After asking for some more information from the guy whose confidence has collapsed, I have an intuitive concept of this Odin Divine Race invasion. However, although the original target of these guys was not us, but because they miscalculated the situation, it seems that Odin’s invasion of Divine Race is actually not a good thing for us, even if their original target is Austria. Linpis Divine Race, this has not changed, after all, many Olympus Divine Races have turned to us in this battle, but because of the news blockage, Odin Divine Race has no knowledge of these conditions. They At best, I know that Hades is no longer a member of the Olympus Divine Race, but Poseidon’s subordinates are definitely not regarded as another power. Even if it is the power of Hades, I think Odin Divine Race He’s character, he will still attack when he encounters it, and he will not distinguish the difference between the two at all.

After thinking about the current situation, I asked the guy with the eyes on his shoulders again. "Where did all the people from the Star God Temple who passed through here go?"

"They are all in the Underground World over there."

"Underground World?"

The guy didn't seem to believe me when he saw me, and quickly explained: "I didn't lie to you, it's really Underground World. There are not too many people here this time, and we are divided into many task groups. There are only three people in this group, and you can see the strength. With our people, it is impossible to get so many people in the Star God Hall. So we designed an illusion to lead them all to the side road. Not in the front. There happened to be an entrance to Underground City in the far place. It was deeper underneath. I got them in and went around a few times and they couldn't find their way back. They are probably still in circles now."

This guy’s explanation made me believe what he said. After all, I really know the strength of the three of them. They were easily subdued just now. This battle strength is indeed a bit scumbag. If he says that the three of them work together, he will Those Star Gods are settled, then I have to doubt it. But to be honest, it was amazing enough to be able to draw all those Star Gods away. After all, there are still a few strong anti-illusion abilities in the Twelve Star Gods, and it is really strange that such people can be drawn away.

"Do you think there are anti-illusions in the Star Gods in the Star God Temple, so I'm impossible to trick them into the road?" That guy's life is now in my hands Go, so he was afraid that I thought he was lying, and when I saw that I had the slightest hesitation, he quickly explained it.

Since he said it all, I nodded admit it, and the boy immediately explained nervously: "This is the case. My ability is actually not entirely about creating illusions." He said I pointed to the grass next to it for a moment, and then touched it with my hand. The grass immediately moved, and the ground next to the grass also changed up and down a few times, and then gradually became wet again, and finally turned into a A small piece of mud, and then continued to dry, eventually turned into a piece of dry land. After performing all of this, he continued to explain: "You have seen that my ability is actually to control these natural environments to a certain extent, so what I created cannot be said to be an illusion. The plants you see are still plants. The land is also the land, they are all real, but the position has moved. Moreover, this movement is not an illusion, it has really changed the position, so the only illusion I created does not need to be maintained with magic power like an illusion. This is why my illusion cannot be seen through."

"It's not really impossible to see through."

"Who said that? My illusion..." That guy As soon as I heard that I denied his vision, I wanted to refute it, but it suddenly occurred to him that he was caught because I saw it through, so the words he was about to say got stuck there. "Sorry, although I know you may not say it, but I still want to ask, how did you discover my illusion?"

"This question is actually very easy to answer, because I don't have any I found your illusion."

"You didn't find it? Then you..."

"I found you." I interrupted him directly and said, "You and your companion Hiding so close to the road, but as a Godslayer, do you think I might not feel a Divine Race so close to me?"

"You you you..." That guy I was only persuaded by me before, but now it is completely feared. Godslayer does not mean to kill one or two Divine Races, even if you are a Godslayer, it must have caused significant damage to a Divine Race organization and killed at least double-digit Divine Races before you can get the title. And along with this title is the Divine Race that has fallen in at least double digits. If you are a Godslayer and say such things in front of a Divine Race, then it is equivalent to saying "I am a murderer" in front of an ordinary person. That is something that can absolutely scare people to death, especially After the other party has experienced your horror.

"Don’t be so nervous. You are not on my prey list for the time being. So, in order to never be on that list, you just need to continue the performance just now. So far, my cooperation with you is still Very satisfied."

As if relaxed, the guy looked at me with lingering fear and asked: "Then what else do you want?"

I said with a smile: "Of course, I know everything I need to know, but don’t worry, I’m a very good person, so since you haven’t actively violated my requirements, I won’t hurt you. If you wish, Now you can go. But I have a side offer, I don’t know if you are willing to accept it."

"You said."

"How about joining us?"


"Huh?" That guy obviously didn't expect that I would suddenly ask such a question, but after only a short hesitation, he immediately nodded and said: "As long as you have a way to divine my The force imprint was obtained from the divine force core of Odin Divine Race, and I promised to join you. You don’t know one thing. Actually I am not Odin Divine Race."

I am very calm nodded said: "This is one of the reasons I invited you to join."

"What? You know?"

"Don't make a fuss about nothing, this is not Strange. Do you think you are like Odin Divine Race?"

My words reminded this guy, he immediately reacted, and then nodded: "so that's how it is, I understand Now."

In fact, if you want to know that this guy is not the original Odin Divine Race, it is still very simple. This can be seen from the behavioral habits. Unlike most Divine Races, especially Divine Races like Celestial Court with a lot of people, Odin Divine Race personnel are basically a character, which is rare in other Divine Races. Although things are grouped into groups, the gods in the same Divine Race will have some similarities, but the specific personalities of different Divine Races will always be different, and even if there are two or even two in a Divine Race Multiple gods with completely opposite personalities are also very normal. However, Odin Divine Race does not have this situation. Almost all the gods in the Odin Divine Race have a common personality trait, which is tenacious, violence, and unyielding.

Whether this group of guys behave rashly or calmly, in the bones, they are all the same. You can force a Divine Race to succumb to you, but you cannot force an Odin Divine Race to succumb to you, they are almost impossible to be tamed. speaking of which these guys feel like savages in character. Although they may be simple, they are very sturdy and aggressive. According to some analysis of European Divine Race forces that Rose and the others did when they were bored, the final conclusion is that if you want to subdue the members of Odin Divine Race, the best method to adopt is-probation. Yes, these guys are the ones whose heads are easy to get hot. The more you force them, the more they will resist. On the contrary, it is easier for them to recognize you if you find a way to move them.

Based on the above analysis, it can be seen that this guy who is so easy to surrender and who is extremely afraid of death is obviously inconsistent with Odin Divine Race’s personality, so I came to the conclusion that this guy It's an outsider.

Finally, this guy’s narrative also confirmed my guess that he is not an aboriginal of Odin Divine Race, but a foreign Divine Race. He was originally a free Divine Race, that is, the kind of Divine Race that can wander around without nationality.

On the surface, this Divine Race seems very cool, because they are not restricted and can run everywhere, unlike the regional Divine Race, which is fixed in their own sphere of influence and occasionally wants to go out. You have to think of a bunch of ways to get a pass. However, if you think about it carefully, you will find that these guys are actually very miserable. They are indeed not restricted by geography, but in fact their lives are different from those of Divine Race who belong to them. They seem to be the difference between office workers and homeless people. . Office workers work from 9 to 5 every day. It seems that they are not free, but they have a salary, can buy what they want, have a warm home, and occasionally go out for a little chic. But the tramp is different. Although they can run around speaking of which and sleep as long as they want to sleep during the day, they have no source of livelihood. They can only rely on begging for their living supplies. It is almost a luxury to buy something, and they can't even get them at home.

These free Divine Races are similar to homeless people. Although they are very free, they lack one of the most important things for Divine Race, that is, Power of Faith. There is no Divine Race without Power of Faith, but because the wandering Divine Race has no fixed place, they have no followers of their own and cannot collect Power of Faith. These guys are the beggar in Divine Race, just a bunch of poor bugs. If they want to get Power of Faith, they can only rely on helping a local Divine Race part-time job. For example, to do some risky jobs, the rewards are often inconsistent with the nature of the job, and they are often reneged. on a debt, they can’t take those local Divine Races anyway.

For these reasons, the strength of Free Divine Race is usually very bad. After all, without Power of Faith, there is no source of strength, and bad strength is understandable. However, because they are not tied to a region, the experience of these guys is often myriad, so their abilities are often not as specific as those of the orthodox regional Divine Race. Some free Divine Race may understand a lot of messy abilities, and their abilities can sometimes be strange. Like the guy just now, he can actually change the topography, and he won't leave magical fluctuations at all. Speaking of which is not a powerful ability, but it is really practical in some special circumstances. Of course, even so, he is still a waste of Divine Race. Although I don't have to deal with the genuine Divine Race, it is rare to see players who are as weak as ordinary guild players.

Because this guy is not a member of Odin Divine Race, and Odin Divine Race has only recently accepted him, so he has no sense of belonging to Odin Divine Race at all, so he jumped up. Naturally, there is no pressure.

I started to brief him after he fully accepted the job-hopping invitation. "I want you to switch jobs not to let you come to our guild right away, but to act as a spy to help us get intelligence."

"What?" Don't look at this guy as a Divine Race, But because of the free Divine Race experience, he was very courageous. When he heard that he was going to be a spy, he immediately shook his head nervously and said: "I can't do this, I will be found to be thrown by them to Hardimos as a ration!" /p>

"Calm down, calm down." After pacifying this guy for a while, I began to say, "There are also many types of spies. Spies who steal military intelligence, or carry out missions such as infiltration, sabotage, and assault and killing. It does require a very superb ability, and you obviously do not have that ability and professional knowledge. However, I did not intend to let you listen to this information."

"Then what should I do?"


"Your job is to have a good relationship with all Odin Divine Race members, and then I want you to find the kind of individuals with strong strength or outstanding development potential. Anyway, as long as it is a promising talent It’s okay."

That guy nodded and said: "Just like this?"

"This is only the 1st Step, and Second Step is trying to get close to these gods and please them , Have a good relationship with them, and understand their lives."

"What does it mean to understand their lives?"

"It is to clarify their emotional characteristics, such as Who and who has what enemies, or who and who has what they have always wanted to achieve, as well as their hobby, what they particularly hate, lack of resistance to things, and other details of life. Generally people will not pay too much attention to hiding these things. They rarely have a particularly strong reaction even when asked in person, and I need you to investigate this information and try to report it to us."

"If it's just these things, there is nothing at worst. ."

"I only need these, I think you can do it."

The guy nodded said very positively: "I will definitely do this."

Hearing his guarantee, I smiled like a devil nodded and said: "Very well, then we will sign an agreement now, and then give me a copy of your divine force imprint, and I will Join the divine force core of our Divine Race of Chaos and Order, and you will regularly receive Power of Faith from our guild in the future. Believe me, that will be much more than what you get at Divine Race in Odin." (To be continued .If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. )

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