"Ryan?" I was taken aback when I saw someone coming, because Ryan is a good friend of Jiaha, and he himself said what he researched In terms of direction, Jiaha and their research follow completely two lines. That is to say, although the research direction is different, their research is actually based on the theory of magical machinery and the theory of soul. But what's the matter in front of this? This thing simply doesn't touch the soul, okay!

Ryan walked in front of me with his short legs when I looked at him in surprise, and then he stood in the middle of the room and stretched out his hands to hug the blue sky slowly. He turned around and said: "Look! What a great device, what a perfect design, how powerful a function. Listen, I can even feel its soul beating."

"Soul? Wait, this thing has a soul?"

"Otherwise, what do you think I am studying?" Ryan said triumphantly, but his triumph was quickly almost lost by my roar It's gone.

"Soul? You created an artificial soul?"

"What's the matter?" Ryan asked timidly by the way I looked.

I screamed: "What's the matter? Are you embarrassed to ask what's the matter? Artificial soul? You actually created an artificial soul? With two rooms as large as the space, there are countless resources. Materials, and the elite research team of our guild, you created a man-made soul for me?” I angrily threw a mobile angel beside me, and then opened the chest hatch of the mobile angel and used the chairman's authority. The mobile angel was ordered to open his core control center, and a disc-shaped metal object just barely grasped with one hand appeared in front of us. I pulled Ryan to the front of the thing, and pointed at the thing and said, "This is the artificial soul. The artificial soul that our guild completed a few months ago is so big in size, there are no extra parts inside, and it’s too simple. No matter how simple the artificial soul is, the energy it consumes is enough to sustain a red magic crystal with a big fist. But tell me what you built? The two houses are big and can hold small parties inside. The energy consumption needs more than that. Only a large dedicated energy converter can support this thing. What do I want it for? Is it put in a museum as a souvenir of the development history of artificial souls?"

After I yelled at Ryan, I finally understood why I He was going crazy, but he was not in a hurry, but pulled my hand away and said: "You may not realize that this thing is not a pure artificial soul, it is an epoch-making, special soul."

< p>"Special soul? What a special method?"

Ryan didn't go back to my question directly, but asked me instead. "Do you know the Legion Mage?"

I nodded and said: "No one is next."

Ryan immediately said: "Then you know why the Legion Mage can only be Special personnel, and must there be a guiding mage to release Legion magic?"

I nodded and said again: "Because the formidable power of Legion magic is too large, the energy generated when it is released is too strong. Normal people’s The soul cannot withstand this powerful energy impact, so a number of Legion wizards who cooperate with each other must jointly cast spells in order to disperse the spell damage. In addition, because the formidable power of Legion magic is too large, it is very difficult to control, so it must be There is a Legion mage with strong magic control as the guide mage, otherwise it is likely to cause spell failure or accidental injury."

Ryan immediately smiled after hearing what I said: "So ah, this one of mine Artificial souls are used for this."

"What?" At that moment, I felt like my jaw was dislocated. "Your artificial soul can release magic?"

Before our guild was indeed a lot higher than artificial souls. The initial intelligence was relatively low, let alone say, but the later model management is getting higher and higher. . Like the three generations of mobile angels, that is, the kind of purely opposing reloaded mobile angels, their artificial souls already have basic intelligence. Although sometimes they seem silly and can only understand more direct commands, we have no plans. Turn the mobile angel into a commander, so this kind of mobile angel can actually be regarded as a completely practical mobile angel. Of course, the later mobile angel TX type and the fourth generation of sea, land and air all-terrain mobile angels are basically equipped with a new generation of artificial souls, and the mobile angels at this time are not only as simple as listening to commands. You can even just tell him the ultimate goal to achieve. In the middle, he can plan by himself. This change from passive execution to active action can be said to have completed a major breakthrough, enabling the mobile angel to truly have the ability to fight independently, because The mobile angels in the past could only do things according to orders. Once there is no one to direct them and they have just completed the previous order, they will only have the basic rules left, which is to attack the targets of hostile or hostile forces and save themselves, apart From this they are basically puppets. But the new generation of artificial souls does not have so many problems. The new generation of artificial souls with subjective initiative can decide for themselves whether to return to the headquarters to receive new tasks or to support nearby companions after the main tasks are completed. Even some artificial souls that have been used for a long time have learned to choose. Sometimes they even will According to the direct order obtained before temporarily suspending the importance of the task to complete the task that did not belong to him, this behavior can be regarded as a rather exaggerated ability in the field of artificial intelligence. Of course, the most advanced thing we have at present is the new generation of artificial souls equipped on the ghosts and the Queen of Blades. At this time, they have been completely anthropomorphized into self-personal souls. It can be said that they have nothing to do with ordinary people's souls except that they are not formed naturally. Difference.

However, no matter what kind of artificial souls mentioned above, they all have one common characteristic, that is, they cannot use magic.

Magic is an ability based on the soul. Although mechanical bodies can also use magic, they must use magic cores or magic crystals as energy converters. Humans can cast spells without magic crystals because humans have soul. In this sense, Ryan’s artificial soul is really an epoch-making artificial soul, at least he has removed the last barrier between the artificial soul and the natural soul.

However, even if this artificial soul can use magic, it is a waste, because we are not purely engaged in academic research. Just like the research institutes under the big consortium, we care about applied science, not theoretical science. What do you find about the theory of relativity and quantum theory is to listen to the news here, but if you come up with nuclear weapons or quantum computers, then we will be very interested, because the former is only a theory, maybe it can be used to discover this. Theoretical scientists bring a lot of benefits, but they don’t get anything for those of us who are funders. In turn, physical objects like nuclear weapons and quantum computers will drive us crazy, because these things are visible and tangible, and most importantly One thing is-it can produce economic benefits.

Our Frost Rose League is such an organization similar to the large consortium, and the Floating Island Research Base is the scientific research unit we spend money to raise. We don't provide them with funds, talents and materials for purely theoretical research. What we need are practical results.

The artificial soul created by Ryan is theoretically a huge improvement over our previous artificial souls. This can be considered a theoretical leap. However, in terms of actual production, a kind of performance that has hardly changed, but the volume and cost have increased by N times, has no commercial value at all. Although this thing can also use magic, but what about it? If it is a little smaller, even if it is a little bit bigger than the artificial soul we are using, we can still find a way to install it on the mobile angel to make it effective. However, this thing is not as simple as one or two times its size! Besides the aircraft carrier, what else can his grandfather hold? Such a big thing in our guild may only be able to run around with it, I am afraid that the only mobile fortresses of Isengard and those insect race mobile fortresses. But the problem is that the insect race mobile fortress is a strategic unit, and its tasks are usually heavy. As for the Isengard mobile fortress, it is an undisputed heavy unit. In addition to annihilating the city, it does not need it to appear.

After trying to understand the attributes of this artificial soul, my previous excitement immediately disappeared.

"Ryan! I told you my heart, this thing...really useless."

"Huh?" Listening to the first half of Ryan's return Very excited, didn't expect that I finally had a 180-degree U-turn, which stunned Ryan. "You said this thing is useless?"

I nodded and said: "The artificial soul that can use magic is indeed a huge advancement in technology, but do you think our guild will lack magical dolls? You have seen mobile angels. If you add magic power to them, they will indeed become more powerful. I admit that, but compared with the increased formidable power, the sharp increase in volume and the subsequent decrease How do you deal with the output?"

"no no no, you still have a misunderstanding, the president." Ryan hurriedly shook his hand and explained: "My artificial soul is not for magic puppets. Maybe in the future, but not now. Moreover, you seem to have overlooked the key point I said. This kind of artificial soul stone can carry the load of the release of Legion magic, and does not require the assistance of the Legion division team. It can release Legion magic independently. "

The Legion magic can actually be understood as the forbidden spell in other games, and it can also be seen as an enhanced version of the super formidable power of ordinary magic. Before Ryan said that this artificial soul can use magic, I didn’t care too much, but now he actually said that this thing can load the release of Legion magic, and does not need to support personnel, which means that an artificial soul of this kind can be equivalent to yes A Legion mage array, this formidable power is incredible. You know that Legion magic is a magic that even Divine Race can't harden it, and that formidable power is absolutely devastating.

"This thing can release Legion magic independently? Why didn't you say it earlier?"

Ryan said aggrieved: "I said that you ignored me. What's the matter?"

"Sorry, I heard that there was a big surprise before. Didn't expect to see such a thing at the end, so the gap of thought is too big and the mood is bad. You don't want to go I’m thinking about it."

"Forget it, I’m not a person who likes to care about. As long as you look back and give me more money for activities, I promise not to care about it."

< p>It's cool to have financial power in your hand. If it weren't for funding, I guess I misunderstood Ryan just now. It's strange that he didn't fight me desperately. As a result, he let me go so easily now.

After being forgiven, I asked again: "Well, you said that this thing can bear the release of Legion magic, what about its energy supply?"

"That's why it is needed An energy supply station bigger than him. If you don’t need to release the Legion magic, then only a better quality colorful magic crystal can drive it, and there is no need for such a large energy converter."

"In this way, the energy consumption of your device is still within the acceptable range, but is there a way to reduce the volume? Such a large thing cannot be carried on a mobile platform. No matter how strong it is, it is a waste!"

"Of course the volume can be reduced. Didn't you see that the place where we stand is so empty? The one you saw is a technical verification machine. I just tested whether the goal can be achieved, and for the convenience of adding or removing components at any time. The structure, so many parts are deliberately made very large, so it is more convenient to repair, and there is enough space for me to add things."

"If it is done in full accordance with our guild’s technical standards, How big can it be reduced?"

"It should be about the same size as a medium-sized Transmission Formation."

"Medium-sized Transmission Formation? What do you mean by a 2.5-meter-diameter Transmission Formation? "

"Yes, it is that big, but the length may be close to twenty meters."


"Would you like If you like it, it’s not impossible to make it into a square or spherical shape, but the cylindrical design is the simplest and the smallest volume is relatively speaking."

"Then it is still cylindrical, at least it is easier to install. Two diameters It’s five meters and the length is close to 20 meters, isn’t it?"

"The diameter is not two meters and five meters, but three meters. What I said is slightly larger than the medium-sized Transmission Formation. At 20 meters, I estimate that the length can be controlled at about 17 meters, and the error is less than one meter."

"It doesn't matter, anyway, the mobile angel must not be able to carry such a large device. But since this thing can release Legion magic, then I think it can be considered to be loaded on ground mobile units or on ships. I heard that this time our guild’s own spaceship has also been developed. If the lift is enough, I think spaceship is used for carrying The platform is also a good idea."

"It is indeed a good idea to use spaceship to carry it." I just mentioned it casually, but didn't expect Ryan directly agreed. , And it seems to be really serious, can it be said... "You don’t see spaceship already, do you?"

I was originally Asking casually, didn't expect Ryan actually nodded and said: "The thing is so dynamic when it flies, I want to not see it, but I have to do it! "

"What? Have they tried sailing? "I originally heard that they had mastered the flight technology of the Iron Empire, thinking that they had only thoroughly studied the technology and would not start building the first spaceship until I came back, but now it seems that the progress is much faster than I thought. God, it’s only a few hours since I brought the people from the Iron Empire back? They even came out the spaceship prototype. Isn’t that too fast?

Anyway, the spaceship came out. Sure, but I can’t go for the time being. At least I have to figure out Ryan’s artificial soul before speaking. I heard that they have Divine Race killers before they came back, and what I saw was a personal worker. Soul, this ad is made. The false content isn't this too ridiculous?

"By the way, Ryan, I heard them say that your thing is a Divine Race killer, why didn't I see it? Although the magic formidable power of this thing is great, it is only a Legion mage-level existence. As long as the opponent does not meet force with you, it will be a problem whether the Divine Race can be solved, let alone the Divine Race killer. Is this cowhide overblown? "

"Of course not, my artificial soul does have such a function. "

"What? Can this thing really kill Divine Race? "

"No, my artificial soul cannot kill the Death God clan, at least not on its own. "

"That means that someone can cooperate? "I leaned forward excitedly and asked: "Quickly tell me who needs to cooperate?" How strong is it? Do you need any special conditions? "

Ryan said: "The artificial soul itself cannot attack others except magic, but because it is an artificial soul, the soul fluctuation can be adjusted. "

I anxiously interrupted Ryan's introduced: "Just tell me how it kills the Death God clan. "

" Again, it is not an artificial soul to kill the Death God clan, it is to assist you in killing the Death God clan. "Ryan discovered that I was staring at him positively after emphasizing, so he immediately continued: "But when it comes to the principle, it is the same as I said, by changing the artificial soul's fluctuation frequency to illegally synchronize the divine force core of the other party. After that, we can cover the connection between the Divine Race and its divine force core within a certain range, so that it produces the illusion that the divine force core of the race has been controlled or destroyed by the enemy. Of course, other information is also possible. You can basically The customization of do as one pleases requires information that the other party feels. Of course, this kind of information is just a feeling. After all, the core of divine force itself cannot transmit specific languages, so it can only be a feeling. "

"Transmission feeling can also be regarded as a Divine Race killer? This thing is just an extension that can be stolen from the phone, okay? "

"Don’t believe me, I have tried Divine Race, the chaos and order of our guild before, as long as this artificial soul has energy on the street, and then intermittently activates the interference mode, which can make the other party ’S actions are disrupted. "

"Disorder? How is the literary chaos? "

"There are two ways of disorder, one is to disturb the opponent's mind, such as transmit the news to make the opponent hold the Divine Race's divine force core is under attack, so that the opponent will be very anxious. , And you will make mistakes in a hurry, do you think this is a very good auxiliary attack method? "

I nodded and said: "Indeed, if the enemy is very anxious, it must be unwilling to fight, so our chances of winning are indeed much greater, but this is not a Divine Race killer. "

"It doesn't matter, we still have a second interference method. "

"What method?" "

"This is a new method we discovered when we experimented with the first method. I call it reflex impulse. "

"Reflex impulse? "

"Yes, it is a signal that causes the body to move consciously. Because each Divine Race is connected to the divine force core of the Divine Race through invisible soul connections to obtain energy supply from it, these connections can be used and cannot be closed. We only need to find a connection signal to cover all the Divine Race connected to the divine force core in an area, and then we can fake nerve impulses to interfere with the other's body movement. It is not just a hindrance, but sometimes helps them, so even if they are prepared, it is difficult for ordinary people to guarantee that they will not be recruited. Even if Yin can't reach him, at least it can make the opponent's actions become very slow and mechanical. I believe you won't find such an opponent how difficult to deal with. "

After listening to Ryan’s words, I understand what he meant. This artificial soul is almost a hacker software when he heard him say it, but the hacker is hacking the computer, he specializes in the soul of black people, but The nature is the same. Once the opponent’s mental defense wall is breached, he can then be manipulated to a certain extent. Although it will not be as simple as controlling one’s own machine, two signals suddenly appear in the opponent’s head. These signals are mutually exclusive. Interference, the action of the other party will become as if two children are rushing to operate the remote-controlled robot, then you can imagine the result.

"Why don't you say that there are requirements for personnel, according to what If you said, to kill the Death God Clan, at least there must be someone who can hold a few tricks in front of Divine Race. "

"Yes, that's what I meant. Therefore, people with a certain level of strength must cooperate with my artificial soul to be effective against Divine Race. "

I said excitedly: "haha, I dare not say anything else. If only a half move can be matched with Divine Race, our guild will meet the standard at least 80%. Of course I am talking about combat players. Besides, I have no plans to let players go, don’t we still use mobile angels for Divine Race? Refit it with an artificial soul generator. Isn't that slaughter all sides? "

I was trying to kill which Divine Race and the good time of which Divine Race after that obsession. Suddenly, I heard Ryan whispered to remind me: "President, one machine can only deal with one Divine. Race. "

"Huh? What did you say? Didn’t you just say that one signal can cover an area? "

"Coverage refers to signal coverage, not control coverage. "Ryan still wanted to explain, but I directly reached out and stopped it.

"Yes, one-on-one also works. Anyway, those small soldier-level Divine Races are not strong in front of the battle strength of our guild. How much, as long as we can give us the chaos and order Divine Race of the guild, everyone should follow one behind him. As long as the god of chaos and order Divine Race can kill the high level god of Olympus Divine Race, the remaining soldiers It's not a problem. "

"If you only equip one for each god of the Divine Race of Chaos and Order, plus a few powerful people in our guild, you only need to make five. Ten sets are more than enough. If an airship is used as a loading platform, considering the size of the energy facility, a spaceship can carry up to six. In this case, eight or nine ships are enough. "

"It seems that the effect of your things on this side depends on the spaceship side. Then you can make some miniaturized samples for me to see. It is better to make more small ones Small, as long as it does not affect performance, it can be mass-produced, and it doesn’t matter how small you build. "

"Don't worry, I can definitely narrow this thing down to what you want to mention. Well, you go to see those spaceships first, and I will be able to figure it out when you come back. "

Originally, this kind of complex equipment has a full set of blueprint design and no dedicated production line. Don’t count on the finished product if you are exhausted for a few hours, but we will have fast casting equipment, not only can you use telepathy directly Input part size data, and can quickly synthesize materials and finalize the shape. It can be said that there is no such great equipment in reality, so this reduction plan is far less complicated than it looks.

He Ryan said When I finished, I was ready to pull on at first. The bank’s other management, who was on the side, left together. When we finished talking, we found that the people were all gone. Although these guys didn’t wait for me to leave first, it’s abhorrent, but this will I care more about what our spaceship looks like, so I didn’t care about it, so I went directly to the spaceship test site.

Originally, I expected to contact the military god to ask for the next direction, but before Tingrui En said that the thing is not visible, which means that the spaceship must be in a quite conspicuous position, but the conspicuous position on the horizon will also be blocked by something. The only place that can be seen everywhere is only one. .

"Damn, I didn't even see it before. "Just after thinking about the problem, I suddenly raised my head. As a result, I saw a huge object hovering above my head more than a hundred meters high. But despite the distance, the thing still looks big. It’s incredible. It feels like it’s simply not a normal battleship or something. It looks like two aircraft carriers are welded side by side. The size is almost as large as that of a small floating island.

From below, we can see that the bottom of this spaceship of our guild uses a single longitudinal layout, which is the structural design of a general ship, but its bottom is not the bottom structure of an imagined sea-going ship, but it is very similar. An upside-down battleship control tower, on which densely packed metal pipes and wire supports are everywhere, and there are many places without shells, and you can directly see many people squatting on the edge of the iron shelf and welding parts of the crackle. Obviously, this thing is in the same research and manufacturing stage as the artificial soul hosted by Ryan, so that the whole ship looks like a flying ghost ship, because there are no shells in many places, and it looks tattered. Of course. , It’s not that the boat is really broken, it’s just that many places have not been installed and the hull is not painted.

"How? I said it’s okay if you don’t want to see it, right? "I was looking up at the spaceship in a daze, and suddenly I heard Ryan said such a sentence when he stood by my side.

"What are you doing?" Jealous? "I turned my head and glanced at Ryan and asked. As I said before, our bank will only focus on technical success, so effective large-scale projects can often win more development funds. Such as the use of steel empire technology development. The spaceship of this ship is definitely a collection of funds from many departments and forcibly saved, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to build so fast.

Ryan didn’t say anything to my rhetorical question, just took a look at me and said. : "After my artificial soul is completed, you will still give me funding. What am I afraid of? "

"Then you are not going to work hard for your funding, I will go up and see the situation over there, bye. "After bidding farewell to Ryan, I flew up with a single wing, but what surprised me was that a circle of almost transparent light suddenly lit up on the side of the spaceship above, and in the end I even flew completely. I hit the protective cover all at once. If it weren't because the distance was too close and the speed hadn't been lifted, I would have to knock my nose crooked. "Damn, how come there is a protective cover? "

"Such a large spaceship is too easy to be hit even if it is active, so we directly used the city-level protective shield that we made from Russia last time. How about it? The effect is good, right? "Norraine's voice appeared directly in my ears, but I didn't see anyone at all.

"Norraine where are you? Why can't I see you? "

"I was on the boat and I just used the sonic cannon on the boat as a loudspeaker. How about it? Isn't this kind of cannon fun? "

"It's fun, you have to let me go up before you can play!" "

"You idiot, you are the president, just use authority to open the channel. Although not finished, what can be installed is the city shield of our guild after all! "

Dizzy, I forgot about this. I tapped my head and opened the chairman's authority directly. The front protective cover immediately opened a gap just enough for me to pass, and after I flew in, the gap was opened. It closed again immediately.

I got on the boat soon after passing through the protective cover, but when I flew closer, I realized that this thing was much better than what I saw below. The battleships and spaceships that the empire saw are simply children’s toys. Let alone compare with this ship, even the underwater battleships in our guild are dozens or hundreds of times stronger than them, but compared to the things in front of us. The battleship also has to stand aside.

Norraine walked up to me when she saw me coming up, and then directly introduced: “The guild’s trial-manufactured air carrier, the level has not been determined, and the tentative number is SS- 1. The total length is 1228 meters, the widest point is 378 meters, the total height is 308 meters, and the estimated empty weight is 458,000 tons. The main power is the experimental powerful propulsion engine jointly developed by the Iron Empire and Atlantis. The maximum output thrust of a single machine is 187,000 tons. The experimental type is pre-installed with three propellers, and the thrust-to-weight ratio can reach 1.22. How about it? Sturdy enough, right? "

I was completely stupefied when I heard Norin’s introduction. The total length is more than a thousand meters! It is longer than the total length of the battleship, and the height is scary enough, from top to bottom. The drop is up to the skyscraper. Of course, the most frightening thing is the weight and propulsion ability. The weight part is obviously the use of light materials, because of such a large volume, if it is made of standard battleship steel, the weight is at least not bad. An increase of 70 or 80 thousand tons. As for the propeller, I don’t know how to say it. One has a thrust of 187,000 tons! If this thing is put on the ground directly, it is not possible to install a fairing on the top. Flew out of Earth? As for the thrust-to-weight ratio, 1.22 does not seem to be very high, but you must know that the thrust-to-weight ratio of mainstream fighters in the world is only between 1.8 and 2 ("Zero" is not a game of the 21st century , So please don’t tell me that there is no aircraft with such a high thrust-to-weight ratio).

Anyway, the data given by Noreen directly stunned me, looking at the wide deck around me. , As long as you don’t look back and look down, you will never think that this is in the air. After all, such a large area can already be compared to many small airports.

Looking up from the bottom, I thought this spaceship was The bottom looks like an upside-down battleship, but when you look at the top, you will find that she looks like a search landing ship. The middle of this guy’s hull is clearly two cross-connected take-off decks. Because of the take-off deck It is arranged obliquely, so even if it does not extend to the bow, its single deck length has reached an astonishing 1,200 meters, which is long enough for most aircraft to take off. Moreover, this X-shaped deck is still located on the spaceship, so even It doesn’t matter if an aircraft runs this length and can’t fly. Anyway, after the deck is over, it can glide and accelerate with the potential energy of gravity when it falls. Unless this thing can’t fly at all, no matter how bad the flight performance is, it should be able to reach before landing. Enough take-off speed.

Although the two decks cross in an X shape, when you look down from above, you will find that the top of the ship is actually a six-pointed shape, two of which are diagonal There are two flight decks, and the horizontal one is the control tower.

The control tower of this thing is not placed on the side of the hull like an aircraft carrier, and of course it is not placed on the vertical axis like a general battleship. The structure is a very rare bridge structure. Yes, it is like a bridge spanning the entire deck, so I said that the top structure of this thing looks like a landing ship, because many landing ships have such a structure .

This control tower, which looks like a Dragon Sect crane, has an A-shaped support structure on each side of the deck, and a wide deck is horizontally between the vertices of the two A, and the control tower is in this horizontal direction. Deck. The advantage of this design is the The space is reserved, and the command tower has a good command view. It can easily command the aircraft on the deck to take off and land. However, the disadvantage is also obvious. The structure of the command tower is too weak. If the support frame is destroyed, the command tower is very easy. topple. Of course, we also have countermeasures, and this kind of spaceship has no plan to let her carry shells. So the structure or anything just needs to go. Of course, in addition to being fragile, the wind resistance of the horizontal control tower is also slightly larger. Although the flat and streamlined design has been adopted as much as possible, the wind resistance of such a large thing is horizontal, and the wind resistance is also impossible.

Because of the use of the X-shaped take-off deck and the elevated ten command towers, there are still a lot of vacant positions on the upper deck, but these places are not empty now, but almost full Something. Among them is the elevator platform in the triangle area sandwiched under X at the stern. Its main function is to provide a path for the aircraft that n

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