Since everyone has unanimously decided to extract the top 24 people according to their strength rankings, it is much simpler. Since our guild has a super logistics administrator, the god of war, so just ask him for any information in the guild. Almost at the same time when the decision was made, the military god guy made a list of twenty-four people.

Of course it is me who will rank 1st in this guild. After all, I am the number one in the world battle strength list. However, because I am a person designated by the system to participate, I need to be excluded from the list of 24 for the lottery.

Except for me, the second battle force of the guild is gold coin. As a national weapon holder, coupled with the terrifying sword array Grandmaster attribute, the strength of gold coin can be described as tyrannical. Currently ranked second in the world battle strength list, the total battle strength is about 80% equivalent to my comprehensive battle strength.

Below the gold coin is the first European fortress in the past, and now Miss Christina, the world's first fortress. In my impression, she is basically a self-propelled and running position, alone on top of the vitality of a battleship. Ranked 4th on the current world battle strength list.

The person under Christina is Masaga Matsumoto. Although he is now the boss of the Japanese, you can't rule out the fact that he is indeed a member of the guild, and because the system recently opened a new feature called the spy system, Masaga Matsumoto got the double guild attribute. This spy system is actually added to meet the needs of the majority of players. Because many guilds have installed spies in other people's guilds, the system has set up a spy system. To apply for this system, the guild president or Vice-President Level 1 personnel must have the right to open it. After the activation, the personnel can have the double guild attribute, a hidden guild as its main guild, and the other surface guild as a passive guild. Infiltrating guilds.

Because of the existence of this system, Masaga Matsumoto is now one of the members of our guild. Although he can't participate in other missions just and honorable, this ruling guild mission is launched in a special space, and is not announced to the public, and will not encounter other players, so even if you bring Matsumoto Masaka with you, there is no problem. .

For the above reasons, the third person we have decided is Masaga Matsumoto. His current world battle strength ranking is fifth, which is also quite high.

The fourth candidate given by the military god is really red. Like gold coin, he is also a national weapon holder. However, because the battle method mainly focuses on single attack, she can beat gold in singles. The coins are all down, but the actual world battle strength ranking is only seventh. It can also be seen that the battle strength list can only be used as a reference, and it is not that the bottom of the battle strength list must not be able to do the top. Of course, if the data gap is particularly large, it is generally believed that the battle strength list is better.

According to the ranking of the battle strength list, Hong Yue's world battle strength list should be ranked tenth after being really red, but she is Vice-President and is also among the must-have members, so there are 24 people. She cannot be counted in the list.

The next count should be August Xun. Like Masaga Matsumoto, although August Kazuo is now a national idol in Japan, she is a spy. She is the main attribute of our guild, so she can also participate. Her current world battle strength ranking is 16th.

August Xun and down is Chi Fire Dragon Hime. The situation is the same as Ba Ye Xun, and you can also participate. Her ranking on the world battle strength list is eighteenth.

The next one of Chi Fire Dragon Ji is my biological younger sister, Ziyue. Her battle strength is also quite high. Currently, the world battle strength ranks Ranked 2nd tenth.

Below Ziyue is the Little Sister Sakura Yushin from the idol group we sent to Japan. Although the person is relatively innocent, in fact this is a world battle strength ranking Ranked 2nd ten. A terrifying loli, if anyone dares to grab a lollipop from her, she must be prepared to become a roast duck.

Sakura Rain, the young goddess, is a player called Ice Snatcher. This person is relatively low-key in the guild, usually reluctant to speak, and he doesn't like to talk when he sees people. Of course, this is not to say that he is unkind, but that this guy has such a character. If you ask him for help, he usually won’t refuse, but if you want to chat with him, you can only hold a press conference by yourself. It's almost the same with two beeps. However, although the person is a little low-key, but the strength of the ice grabbing is still quite good. The Spirit Dragon mount plus the special advanced version of Dark Palace Knight, the battle strength is quite sturdy, and it is definitely a main battle tank level existence on the battlefield. Especially the pain of his soul is simply a disgusting thing that does not pay for one's life.

This Soul Pain is a two-handed sword on the surface, and of course it is a dark style in appearance, after all, it is a Dark Element weapon. In terms of attributes, this thing is also mediocre. It is only Holy Spirit-level equipment. Attributes are not outstanding in Holy Spirit-level equipment. High or low is not low. In addition to the outstanding basic attack power, the additional attributes are almost mediocre. However, although most of the attributes of this weapon are very general, it has an extremely disgusting attribute-severe pain.

This severe pain attribute is extremely terrifying. It will not cause any additional damage to the enemy, but it will produce three times the normal level of severe pain after the wound is caused, and this pain cannot be cured and cannot be dispelled. , Can only wait for him to disappear slowly. Of course, the system is not so perverted that players have to endure the pain. You can also choose to go offline. If you go offline and avoid it because of the pain, your character is basically dead. If the player forcibly withdraws from the battle, the body will not disappear, which is tantamount to voluntarily surrendering. Because of the perverted attribute of this sword, even though the ice-grabbing guy is only ranked 37th in the world battle strength list, few people dare to fight him. After all, the triple pain is really real. It's too exciting, male players may be better, females basically no one wants to bear the pain. Moreover, this kind of pain has an extremely terrible attribute, that is, it can penetrate the limitations of the bloody pattern.

The game screen and pain simulation in "Zero" can be set, this is mainly to take care of some players who don't like blood or are afraid of pain. However, when you lower the bloodiness and pain, the system will also reduce your battle strength by default. That is to say, the system is still more inclined to let everyone turn on the full real environment simulation. Of course, extreme violent players can also challenge extremes. In the bloody mode, you can feel the effects of hell with more than three times the level of violence in reality. Of course, this bloody mode will also bring about an increase in battle strength, but the magnitude is very small. This thing is set up so that everyone can decide for themselves how bloody they like.

Like many female players, because they are afraid of blood and pain, they usually adjust the bloody mode to the minimum. In this mode, even if your limbs are cut off and turned into a stick, It just feels like being bitten by an ant, nothing at all. Moreover, in this mode, there will be no bleeding effect when the character is injured, and there will be no visceral flying. At most, you can see the corpse that has been cut into several pieces, and the cut is still a smooth red. You can also see other textures. No, it can be regarded as reducing the bloody degree to the greatest extent. Generally speaking, this mode is the system setting and it is unlikely to be penetrated, but the severe pain attribute attached to the ice-grabbing sword can penetrate this limitation, that is, even if you choose the lowest pain mode, you will be slashed by the ice-grabbing After that, there will still be three times the pain effect, and if the final pain effect is lower than the actual pain effect, the system will default to the real pain effect.

Think about it, if the real pain sensation is completely simulated in the game, how many people dare to fight you? Even if you can't die, it really hurts to cut it on your body! Therefore, this painful attribute has no money and is recognized as the most disgusting attribute. Although it has no effect on the attribute calculation, the actual effect is surprisingly good. Many people ran away as soon as they saw this attribute. Don't dare to fight at all. Even if you really fight against the ice, most people will deliberately avoid his sword and affect the battle strength. After all, even people who are not afraid of pain do not want to suffer for a long time for no reason, so even those who dare to fight are likely to be subconsciously. Be careful not to be touched by that sword.

After counting the ice grazing, the number of personnel has just reached nine, and we have to continue to look down.

The highest ranking after the ice skimming is Woma, and yes, it is the technical director of the guild. Although you can hardly see her leaving the institute, you would be wrong if you think she is a bully. Woma's profession is quite special. Her profession is not transformed from a principal job, but from a deputy job. Now Woma’s main combat class is mechanic, which sounds like an auxiliary class, but in fact it is a combat class. After transforming this kind of profession, Woma's own attributes were basically cleared, which means that her life, defense, and offensive power are basically the same as those of newcomers who have just entered the game, completely blank. However, her actual battle strength is quite terrifying, because her battle method does not rely on her own body to fight, but on her armor.

Mechanic’s special ability is to personally create a set of magic armor, similar to the power armor in reality. This thing has very low requirements for the driver. You don't need any physical strengthening attributes, as long as you understand the principle of the magic mechanism. Thanks to our guild’s advanced construction biotechnology, Woma’s magical armor is almost a Heaven Defying Level equipment. If we talk about attributes alone, it can be said that all the attributes of this suit of armor surpass my dragon soul suit. Unfortunately, this thing is limited to mechanic equipment, which means that no one can wear it except mechanic. But if you think about it, a mechanic with all attributes in single digits, as long as you put on this thing, you can become the top 100 in the battle strength list, and you can see how perverted the attributes of this thing are.

However, although the attribute of this thing is very abnormal, it does not affect the balance of the game. Because its attribute is awesome, but the driver can only be a mechanic whose attribute is a single digit, so even if the two attributes are added, the final comprehensive strength is only relatively high, and it has not reached the level of abnormality. In addition, although this kind of magic armor can be mass-produced, Mechanic cannot. It can only be worn as scrap iron.

Based on the extremely sturdy magical armor with the technical support of the guild, Woma is now honored to be ranked second in the guild’s battle strength Ranked Tenth and ranked 42nd in the world battle strength list. super expert.

Count down the list, after Woma, it’s...that’s..."On time big pot of rice? This guy is our guild’s battle strength ranking Ranked Tenth third?" I looked at Jun Shendao in surprise: "Are you sure you are not mistaken?"

The military god is also replied with a weird expression: "Although he is very reluctant to admit, this unreliable guy is really an expert! His current world battle The strength list ranks at the bottom 72, and he can already be included in the ranks of first-line players."

"Then why is he riddled with scars every time he fights? And he must be the first to step on the thunder every time. "

Military God said calmly: "If you think about it the other way round, he can be chopped up and wounded but rarely killed when he steps on the thunder for the first time. This has already explained. Strength. As for the reason for his poor performance...I think it may be related to luck."

"That means the big pot of rice is more moldy, right?"

Military god nodded and said: "Although luck is very unreliable from the point of view of probability, apart from this statement, I really can't find any way to explain the battle strength problem of Cauldron Rice!"

I am helpless nodded , And finally can only continue to scroll down. Lined up under the big pot rice is... "I rely on, why are all unreliable people!"

The name under the big pot rice is actually the son of the night, this kid is now a rich man in our guild. The standard is tall, wealthy and handsome, and the person is good, and there is special ability, but there is a problem with the head, and the whole Heavenly God talks about it. In addition, the biggest trouble night’s son is a guy who likes to do business more than he likes to fight, so he is basically a figure of idle cloud wild crane in our guild, but this time he can use his battle strength, whether he likes it or not. You have to pull it up too.

The Son of the Night, ranked 1st in Ranked 1st hundred and three on the world battle strength list, Twelfth participants in the bank.

Looking down from here, the next celebrity pick is Qunrui. As a rare phonological player, Qunrui’s battle strength is quite strong. Unlike Bingbing and the other phonological combatants whose battle attributes are severely biased, Qunrui's battle method is quite comprehensive, and the most important point is that her group support ability is quite strong. The system rated her as Ranked 1st one hundred and four on the world battle strength list, which is already quite powerful.

The list after Qunrui shows that it is Shadow Spring, which is really red Eldest Senior Sister. As an assassin, she is neither a special profession nor any hidden equipment, but all her attributes are very high, and her overall battle strength system rating is quite high. Currently, she is ranked 1st Ranked 66th in the world battle strength list.

Below Shadow Spring is a player named Swordsman. To be honest, I don't know him at all. After all, I am the president. Our guild is not a small guild of three to five hundred people. Of course, I know everybody in the guild. Because of the need to cooperate with the battle, I asked about the swordsman Xiajun Shen. According to the information provided by the military god, the swordsman is a local player, and his profession is the advanced branch of the professional Taoist priest with Chinese characteristics-the sword cultivator. According to this branch, the swordsman's profession should be close to that of gold coin, but it is said that he and gold coin have taken two completely different branches. Gold coin divides the abilities into hundreds of thousands of swords, and finally forms a large array of tens of thousands of swords, and this swordsman concentrates all the abilities on one sword. However, because there are so many statistics information about the military god, I don’t know what kind of player this player is for the time being, but his world battle strength ranking is 170th, so I think his strength should not be low. After all, the world battle strength ranking is a comprehensive ranking of all world players. As long as the top one thousand people can be pulled out, they are all people who can be placed in large guilds as the main force.

The swordsman is my wife Rose. Don't think that Rose knows how to make money all day long, but people are currently the world Ranked 1st resurrected mage. You must not underestimate the resurrection mage. Although people are not the main battle profession, considering the fact that the resurrection mage is almost indestructible, most people are not willing to offend them. Rose’s current resurrection technique is the Peak resurrection mage who has entered the Grandmaster Level, so most people can’t handle her at all. As long as you can't stop her with a single move, she can consume you alive. Paladin couldn't carry it. The current ranking of Rose's world battle strength list is 216. Although she has already made the first echelon of the top 200, her strength as an auxiliary profession is already quite exaggerated. Of course, because Rose is also a designated participant of the system, she still cannot be counted among the twenty-four people.

The person below the rose is Crystal Princess, she is also a magician, and the instrument used is a giant pipe organ. Although the organ made of crystal is quite fragile, the ability to control the field is absolutely first-rate under the premise of being protected. A team joined by her, the strength is increased by at least 40%, which is definitely a super support. Of course, her own damage output is also quite terrifying, otherwise she wouldn't be ranked 218th on the world battle strength list.

The person under Crystal Princess is Bingbing. Her jade flute and Crystal Princess’s pipe organ are also auxiliary and output all-round instruments, but her group attack ability is not as good as Crystal Princess, so she ranks a bit lower. But if you really want to go head-to-head, Bingbing is on the side of the voltage-stabilizing crystal Princess.

The name under Bingbing is Bingling, who is still a magic musician, and the instrument used is the harp. Although the profession of magic musicians is very rare, I have to admit that this is a powerful profession, because the battle strength of all magic musicians does not seem to be low.

Bingling is another player I don't know. This player is called "like sleepwalking", but everyone calls him sleepwalking. According to the records of the military god, this one's profession is a demon archer, especially good at super long-distance strong killing. It is said that his maximum attack range is eight kilometers, which is farther than many cannons. And all his attributes are almost all focused on attack power. Few people can take his attack head-on, so this guy has been attacked by us. Will be used as a sniper, but I have never seen him. The current ranking of this guy's world battle strength list is 268th, which is also very high.

Behind the sleepwalking is still a player I don’t know. His name is "Muhammad". He is a lamp god by profession. What surprised me is that this is a pure Chinese. Our Frost Rose League is such a large scale and a world sex guild. If there is someone who treats Arabs, I would not be surprised at all. It is just that this guy with an Arab name and a local profession turned out to be a pure Chinese. , This is strange. However, it is their luck that people can become a lamp god. I just need to pay attention to his strength.

Mohammed’s professional Djinn is quite different. His professional specialty turned out to be a voice, which can change everyone's luck and combat environment to a certain extent. Anyway, it is a rather side-tracked profession. However, his ranking in the world battle strength list is 397th. Although he ranks quite low compared to those in front of him, he is still a powerful man from the perspective of the whole world.

Under the weird Deng God is finally an acquaintance again. My best friend, Awei, but this kid is not very good. He is ranked after five hundred. Currently, the world battle strength ranks Ranked 5th. Twenty-eight.

The next one in Awei is a female player named Medusa, I still don't know him. Although her name is Medusa, it's just a name. Her profession is actually a priest, but she seems to be able to compete with skills, otherwise she would definitely not be able to achieve such a high ranking. The current ranking of this world battle strength list is 794th, which is still in the thousands.

Medusa counted down and finally saw the name of our poor Vice-President Eagle. Although he is the Vice-President of the guild, the eagle is really not for war, but he has a lot of prestige and cohesion, so he is very suitable to be a leader. At present, Eagle's world battle strength ranking is 114th, which is already out of a thousand.

The one behind the eagle is Asura purple clothed, the veteran of the guild, but her world battle strength ranking is only 1015, one place lower than the eagle.

Asura purple clothed and later on is another player I don’t know. The job titled "Out of Food" is actually a blasting expert. It is said that it is still an advanced job of assassin, but I can’t get his This profession is associated with assassin. The current world battle strength list, which has run out of food, ranks one thousand one hundred and ninety-first. Although it is out of a thousand, it can still be counted as an expert. After all, "Zero" has billions of players in the whole world. Anyone who can make the top one million can be called an expert, right? In any case, it's one of a thousand miles away.

The twenty-eighth place in the guild is out of food. After removing the four of our designated persons who must participate, the remaining twenty-four places are just right here.

After deciding on the personnel, we immediately contacted all of these people. Fortunately, most of them are high-level people, so they all know the whole story. There are not many people who are not guild veterans. Just say hello.

After determining a good candidate, I went to find Jixiang Ruyi. Lottery is a matter of luck, and as long as it involves luck, it is best to let professionals handle it.

After I promised the price of two roasted golden eagles, Jixiang Ruyi helped me draw ten lotteries, and together they were what the system called random candidates. Yes, although the system says random, but the actual random method is a lottery, and anyone can draw, but we will have a lottery professional, so let Jixiang Ruyi take care of it.

Of the top twenty-eight members of the bank, the four of us must be removed, and the remaining twenty-four people selected 20. In the end, the ones that were not selected were: no food, Asura Purple clothed, Medusa and Awei, that is to say, the bottom four were not drawn. Of course, the Eagle ranks behind Medusa and Awei, but because he is a must, he is not in the lottery. The four are just the four with the smallest battle strength.

According to the result of this draw, we are equivalent to pulling all the strongest battle strengths of the guild into the task. Of course I am referring to the player lineup. Otherwise, I would definitely consider taking Vena and the Divine Race first. At least the Hades guy is absolutely fine to play ten each. It's a pity that the system is not stupid, it only allows players to participate at all, otherwise we will be much easier.

Although we can't bring Divine Race into the mission to help, but there is Divine Race in the guild, it makes no sense to not use it. Under the analysis of Somei and their group of intellectual superhumans, the loopholes that may be exploited in the task were analyzed by them. Finally, based on these loopholes, we found a way to make the task easier-brush BUFF.

BUFF is the buff that others give to you. For example, the physical strengthening and spiritual strengthening of the priests are considered to be BUFF. However, compared to those players who brushed each other's BUFF, the real thing is Divine Race's blessing BUFF.

Do you know what Spiritual God is? Bless you? Find a real Divine Race and brush a BUFF for you and you will know.

Based on this, we gathered everyone together after determining the candidates for the task of the ruling guild, and then we found Divine Race that we could contact to brush BUFF. What? You said, why don’t you call all the guild Divine Races together? This is a good explanation, because we plan to do more than just the Divine Race of the guild.

Our Frost Rose League is the middleman of the world Divine Race, and because of this identity, I have a certain relationship with many Divine Races. Based on the principle of conditionally not expiring and voiding, I began to take everyone to Divine Race to brush BUFF. Of course, this candidate needs to be considered, there must be no conflicts, and the use must be maximized. Finally, Rose chose some Divine Races for me based on my description, and then we started to brush them in order.

The Divine Race in our guild is easier to find, so let’s start with the farthest one at the end, but first, we must first let Vina give us a neutral BUFF of the chaotic and order Divine Race. , Because our next goal is Dark God Palace and Light God Palace. These two attributes are in conflict with each other. If you don’t brush Vina’s neutral buff first, the two buffs cannot exist at the same time.

We first went to find Titans after Vina got it done. The other party heard that they just helped to brush the BUFF and agreed without saying anything. Anyway, it is not a major event for him.

The BUFF that Titans finally brushed out for us is a multi-functional BUFF. The first function is dark assimilation, that is, as long as we stand in the shadows, we can enter a kind of BUFF in a few seconds. Incognito, although the scope of application is somewhat narrow, it is better to have it than nothing. Moreover, this BUFF actually has other functions, such as Dark Element spell damage increase. Of course, this is when we attack others. In addition, this BUFF has a nice feature, that is, the Dark Element biological affinity, that is, as long as our mission is not directly conflicting with the Dark Element creature, the opponent will most likely ignore us.

After leaving the Dark God Palace, we rushed to the Light God Palace again, and we were shocked by the group of players waiting to enter the temple to take over the task. After all, we had never seen anyone hanging before. An obvious Dark Element BUFF rushed into the Light God Palace. What’s more amazing is that the angel guarding the door just saw us from a distance and was ready to stop us, but when we got closer to see who it was, he bowed and retreated. Go to the side.

Matsumoto Masaga has never been to Europe before. This is the first time I saw angels like this. So he was very curious to ask me why the angels are so polite to us. I finally waited for me to tell him. The European Light God Palace is now actually being manipulated by our guild, Masaka Matsumoto immediately spartan. Originally, he thought it was an exaggeration for us to manipulate Japan through him, so that when Masaka Matsumoto saw other Japanese players, I knew a big secret, but he just didn't tell you the arrogant heart. However, now when he knew that we were still operating a large puppet organization like the Light God Palace in Europe, he finally realized that he was just a tip of the iceberg of the Frost Rose League.

Because the two Goddess splintered by Light God Palace have to rely on my support to continue to exist, so they are easier to talk than Ditans. I heard that they want to brush BUFF and immediately give us a careful analysis. What BUFF is more practical and has a long validity period, which may be helpful to us.

In fact, there are a lot of buffs for speaking of which Divine Race. The reason why Ditans only gave us a buff before is mainly because he is not good at doing this. After all, Titans is the Lord of Darkness. You let him curse others and he is absolutely professional, but if you ask him to bless someone, it will kill him. In the end, Titans recalled all the buffs he would meet before finding such a buff that worked well and could last for several days. After all, it is estimated that our task is unlikely to be completed in one day, so the BUFF that has an action time of less than 24 hours does not need to be brushed directly.

Compared to Titans, the main dark god, the BUFF of Goddess of Light is much more. However, after considering the limitation of the action time, there are only a few that can be used in the end.

Marilyn and Filindir, the Goddess, are competing for my favor, so they are there to compare with each other. After all, Marilyn has been working on Goddess for a long time, and she understands more naturally, so when she came up, she helped us brush a dozen buff buffs, almost adding all our defenses, attacks, life and so on. In the end, It also comes with a light tribute BUFF for free, which is said to be a preset delay magic. As long as our life value drops below one-tenth of the total, this magic will be triggered, and then expand the large spell Praise the light, instantly recover 80% of the blood and 60% of the magic. But because the spell is too powerful, Marilyn couldn’t apply this spell to all of us. In the end, after discussion, only the top nine players in battle strength were added to the rose, so that the effect of this magic can be maximized. . Ranking in the top nine means that our attributes are high, and the recovery of blood and demons can play a greater role. As for Rose, although she is not high in battle strength, she is a resurrected mage, and this status determines that she is the focus of attention. After all, the ability to resurrect in situ full state with a rate of more than 60% is really abnormal. With this attribute, no one will let Rose die first, because having her in us is equal to 60% more survival rate. .

Compared with Marilyn, Felindier is a little bit weaker in strength, so she didn’t have her turn to brush BUFF for us. After all, many of their BUFFs are the same, and the same BUFF is of course the one that works well, so Felindir suffers a lot in this regard. But this girl is not to be trifled with. The last time she saw that she didn't have a chance to brush BUFF, she just came to the trick, stabbed herself directly, and then gave each of us a red dot on the forehead.

Looking at our surprised expressions, Filindil said weakly: "This is the guardian of Divine Soul. I have left a trace of Divine Soul on each of you’s foreheads. Enter a little magic power to detonate this Divine Soul. The moment the Divine Soul explodes, it will give you all a guardian of light, allowing you to enter a ten-second invincible state."

"Not bad, this attribute is awesome. "Hong Yue and they were very happy after hearing about this attribute. After all, at the level of us people, the ten-second invincible state can burst out quite terrifying strength. What's more, Filindil means that every drop of blood can have a ten-second total invincibility effect, which means that twenty-four of us can completely make two hundred and forty seconds invincible. That is four minutes! How much is enough?

Complimenting Filindir, who was bleeding heavily, we moved collectively again, leaving the Light God Palace and heading directly to Egypt. Originally, I wanted to go to the Olympus Divine Race to find Poseidon, the god of the sea, who has already taken refuge in us. However, considering that we are too many people and the goal is too big, it is not suitable to appear in the inscription area during this kind of inscription period. So I can only give up.

Olympus Divine Race is not available, there is also Egypt's Divine Race can be used, and my target has been selected, is the scarab Kohopra. Although I have a better relationship with Anubis, it seems that Anubis’s BUFF may be the same as Hades’s BUFF, and the favors owed to outsiders are not as good as my own people, so I did not go to Anu at all. Bis, directly found Kohopra.

Like Titans, Kohopura heard that just brushing BUFF is also very refreshing, and this BUFF is really super simple and practical. Kohepra's BUFF has no fancy features. There is only one ability-plus defense, and instead of adding one or two points, you mul

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