"In fact, it’s not wrong if you say it is a little sun." Jiaha with his big head also rumbling over at this time, which made me watch him all the time. The size and the door I just entered, and then maliciously guessed that he entered when the room was not built, right? Now that the walls and doors are installed, I will see how you get out in a while.

"Is this thing really a little sun?" This is not what I asked, but Hong Yue, she is also watching this red Fireball now.

Jiaha explained: "The sun we see is a huge energy ball, and this is also an energy ball. They are also spheres composed of light and heat. That’s all wrong. It’s just that the sun is not as stable as that in the sky. It must be restrained by external forces, and once the restraining force disappears, this thing will blow up the entire ship without leaving any ash."

"I rely on, you put such a dangerous thing on the boat, what if it is broken by the enemy and exploded?" King Chuang asked loudly.

Jiaha immediately said: "First of all, we must explain that the energy that restrains this thing actually comes from its own, so as long as the reaction does not stop, the restraint field will not stop, so the restraint system failure is eliminated. The explosion caused. In addition, because the energy of this thing is too strong, it forms an energy swallowing effect."

"What is energy swallowing?" Da Guofan asked.

Jiaha thought for a while and said: "Professional content is more troublesome to explain, just make an analogy. If there is a big waterfall in front of you that is falling, then you hold a small water gun at it. The waterfall shoots, what will happen to the water you launch?"

"I think I understand." Hong Yue nodded and said, and then everyone else was nodded, only the big pot of rice looked left and right in surprise, In the end, the helpless discovery was really only he didn't understand. Fortunately, Jiaha explained it to him.

“In fact, it’s very simple. The formidable power of the water emitted by your water gun is too small for the waterfall, so it can only be carried by the falling waterfall and move in the direction of the waterfall, instead of following it. The rules of the water gun continue to move forward. The same is true. The binding force field outside this little sun is actually a high-speed rotating energy flow. If external energy enters, it must first break through this energy flow, but this energy flow is actually equal to The energy of the little sun itself, so if you want to break through, it must have at least 50% of the energy of the little sun. We have calculated that even if it is the Divine Race Lord God itself without connecting to the divine force core The energy is just a little bit more than the energy of the little sun, and the opponent is absolutely impossible to concentrate half of his energy in one move, so the opponent will definitely not be able to penetrate this protective layer."

"In other words, this thing is actually almost invincible, right?" Da Guofan asked.

Jiaha replied: "It is not absolutely invincible, but relatively invincible. As long as the opponent can output more than half the energy of the little sun at a time, it can still penetrate it, but as long as it is lower than this energy level, then your The attack is equivalent to replenishing energy for our spaceship."

"Damn, so shameless? Then why don't you make this binding field bigger and just wrap the entire ship in, so that the enemy When attacking us, it is equivalent to replenishing us with energy. How cool is that?” The big pot of rice was proud of what a flying battleship would look like when it got stronger and stronger. In the end, even the saliva flowed down.

Hong Yue slapped him from behind, and then said: "Don’t dream in broad daylight. If you put this energy defense field outside the battleship, it means that we and this little sun are We are locked together. When the time comes, the people outside really can’t hurt us, but we will kill ourselves first!"

"Eh...forget there is this thing. !"

"Wait." I suddenly said to Norin next to me: "I was asking what the suspension power of this spaceship is provided by, not about energy equipment."

Norin pointed to the light fairway in front: "It is the source of buoyancy, but the source of buoyancy used in sailing. Now spaceship uses our previous gravity resistance device, and this device will be retained in the future. The power for fixed-point levitation and ascent and descent. After all, from the economic point of view and stability, the original gravity resistance device is incomparable. However, when the spaceship enters the mobile state, it will automatically switch to this power. This little too ** Equipped with a special magic power. The attribute is similar to the hybrid magic of Wind Element and light system. When it runs at full capacity, the spaceship will be dragged up by this power. No additional auxiliary power is required at all, and this buoyancy is not It acts on a certain position, and then uses the supporting structure to carry the spaceship, but it acts evenly on all the main parts of the entire ship. That is to say, this kind of force is very dispersed and will not cause any damage to the hull structure. Destruction. We didn’t understand how this principle works until we got the technology of the Iron Empire. That’s why we created such a large spaceship."

Jia Ha also said: "Yes. The general battleship undulates in the sea, and sometimes the buoyancy obtained throughout the hull is uneven. Therefore, if the strength of the battleship is not enough and the hull is built too long, it will be easy to break. And the larger the ship, this kind of The greater the torque, so in general, as long as it can meet the requirements for weapons and protection, the battleship itself is actually as small as possible. However, because of the particularity of this buoyancy system, our spaceship does not need to fight against this at all Bumpy torsion, what we need to fight against is only the impact in battle and the torsion caused by wind, and this force is actually too gentle compared to the irregular buoyancy of the waves. Let alone we built a ship more than a thousand meters long , Even if it is 3,000 meters long, relying on the strength of the existing materials will definitely withstand it."

"I said, how come you play so big as soon as you come up!" I exclaimed: "I heard it before. Saying that you have brought out spaceship, I thought you would To build a small spaceship that is more than a hundred meters long, test the theory first. Didn't expect you to give me such a big one directly! It's ten times longer than I thought! "

Norraine whispered: "In fact, we are not without verification. "

"Huh? Isn't this the first one? "

Norraine looked weird and hesitated there for a while before she took out a spaceship about two feet long from a toolbox next to it, which looked like a large model ship. Also. Not to mention, this ship model is exactly the same as our SS-1, and the details on the face are made, which is really lifelike. However, when I admired this ship model, Noreen was I suddenly threw the model ship toward me. Then I thought that the model ship was going to break, but it actually floated towards me slowly and slowly like it was in space. So huh, in an instant I just I understand.

"Damn, why did you make such a small prototype? "

Norraine looked at me replied with an innocent look: "Isn't the verification machine just to save costs and verify the technical feasibility?" Isn't this little thing cheap? Also said that it did not prove that the buoyancy system is working properly? "

I was choked by Noreen at once. Don't tell me, the small model really has all the conditions that the verification machine needs to meet, so...that thing is really a Qualified verification machine! I'm just curious how they reduced the little sun in front of us to fit into a small model of this size. Isn't this miniature too powerful? (To be continued. If you like For this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation.)

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