Prometheus is anxious because he thinks I am not the opponent of that monster at all. Yes, they did kill the monster three times before, but each time it was because they did not enter the monster's strike range, and then forced the monster to use Avatar, and eventually they defeated the Avatar and disappeared. This result can only show that the monster's Avatar skills are very useless, but it does not mean that the monster itself is also bad. In fact, some of them had accidentally stepped on the area near the monster's range because they did not control the distance, and then the monster went up and hit a punch that was more than ten meters away from that guy. As a result, everyone didn't. T expect's punch unexpectedly struck the man to death with a fist a dozen meters away.

Think about the hapless one who was stunned by the shocked Qiqiao and spurted blood. Normal people can understand how strong this monster is in front of them. Prometheus didn't think I had the possibility of defeating this thing at all, and he even thought I couldn't even stop this guy. After all, no matter how strong I am, I am still a player, and I only have more than two thousand levels, but this one is definitely a super BOSS, and the level is at least three thousand up. How can such a scary thing be blocked by normal people? Woolen cloth?

In fact, Prometheus thinks this way only to explain one problem, that is, he has too little understanding of the game "Zero". The monsters and players in "Zero" can indeed use the level to measure their strength, but many people mistakenly believe that the high level will definitely defeat the low level, and many people do not understand the strength division mode of "Zero".

There has never been a hint in the game that battle strength is the relative value of attack power and defensive power, which is not calculated at all. The monster in front of me is indeed very powerful, let alone me. Even if Zeus comes and gets a frontal punch by this guy, he would have to vomit blood, but can Zeus really not be able to do this guy? Obviously not. Although the attack power of this thing is strong enough to be terrifying, basically it will hurt and die if it is rubbed, but if it is not hit, no matter how strong the attack power is, it will be useless. That's right, he can really kill people with the shock wave produced by the heavy blow, but it is not an expert who was killed by the shock. His fist wind has no effect on me at all, so as long as I don't get hit by the front, this thing will completely hurt. Not me.

In fact, I simply didn’t put the projection in front of my eyes. Prometheus was afraid of him because he didn’t understand the characteristics of projection. This thing is really strong, but it’s like A 100-meter sprinter is average. If you let him run 100 meters, he is absolutely unmatched, but you can say that he is 10,000 meters faster than him. Although he is definitely much faster than an ordinary person, he will never run. Marathon champions can't even reach the average marathon strength. This is the effect of different specialties. The projection of this thing is simply an attack skill, it can create a power Avatar, in a short period of time to produce the same damage output as the body, so as to achieve the effect of double damage in a short period of time. However, it is like that sprinter. As soon as the primary level burst, his battle strength will plummet, and Lima will not be able to withstand the consumption at all. As long as the energy intensity is below a certain level, even if you don’t beat him, he himself will Will collapse, this is the weakness of the projection.

What I like is the body of this guy, and the projection in front of me doesn't treat him as a strong enemy at all.

Just when Prometheus finally communicated and the joints were no longer tangled, I had successfully rushed into the range of motion of the monster. The monster, who had never dared to enter his activity area for the first time saw someone rushing over, immediately stood up excitedly and strode towards me.

Although it is only a power Avatar, I have to say that the volume of this thing is really scary. It was better for him to stand still before. It felt as if he was looking at a building, except that it felt so big that he didn't feel much. However, when this guy moved, the feeling was immediately different. Can you imagine what it would be like to run the Empire State Building in front of you? This thing in front of me is explaining the situation to me. I just felt that as his each step fell to the ground, the whole cave was shaking with him. It felt more cracked than a Level 8 earthquake, and people with poor balance could not even maintain their balance.

Although it seems that the speed is not fast, but the height is there. This guy almost stepped in front of me in two steps, and then he suddenly bent over and hit me with a punch. Prometheus looked at the huge fist that looked like a large building, and almost bit his lips to bleed out nervously, but when the fist was about to hit me, I suddenly disappeared from the fist. Below, the fist that followed that fellow slammed into the ground with a bang, and the powerful shock wave burst out in a way that naked eye could see. Although it was far away, Prometheus was knocked off. Somersault.

Just after the monster smashed his punch, I suddenly appeared on the back of that guy's hand, and then stepped on his arm and ran all the way to his shoulder.

The monster saw me facing his shoulder and immediately raised his hand to throw me off, but my feet seemed to hang on him like a hook, and not only was not thrown off. , And even the running speed did not drop so much.

Seeing that I can’t get rid of me, the monster suddenly reacted and shot me with another paw, but before he could take a picture, there was a loud but slightly feminine Dragon's roar. Suddenly it sounded, followed by a flash of red light, and the monster's paw was bitten tightly by a dragon's mouth and could not be photographed again.

I found that there was a dragon hanging on my left hand. The monster didn’t care about me anymore. I quickly used my right hand to help get the dragon that bit his wrist off. Before his paw moved over, his body suddenly tightened, and a Giant Black Snake no smaller than him appeared directly beside him in a way of wrapping around him, following the Giant Black Snake, the muscles suddenly tightened. , The monster immediately felt that his whole body was violently tied into a tight bundle, and his body lost his balance because of the sudden force of his legs and fell to the ground. Although the snake was entangled outside and should be hit more severely after the fall, the actual effect was just the opposite. The other party is obviously a monster who specializes in strengthening the body type. This fall seems to be completely fine, and the body is still tightening, the monster even feels that his bones are making a creak creak sound, which seems to be broken at any time.

Prometheus, who always thought I was going crazy, almost fell off his jaw when he saw this scene before him. The scene where I flashed the monster with a heavy punch was amazing enough. , Now this will be even more scary. My Familiars not only blocked the monster's attack, but even tended to suppress the opponent.

"ao..." Just when Prometheus changed his mind and thought that I was going to win, the monster in the field suddenly broke out, and suddenly stretched the black flame's death coil outward. Then he suddenly grabbed Hei Yan's neck, pulled it out of his body, and slammed it down on the ground like a whip. Although Heiyan tried his best to resist, he still couldn't resist the opponent's strength and was smashed to the ground. With a loud explosion sound, there was a big ditch on the floor of the whole hall in an instant, and its depth was enough to cover two or three floors. It's in the basement.

Although Heiyan did not fall lightly this time, the monster did not fall well either. While he was fighting Heiyan's strength, Mira managed to tear a large piece of meat from his arm. However, as soon as the mass of flesh and blood left the monster's body, it softened and turned into dots of light and disappeared into the air. After all, the power projection is still an energy body. The main body is bound by the core of consciousness, and it can still maintain a complete form. Once separated from the main consciousness, the scattered energy will immediately follow the laws of nature and return to a loose energy state.

"ao..." Although Hei Yan was slammed, it was not he who made the scream. For Hei Yan, the impact of this level is nothing at all, but the wound on the monster's body is real. Mira almost tore off half of this guy's arm with that bite. If he hadn't realized in time that the dragon hanging on his arm was more dangerous than the snake, he would have to say goodbye to him with this arm. .

After the scream, the monster who got rid of the black inflammation for a while, grabbed Mira with another paw, but Mira slammed the monster’s arm and slammed her wings to fly, and then she Opening his mouth was a destruction ray hitting the guy's wound, and instantly blasted the guy's missing half of his left arm. With the dancing of that arm, I finally climbed to the top of this guy's forehead, then took off the gloves on the right hand and pressed the palm of my hand directly on this guy's forehead.

"Skills-capture, start."

hum. Accompanied by a harsh Ruiming sound, a ring of red impact beams suddenly swung across the monster's forehead and bounced my whole body out. I wanted to stabilize my body, but the impact was too great, and I couldn't stop it at all. At last, I had to summon out of the sickle and drag me down with spider silk.

After being dragged to the ground by the spider silk, I didn’t care whether my body hurts or not. I quickly rolled off the impact and stood up and looked up at the monster. I saw that the guy was looking from the head at this time. It began to gradually turn into a shiny white, and the position I photographed was gradually crystallizing and beginning to disintegrate around.

Like I said, the projection is still an energy body in the final analysis. The reason why it can maintain its form is entirely because of the existence of the core of consciousness. In other words, it is just a bunch of energy that is forcibly constrained by the core of consciousness. Just now I used the capture skill to capture the soul of the other party, which is the bearer of the consciousness. If the other party maintains a soul connection, then my capture skills may follow the connection to take effect on his body. Then, he might be captured by me and become a familiar. However, if he disconnects, then my capture skills will be invalid, but this projection will also collapse into energy on its own because of the absence of the constraints of the consciousness body.

Although my capture is not a 100% success rate, the other party apparently dare not gamble on luck with this kind of thing, so he decisively gave up the connection. Losing a power projection is equivalent to launching a magic without hitting the target. The loss is there, but it is definitely not large, but if the body is captured, it will be completely finished. There is a clear distinction between the two which is more important than the other. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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