how can I fight it? Even if my intelligence is not affected, I don't think I can defeat the old witch in the form of a rabbit.

"Hey hey hey, don't overdo it. I'll fight back again."

"Fight back? Okay, you have the ability to fight back."

< p>"This is what you said." As I said, I suddenly pointed forward, and suddenly two space doors appeared on the left and right of the old witch. Before the old witch could react, what happened? Her arms were suddenly grabbed by both arms and twisted behind her, and then she was surprised to find that her magic had failed. No matter how she chanted the spell or did other things, she couldn't feel any fluctuations in her magical power anyway.

"Forbidden Domain?" The old witch finally stopped struggling after discovering that the magic induction was cut off. If you get rid of the magic, she is just an old woman, and Nature's Way itself is impossible to be the opponent of the creature behind it. In fact, even if there was magic, she might not have done the one behind her, because it was Lingling who caught her. As an angel, Lingling's basic physical stamina is still quite exaggerated, anyway, an old witch can't handle it.

"Don’t you resist?" I walked back after Lingling and Ling controlled the situation. However, at this time, the candy house ruin next to him moved a few times, and then I saw several brats dyed in various colors by candy crawling out of the ruins. Seeing these brats, I pointed directly at them and said: "You saw it, they ruined your candy house, not me. I just arrived."

Although the old witch saw it Those children did not immediately admit their mistakes. Instead, they looked at the brat and said, "Even if you didn't destroy my candy house, it would be a capital crime to enter my forest." I didn't have time to ridicule her. Ignoring the current affairs, the old witch continued to say: "However, in the face of these children, I can forget the past. However, you have to hand them to me."

"What's the matter? You Are you really planning to eat people?"

"Hehehehe, you won’t move. The little child is white and tender, with a smooth and smooth skin, and the most delicious. You just need to give these children to me, I I don’t need to hold you accountable for destroying the candy house."

"Hey, you have some insight to see if you are good? Hold me accountable? I don’t know who is being pressed on the ground now? I don’t even agree. Your plan, do you think you are capable of dealing with me? You even said to hold me accountable. Why are you holding me accountable?"

"hmph, I am indeed not your opponent, but, If you don’t give these little children to me, I’ll send a signal to our queen Your Majesty, when the time comes ……hehehehe... The sound was scary." Lingling pressed down on the old witch's arm, and the painful old witch gave up the strange laughter.

"Who is your queen Your Majesty?" I asked aloud. Now I am less polite to this old witch, because I discovered that this is exactly the image of a witch under the badass template, and even the way of thinking is fairy tale-like, that is, doing bad things for the sake of doing bad things. It can be said that this kind of bad guy is the most incomprehensible, because he doesn't want to get anything out of it, but just wants to do as many bad things as possible. For this kind of person, general persuasion and coercion are not effective. Precisely knowing that this old witch exists in this way, I have no hope of persuading her.

The old witch did not refuse to answer because of my bad attitude. Instead, she proudly flaunted: "We have Queen, of course, the great Queen of Hearts."

" Queen of Hearts?" This fairy tale seems to have been heard by me, but the Queen of Hearts in the original book should be an independent fairy tale, at least not related to Candy House. However, this fairy tale forest is only based on fairy tales as the background, and it is not completely applied, so it is normal for some differences in the middle.

"No matter how powerful your queen is, now you are in my hands. I want to kill you in one sentence. So don't be arrogant in front of me."

" ..." I was probably awakened suddenly, the old witch just remembered at this time, it seemed that she was the real danger now. Although the witch in the fairy tale has many strange spell abilities, but the body does not seem to be much different from the ordinary person, anyway, it is easy to die. The old witch under my control is simply the meat on the chopping board. It's up to me whether to shred or chop stuffing. There is no other possibility at all. No matter how powerful her queen is, she can't quench her near thirst. If I want to kill her, she still has to die, so the old witch Jin compromised in an instant.

Seeing that she didn't resist, I immediately knew that the old witch finally understood the current situation, and as long as she was soft, it would be easy.

"Now I ask you a question, you must answer it, there is no room for bargaining. If you don't answer honestly, I will immediately let my pet cut your head."

"Yes, yes, don't hesitate to ask." The old witch has no spine at all. As soon as she finds no threat, she immediately becomes like a mangy dog ​​saying what it is. Of course, this is the best for me, and it is convenient for me to ask for information.

Instructed Lingling to let her go first, and then waited for her to stand up before I started asking: "First of all, tell me, did you build this candy house?"

" Can you make candies?" Before the old witch could answer, there was a voice of inquiry. I turned my head and realized that the brat gang before me didn't know when they all came to us. Of course, this is mainly because I didn't pay attention to guarding them, so I deliberately ignored their information, otherwise it was impossible to rely on these unranked children to come to me quietly under my senses.

I was a little annoyed when the question was interrupted suddenly, but before I could react, I was suddenly hit by a stick behind my back. As soon as I turned around, I found that it was the brat who hit me before and was hitting me with a wooden stick. Of course, with his little power, I wouldn't have any trouble even if I didn't wear armor, not to mention that I was still wearing a dragon soul suit that could block direct shots from shells.

"You brat, do you want me to slap your ass in four?"

"Shh..." Not only did the brat not be frightened by me, but instead charged I made a face, then grabbed a rock on the ground and smashed it at me. Of course, the stone suddenly fell off halfway, and then split in half with a snap, shocking the brat. However, more stones flew over next, and it was the other children who threw the stones. Obviously this group of children is headed by the biggest child, and all other children listen to him. I found that the boss was frightened by me, and their little brothers immediately began to fight back to help the boss.

Looking at the little children who kept throwing rocks at me, I was so angry that I almost didn't catch them all for a while, but I finally held back. Is it a child after all? However, not spanking does not mean that I have no intention of punishing them.

"Hey, stop me, whoever is making trouble, don't blame me for doing it."

"You have the ability to do it." Like the old witch, this group of children is completely Not afraid of me. But I think so. These all are child, battle strength lists have nothing to do with them, and they are all children from the United States, and no one dares to beat them at home. After all, child abuse is forbidden in the United States, and most parents do not dare to beat children. This has caused American children to be fearing nothing in Heaven or Earth since they were young, and they are much more lively than Chinese children. Of course, the side effect of this environment is that the child is super difficult to manage, all of them look like monkeys.

Seeing that these little things didn’t mean to stop, I stretched out my hand and snapped my fingers. Then, I heard a boom, accompanied by a scream that gradually moved away, and the surrounding children I saw their boss, the big child flying directly into the sky, and getting smaller and smaller, and in the end he was almost invisible.

" away!" After discovering that their boss was thrown into the sky and was already flying out of sight, a child finally reacted and shouted, and then the remaining child immediately threw down The stones scattered and fled, but it's a pity that their athletic ability is really not enough.

Slap. The ground suddenly collapsed, and a child fell directly into a big hole and disappeared. Boom, another child flew into the sky, and then followed the two children next to them one after another. In the end, the remaining children all fell into the pit, but soon there was another big hole in the ground, and then Those children who fell were like melon seeds spit out from their mouths and flew directly out of the hole, chasing the children in front of them and took off into the sky.

Looking at the eight children disappearing in the air, I said directly: "Go up and pick it up, don't really fall to the ground."

Huh, with a gust of wind, Xiaosan suddenly appeared , And then soaring into the sky, and soon those children who fly to the sky begin to fall because of the exhaustion of inertia. When the ascent ended, their screams stopped for a while, but when they found that they had begun to fall again, the screams immediately began to ring one after another.

Along with the screams of falling all the way, Xiao San flew directly, and then stretched out one of his heads to approach a child. The little fart screamed in fright: "Don't eat me, don't eat me, I'm obedient, I promise I'll be obedient in the future, and won't be naughty anymore."

Although he screamed loudly, but Xiao San didn't care about him and swallowed him in his mouth in one bite. The children around them screamed violently when they saw their companions being eaten, louder than the screams when they were falling. However, this voice quickly disappeared, because Xiaosan had three heads, plus a long neck, which made him mouthful. After a while, all eight children were in his mouth.

After catching the eight children, the little 3rd-layer landed on the ground, and then quickly spit out all eight brat, and then licked his tongue still intently, scared the children quickly gathered Together, I don't even care about the saliva on my body. Of course, Xiao San is not reminiscing on the taste of little child, he hasn't eaten it, where does the taste come from. The main reason for licking the tongue is the candy house. This group of brats had just crawled out of the ruins of the candy house. They were all covered with candies. Xiaosan held them in their mouths, and the saliva naturally washed them off. At this time, Xiao San was just aftertaste the taste of that candy.

Looking at the eight brats gathered together with pale faces, I deliberately smiled wickedly and walked over and asked: "Who else would you like to resist?"

The little head shook desperately in unison, for fear that it would become a trapeze after it shook slowly.

"Well, yes, this is how the little child is cute." After a satisfied sigh, I snapped my fingers again, and the huge silhouette guarding the steel claws immediately appeared beside me. I pointed to the group of children and said to Steel Claw: "Send them back to the previous fork, do you know how to go?"

Steel Claw is nodded, and then the tentacles on the back suddenly stretched and rolled towards the group. Kid? The steel claw has twelve tentacles, and there are only eight children here, which is completely enough. A tentacle wraps the feet of a child, holding these children upside down on top of his head, the steel claws turned and moved towards the direction we came and ran over, and the eight children seemed to be lanterns hanging on a flagpole It shook as the steel claws ran. Of course, I deliberately let Steel Claws carry them. This gang of kids who don't give a lesson is definitely the ancestor of trouble. Their parents can't bear to start, but I don't feel distressed at all.

"Okay, now answer my question, tell me, did you build the candy house here?" Seeing Steel Claw run away, I turned to face the old witch and asked again.

To say that the old witch planned to resist before, now she has no thoughts at all. After being controlled by Lingling before, she was only a little worried, not afraid, because Lingling was just an angel. Although she was strong, she was not unable to resist, at least her queen could handle it. As for Ling, although she was much better than Lingling, the old witch was not so afraid, because she didn't even tell that Ling was Archfiend. Compared to Lingling, Ling is no longer at the same level. Her strength is beyond the range that the old witch can recognize, so she doesn't take Ling seriously. However, now she didn't dare to resist at all, because she saw Xiaosan.

Although Xiaosan is a three-headed dragon, this is a variant of Dragon Clan, and it is not a concept at all with lesser dragons such as wyvern, Jilong, and Earth Dragon. Dragon Clan so far only admits that lesser dragon and Dragon Clan are related by blood, and does not recognize that lesser dragon belongs to Dragon Clan, but mutant dragon is still a genuine giant dragon recognized by Dragon Clan. This relationship is like that of humans, deformities, and gibbons. Gibbons are similar to lesser dragons. Humans only recognize that gibbons are related to humans, but do not consider gibbons to be a branch of humans. The mutant dragon like Xiaosan is similar to the deformed child. Although it is different from the genuine dragon patriarch, Dragon Clan still admits that he is one of his members.

Based on this attitude of Dragon Clan, Xiao San can be regarded as the orthodox giant dragon of Dragon Clan, and Dragon Clan's hornet character is also quite famous. If you dare to kill the dragon, it’s best to clean up the traces of the scene. If you accidentally miss some clues, or are seen and told to Dragon Clan, then you are ready to wait for the large group of Dragon Clan to go to your house. Stop by.

The old witch obviously knows Dragon Clan's habits very well, so she immediately became honest when she saw Xiaosan. Xiao San is obviously my subordinate, which means that her queen will face the attack of Xiao San if they deal with me, and if they fight illegally, the result will be tragic, but if they want to resist...the consequences of killing a dragon...Anyway, they Can't afford it. Therefore, the old witch decided to cooperate thoroughly to avoid suffering.

"I built the candy house." The old witch replied immediately.

I got excited when I heard this, and then asked: "Do you know a guy named Bingquan?"

"No." The answer was simple, but Unexpected. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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