"Slow down, slow down, I didn't hear clearly!" The old man yelled anxiously when I asked.

When I heard what the other party said, I remembered that I might have asked too quickly, but even though I understood it, I didn't intend to give up studying this wheelchair. Don't look at it as a small wheelchair, but its value is quite scary. You must know that this thing can fly, and it is not a normal flight. This thing can actually hover where it is, and what's even more amazing is that there is no sound at all.

Although the gravity resistance device we bought from the Iron Crusade in Ashford can also resist gravity and float in place, it not only works with a lot of noise, but more importantly, it Once things fly, they cannot move. If it weren't for this defect to be bypassed in a disguised form by the crawler-type transmission mechanism, the gravity resistance device could only be used as a suspended elevator. But this thing from old man obviously doesn't have those problems. When the old man came in, the wheelchair was clearly movable in levitation, and there was no problem turning around. I just don’t know if this thing consumes a lot of energy, and whether it can be enlarged, and the most important point is this thing. How high can you fly?

"Sorry, I was so excited just now, what kind of power did this thing float up?"

"Oh, you said this." The other side The deputy gestured without serious consideration to an assistant who was with him next to him to help him lift up a cover on the back of the wheelchair, and I hurried over to take a look. It is quite surprising that the underside of the lid is not the complicated mechanical system I expected, but...empty. It's really empty. The wheelchair, which looked like a toilet with armrests and side guards, was very bulky, so I thought that after opening it, I would see a bunch of complicated precision instruments, but it turned out to be empty. And looking at this shape, it seems to be manufactured exactly in accordance with the design goals of the storage box.

"Where is the power system of this...this thing?"

"Where is it." The old man directly lifted a ball in his hand. This is a very standard sphere. The exterior is bright blue, and it looks like plexiglass. Of course, there is definitely no such material in the game, so this thing should be made of other materials. The blue ball is about seven or eight centimeters in diameter. It’s just right in your hand. It’s very comfortable to hold. It doesn’t feel too big or small. It’s just...

"This is the power system. "How come I didn't expect that the power system of this wheelchair is actually external, and what is even more outrageous is that it has subverted all my common sense. Let's not talk about the principle of the suspension of the small ball. The transmission problem is very puzzling, because the ball is simply not connected to the wheelchair, but is held in the hand by the old man. According to this situation, if the small ball generates buoyancy, how does it transmit the power to the chair? Is it through the old man's body? But if the chair is hung on the ball by the arm of an old man, what else does he need a chair for? Isn't it easier to sew the ball directly on the clothes? Besides, even if the clothes cannot withstand the pulling force, can you put the ball in the storage box behind the chair? What's the matter with this in your hand?

The old man didn’t know if he was too old to react or he didn’t know how to read his words and colors at all. Anyway, he didn’t react until the very burly and tall guy next to him discovered the problem, but the very burly. The guy explained to me: "Did you misunderstand something?"


Seeing me staring at him blankly, the muscular man immediately Explained: "Academician means that the thing in his hand can provide power to move the suspended chair, and the buoyancy of the chair itself is not provided by the ball!"

"So it is!" Hear this explanation I finally got it. Fortunately, there are only two people on the scene, me and the old man, otherwise I will have to be entangled with this problem! The moving speed of the suspended wheelchair is not fast, and there is no friction after it is suspended, so if it only provides the power to move forward and backward, it can be done only by the arms of the elderly. After all, this kind of power It is not bigger than pushing a wheelchair in reality. On the contrary, because this is a suspended wheelchair, the resistance will definitely be much smaller. "Well, if this thing only provides horizontal power, then how does this thing levitate?"

"Of course, the levitating depends on the air magic stone."

" Air magic stone?" Because the steel empire has very little contact with the outside world, and the direction of social development is completely different, many things in the steel empire are uniquely named, such as this air magic stone, I have never heard of it outside anyway However, I don't know if it is a special mineral of the Iron Empire or some known ore, but the name of the Iron Empire is different. "Where is the air magic stone you said? Can you show it to me?"

"The piece in the chair has been fixed. If you want to see it, you need to remove the cover, which is very troublesome. , If you want to see if we can go to the armory, there are ready-made air magic stones over there."

When I heard the other party say this, I immediately asked the other party to take me there, and the other party received the order before coming. It was to take me to the fullest tour, so I heard that I wanted to see the other party without hesitation and agreed.

To go to the so-called equipment warehouse, you have to enter Underground City. As I said before, the main body of the Iron Empire is actually on the ground, and there are only military installations on the ground. Although the equipment warehouse is also a military facility, it is located underground because it belongs to the logistics support department.

The road leading to the city underground is located in the big mountain in the middle of the island. Although this mountain looks like a very ordinary mountain on the outside, it has been hollowed out a long time ago. Almost one third area inside the entire mountain has been changed to a functional area, and the vegetation covered on the surface of the mountain is only 2/3/2021. The rest is camouflage. As long as the operator presses a switch, Those plants will automatically separate with the camouflage board to expose the defensive guns below, so it is more appropriate to say that this mountain is not so much a mountain as it is a fortress.

The access to the mountain is at the foot of the mountain, and the entrance is also equipped with a camouflage door, but I think this design is totally unnecessary. After all, outside the camouflage door is a wide road paved with gravel. Even if you hide the door, the road is still there. When the time comes, people suddenly disappeared as soon as they saw a road extending directly to the mountain, and the fool knew that there was a disguised door.

After following the guides through the huge camouflage door, what we saw in front of us was not a downward tunnel, but a slightly upward slope. After rising more than one meter, the road became again Horizontally, but the landscape in front of me reminds me of the underground base of Longyuan. The huge hall is supported by a few huge stone pillars. The empty space is full of busy people and machinery. The walls and floor of the entire hall are covered with metal, and the thickness seems quite not low. It is estimated that this Even if the ground bomb hits by other Americans, there may not be any damage.

I'm still observing the situation in the lobby, and the muscle man over there has found a car. Although this thing is different from the real car, it is also very different from the carriage in the game. In fact, I think this thing is more suitable than calling a car, as it is a mobile platform, because this thing is a large flat plate with a bunch of wheels. Those wheels are not big, at most only fifty centimeters in diameter. The metal plate on the wheel is two inches thick, about five meters long, and more than two meters wide. There is no cab or steering wheel on the metal plate. The control device is a stick at the corner. This thing is standing there like the control stick of a fighter. In which direction you want to move, just grab the stick. Just push in that direction, and the greater the tilt of the joystick, the faster the speed.

Such a simple control method is quite amazing, but it also just made me find the opportunity to ask for a trial to get off the car. Because there is no seat or anything on the flat panel, don't expect any comfort. Fortunately, the metal floor is flat enough, so it's not upset at all. After getting permission, I personally test drive it, and found that this thing responds very sensitively to the operation, and the response time is hardly felt. That is to say, this thing may be a mechanical direct connection structure similar to a bicycle. The operation direction and driving. , Because no matter the magic circuit or the electronic circuit, there will be a response delay, which may not be felt by ordinary people, but I can definitely find it with my reflex nerves.

In addition to its agility, this car also has a feature that is very powerful. I don’t know if it is the result of gear adjustment or the power unit itself. Anyway, the horsepower of this thing is absolute. It feels quite fierce at the time, even if I push the joystick to the end in an instant, the car will immediately increase the speed. However, although the horsepower is strong and the speed is fast, the machine selection speed of this thing is very slow. Even if it reaches the extreme speed, it is about 30 kilometers, which is faster than normal people's running, but it is also very limited.

According to the muscular man’s explanation, the main reason why this thing is not fast is that it is specially responsible for transporting materials back and forth on the ground. It belongs to the commuter truck in the base, and its function is similar to the forklift in the factory. So what is needed is power, not speed.

After playing for a while, I roughly experimented with the performance of this thing and then returned the car to the muscle man to drive. He drove the car to a gate. The inside of the gate was a closed space. I knew it was an elevator. It was just a large area. If it was squeezed, it would be no problem to park a dozen tanks.

After we drove into the elevator, many cars came in one after another, but these cars were empty. Three people stood on each of them, which seemed to be transport personnel. When those people saw me, they all showed curious gazes. It felt like we saw aliens on the road. Fortunately, the guides around me seemed to have identities, so the people over there Although I have been staring at me with pointing fingers, I haven't gathered around to watch the excitement.

The suspected elevator put down the gate and started moving downwards after it was full. I calculated it based on the falling speed. The Underground City was actually located more than 180 meters below the surface. Locally, it took more than 30 seconds to reach the end even if it was a direct elevator.

When the elevator doors are opened, the first thing we see is a wide passage area. This passage is like a subway platform, except that the position of the rails is replaced by a row of elevators, and the space in front is much larger than the waiting area of ​​the subway station.

Because of our different identities, we were the first to get off the elevator. The muscular man steered the car into the passage and immediately turned into the fork on the left. After running for a short distance, he looked straight ahead. On the wall to the left, there is a gate that is five or six meters high and nearly ten meters wide. Unlike ordinary warehouses, there are not only guards outside this door, but also a bunker. We first accepted the outpost's inspection more than a dozen meters away outside the door, and were released after passing. After passing through the bunker, we reached the door, and then the muscular man signaled us to get off the car, and then led us through a small door on the edge of the door and got into the door.

"This is our arsenal, how about it? It looks pretty good, right?" Muscular man is obviously a representative of the military, because he is quite the same when he introduces the arsenal. Proud, but that fatty and the half-demented old man next to him have no reaction.

I looked around the entire equipment arsenal under the introduction of Muscle Man, and I have to say that Muscle Man does have the proud capital. The area here is very huge, and I feel that Longyuan’s experimental weapon reserve is not as big as this place. The wide storage area seems to be at least tens of thousands of square meters. The rows of shelves inside are like supermarkets. Each shelf is lined with equipment. Of course, there are as many kinds of impossible as the goods in the supermarket. After all, this is a storage warehouse. , Not a supermarket. Most of the racks are filled with gorgeous rifles of the kind I saw before. I just glanced at them and saw thousands of them. It is estimated that this item belongs to the marked equipment here. This is the only thing I have seen. If it is all issued, it is estimated that the Iron Empire will be divided into one by hand.

After seeing the surprised expression on my face, the muscular man guided me with satisfaction: "Please come here, the air magic stone you want to see is here."

< p>In fact, the so-called air magic stone of Muscle Man is not pure ore. This is an equipment warehouse rather than a simple warehouse. The ore this thing is impossible and placed directly here. What the muscular man showed me was actually a finished piece of equipment, but because this piece of equipment itself is just polished ore, it can also be considered a raw ore.

"This is the air magic stone?" I looked at the air magic stone in my hand and asked in surprise. The air magic stone in front of me is a long strip, about fifteen centimeters long, five centimeters wide, and one centimeter thick. It looks a bit like the paperweight stone used in the study, but the color is strange. The color of this thing is a very dazzling orange red, which looks similar to the reflective clothing of a cleaner. I have never seen minerals in nature with this color before.

After I picked up an air magic stone, the muscular man also took an explanation: "This is the air magic stone, but the raw ore is not long, but grotesquely shaped. What you see now is the finished product that we crushed and re-bonded after separating the raw ore from the impurities."

"Is this re-bonded with powder?"

" Yes, the separated air magic stone itself is irregular in shape, and usually does not have such a large piece. After crushing, re-bonding can be freely shaped, and the process of separating impurities must also be crushed, so I want to get a whole piece. It’s not easy. Fortunately, the air magic stone that is re-bonded after crushing has not changed in terms of performance."

I nodded and asked: "Do you have a lot of this ore on your island?"


The muscular man shook the head and said: "In fact, the reserves of air magic stones are not high. The storage in this warehouse is almost the reserves of one third on the island. The remaining 2/3/2021 will be half of them. In use, there is one third that has proved reserves, which have not been mined and processed."

"Did you find this mining area?"

"Yes, we only found it so far This mining area is very small. However, we estimate that this kind of ore should not be the only one that exists. It should be found elsewhere, but it has not been discovered, or the person who discovered it does not know its value."

I nodded again and asked: "What is this thing glued together?"

"Just add water."


"The air magic stone is a very strange ore. It has a feature that is different from ordinary ore that it slowly dissolves in water. We crush it and dissolve it with water, then pour it into a mold to dry it, and wait until the water is completely evaporated. It has become the finished product in your hands."

"It actually dissolves in water? How come it sounds like salt?"

"It's a bit like salt." The muscular man said: "Once the air magic stone is formed, it will become relatively strong. It has a high hardness and is slightly brittle, but it has little effect on our current use needs."

"What do you guys do with this stuff?"

"Of course it's used to reduce weight." The muscular man first showed his muscles, and then explained: "You should also I noticed that most of the residents of our steel empire are thin and weak, and there are very few strong people like me. Although the weapons made by our inventors have considered the weight issue as much as possible, they sometimes feel too heavy, so we just Use this air magic stone to reduce weight. When encountering equipment that needs to be lightweight and there is no way to reduce the weight, we will install a few air magic stones, so that the originally heavy equipment will become very light. And you know, This air magic stone is soluble, so we can It can be made into any shape as needed, so even a close-fitting armor can easily add a layer of air magic stone inside to reduce the load. "

I was immediately excited when I heard that even armor can be added with air magic stones, not because I intend to reduce the weight of the armor of our guild players, after all, the armor itself in the game ignores part of the weight. Yes, and the game system does not allow players to change equipment randomly, so I did not intend to change the player’s equipment. What I really think of is the mobile angels. These guys are artificial creations, if you add them with air that can reduce the load. Magic stone, wouldn’t it be possible to increase mobility by a large amount without changing the power system?

I was thinking about the bright future of adding air magic stones to mobile angels, but I suddenly realized one Question. After weighing the air magic stone that weighs at least half a catty in my hand, I asked the muscular man in surprise, "Didn't you say that this thing can reduce weight?" Why do I hold it so heavy in my hand? "(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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