"How many years has it been? Actually someone could find me. Congratulations to your brave little fellow."

The monster didn’t speak very loudly, obviously It deliberately suppressed the volume. After all, with such a big head, if you really want to speak with a loud voice, it is definitely not less than the sound of the broadcast speakers installed in the Ten Thousand People Stadium. It can be seen that although this monster is very big and looks hideous, in fact it has a good personality. If it's that kind of brutal monster, it would be nice not to bite you. How could it be possible to deliberately lower the volume considering your feelings?

"Hello, powerful creature. I am Purple Moon, the president of the adventurer guild Frost Rose League. What do you call it?"

"Name?" That guy suddenly He moved his head back, and sat cross-legged in front of me, and then he clutched his head as if remembering something, and said, “It’s too long, it seems I don’t remember. Let me think about it. What is it? What the hell is it?"

Looking at the big guy with a very distressed look, trying to think of the name there, I suddenly felt that the probability of successfully fooling this guy was higher this time. Suddenly jumped a lot. This guy is obviously a type with a bad mind. Isn't this a pretext for me to be abducted to the elderly rare beast? No, maybe this guy is not an old weirdo either. By the way, the lifespans of monsters are not necessarily different. Some only have more than ten years, and some live for tens of thousands of years. After all, the lifespans of creatures in the magical setting are usually not short, so the lives of individual powerful creatures may be Very terrifying, even immortality is normal. Therefore, you can't think that he is an old monster just because this guy says he has been locked up here for a long time, maybe he is still adolescent with his race lifespan!

After a lot of thinking, until I couldn't help but interrupt his thinking aloud, the guy suddenly screamed. "Ah, I thought, I should be called Godzilla."

Bang Dang.

"Huh?" The monster who had finished calling was attracted by the sudden impact, turned his head and looked towards the source of the sound, and I immediately turned my head over.

Because the source of the sound was behind me, near the entrance with a waterproof door that entered here, the matter was over when I looked back. I only saw the idiot of Prometheus lying on his back on the ground next to the waterproof door, and he seemed to have passed out. However, although I haven't seen what happened, I can roughly guess what it was like. It should be Prometheus who was cautiously trying to approach us after discovering that the monster and I could communicate with each other, but he was still very cautious. After all, he was facing an eight thousand-level existence, and he was unavoidably scared. As a result, he had just moved a few steps, and suddenly heard this guy yell, and then Prometheus was frightened and immediately turned and prepared to escape. As a result, because he was too nervous, he actually forgot that he had moved a few steps diagonally when he was moving, so when he turned and ran back, he didn't aim at the waterproof door, but hit the wall with one head and gave himself to him. Fainted.

The monster stared at Prometheus for a while and then pointed at him and asked me: "Is this your companion?"

I thought about it for a while before nodded and said: "That's right. It's just acting together temporarily, not very familiar."

That monster nodded, and then suddenly asked: "Did he encounter any unfortunate things?"

"Huh?" To be honest, this monster's thoughts are really jumping. This question made me ask for a moment, but I still shook my head and said: "It shouldn't be there!"

"Then he Why did he hit the wall to commit suicide?"

"Pu...what... he didn't want to commit suicide!"

"But I just clearly saw him hit the wall with his head, And I have a lot of strength."

"This...that...this is the way it is!" I gasped for a little bit and then continued: "He was scared by you. He was about to escape, but he was too I was nervous and didn't aim at the door, and hit the wall."

The monster suddenly asked, "I was scared by me? Why should he be afraid of me?"

"Then what...you don't know why he is afraid of you?" After I finished speaking, the monster shook his head vigorously and said that he really didn't know. To answer his question, but to ask him: "Do you know how strong you are?"

"Strength?" The guy seemed to just remember: "Oh, yes. I seem to have a level of eight thousand. That little fellow is only over one thousand levels, so much weaker than me. It should be really scary. But when he wakes up, you can tell him, don’t be afraid of me. I’m Pacifist."

By the way, I suddenly feel so cold. What would you think if you saw the side of a nuclear warhead written in a striking color with "For the peace of mankind"? I think it's a cold joke anyway, and it's so cold that it's scumbags.

A 8000-level monster, and it looks like a powerful combat creature who is good at assault. Such a guy actually said he was a pacifist. I began to wonder if this world has changed so quickly that I missed the process of transforming the world view.

"Then what, let's not discuss this." I couldn't understand it, so I changed the subject and asked: "Are you sure you are called Godzilla?"

The monster is again He looked up at the ceiling and thought for a while before he said: "Should it be called this name? I seem to remember that I once went to an island, and then the humans there ran desperately after seeing me, and I ran and called "Godzilla, Godzilla" like this."

Yes, I asked it for nothing before.

"Then what, unfortunately let you know, this is not your name."

"Ah? This is not my name? How did you know it? Do you know What is my name?"

I shook the head and said: "The island you went to should be an island in Japan, because'Godzilla' means rare beast in Japanese. They At that time, I was not calling your name, but treating you as a rare beast." In other words, this guy was originally a monster. Eight thousand level! One move to death!

"Is that so? So my name is not Godzilla. What is my name?" The guy looked at me and asked.

At that moment, I was completely mad. What's wrong with this guy's brain? This guy has no brains at all, okay? No, it's not right. After calming down a bit, I suddenly reacted. This guy’s language is very old and very polite. If he changes his human appearance and then wears a black tuxedo, he will definitely be regarded as a distinguished gentleman. None of this can be done by a brainless monster. In other words, this guy has no problem with his intelligence, and his problem should lie in his memory and thinking mode.

His intelligence should have been sealed, or his head was hit or something that affected his memory. In short, he is not really stupid, but an acquired mental dysfunction, and may be accompanied by some memory loss. .

Just when I judged this guy's situation, the monster called out again, and in the end there was another bang behind me. It turned out that Prometheus, who had just woke up, just heard the cry of the monster, and then immediately bounced from the ground like a corpse and wanted to continue to escape, but one didn't pay attention and hit the wall again!

I looked back at the hapless Prometheus and I left him alone, and the monstrous was so excited that he didn't notice the situation here. He turned around and ran back to the strong side behind him, then started to buckle the wall with his claws, and finally buckled out a huge stone brick as high as the sixth layer building. Following him, he turned the stone over so that the inside of the stone faced me, and then placed it in front of me.

"This, this..." The guy excitedly pointed to the densely packed text on the brick surface and said, "This is a very important thing, which is related to me. Quickly, help me see what is written. Okay? This thing is very important to me." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)< /p>

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