Due to the previous energy impact, the steel empire temporarily used it to look at the villa of Aboseidon, this time it was completely finished. The all-wood structure house is simply a mobile house, even the foundation has not been hit, let alone the house now, even the ruins are just a few pieces of broken wooden boards with invisible shapes. Of course, the house is definitely not a problem. With the construction technology of the Iron Empire, a wooden house is really nothing. If you want to build it, you can send a few people to build it in a day or two, but the problem is that it's not just the house that is damaged!

"Hey, are you okay?" I raised a guard lying on the ground, and I asked worriedly.

After I got up, the guy shook his head hard, and then after seeing my appearance, he asked, "What happened just now?"

" Uh... there was a little accident. You also know that our friend has been in a comatose state, so we thought of a way to wake her up, but didn't expect to blow up your house without controlling the intensity. That’s it."

The guard said weakly: "The house doesn’t matter, anyway, it’s a temporary building, as long as it doesn’t hurt people. By the way, what about my companions?"


Following the question of the guard, Ling, Xiaochun and the others also walked over immediately, and each of them supported a guard who was walking and fluttering. . Fortunately, although the formidable power of the explosion is not small, it is not offensive in itself, and without too many constraints, the formidable power of the explosion is scattered in all directions, so the actual formidable power is not very large. The reason why these people seem to be shaking now is not caused by injuries, but by shock waves, just like concussion repercussions.

Because the Poseidon were picked up by us and the house was completely reimbursed, the guards no longer need to stay here, but returned to the city with us to return to life.

Speaking of which Iron Empire actually only has one city in total. After all, they are an island country and the area is quite small. If you have a telescope, you can fly directly over the island. Seeing the two ends of the island, it is really hard to put too many things in such a big place. However, despite its relatively small area, the surface of the steel empire’s island was not built into a steel jungle as imagined. Instead, it was a natural scenery with almost no artificial traces.

A circle of fortresses on the periphery of the island are all built on the cliff-like cliffs, and the open-air fortresses, including the top circle of open-air fortresses, have telescopic mechanisms. When they are in closed mode, there will The same camouflage plate on the rock wall completely shields the weapon system. If you don't know in advance that this is the artillery position, you may not find a pile of cannons hidden under your feet even if you walk over the position.

The situation inside the island is slightly different from that outside the island. Instead of a camouflage board structure, a large area of ​​greening is used to ensure the concealment of the city. In fact, the main part of the city of the Iron Empire is not a city on the ground. The ground city here is basically only a small area, and most of them are military installations, equivalent to front-line fortresses. And this fortress is almost covered with plants except for the necessary roads. If you fly over your head in a plane, you will simply not notice that there is actually a city hidden underneath, and you will think that it is a jungle. . Of course, we are impossible to ignore these huge buildings on the ground.

When we entered the city, it was a local commander who said that we had received Poseidon. Of course, the other party was also quite curious about Poseidon, because Poseidon has been captured since then. He barely woke up. The other party was curious about this magical sleeping ability, but because Poseidon seemed to be disgusted with talking about it, the other party didn't ask too much.

After solving Poseidon’s problem, the other group of commanders enthusiastically invited us to visit their city and attend a special dinner for us tonight. Poseidon is not interested in this, she is anxious to return to the Sea God Temple, but I am very interested in it. It's not that I want to participate in the dinner, but I am very interested in the technology of the steel empire and want to communicate with them to see if I can have some cooperation. After all, in addition to the talent factor, R&D funding and national strength are also important things for the improvement of technical strength.

If there is no money, a lot of research can only carry out theoretical derivation, but cannot verify it, and because of the need to save money, many experiments must be tried cautiously, which of course increases the success rate. However, the entire research progress will inevitably slow down. On the contrary, if you don’t care about money at all, it’s simple. Experiments have multiple processes at once. Even if most of them fail, even one success means that the research has a breakthrough. This way of spending money is definitely to speed up the research. The only method of progress. In addition, national strength or group strength is also an important aid to technical research, because a strong country means more resources. You must know that the experiment is just a reasonable integration of existing resources and materials. If your country is weak and there are certain special substances that you can't get, then even if you have thoroughly studied the theory, you can only pile it up in the database and get moldy. , Because you don’t have the materials to achieve your research success. It’s like a country that can’t get nuclear materials, even if it can get a full set of nuclear weapons manufacturing technology, it’s useless. Without radioactive materials, even if you have the ability to build a car production line, a fully automatic nuclear weapons production line is useless. No matter how good the production equipment is. I can only stare without raw materials. Create something from nothing is the patent of magicians, and scientists don’t have that ability.

The current technical strength of the Iron Empire looks pretty good, which shows that their foundation is very good. From the previous contacts, we can also see that the basic education in this country is quite strong, so there is definitely no shortage of talents, and the rest is funding and strength. In terms of funding, it seems that there is no shortage of people, because this country seems to have a fairly perfect social system, and it feels like utopia. Of course, this is because the country is too small. This system will basically not be able to play after the population exceeds 10,000. But anyway, at least the social productivity of people is highly developed and the country is quite affluent, so there is basically no shortage of money for research. As for the strength of the last item... I think this is an opportunity for cooperation.

The combat quality of the Iron Empire may be pretty good. I have tried the formidable power of the coastal defense gun before, and the individual rifle, which is a very powerful weapon. Although one or two guns can't hurt me, it's still scary when the number increases. But the problem lies in this amount. The population of the Iron Empire seems to have just exceeded 10,000. I have already inquired about the previous coastal defense guns. They are all manually controlled. Each gunner has to control a dozen guns at the same time. There are still many guns without a controller. From which side the enemy invades, the gunner concentrates on controlling the fort in which direction, and the direction where no one invades can only be temporarily unmanned. As for domestic weapons, these are basically the same. They are equipped with a lot of equipment and have a high level of automation. However, there are not enough people. Many weapons are not used, and they have quality but not quantity. Moreover, as an island country, the Iron Empire still has a very serious problem, that is-they don't have a navy.

An island country without a navy, what strength do you expect it to have? Coupled with the fact that the overall battle strength is not high, the strength of this country can be directly counted into the level of the fifth and sixth tier countries.

A country with first-class powerful equipment and strength, but the overall battle strength is not as good as those of backward countries. Isn't this a big unguarded cake? How about this thing without a bite?

As an outsider, I just walked around and I probably understood the situation of the Iron Empire. How could the seniors of the Iron Empire as the local manager not understand the current situation. The previous conscious rejection of outsiders was basically for this purpose. The reason why they set up so many guns on the shore and made their weapons and equipment even scared of Divine Race is because they know that they have few people and are easy to be bullied, so they do it specially. Frighten people by being armed to the teeth. As for why they are so enthusiastic to me, and they also actively invited me to visit to show their value, there is actually a reason for this.

Don’t the senior executives of the Iron Empire know that he is like a child holding gold? Of course, they also know that they have no ability to protect gold, so the method they adopted before was to hide the gold and put on a mad dog posture, which means to tell others, "I am a mad dog with nothing. Whoever dares to approach it? You have to be prepared to bite off a piece of meat from me, and you don’t expect to get any benefits from me."

Other forces may have discovered the existence of the Iron Empire, but for this It's not worth at all and it's covered with thorns, and other forces don't bother to touch it. The steel empire has only existed until now by this strategy. As for the piece of gold in the war against me, it may seem stupid on the surface, but in fact it is extremely clever. First of all, I am different from the forces that were scared away. I have already penetrated in. Therefore, continuing to bark my teeth at this time is tantamount to bringing about one's own destruction. Secondly, my performance after entering here shows that I am not the kind of aggressive enemy, so even if I discover the benefits here, I will not take a brutal way to directly snatch it. After understanding these two points, the decision of the Iron Empire became very clear. They just want to show their strength and show that piece of "gold" so that I can understand that they are not a child holding a golden egg, but a hen who can lay golden eggs. For a child holding a golden egg, others will only think about snatching the golden core, and maybe they will kill the child by the way, but for a hen who can lay golden eggs, it is estimated that only the kind of mentally disabled people will consider it. It hurts the killer. Of course, normal people's idea is to hurry home with the chicken, and wait for it to be delicious and drinkable by the way, hoping that this chicken will produce more golden eggs.

From the perspective of the senior leaders of the Iron Empire, my performance is completely in line with the category of normal people, and what is most satisfying to them is that the information I provided to them before I went to see Poseidon showed that I did not come from that kind of belief. Violence is the primordial of the beautiful barbaric country, but comes from a force with a very good technical background, which means that I can understand their value and understand their needs.

Since I have already penetrated into the hinterland of the Iron Empire, and my conditions look good, the senior leaders of the Iron Empire actually have the intention to cooperate. As for whether it is a full merger or limited cooperation, this one has to look at. Because of the above thoughts, the senior officials of the Iron Empire had plans to stay and visit and participate in the banquet. I also guessed their intentions, so I immediately agreed.

Although Poseidon didn’t want to stay, she couldn’t refute me when she saw my firm attitude. After all, she would probably get mixed up with me later. Even if she hasn’t transferred yet, she should behave in advance. of. If you fight against your own Boss, you must be prepared to be fired. If you don’t want to be fired, you must continue to fight against the Boss. That’s why Five Elements is purely 200! Poseidon is obviously not two, not to mention staying for a while is not a major event, so she chose to stay as it should be by rights.

Our nodded steel empire's high-level gang immediately started to take action, but I also knew that Poseidon might not be interested in this, so I asked for the reason that I just recovered from being unwell. The Iron Empire prepared a room for her to rest. Of course, I didn't dare to let her stay alone, and Ling could not get close to her existence. In the end, I decided to let the small dragon girl, Aanna and Yeyue accompany her together. These three people have nothing to do with her, and the small dragon girl and Yeyue are strong enough, even if Poseidon suddenly becomes nervous, rely on her. Both can be held together. As for Grandma, she is naturally a pure chat partner. Anyway, they are all mermaids, so there should always be some common topics, right? Besides, the smoothness of Adina is far better than that of Yeyue’s rectum and small dragon girl, so I plan to rely on Adina to help me gather information. After all, a Divine Race in Poseidon suddenly changed sex. Even the race has changed. The secrets in this are definitely not young and old, and it is really uneasy to not figure it out.

After I settled down here, I followed the people of the Iron Empire to visit the Iron Empire, but for the convenience I only released the most knowledgeable Ling. After all, he is a loyal favorite. Naturally different, besides, Ling is indeed an erudite who knows astronomy and geography, and can ask her to answer directly with many things. It is simply a personal encyclopedia.

As a guide, the Iron Empire is of course not the top leaders of their country. After all, those people have different identities. No matter how honourable my guests are, they are also impossible to accompany me shopping all the time, so the last person assigned is three. People from different fields and six guards.

Two of the three guides are middle age person, one is very fat, this kind of figure is quite rare in the steel empire, and the other is quite burly, standing there like a human-shaped bear. This can be considered an alternative when the steel empire generally has a bamboo pole figure. The last guide was an old man, and this guy was still sitting in a suspended wheelchair, seeing me drooling. Of course I am not interested in the old man, but in his wheelchair.

"Why do you rely on this thing to resist gravity? What is the maximum load? How much energy consumption per unit time? Is the control flexible? Is manufacturing complicated? Is energy production?"

< p>The old man was stunned by my series of questions as soon as he appeared. After all, the old man responded slowly. Didn’t expect me to spray like a machine cannon and it would be endless. Can't keep up with the rhythm. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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