It’s really just my temporary intention to press and check such a nail at Divine Race in Odin, but it’s better to do this as soon as possible. After all, it’s easier to collect life information. , The degree of security is also much higher, but the time is often much slower, so you must make preparations in advance to collect enough information when needed.

The reason why I suddenly wanted to install such a nail in Odin Divine Race was mainly because of the impact of the Olympus Divine Race incident. From the recent war mode of our guild and the deduction of the future war mode, it can be roughly seen that the most cost-effective battle method is not to defeat a force head-on and collect some surplus materials left after the war. That kind of behavior is simply Is wasting. The most economical and profit-maximizing battle method should be like ours. First draw some enemies that can be wooed into your own people before the battle, so that you can strengthen yourself, and then defeat the diehards in the war, and then collect the remaining material resources and support the remaining personnel to establish a relationship after the diehards are defeated. Our new forces can not only maximize the availability of various types of resources, but also make the forces we have attacked become our breeding grounds, and continue to provide us with various benefits from then on.

Compared with directly destroying a force, our method invests less, pays more, and can be recycled continuously, so there is no problem of catching fish. More importantly, this method can continuously strengthen ourselves in the course of battle, rather than hitting fewer people. Such a sustainable development path is the right choice.

Because of this idea, Odin Divine Race may enter our prey list sometime, and in order to prevent when the time comes from catching blindness, I just hit a nail in advance now , As long as we want to attack Odin Divine Race, this nail can help us find the enemy's weakness as quickly as possible, and then directly target the key to attack the opponent.

After signing the agreement, the remaining work is to deal with the two companions of this guy. In order to ensure the safety of the spy, these two men must not go back alive. Otherwise, as soon as they report that they have been attacked, our spy ran back intact, which makes no sense. So I just gave these two hapless guys directly to Petrochemical and planned to take them back to Isengard Mobile Fortress and lock them up. Maybe these two people have other uses. As for our spy, of course we have to prepare a better escape story for him. I am the best at this kind of thing.

After simply arranging an escape story for our spy, I asked him to show me the location of the entrance to Underground City, and then let him leave first. Anyway, there is a contract guaranteed by High God, and he is impossible to betray anyway.

After separating from our spy, I followed the path pointed by the guy and found the entrance to Underground City. This entrance looks quite huge, and the shape is also very individual. From a distance, it looks like a tuft of flowers that can nourish flowers. Of course, there are no flowers inserted in this entrance, but it is a barren, and around the entrance. Almost all of them are bare within a radius of 200 meters.

After riding Yeying to the entrance of the cave, I suddenly smelled some unusual smells. After sniffing hard, I immediately asked Yeying to prove: "Did you smell something?"

"The taste of home." Ye Ying directly replied.

"That means that my nose is okay. It seems that this entrance is not connected to the ordinary Underground City!"

The reason why I would say that the connection here is not ordinary Underground City, mainly because I smelled sulfur.

The Underground City entrance is just an entrance to the Underground World. It does not mean that there must be a city below. Sometimes there will be some natural maze-like tunnels under the entrance of Underground City, and some are huge caves, but most of them are connected to some Underground World. This kind of underground world is often very large, a small one can be as big as a province, and a large one even has a total area of ​​more than a continent.

There will be some peculiar smell at the entrance of the generally speaking Underground City. After all, this place is Underground World. The air flow is much worse than that on the ground, so some strange smells in the air are normal. However, generally speaking, this smell is mostly a rotten smell. Although most underground cities have their own light sources, more places are dark areas, so it is easy to appear various decayed substances, and then the emitted gas can not be diffused, only along the channel one. They are sent out through the entrance of Underground City little by little, which determines that most of the entrance of Underground City is full of a kind of corruption. However, the entrance to the Underground City in front of you doesn't have any smell of corruption. Instead, it has a strong smell of sulfur. Just like the corridor where firecrackers have just been set off after the Spring Festival, you can even feel a tingling sensation in the nasal mucosa.

Although this kind of sulfur-scented Underground City entrance is rare, it is also not very common. There are generally two possibilities for places with this kind of smell. One is that this Underground City is connected to an area where underground lava is very active. This kind of environment is likely to emit a large amount of sulfide gas, so the smell is worse, and most of it has a certain amount of sulphur gas. toxicity. Another situation, although there is no toxic gas, is worse than having a poison qi body, that is, this Underground City is connected to the abyss channel.

The abyss in the game cannot be interpreted with the actual meaning in reality. In "Zero", the abyss represents a place, not a terrain. This place is a bit similar to the underworld, but it's different.

The underworld or netherworld in "Zero" is actually a world exactly like Earth, except that there is a negative energy world, and after the creatures on Earth die, the soul will reach the underworld. It can be said that the two places are basically two different spaces. There is no direct relationship between them, but they are closely connected. As for the abyss, it is a semi-plane sandwiched between the underworld and the world. The laws of this place are chaotic and incomplete.

Because there are less than one hundred missions related to the abyss that have been triggered so far in "Zero", all players currently have a very shallow understanding of the abyss. Our Frost Rose League already knows a lot in this regard, but the information is still very small, and many of them are not sure whether they are correct or not.

According to the information we have now, it can be determined that the abyss is rich in demons, and there are all kinds of demons, large in number and complex in race. As for whether there are other races in the abyss besides the demons, we still don’t know this so far. The known intelligence can only say that no one has ever seen creatures of other races from the abyss, but the abyss cannot be ruled out. There are other races possible.

According to Ling, the history of demons she heard about it seems to say that there had been a melee between demons before, and then the losing party finally fled to the abyss and developed into the current Abyss Demon. In other words, the historical reality of Ling's Abyss Demon is actually the emigration of our native demons here. However, according to the information obtained from a few limited abyss missions, Abyss Demon seems to believe that the abyss is the Place of Origin of the devil, and the demons that remain in the world are all exiled from the abyss.

Based on the fact that various countries in modern society often say that each other comes from themselves, we can probably conclude that the two demons must be related, but who is correct, we must not listen to the two sides. , Otherwise you will never expect to get the answer.

Regardless of where Abyss Demon and our native demons came from, it is certain that there will be demons in the abyss, and there seems to be some difference in the evolution direction of the demons in the two places. Taking Ling as a reference, you will find that the magical attack power of the local demons is very strong. Although the armor on the Ling suit is not much weaker than the attack power of the genuine warrior, in general, the demons on Earth seem to be more inclined to become one. Master, only consider melee combat in special circumstances when magic is not useful.

Speaking of which is a bit similar to Dragon Clan, except that the two clans have completely opposite ideas. Dragon Clan is just like the devil and is physically strong, and he is also good at magic, but it is completely different from the demons who want to become a mage. Dragon Clan generally likes to fight directly with his arms. Only when he finds that he can't beat others, he will consider using magic. .

In fact, the demons on Earth don’t like melee and prefer to use magic, their figures and looks are also getting closer to humans, especially the powerful high-end demons like Ling. It's almost indistinguishable from humans except for having a pair of wings.

However, what is completely different from the demons on Earth is that Abyss Demon’s favorite is melee combat. Although they can also use magic, Abyss Demon’s magic is basically auxiliary, and The only few formidable powers of attack magic are not very big. However, in contrast to the degradation of magical ability, Abyss Demon's body has been compensated. Not only are these guys generally much stronger than their fellows on Earth, but they also have an obvious tendency to increase in size, especially some high-end Abyss Demon, whose size tends to be hill-like, and some seem to have undergone evolutionary changes. , Began to change from a humanoid form to a wild beast form. Because of this change, Abyss Demon often appears some demons that look like devil beasts. These demons are not only long invisible in human form, but also low in intelligence. Basically they only retain a wild beast-like way of thinking. Anyway, these guys are no different from animals.

The evolutionary direction of the two demons has made such a huge deviation, I guess it may be related to the environment on both sides. The environment of Earth is probably more suitable for humanoid creatures, and it is full of magic power, suitable for magic growth. The abyss may be the plane of the poor, and the environment is bad, which promotes the continuous evolution of the body.

Although the two demons with different development directions can’t tell which is more powerful, one thing is certain, that is, I would rather have a group of Earth’s native demons living in the Underground City than touch them. The previous Abyss Demon. It's not that Abyss Demon is so good, but that these guys have the same virtue as Odin Divine Race, they can't communicate at all, they will fight when they meet, and they are irreconcilable. I heard a player who had done an abyss mission describe Abyss Demon before, I think it is very appropriate. He said that Abyss Demon is like a group of Archfiends with rabies. If it is an ordinary Archfiend, although it is powerful, he knows that he is afraid. After weighing the gains and losses, he will not easily provoke people like me. However, Abyss Demon will not care about this at all. They would rather die than bite a piece of meat on you. His spirit can definitely scare many people, even if I am not afraid, I definitely don't want to run into these guys. But it seems that there is no choice now, because the twelve Star Gods are already gone, and I can only watch them die if I don't go in. Of course, the premise is that there is really Abyss Demon below instead of just a lava lake.

Follow the entrance on the "cow dung mountain" into the underground passage, and then walk down in circles in the passage that looks like a swing ladder. The last breath goes deep into the underground passage. The kilometer is considered to restore the horizontal direction. Originally, I thought that after I came down, I needed to look for them to determine the location of the people in the Star God Hall. I didn't expect to find them just after the end. However, the situation here seems very bad now, because when I arrived there were already corpses lying on the ground, and many wounded were wailing on the ground.

"Damn, why are these guys so moldy? They really caught them!" After crossing a few corpses, I immediately saw a corpse that was obviously different from the surroundings.

This is Abyss Demon, which can be confirmed basically without looking at it. Although he was lying on the ground at this time and couldn't see the face, this guy's body was large and small with at least two hundred scars. The battle is so intense that no one will have time to whip the corpse, so it can only be said that this was caused when he was alive. Can withstand more than two hundred wounds and fight so many enemies, apart from Abyss Demon, I really can't think of any other creatures.

Under this Abyss Demon’s corpse, there is clearly a Saint Seiya from the Star God Temple. Of course, this guy is already dead. There is a circle of fallen Saint Seiyas lying around, from position. It should all be the result of this guy. From this point, we can see how terrifying Abyss Demon is, especially the injured Abyss Demon, which is simply the devil among the demons. However, because Abyss Demon is not as well-proportioned as the native demon, these guys are very difficult to die. Therefore, if you want to kill Abyss Demon, you almost have to go through the process of Abyss Demon's injury, and then must withstand the opponent's attack. After a round of outbreaks To get rid of these guys. If one's own strength cannot achieve an overwhelming advantage, then casualties are almost inevitable.

Across the corpse of Abyss Demon, there are batches of corpses, there are Abyss Demon and Saint Seiya, and there are even some low-level Divine Races in the Star God Temple, but it’s okay. Did not see the bodies of the twelve Star Gods. Anyway, in my opinion, the most important thing about the Star God Temple is their twelve Star Gods. As long as they don't die, I don't feel distressed if the others die.

Following the road signs of corpses all over the ground, they chased forward, and soon entered a very large underground space after passing through a relatively narrow passage. There is only one physical entrance to this space, the one I just came in, but not far from the entrance, there is a black Space Crack tumbling there, and from time to time you can see an Abyss Demon rushing out to join in. The battle group, and outside is the remaining personnel of the Star God Temple fighting with a large group of Abyss Demon.

It is really appropriate to say that it is a melee, because here is a one-on-one battle with the people in the Star God Temple and Abyss Demon, but a thorough melee. On the right front of me, there are three Saint Seiyas from the Star God Temple who are working together against a low-level Divine Race in the Star God Temple. What is outrageous is my left front, there are actually two Saints and an Abyss Demon teaming up to attack the combination of another Saint and three Abyss Demons.

When I saw this scene, I was messed up instantly. This is all made into a pot of porridge, who am I helping? By the way, Abyss Demon is the same as the rabies patients. I can understand the internal fighting between them. After all, the wild beasts often attack each other to fight for territory. This is normal. But the problem is, the people in the Star God Temple also attacked themselves. What kind of situation is this?

"Ling." Seeing the chaos at the scene, I certainly don't think these people are joking. There is only one possibility to make this situation, that is, there is a large-scale group spell on the scene that affects the thinking or senses of all the creatures here, making them mistake their goals, and then it becomes what it is now. With this kind of speculation, and then think of the characteristics of Abyss Demon, it is not difficult to guess the reason. Don't forget, although Abyss Demon's attack magic is not strong, their auxiliary magic is very difficult to deal with, and many of Abyss Demon's auxiliary spells have become an ability similar to racial innate talent. This kind of magic that becomes a racial innate talent has an advantage, that is, it does not consume or consumes very low mana. Anyway, it can almost start from the field to the end, and the coverage of this kind of innate talent will generally be very large, affecting the whole The creatures in the cave should not be surprising.

Ling is the most knowledgeable existence among my demon pets. This kind of time should be able to help a little bit. After all, she is an Archfiend herself. In theory, she should also be able to use Abyss Demon’s magic, at least should know.

Sure enough, Ling frowned as soon as he appeared, and then said without waiting for me to ask: "There is a crazy demon here."

"One? Don't talk about those. Abyss Demon, I think those Saint Seiyas in the Star God Temple are about to become crazy demon!"

"No, I'm talking about a branch of demon. This branch is called crazy demon, and succubus , Shadow Demon."

"Crazy demon? Could it be that Innate comes with a demon in the frenzied field?"

"Although it is not, it is almost the same." Ling Explained: "The mad demon is a relatively rare branch of the demon branch. They should actually be a variant of Heart Devouring Demon. The mad demon's magic ability is almost zero, but their Innate comes with an innate talent type magic—— Chaos halo, all creatures that enter the halo range will be affected by the halo. If they cannot resist the erosion of this magic, they will lose themselves and attack all creatures around them, regardless of whether the opponent is an enemy or not, they will pounce on without the slightest hesitation , And it’s irreconcilable."

"In this case, the mad devil himself is also dangerous?"

"This is what they need." Ling explained: "The mad devil’s magical ability Almost all of them are useless, except for this halo that is almost equal to no magic, but their bodies are extremely strong. Although they can’t fly, their battle strength is amazing. There was a legend in the Demon Race that crazy demons are the most in addition to refining demons. Strong melee demon, it can be said that as long as they don't encounter refining, these guys are invincible in melee combat."

"Damn, putting it that way, his ability is really suitable for him. "After I finished speaking, I glanced at the battlefield again, and then asked: "What does that crazy demon look like? Tell me quickly and I will kill him. Oh, yes, what is the ability to fight against this aura? I won't be affected, too. Huh?"

Ling Bai glanced at me and said: "I just remembered now? You have been within the halo range since you entered this cave."

"Then I... …"

"Obviously it didn’t work." Ling said: "It should have something to do with the phantom."

I usually let the phantom be attached to it in the form of the second soul. On me, so if I create a soul or mental attack, the first one will be the phantom. If the phantom can't hold it, it will be my turn. According to Ling, I was affected as soon as I came in, but the Phantom itself is a Spiritual Body, so it has a high resistance to spells that confuse the mind, so although it was affected a little, it did not lose my mind, and my body I was manipulating it myself. Even if the Mirage received some influence, it did not affect my actions. This led to the fact that I didn't realize that I had been recruited.

Since I know I am immune to this thing, it is much easier. Just fly over and find the crazy demon and kill him. When the time comes, everyone will return to normal immediately. Of course I have to figure out which one is the crazy demon first.

After I asked Ling again, it was unfortunate that Ling provided a bad answer. She had no idea what the mad demon in Abyss Demon looked like. She knows that the existence of mad demon has been seen in the classics, but she has not seen mad demon herself. After all, this is a mutant branch, and the Heart Devouring Demon as the mutant mother is not a big race. Originally, Heart Devouring Demon was rare. With a low mutation rate, this mad demon has naturally become a rare animal. Of course, even rare animals can't become protected animals. On the contrary, crazy demons are said to be the existence of demons of various families who generally hope to get rid of. If you think about it, you can understand that you will not recognizing the existence of one's family. Who likes it? Even the devil should have several allies or subordinates, right? Which demon can bear this kind of madness? Therefore, even if it is a demon, after seeing a mad demon, he will be killed immediately.

"Is there no description of the appearance of the crazy demon in the book you saw?"

Ling thought for a while and suddenly said: "By the way, I'm in another I have seen some fragments about the foreign trade of the crazy demon in this book. It seems to say that there is a row of bone spurs along the back of the crazy demon along the spine."

When I heard this, I flapped my wings and rose to in. Midair, then glanced at the battlefield and then used an electronic brain to capture a static picture, and then found the Abyss Demon instance with bone spurs on the back. "Are there any other descriptions? At least one fifth of Abyss Demon here have bone spurs on their backs!"

"Let me think about it again!" Ling lowered his head to recall desperately after a while suddenly Then he said: "By the way, the appearance of the crazy demon should be a bit like a werewolf, but it is many times stronger than a werewolf, and it looks like a big bear in the shape of a human without paying attention."

"There is also something that fits your description. Eight goals, are there any more detailed ones?"

"The crazy demon has a small amount of body hair, mostly red and brown."

"OK, target confirmed."

Fortunately, what Ling remembered just happened to be used. Seven of the eight targets posted just now are all covered with hair, which really looks like a bear, but Ling said that the crazy demon has sparse body hair. Those seven are obviously not, so the only one that meets the requirements is There is one left. Although the body hair on this guy is silver white, at least most of the appearance meets the requirements anyway. Besides, no matter from time to time, you'll know with a cut in the past.

After taking Ling Ling back, I flew directly over the head of the crowd. Fortunately, the crowd fighting underneath went crazy, and I didn't notice that there was a person on it.

The suspected mad demon is chewing against another Abyss Demon at this time. You are tearing a piece of meat from me, I dragged a piece of skin from you, and what I hit called a flesh and blood fly. Although these two are both demons, I don’t wonder why the crazy demons attack Abyss Demon. After all, Ling said, the crazy demons are also like crossing rats in the Demon Race. On the other hand, I think that the relationship between the crazy demons and other demons must also be. It won't be good, so to the mad demon, except for himself, they are all enemies, and they attack all the same.

Because the following two demons were chewing on each other, I simply threw a throwing knife from behind. As a result, at the moment when I was about to hit, the suspected mad demon slammed and fought him. The Abyss Demon blocked my throwing knife with the opponent's back. Although that guy escaped my attack and didn't let me read his attribute data, I have now determined that this guy is the crazy demon, because within the range of his aura, all creatures will lose their sanity, he Since he can be distracted and noticed the surrounding attacks during the battle, it means that he is not affected at all. But within this range, apart from the crazy demon, there are only those with super high mental resistance, but if there is an Abyss Demon who can resist the chaos aura, the other party should know that there is a crazy demon here. Ling said that if a demon knew there was a madman here, he would definitely attack the madman first, but that guy was attacking another Abyss Demon, and the data read after that Abyss Demon was hit by my throwing knife showed He is not a mad demon, so this attacker is not an ordinary Abyss Demon, but a mad demon.

Now that the goal is confirmed, it is easy to handle. "Hehe, what about invincible melee? At worst, I just don’t touch you." I smiled and lifted the Avengers up, and directly lifted the dragon head shape cover and replaced it with a crystal clear and near-transparent The short arrow arrived at the launch position, and then quickly closed the cover and re-targeted the crazy demon. "Bye bye to the chaos maker." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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