"Iger!" Seeing the person walking out of the shadows, Prometheus's expression was obviously bad.

"Hey Prometheus, where are you going? Are you planning to do the Sea God Temple mission again? You have failed three times. Let’s try your guild’s working capital again. Is it enough? I heard that the deposit for the Sea God Temple mission is very high."


I was before Prometheus quarreled with each other Turning his head and asking: "Who is he?"

Although Prometheus scolded the other party first, he knew he could not offend me, so he stopped talking back when he heard my question. The impulse, I said in a low voice: "This guy is called Iger, and he is the Vice-President of our fourth largest guild in Greece. Their guild has been vying with our guild for the third place in the country, so we have always been It’s not the right way."

I nodded and said: "Since it is an unrelated person, then ignore him. We are not here to fight." After I flicked the rein, Yekage began to move, and Promi After taking a look at the other party, Hughes immediately followed the rein to urge the mount to move.

The Iger over there was expecting to make Prometheus angry. We didn't expect us to ignore him and leave. He immediately felt that his dignity was insulted, so this guy ran over immediately in front of us.

"Hey, Prometheus, why did you suddenly become so weak today? Aren't you usually arrogant?"


As soon as Prometheus was about to get angry, I was preemptively warned: "Leave him alone, this guy clearly wants to irritate you. No matter what he says, just treat it as a dog barking."

My voice was very low, so the guy in front didn't hear it. Prometheus knew how serious it was, so he endured it again and prepared to go around with me. However, the guy in front probably made up his mind to die here today, so he didn't leave room for himself at all.

Seeing that Prometheus gave up the argument and wanted to go around after a word, he immediately triumphantly pointed to me and Prometheus said with a big smile: "hahahaha, Prometheus, isn’t this the new comrade you’re looking for? What’s the matter? Are you still in the honeymoon period? How else can you become so obedient? Tell me, who is the attacker and the receiver? hahaha pu. .. "

The guy's frantic laughter stopped abruptly. The people following him didn't know what was going on. When they reacted, they saw that Iger was splitting into two pieces in the middle. Falling down to the sides, and I was retracting the sword.

"What are you doing in a daze? Why don't you leave?" I reminded Prometheus who was still in a daze, and I directly drove Ye Ying across the opponent's corpse and walked forward.

Prometheus was stunned for several seconds before he suddenly reacted and drove his mount to chase him up. As for those who followed Iger, they finally reacted, but no one dared to move. of.

What I played just now was obviously not a skill, but just a normal attack. With so many people around them, they didn't even see how I made my move. When I reacted, I was already closing my sword. This showed that my speed was already fast enough to surpass their visual reaction speed. Moreover, just splitting Iger in half is obviously not a critical attack. After all, although the top of the head is also very important, the defense is not weak, so it can be said that it can cut a big living person from the top of the head downwards. In the two halves, the attack power is definitely over one million, and even if the attack power is just over one million, they will definitely be cut one at a time, without any compensation.

Faced with such a powerful enemy, the group of Iger's men present naturally did not dare to move. With just this lethal power, how much it goes up is to die.

When Iger's men were frightened and stupefied, Prometheus had already caught up with me and followed me all the way forward. After passing the 1,000-level leveling zone, the monsters behind gradually became more difficult to deal with, and Prometheus’s own level was only nodded at level 1,200, which is considered expert in Greece, but in the world. That is, the level of powerful players in the second-line camp. Facing the various high level monsters in front of him, Prometheus finally had no choice but to follow me forward, because these blames had to play against any one of them for a few minutes to decide the victory or defeat, even Some will only be normal. And as we went further into the cave, Prometheus had begun to dare not approach the monsters at all. Now the monsters around us have risen to more than one thousand eight hundred levels. To me, there is no difference. They are still one at a time, but for Prometheus, these monsters have become BOSS Level 1 existence. , Any one of them can make him empty blood in one shot, and the second one will be dead, and if the other party is not lucky enough to make the other party make a crit or something, then it is really a move in a second.

Fortunately, our destination is not the deepest part of the cave. After receiving the Sea God Temple task scroll, you can open a branch route. This route begins to branch when the main channel reaches the level 1800 monster area, which is the next two thousand level monster area Prometheus. No need to go.

"Hey, how did you get to this position the last three times?" Looking at Prometheus who has been trying to hide by my side, I was curiously asked. After all, they came here by themselves before, and there is no guarantee and protect like me.

Hearing my question, Prometheus immediately said with a bitter smile: "We are not as strong as you. Of course, we pushed over by playing BOSS a little bit!"


"Damn, how many people will die? Even if you cooperate well, medicine will cost a lot of money, right?"

Prometheus laughed after listening to it. It's more bitter. "We spent a total of three days fighting here from the 1,000-level monster area. There were more than 600 deaths in the middle, and we lost 20,000 crystal coins in medicine. And this is only the cost price. After all, guild medicine like ours You can do it yourself. If you go out and buy it, the price will be at least tripled."

"You guys really have perseverance." As I said, I waved the sword and charged one of them up. The stone man chopped to pieces, then kicked a Demon Ox and kicked it somehow. Walking generally, I walked to the side of the overturned Demon Ox and raised his sword with one hand. The Demon Ox who had just gotten up immediately clutched his bloody neck and fell down again. Unlike Prometheus, who spent three days and died more than 600 people, my arrival here was completely casually smooth. Not to mention life-threatening, the monsters with a third or so hole didn't even dare to approach me. Although the remaining 2/3/2021 will attack, they are quite hesitant. The formidable power of the coercive attribute is not only effective in the city, but also effective to monsters in the wild.

"Purple Moon, please don't laugh at us. If you have the strength, how can we use it so hard!"

"I'm not laughing at you, it's true Appreciation. Anyway, if it were me, I would never do this task with such a big loss, and I would do it three times."

Prometheus was puzzled when he heard what I said. He gave me a glance and confirmed that I didn't show an excited expression until I was joking. After all, I am the number one in the world battle strength list, and my Frost Rose League is the strongest association in the world, so I can get my appreciation, which is also an honor in itself.

Actually, my words are half true and half false. I said that I would not take on tasks like Prometheus with such a large casualty. This is true, but I do not respect their self-sacrificing spirit at all. The development reward for this kind of map task is not as much as Prometheus's contribution. After the map is developed, the benefits are shared by the whole country, so Prometheus and the others simply won't get anything substantive except for some prestige. The only reward for the task is not as much as the battle loss. I won't do such a loss-making business.

Of course, it's not that I won't go to the grounding map task, but I won't be able to do it independently like them. If I do it, I must first think of a way to reduce investment, and then pull up the reputable guilds across the country, so that everyone can raise funds and share the investment. If our own strength is strong enough and we operate well during the battle, we will not only have to lose money, but also make a lot of money to do such a task.

Prometheus was secretly proud of my admiration, and suddenly heard me say: "This is the quest diversion, right?"

"Yes, yes, yes This."

At this time, there is not a fork in the wall of the cave for us to walk directly, but a small hole with a strange shape. The opening of this hole is an irregular triangle, and the screen of the mobile phone for large and small competitions is even smaller. If it were not for the clear location on the task scroll, ten out of ten people would have to go wrong because it is too much like the ordinary on the wall. It's a rock pit.

Although we have reached the fork in the road, we have no way to enter for the time being. We can only wait for one of the branch teams to complete their tasks before the door can be opened.

Prometheus and the others fought for three days before they got here. The other branches did not need to fight, so naturally they were much faster than them, so the door was opened long ago when they arrived. But I am different this time, because we are advancing so fast that we are all at the door, and the door hasn't even opened yet.

"Strange, the door was already open when I came last time." Prometheus looked at the closed stone gate and questioned it.

Without waiting for my answer, a stone wall next to us suddenly made a bang, and then automatically retracted into the wall for a while, following the indented stone wall, it rose up. , Revealing a small room more than two meters wide and only four to five meters deep.

At this time, there are three torches inserted on the wall in this room. When the door is opened, the torches will automatically burn. In addition, in addition to the three torches, there is also a gold key more than one meter long and two inches thick hanging on the wall. This big guy looked like a smaller shield than a key when placed there, but it was indeed a key.

Prometheus said immediately after coming in: "Only one of the three torches can turn off the key protection mechanism, but the location is different each time. We have to wait for another team to find it. The literature about this thing, and then you can know which torch can turn off the mechanism. Your talent has just gone out, and it should be several hours before they come back."

I didn’t listen to Ben and I. What did Michels say, he walked directly to the torch on the left, pulled it down, and turned it clockwise twenty-five degrees. Hearing a click, the golden key hanging on the wall in front suddenly rose slightly.

"Okay, you can take it." I reminded Prometheus aloud.

"Huh? Oh." As if awakened from his sleep, Prometheus hurried over and took the key down. Although this thing is quite heavy, the physical fitness in the game is not comparable in reality. In reality, this golden key can only be moved by using Crane or plugging in a car, but here, Prometheus can take it away by himself. Of course, even though his physical fitness has increased a lot, Prometheus, who is still pressed by a golden key about the size of a small shield, has to walk out with his arms hanging down and swaying like a gorilla. Fortunately, the distance between the location where the key is used and the place where it is placed is only a little more than two meters in a straight line. It is estimated that if the distance exceeds five meters, Prometheus can only give up.

After finally getting the key out of the hidden room on the wall of the cave, Prometheus is already tired of gasping for breath. Seeing him come out, I contacted another branch team with my heart and then told them that we got the key. The opposite side expressed understanding and cut off the communication, and then the stone gate in front of us was lowered again. However, when the door was lowered, a small hole opened in the wall next to it.

This time the hole is much larger than the computer monitor at worst, and the depth is only half a meter, obviously not for people to walk. I walked over and lifted the key that almost broke his waist with one hand from Prometheus, and then inserted it into a keyhole in the hole.

This key is actually a magic key and does not need to be turned at all. After inserting the key, I let go and waited aside. About one minute later, the lid of the small hole automatically closed again, and then a triangular metal pillar suddenly protruded from the top of the hole. Since the lower part of this thing is a rock structure, it was not visible at all when it was embedded on the top of the cave. We didn't find it until it protruded from the rock formation.

I jumped up and grabbed the triangular metal pillar, and then pulled the metal rod downward by gravity with a click. We took the metal rod and walked to the triangle hole on the wall of the previous hole, and then inserted the metal rod and pushed it to the end. With the sound of a crash-bang chain, we obviously felt the ground vibrating violently, and then we The ground under his feet suddenly began to move to both sides, revealing a downward staircase. This is the so-called fork.

After seeing the entrance on the ground, Prometheus said: "We took three missions. The mission of this cave is different each time, and the location of the previous organ is not fixed. didn't t expect When you received the first task, it was actually the same position as when we received the first task."

I nodded and said: "Probably the system does not want you to use brute force to enter the back The mission level. After all, this rock formation is not too thick. Whether it is slowly smashed with a hammer and iron or blasted with explosives, you can always open it if you find the right opponent."

Michels nodded said: "We did the same analysis at the beginning."

I walked down the stairs first and said: "Well, since this time is the same as the first time you took the task, after Can you remind me of the things?"

Prometheus nodded and said: "Unfortunately, there is nothing to remind me later."


"Because there is only a maze behind, after passing through it is a passage full of agencies and monsters, and then passing through to a hall. We were all stuck there the first three times."

Hearing Prometheus's account, I looked back at him curiously, and then asked: "Are there many monsters in the hall? Why are they stuck there three times?"

"That's not it. "Prometheus replied: "There is indeed a monster in the hall, but there is only a two thousand two hundred level BOSS. It will summon the younger brother, but the number is not too much. The only trouble is that as long as the monster does not die, it can continue. The summon is very difficult to consume."

"Then you were killed by it?"

"No, we killed it."

I am even more curious to hear this answer. "You killed it? How did you get stuck?"

"I don't know." Prometheus replied helplessly: "We killed the monster, but we couldn't find it anyway. The next step is a reminder. Then we dug the entire hall, but we still didn't find anything."

I couldn't help but start thinking about what Prometheus said. Obviously, Prometheus and the others had a problem in a certain part of the mission, otherwise there should not be such a situation of being stuck in the plot. "Are you sure that there is nothing wrong with the previous part?"

"We were sure originally." Prometheus said: "But because we have been unable to pass the task, we are not so sure now. "

I thought about it and asked: "Did you go through that maze again?"

"You mean we actually walked on the wrong path in the maze , Even the organ passages and halls behind are actually part of the labyrinth, right?"

"Do you think this is possible too?"

Prometheus nodded and said:" That’s right, we also thought of this probability later, so we went through all the roads of the entire maze with crowd tactics, and confirmed that we were right. The other routes are all dead ends, and we can leave the one we took. The scope of the maze, so the problem shouldn’t be in the maze."

"That’s where something else went wrong."

"Yes, we think so too, but the problem is We don't even know what went wrong."

As Prometheus and I were talking, the stairs had reached the bottom. The entrance above the head was automatically closed shortly after we entered, but because the rock of the cave itself is fluorescent, although the light is a little dark, it does not affect the movement. Of course, this is mainly for Prometheus, I have dark vision anyway, and total darkness is nothing to me at worst.

The entrance to the maze is less than two steps forward from the bottom of the ladder. There is nothing special about the entrance itself, but it seems that the material used to build the labyrinth is different from the passage we are now in. The material of the passage we are in is only very common rock, but the maze is built with a dark green stone. In addition to emitting fluorescence, this stone seems to be very hard, and it also has magical absorption properties.

Go through the door of the labyrinth which is not too wide. Once you enter, there is a small room. There is a red stone tablet in the middle of the room. A sentence is engraved on the front of the stone tablet, which reads: "The role of the labyrinth It is to confuse your perception and make you unable to recognize the way forward." It seems that this sentence does not make sense, but it seems that there is nothing special about it after thinking about it. Prometheus's explanation for this was deliberately to cause trouble for the people who entered, but I think this should have other meanings, but I haven't figured out what it means for the time being.

Because Prometheus and the others used the same route during the three missions, so this time we still followed the route that Prometheus found in advance, and the result was also passed smoothly.

Behind the maze is the mechanism passage, but there is no change. Because Prometheus remembers the order of the mechanism, it is super easy to crack. Even if a monster appears occasionally and I am there, it will be hacked to death in twos or twos, which does not constitute an obstacle at all.

After passing through the organ passage, we entered the final hall smoothly. This place is a circular stone cave, its area is probably several times larger than the Colosseum, and the height is quite amazing. Although I didn’t measure it, it feels that even if I play aerobatics here, it should be high enough. NS.

The ground of the cave is obviously artificially leveled. The ground is a whole piece of polished rock. Although it is not said how flat it is, at least it will not affect the movement. At this time, a monster with a height of over eighty meters and a heavy plate armor draped in his body stood in the center of the stone hall.

This guy has a body structure similar to a werewolf, walking upright on two legs, bowing slightly forward, and a big tail behind his back. However, he is significantly different from the werewolf in that his figure is not as slender as the werewolf. This guy is quite sturdy. Although he is more than eighty meters in height, he looks like a squat. In addition, his head and tail clearly show that this is a reptile monster, because his head is very similar to the head of a giant dragon, and his tail is also a dragon tail. There are some differences between the limbs and the giant dragon, but if you look closely, you will find that the difference is actually not that big. It's just that his forelimbs are closer to the human palm and seem to be more suitable for grasping.

The height of more than eighty meters and the stocky figure itself have shown that this is a very resistant guy, but what makes me dizzy is that this thing is still wearing armor. Although the armor probably has no attributes at all, even if it is just ordinary iron skin, this defensive power is enough to make people a headache. After all, it was armor up to two meters thick! The alloy outer wall of the bank vault is not so exaggerated, right?

"Hey, Prometheus, I said you were not fooling me? How did you get rid of this thing in the first place?"

Prometheus actually knew that I was watching After arriving at the appearance of this monster, they would definitely be suspicious, because they were also taken aback at the beginning. Not to mention that this guy is covered with nearly two meters thick metal armor, even if he doesn't wear anything, with its body shape, how much damage can a long sword cause even if the handle is pierced into his body? With his size, it is estimated that he has just reached the level of piercing the epidermis, right? If this is to kill it, how big a weapon does it need to be?

Because I knew I would be suspicious, Prometheus pointed to the monster's hands and feet and said to me as soon as he heard my question. It's not very scary. Most of the people who died in our previous missions died in the leveling area outside. This place is really not dead. Did you see that guy's hands and feet?"

I followed Prometheus's finger and looked over, and then I found something unusual. After a long time, the monster was not scattered here. His wrist and ankle were covered with a thick metal ring, and the metal ring was also connected to a metal chain as thick as a locomotive. As for the other end of the chain, It is fixed to the wall behind. Looking at the length of the metal chain, this guy can walk at most a dozen meters away from the gate and can’t move forward. In other words, as long as you don’t rush in, stand at the door and use a remote attack to greet, the other party simply takes it. You can't help it.

"No! Even if that guy can't attack here, can you break his defense?"

"Originally, we thought we couldn't break his defense. , But later we discovered that when his Summon brother attacked us, we only need to kill those little brothers, he will be injured, and then kill a thousand, he will turn into a starlight and disappear."

As soon as I heard this, I immediately got excited, and then suddenly turned around and grabbed the edge of Prometheus's armor while shaking desperately, and asked: "Damn, where is the body of this thing? Tell me, I want to catch the demon. Pamper!"

Just now Prometheus said that this guy will summon the little brother, and then he will be injured after the little brother is killed, and he will directly turn into starlight and disappear after killing a thousand. What does this show? This shows that the monster simply in front of you is not the body, it is a projection, a power projection. The real guy is at least ten times stronger than the current projection. As for the so-called little brother of Prometheus, that is simply the energy Avatar. Because the projection itself is an energy body, the projection will naturally disappear after the Avatar consumes light. This phenomenon also explains why the other party is so stupid, the summon brother is going to die.

According to the general idea, although this guy can't hit the person at the door, the person at the door can't hurt him either. But after his summon Avatar, his actual High Level became weaker, and he was easily killed instead. It seems that the monster is stupid, but in fact it is simply not the case. They are simply a power projection, so they are not afraid of death at all, and instead of standing and beating, scatter and rush up, even if one more enemy is killed, it is a victory. So it was a normal decision for the monster to make Avatar.

Prometheus, who was dizzy and eyes blurred by me, grabbed my hand and shouted, "Don’t shake it, I’m going to throw up! Even if you shake me apart, I don’t know Ah!"

"Okay." I put Prometheus back on the ground at once, and then said: "Since you don't know, then I will let him tell me." I said and pulled out Eternity began to walk towards the monster.

Prometheus has just been put down and his head is still not clear. Hearing me telling the monster to say it, first he said "um", and then he suddenly remembered when I was walking by and called me back. , It's just that I have entered the scope of monster's activities at this time, and I don't listen to Prometheus at all, so he wants to pull me over and dare not move. After all, the size of the monster is too scary, and you know it's not the opponent when you look at it. After thinking about it for a long time, Prometheus finally gave up. He was helplessly self-comforted: "Forget it, just go to death if you want to die! People don't worry about it, so what anxious do I follow! I'm really full of food. !" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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