When I was discussing the mission with Hong Yue, the spaceship had already entered the area around Misty Island, and the surrounding sea began to change from tranquility to turbulent. Hong Yue and I felt that the humidity of the surrounding air started to rise and realized that we should have reached the place, so we left the bow of the ship. When we returned to the bridge, the captain was instructing the spaceship to slow down and lower its altitude, but now there is nothing to see except fog.

Just now when we walked back, the surrounding fog was barely noticeable, but when we walked back to the bridge, the fog outside had already reached five meters away. There is no one to see people, and this is not the limit state of dense fog. As we gradually approach the Misty Island, the surrounding fog is still further increasing, and will eventually increase to the point where we really can't see our fingers.

As the nest of the ghost fleet, the mist of Misty Island has almost no effect on undead creatures, and the most indispensable thing in this guild is the undead, so our guild battleship has specially equipped undead navigation Staff, for the convenience of getting in and out of Misty Island.

Although our spaceship is not prepared for undead, the captain himself remembers the route map, and our ship is in the sky instead of in the water, so there is no need to worry about collisions. Moreover, the Misty Island is not entirely covered by fog. In fact, the distribution of Misty Island varies from light to dense to light. The heavy fog gradually appeared from 30 nautical miles away from the island, but it was only a layer of mist at first, but as the distance from the island gets closer, the mist will gradually increase until it is 13 nautical miles away from the island. The mist will become the kind of super thick fog that can't be seen, and even a typhoon can't disperse the mist. However, this strong fog is only in the area from 13 nautical miles to the shore of the island. Once the coastline is passed, the fog on the island will quickly decrease and become a kind of neither too big nor too small. Fog, although the fog on the island will still affect the line of sight, at least it can ensure that you have a visible range of more than ten meters, which has little effect on the normal actions of most people.

Because we know that the internal fog of Misty Island is thinner, we plan to drive directly into the island. Anyway, the spaceship does not need to fall in the water, so we just listen to the land directly. I just remember that there is a large open-air material storage yard in Misty Island, which was built during the period when we were most active in Japan. But now that Japan has Masaka Matsumoto's agent, we don't need to ship supplies to Japan every day, so this site is definitely empty now, just right for us to land.

Although the captain has ordered a slowdown, the air resistance cannot be compared with the friction on the ground after all. After turning off all the engines several times, our speed is still quite fast, until we are close to two kilometers of the island. The speed of spaceship is still more than one hundred kilometers. At this speed, we flew over the last two kilometers into the top of the island in just over a minute. Considering the area of ​​Misty Island is not large, in order to be afraid of accidentally flying over the head, the captain had to order to activate the active deceleration device, which completely reduced our speed.

Because the fog inside the island is not very thick, we quickly found the open-air storage area, and then landed the spaceship down. The Chief-In-Charge on the island is called Necromancer. After all, there are too many undead in this area. Only Necromancer is the most suitable place. More importantly, the Ghost Fleet is a fleet of all undead, as their nest, if you use it If a non-dead unit serves as a manager, even if the guild suppresses the conflict without breaking out, the work efficiency will inevitably drop drastically, so a Necromancer is very necessary here.

Because we were notified in advance, the other party did not express too much surprise at our arrival. As for the size of the spaceship, this really surprised the other party, but Misty Island has a little bit Okay, that's foggy. Because of the obscuration of the fog, the Chief-In-Charge last saw a section of the hull. The bow, stern, and top of the ship were all in the fog. He simply couldn't see the full picture of the spaceship. Even if he could guess how big the spaceship was based on the part he saw before him, it was an imagination after all, and the feeling was definitely different from seeing it with his own eyes. Because of this, although he was also taken aback by the huge size of the spaceship, he was not as exaggerated as when others saw the spaceship for the first time.

After briefly explaining the supply problem to the other party, Hong Yue and I left the task to the captain. Anyway, the rest of the work is general tasks, and there is no need for us to be Vice-President. Fight together on the boat.

I estimated that Aphrodite on the Olympus Divine Race will take some time to complete the contact work. It’s useless to pass so early, so I agreed to Hong Yue’s plan. First take the time to complete the tasks of the ruling guild.

As a material transfer station, Misty Island also has a Transmission Formation system, which is quite complete. After returning to Isengard using the Transmission Formation of Misty Island, Hong Yue and I called the main members of the guild and ran to the military god to discuss who should be called to participate in the ruling guild mission.

"Judging from the information on the task scroll and the conventions of the game, battle is still the main theme of the game, so battle strength can be used as the first option." Military god gave an analysis suggestion, Although he is just a computer and is not good at creative thinking, summing up experience is his specialty.

Sumi also agreed: "This proposal is good, I suggest to follow this."

Da Guofan asked on the side: "Don't you need to choose a few intellectual personnel to assist? The task of twelve to twenty-four people is already considered to be a task for a lot of people, and there will definitely be a lot of trouble and need to use their brains."

Hong Yue smiled and said: "A big pot of rice can think of thinking about it. It’s really rare."

Da Guofan mumbled dissatisfied: "I'm just more reckless, and I'm not stupid. Don't always use my intelligence to make things okay?"

Sumi He said next to him: "Big pot rice, big brother, are you really stupid sometimes. If you don't want to be told by others, you can just pay attention to the stupid thing next time. As for this mission...intellectually, you must take part in it." Among the four, apart from the fact that the eagle uncle is relatively honest, everyone else can be used as a think tank, especially Rose sister, and I are almost on par, so there is absolutely no problem with the think tank. As for the candidate, I just look at it. According to the ranking of battle strength, all the top 24 will be drawn in. Anyway, the system said that it is a random draw. No matter how we arrange to be drawn by the system, it will be messy. It is better to leave it alone and go directly to the top 24. Battle strength, the rest is left to the system."

"In this way, it seems that there is only one issue that needs to be discussed." Hong Yue said.

Rose also nodded and said: "Then let's analyze how many people are there?"

Su Mei said: "The number of personnel given by the system must be selected for a reason. According to our guild’s internal statistics, the number of participants will directly affect the difficulty of the game. The more people there are, the more difficult it is."

Da Guofan couldn’t help saying: "I also know that the more people, the more difficult it is. But if we assign the minimum number of people, the difficulty must be the lowest?"

Military God said: "Somi just said it is not clear, in fact, the difficulty calculation is like this. Let's assume the basic difficulty of a task. It is one hundred, and the minimum number of personnel required is ten, and the maximum is twenty. We send ten people to participate, and the difficulty of the game is one hundred. According to the system convention, the number of people will increase at a slower rate than the increase in difficulty, and the ratio we have calculated is about It’s 1.1, which means that every time we add one more person, the difficulty will increase by eleven, which means that when 20 people participate, the difficulty of the game will be more than twice that of ten people. On the surface, it seems that the fewer the number of people, the more difficult it is. Cost-effective, but in reality, most guilds’ collective tasks are not carried out in accordance with the minimum number of people. Although the difficulty rises faster after the number of people increases, the increase in the final reward exceeds the speed of the difficulty rise, that is, the more the number of people, the more difficult it is. The higher the value, the more generous the reward, and because this reward is linked to the number of people, not to the difficulty, so under the theme of the game where risk equals reward, we increase the number of people to actively seek difficult tasks, which actually accounts for it. The cheapness of the system resulted in a task whose reward value exceeded the degree of risk."

Rose continued: "In fact, it doesn’t stop there. According to our guild’s data analysis model, the conclusion is that the system seems to be It is defined by dividing the total battle strength of all players on the server by the number of players and then multiplying by a special variable. That is to say, when the system calculates the increase in the number of people, it is calculated according to the variable product of the average strength, rather than the actual increase in the battle strength. Yes. Then, there is a loophole in this."

"Yes." Su Mei took the topic: "The loophole is that the average battle strength of our guild is much higher than the server average. Then, If we enter a multiplayer battle, is it possible that the total increase in strength will exceed the increase in difficulty?"

"We can’t answer this question." The military god replaced Su Mi and said: "Because of our The statistical results show that the numerical variable is not a definite value, but a change value obtained according to a more complicated calculation formula."

Rose took the topic again: "But, although that variable we Unsure, but one thing we can be sure of is that system impossible deprives ordinary players of the prob of doing tasks. ability. The system must hold a bowl of water level without letting ordinary players have no way to survive. Therefore, this variable cannot be too large. The result of our calculation is that the probability of this variable being less than two exceeds 98%. In other words, as long as the battle strength that we increase due to the increase in the number of people exceeds the average battle strength of ordinary players by more than twice, then we are doing the task, and it will only happen that the more people, the simpler the task. "

"So what else is being discussed?" "Da Guofan directly stood up and shouted: "Just the maximum number of twenty-four people. "

Hong Yue looked towards Da Guofan with a smile and asked: "Do you know why the fastest reaction creature in the world is Insect?" "

Da Guofan didn’t know why Hong Yue asked him this suddenly, but the others in the audience all laughed and stood up and started to leave. Only Da Guofan was there alone and didn’t know everyone was there. What to laugh. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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