"This is a very important thing, which is related to me. Quickly, can you help me see what I wrote? This thing is very important to me."

"Wait a moment." First I connected the spiritual connection of the familiars, and then acted as a human body camera and started observing the words written on the stone.

These words were obviously carved by people later. They were not the sorted words originally carved on the stone, but were carved out with some kind of sharp tools very casually.

"Does anyone know what kind of text this is?" I asked in the heart connection.

"It looks a little like Greek, but it doesn't seem right." Victoria seems to know some.

"Can you translate?"

"Some are ok, some don't seem to read very smoothly."

"Leave it alone, tell me The meaning of this thing is fine."

"Okay." Victoria said with my eyes while translating: "This is the sculptor's self-report, he said he is a human dragon. Then I describe his physical characteristics. Ah, wait, look at this, he seems to be the guy next to him."

When I heard Victoria’s words, I looked at the rare beast next to me in confusion. But thinking of something wrong with his head, I gave up hope of getting answers from him.

"Victoria, continue to tell me what is going on."

"Well, okay. Later, he was said to have been sneak attacked, and his soul was covered with a special rumbled array. He had to concentrate on fighting the array’s encroachment on the soul, so his intelligence and ability will gradually decline. If anyone sees this text, please help him out of the pain of the gradual collapse of the soul."

" Soul collapsed?" I looked at the rare beast next to me again in doubt, then frowned and said in the contact: "How does this sound like the handwriting of Zeus?"

"It may be." Victoria said: "Zeus is best at decomposing. His trial thunder is actually decomposing thunder, specializing in the decomposition of objects and energy, so many people who are hit by the trial thunder cannot even reincarnate their souls."

I nodded and said: "What else is written later? Did you say how to help him?"

"Let me see. It says that the collapse of the array will eat away his soul a little bit, but he is also there Absorb external energy to supplement the soul energy, so that this array can only slowly eliminate his ego, but cannot completely kill him. The way to help him is to stimulate his ego first, let him find the existence of the self, and then his soul It will be fully recovered. But this time he just restored his previous consciousness and memory, the array still exists, and he needs to find a way to disarm the array. He said he doesn’t know how to destroy the array, but maybe using weapons that can attack the soul will have some effect. That’s all.”

After listening to nodded, I said: “If the array is broken, I have seen the cracking diagram, but I don’t know how to crack it. As for the equipment to attack the soul... the dragon soul suit should Count the whole thing, right?"

"I really can't help it, my professionalism is not right!" Victoria exclaimed.

Ling said to the side: "Then wait for me for a while. Our mission branch is only a little bit close to completion, and then I will join you. I am better at soul."

Because of Ling's suggestion, I explained the text on the stone with the monster next to me. The monster was also very surprised when he heard this, because he didn't remember how he was sneak attacked, and now suddenly learned that he turned out to be a powerful existence, and he couldn't react to it for a while.

After telling the monster about the situation, I told him that my helper would not be there until after a meeting, so for the time being, I first studied with him how to find myself back, because this is what 1st Step What to do.

During our discussion, the idiot Prometheus woke up again, and when he was seen by the monster, the monster greeted him, but the guy was nervous and wanted to run again. Then he fainted for the third time. I looked at poor Prometheus helplessly, and finally simply went over and stuffed a thick mattress under him, then compared it to a lower angle, and put a piece on the wall in front of him. Thanks to my strange habit of stuffing some messy things into the Fenglong space, otherwise, no matter how big the space for normal people, there will never be a mattress this thing. Of course, except for some hobby lovers.

After placing the mattress, I went back to monster again and started discussing with him how to recover myself, but after 3 minutes of discussion, we finally separated reluctantly. I reopened the connection to my mind, and set up the crystal communicator and started contacting the think tanks in the guild. As for the monster, I was depressed and hid in a circle in the corner.

The monster lost the control of his self and the Lord's soul, so his thinking is messed up now, and discussing issues with him can drive people crazy. Fortunately, the think tank of our guild is relatively powerful. As soon as I said about the situation, they gathered the group of researchers who studied Soul Power in the guild, and then began to analyze, and, a few minutes before Ling arrived, they Really thought of a way.

"In other words, as long as you know what this guy's name is, and then ask him to shout his own name, can you call it a few more times, right?" I listened to the voice inside the communicator and asked.

A big Lich who specializes in soul said: "This is the fastest method of soul synchronization, and it is simple and easy to use. With your equipment conditions, this is the easiest."

"Yes, it's really simple. The premise is that you know what his name is."

"Don't you know what his name is?"

"If you know, you think I am Are you still distressed?"

"If this is the case, we have other methods, but this process is quite cumbersome and may be time-consuming, so if possible, it’s better to figure out what his name is What."

I thought about it for a while and said: "Well then, you should prepare the second set of plans first. I will look for the name first. I can't find it before letting you start the second set of plans."

"Yes, the president."

The so-called search for names is actually just a guess. Since this monster is locked in the passage of this Sea God Temple mission, it means that he and Poseidon must have some connection. Inferring from this situation, it is very likely that Poseidon knew this guy's name. So, my idea is to go to Poseidon and ask, maybe he will tell me. Of course, this can't provide much hope. After all, if this guy was attacked by Zeus, if he suddenly appeared outside one day, Zeus would definitely know who broke his good deeds.

After I talked to the monster about the situation, Ling just finished the task, and then transferred through the training space and returned directly to me.

As a dark Goddess who has in-depth research on the soul, Ling's level in the soul is indeed not comparable to those of the idle generation. After a brief look at the soul of the monster, Ling used two small magic arrays to complete the simple suppression of the collapsed array. Although they could not completely offset their effects, these two small magic arrays could make the lever of the balance move towards. The monster's side is tilted. That is to say, as time goes on, even if you leave him alone, the monster's thinking ability and intelligence will gradually return to the previous normal level. Of course, this takes a long time, so we still have to find a way to completely solve this problem.

After a few words to appease the monster, we decided to do the task first and ask about the name of the monster by the way. Of course, before leaving, I used eternity to cut all the chains off the monster. Even if you can't leave this room, without the shackles of handcuffs and shackles, you can at least be lighter on your body. In addition, because the think tanks of our guild said that talking more can help self-awareness recovery, so I specially reserved a large communicator for the monster, and then let the soul experts in the guild start a video chat with this guy and slowly guide him The soul is awakened.

That guy from Prometheus will be in a hurry. We were just ready to leave. He just woke up for the third time. Then, as before, he woke up and did the first thing. One thing is to run out, and because of the wrong position, as it should be by rights hit the wall again. However, instead of fainting this time, he bumped his head into the soft bed hall, and then was bounced back and fell on the mattress behind his back. Before he could react, he leaned against the wall before. Li's mattress fell down again, smashing him between the two mattresses. However, although the spring mattress was also heavy, it was soft after all, and Prometheus didn't faint again.

I took Ling and other familiars and walked to Prometheus to take back the mattress, then smiled and pulled him up and said, "You guys are really interesting!"

Prometheus looked at me blankly, completely unaware of what I meant. Although I noticed his puzzled eyes, I didn't intend to explain at all. I just greeted him directly and left the room.

Prometheus glanced at the monster one last time, and then followed me back into the previous channel. Starting from the previous T-shaped fork, we moved directly to the left, and the right has been checked, and it was confirmed that there was only the monster’s cell.

The length of the road on the left side of the intersection is not very long, but it is a bit hard to move, because we are not in a dry underground cave, but in the water. The passage on the left side of this T-shaped intersection seems to be connected to the water outlet, which means that when we go to the left, we are actually going upstream. If it's a wide river, it doesn't take too much effort to go upstream, but the point is that it's in a narrow passage, just like a water pipe. Going upstream in such an environment can be difficult. In the first half, we could still rely on Anana to move forward reluctantly. Later, the water flow became faster and faster, and simply couldn't paddle forward. Out of desperation, I had to take Adyna back, and then released the Guardian Steel Claw.

The guardian beast steel claw of our guild is an amphibious creature, and there is no problem with water activities. Although the speed is not comparable to the mermaid Anana, it is more suitable in this passage. With strong limbs and giant claws, coupled with the carapace on the back, it can be bent at will and acted as a lance-like ring-shaped tentacles, so that the steel claws can almost climb in the tunnel like a spider climbing a wall instead of swimming. Compared with the swimming method that needs to push the water flow to generate the reaction force, it is obviously more efficient to rely on the wall to crawl in this turbulent channel.

With the efforts of Steel Claw, Prometheus and I were finally sent to this end of the passage. This place is an inlet, and it is relatively narrow, with a lot of water flowing into the passage turbulently. Because the water flow is too fast, the resistance we endure also increases suddenly. I'm okay, after all the attributes are there, it's not too hard. But Steel Claw and Prometheus couldn't stand it.

If you are alone, it is not difficult for the steel claw to pass through this narrow pass, but now there are still me and Prometheus hanging on the steel claw, which makes the resistance that the steel claw bears Increased a lot. Although his strength is very strong, he is somewhat unable to withstand such a huge load. What is worse is that the wall material seems to be unable to withstand such a large force. Whenever the steel claw inserts the claw or tentacles into the wall, it will soon Will forcibly pull a gully on the wall and slide back slowly. Fortunately, this speed is not too fast, so as long as the steel claws frequently switch positions to insert into the wall, they can barely support their movement.

After spending the Strength of Nine Bulls and Two Tigers, I finally moved to the side of the water outlet, but when I arrived, I wanted to go through it. The water pressure at the water outlet is too high. If you want to go through it, you must withstand the impact of the super high current. Obviously, we cannot rely on our own strength and steel claws.

After thinking for a while, I finally gave up my plan to help with the large summon pets. This ghost place is too narrow. The large pets forced the summon to burst the passage, in case it collapses and blocks it. The road can be troublesome.

"Chairman Purple Moon, the water pressure here is too high, we can't rush through!" Seeing that I stopped near the water outlet for a long time, Prometheus finally couldn't hold on to it. Shouted. My attribute is high enough, so there is nothing at worst if I stay for a while, but Prometheus is just over a thousand levels. Expert may be counted, but it seems a bit hard to fight the impact of this place. . If you rush over at once, it's okay to say, who can hold on to such a normal person?

When I heard Prometheus’s urging, I knew I couldn’t consume it here, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to hold on for long even if I didn’t care about Prometheus. Although I have good attributes, I am not a robot, and I will be tired too! "You hold on a little longer and I will figure out a solution."

After pacifying Prometheus for a while, I immediately began to think of countermeasures. After some thinking, I finally thought of a more reliable method and only one dragon tendon remained.

According to the previous situation, we should be in a certain passage of an underground river, so the probability of obstacles behind the outlet is very high. In this way, if I shoot the dragon's tendons behind the water outlet, I will probably hit something. And as long as the dragon's tendons can be fixed, it can easily pull me over. The reason why we are struggling here is not that we have insufficient strength, but that we can't find a point of support. Swimming in high-speed reverse currents is almost impossible to generate propulsion, and the wall near the water outlet is not strong enough, even with the steel claw claws and tentacles can not be completely fixed, so we must find a stable located opposite the water outlet Support point so that we can pass through.

Just do it. Taking into account the speed of the water and other factors, the Longjinsuo's own transmitter can no longer meet my requirements. Even if the dragon's tendons' built-in transmitter can shoot it to the opposite side of the water outlet, the power of the cable head will be exhausted, and it will not be able to embed itself in the rocks or other things that may exist on the opposite side. Therefore, I took off the cable head directly, then removed the arrow of the crossbow arrow in the waiting position in the Avengers, and installed the cable head of the dragon tendon cable.

When I was ready, I asked the steel claws to fix my body with the tentacles. Following me, I raised my hand and pointed at the launch port and moved my fingers, swish the crossbow arrows that flew out from the Avengers. Long Jinsuo and a circle of bubbles burst out. The crossbow arrow shot through the water barrier easily. After less than a second, I felt the arrow hit something. It seemed that my judgment was very accurate. There was indeed a rock or something behind the water outlet. Now it looks like the cable head should have been embedded in the rock formation, because it has not been washed back by the water. So, all I have to do now is to pull it to make sure that the rock on the opposite side can support me through the water outlet.

So far, everything is going smoothly, but when I pulled hard twice to confirm whether it is really fastened, the dragon's tendons suddenly came from the cable. A huge pulling force directly dragged my whole person away from the back of the steel claws. Know that this is not on the ground, but in the water. How powerful is this to drag a person as big as me and fly forward against the current?

The steel claws were originally wrapping tentacles around me to help stabilize my body, but I didn't expect that I flew forward suddenly. Steel Claw felt that I was in danger of slipping out and immediately increased the strength of the tentacles. What shocked him was that the pulling force actually pulled him out, so that the other tentacles and claws of Steel Claw were stunned. It is a large piece of rock brought down from the wall of the passage. As for the Prometheus, who was entangled with steel claws with two tentacles, screamed and flew along with us towards the water outlet.

Because of our starting speed is too fast, I had no time to react and I had already passed through the water outlet, and then the steel claw hit the water outlet which he absolutely couldn’t get through. As a result, it was because of too much force. I was stunned by crashing a large piece of the rock at the water outlet, and forcibly got him through it. After Prometheus was smashed by the cracked rock a few times, there was no major problem at all, and he passed through without danger.

As soon as we left the water outlet, the pressure around us immediately became much less. Obviously, the water flow at the outlet is not as fast as that on the other side. This shows that the waterway on the outlet side should be much wider than the channel we came over, because the connected waterways have no divergence. The water flow rate in different sections should be exactly the same, and the water flow rate should be equal to the product of the water velocity and the cross-sectional area of ​​the channel, which means that when the water channel widens, the water velocity will decrease. Conversely, if the flow rate drops, it must be that the channel has widened. However, it seems that the water area we are currently in is not only widened, because its current is very gentle. If we are not being dragged by something, it is estimated that the current here can almost be Think of it as static. This side is obviously not as simple as a simple underground river, this damn is simply an underground reservoir.

After a brief confirmation of the surrounding situation, my first reaction was to look towards the front end of the Dragon Jinsuo, because I wanted to confirm what I just hit. Obviously I did not hit a rock, because an impossible on the rock dragged us upstream. Besides, the situation here also fully proves that there is a rock that is impossible for me to shoot here, so I mostly hit some aquatic creature. It is estimated that the guy might just pass by the water outlet at that time. Didn't expect to swim well but suddenly flew in and was hit by my dragon's tendons. The guy under the pain of eating, of course, immediately turned away from the dangerous hole, and ended up pulling us all over.

Although this is the guess, I was taken aback when I saw the thing that was pulling us. Is this fucking Earth creature? What's in front of me looks a bit like...I don't even know what it looks like. Its head looks like a devil fish, and it is more frightening than a devil fish. The huge eyes and the fangs that stick out the lips show that this thing is definitely not a vegetarian. In addition, there is a long body that resembles an earthworm attached to the back of its head, but the surface of the body is uneven. It feels like a rock, and because its skin is ash-gray, it looks really like a stone. Of course, in addition to the body, this guy has legs, but not one or two, but hundreds, and not only under the belly, but even on the back are full of things like tentacles or legs. , It looks like three centipede are pasted together back to back. There are legs all over the body. Finally, there is a big pliers behind this guy's ass. The pliers are very big, and the surface is ash-gray like the skin, but looking at the size and shape, you know that the bite force of this thing should be very high.

The dragon's tendons I shot just hit a spot in the abdomen of this guy, and it seemed that the entire arrow had penetrated into it. I very much suspect that the cable head might be embedded in this guy's skeleton, otherwise the impossible would drag us out of the water outlet without loosening it.

"Purple Moon, what is that stuff in front?" Because the environment became much more stable after passing through the water outlet, Prometheus finally crawled back to me with both hands and feet. .

"I don’t know, but I don’t want to be dragged away by this thing." As I said, I suddenly injected magic power into the dragon's tendons, and then immediately gathered up the ropes, and at the same time, The traction mode changed to the cutting mode, and a hole was made in the monster's stomach and slipped out in an instant.

The sudden enlargement of the wound on the stomach caused the monster to let out a scream, and then speeded up and swam forward. Although the waters here are the same as the passage in front of them, there is plenty of light for some reason, but the monster's silhouette is gradually lost when the distance is far away.

After getting rid of the monster, due to the resistance of the water, we gradually stopped. After retracting the steel claws, Prometheus and I were suspended in this water, but for a while, we didn't know where we were going. Our purpose of coming here is to do the Sea God Temple mission, but the water area in front of us is obviously a bit too big, so that we don't know how to start the search at all. What's worse is that we can't even find East, South, West, North now. We are now in the center of the deep waters, and we can’t see the sides in any direction up, down, left, and right. The goal is just a large piece of fluorescent groundwater. Although the water is very clear, we can see a long distance, but in the absence of any reference objects. No matter how good the line of sight is, there is water everywhere, and there is no basis for judgment.

"Damn it, why are you stuck in this place!" Prometheus couldn't help complaining.

"It's not sleepy, but lost. We just lost our way, not restricted. Besides, it's only temporary." I said, and then summon Amana out again. Of course, mermaids still have to lead the way in this underwater world. The sight and hearing on the ground are of little use in the water, because water can refract, distort and block light, and the sound is similar, so these two senses can only be used as close-up judgments underwater, and they are basically useless when exploring roads. . The navigation methods that are really suitable for the underwater environment should be sonar, electric field induction and geomagnetic induction. These three methods all have the ability to detect over a large range, and are less affected by water bodies. "Anna, use sonar to confirm the area here first."

After getting my instructions, Ayanna put her hands on her mouth and folded it into a horn and made a shout. , But we didn’t hear anything, but Amina just finished shouting, she suddenly exclaimed: "Quick flash!"

My and I both reacted very quickly. I caught Prou Misius’s handwriting, and Adina quickly grabbed me moved towards a direction and dragged. Sure enough, a vague black shadow suddenly appeared in the waters in front of less than three seconds later, and then the black shadow quickly grew bigger and clearer at lightning speed, almost the thing rushed in the blink of an eye. Arrived by our side, and then wiped the soles of Prometheus's feet and flashed past. Although the thing is fast, I still see its true colors. It is clearly the creature that just gave us a ride and didn't know whether it should be called an insect or a fish.

Obviously, this thing will hold grudges. After rushing over the head, the guy swam to a position where he was almost invisible, and then turned around and rushed back.

"Damn, you're not finished yet?" I lifted up Prometheus who was dragging behind and threw it to Aanna, then took out my wings and drew out eternity. The strange fish rushed up.

After Prometheus was dragged by Aanna, he asked Aanna with some worry. "Aren't you going to help? Will President Purple Moon have a problem by himself?"

"What do you think?"

I heard from Prometheus Si was stunned for a moment, and then he thought about the situation where I had killed the projection monster before, and immediately reacted to him as soon as he contacted him. The monster in this water looks quite big and looks very vicious, but the level is the last word. Even if this guy has a standing fighting power bonus in the water, he is also a monster of three to five thousand level before impossible, right? So this thing in front of me is nothing at all.

The facts are like Prometheus thought. At the moment I collided with the monster, I cut off a row of front teeth of the monster with a single sword, and then got into the belly of the monster as if swallowed, but the next second the monster Suddenly it stopped, and then suddenly it broke into tens of thousands of pieces of minced meat mixed with a lot of blood and floated away.

"Fortunately, the armor is waterproof. This thing is really disgusting in the stomach." Just after the monster was cut into a pile of pieces, Prometheus saw me holding it in my hand. The skeleton frame flew towards them. Yes, it is indeed flying. Because I have wings on my back, I can move easily in the water. Of course, it is useless if the water flow is too fast. After all, the wing is not a special propeller in the water. If the resistance is too high, it will break!

"Purple Moon, why did you get a skeleton back?" Prometheus was also confused when I saw me carrying a skeleton frame back.

I didn’t answer before I saw the skeleton suddenly raised his hand and waved at him a few times, and then the guy’s mouth moved up and down a few times, but only heard a burst of gē gē gē slightly bones There was a crash, and nothing else came out.

Prometheus was stunned, and I had already translated for the skeleton: "He is saying hello to you."


"He is the victim here. I just woke him up with the awakening of the undead, so he can be a guide for us. However, his soul flame is very weak, and he can't make a sound underwater, he can only speak with his soul. You can't Soul whispering skills, so I can’t hear it."

"Oh, that's how it is." Prometheus nodded asked again: "Purple Moon President, do you often look for undead to lead the way?"

I replied with a smile: "So is the soul whispering and undead awakening the most practical undead skills."

"That, are you from the undead?"

"No, but I’m from Dark Element. I'm not too much to study a few undead spells, right?"

When Prometheus was nodded, I had already started communicating with that skeleton Up. This guy is actually not an ordinary skeleton. After all, he has been dead for many years, and he has not digested it after spending so long in the belly of the strange fish. Is this what ordinary skeletons can do? Think about it, even dogs, such super common animals, can easily digest animal skeletons. How come this monster is much better than dogs, right? If there is a skeleton in its stomach for less than two days, it is estimated that there will be only a pile of white ash, how can I use the undead to wake summon out?

In fact, this little skeleton was originally one of the members of Sea Clan, but he was not from the beautiful Mermaid Race, but from the Mermaid Race. Fortunately, he has become a skeleton after thinking about it this way, otherwise it might scare many people to death. Mermaids are indeed beautiful, but this Mermaid Race is just...Anyway, I can probably guess what these guys looked like before they were alive. Sorrowful Ghost is probably their virtue.

Close to the subject, saying that this little skeleton is actually a patrol here. This water area originally had a piranha Sea Clan tribe, but a Heaven and Earth earthquake caused a collapse, but this collapse did not block the river, but connected to another water area. The monster I just killed was Creatures in the waters. In addition, besides the monster that I killed just now, there are a lot of various monsters in that water area.

It is said that piranha Sea Clan itself is a sea creature, but the creatures there have not even seen these sea creatures. As I said before, these things are simply alien creatures, a long one. Comparing with the abstraction, it is estimated that even Picasso would have to sigh at seeing their designer.

The monster in the cave began to rush around after the waterway was connected, and those things were very cruel, basically I have never seen any kind of mild, all of them are bloodthirsty. Abnormal level monster. Because these things were rushing everywhere, Mermaid Race was forced to migrate from this water area to a branch of a nearby tributary, and a gate was made of rock to isolate their residential area from the outside area. However, although the residential area can be separated, the edible Mermaid Race is also required for food, so they still have to come out from time to time to catch up. This little skull swallowed by the monster was formerly the deputy commander of the hunting group, and his strength was also very strong. Unfortunately, he was surrounded by monsters in order to buy time for the hunting group to evacuate, and finally died of exhaustion.

After listening to Little Skeleton’s narration, I asked again: "When were you eaten?"

Little Skull said: "I don’t know, but it should have been a long time. Because of this." As he said, he took a key from his neck. This key was hung around his neck by a metal chain. Although the muscle tissue and clothing on his body had been decomposed by monster’s digestive juices, the chain of keys was intact, and there was a silver light on the surface. , It looks like it has been treated with a mirror coating process.

"Does this thing have a timing function?" I asked, looking at the key in surprise.

The little skeleton took the key down and handed it to me: "This key has magical energy used to maintain its own state. This energy will not be lost due to external forces, but will only gradually increase over time. Decrease. Judging by the current energy level, it should have been hundreds of years since I was eaten."

I nodded and asked: "Then do you know there are still people in your ethnic group? ?"

Little skull nodded and said: "It should be there at least a few months ago."

"How are you sure?"

"Because A few months ago, the monster ate another member of my tribe, and his body just floated to my side, so I knew the tribe was still there."

After thinking about it, I said again: "Now Sea God Temple The passage connecting with the land is closed. Do you know the reason?” Although this question is a bit high for the skeleton in front of me, this guy is one of the few existences I can find on the mission map that can communicate. One of them, so I still have to try it.

What made me didn’t expect was that the little skull was actually nodded and said: "I know. We eat Mermaid Race is the guard race sent by His Royal Highness to guard the land and sea passages, just because the monster interferes with us. Normal maintenance work is impossible."

"Maintenance? Is the sea and land channel supported by what equipment?" I asked in surprise.

The little skull nodded and said: "I’m not quite clear about this. It seems that the space force field of Transmission Formation or something will be affected by a certain attribute of the sea. It must rely on some of us here. This kind of equipment is used to compensate for the two-way transmission, and then the Transmission Formation in the Sea God Temple can be used normally. Of course, it is also possible to walk all the way from underwater from here, but this road is relatively long, and there are various oceans along the way. The rare beast exists. If you are in a hurry, it’s better to use Transmission Formation."

After hearing this little skeleton's explanation, I have roughly understood the situation. According

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