"Then what about the Twelve Star Gods? Should I call them?"

Zeus slightly hesitated after a while and said:" The Twelve Star Gods still follow the original plan. After all, you said that those who attacked you are not the people of their Twelve Star Gods, so it is uncertain whether there is a problem with the Twelve Star God."

< p>Aphrodite nodded and said: "Then I understand, I will tell the twelve Star Gods to come."

Zeus used divine force to sense the position of Aphrodite, It wasn't until after she left Mount Olympus that she suddenly jumped up from her seat, then roared angrily, and then crackled the room to a mess. When the venting was over, he tidied up the clothes on his body a bit, then called two god servants to clean up the room, and then he quietly left without whereabouts.

Speaking of Aphrodite again, after leaving Olympus, she went to the zodiac according to her original plan, but this time she still failed to reach the zodiac, and It was blocked in the middle of the road.

"I knew it would be like this!" Seeing the row of saints standing in front of him, Aphrodite directly assumed a fighting posture. "Before the battle begins, can I ask a question?"

"If you want to know where we came from, then please forgive me for no comment." One of the gang of saints on the opposite side wore a black cloak. , Said the guy with a red helmet on his head.

"No, I don't want to know who you were sent by, because I already know." After Aphrodite finished speaking, he pointed directly to one of the saints. "That fool over there, remember to remove the badge of the Lord God next time you perform a secret operation."

Hearing Aphrodite’s words, the pointed guy on the opposite side immediately looked towards himself. His chest, and then the eyes of the others moved over, but they didn't see anything like the guy with the head down. However, in the next second they collectively reacted and hurriedly looked up towards Aphrodite, but their reaction was still a little slower. When they lifted the head again, what they saw was a red light curtain pressed against them. Before these people could react, the light curtain had swept over their bodies, and then the group of guys suddenly settled there.

"It's really a bunch of trash." Aphrodite retracted his attacking posture, then walked easily among the group of people, and then snapped his fingers. The guys who had just frozen suddenly came to a group. Stand at attention, then hula and stand in a row, just like troops waiting for review.

Aphrodite walked from one end of the team to the other, scrutinizing the group one by one, and then suddenly stretched out a finger to point to one of the guys' chest. "It's up to you to answer my questions below."

"Yes, my Goddess!" The man immediately replied loudly.

Aphrodite was nodded, but before she had time to open her mouth for questioning, suddenly one of the guys in the team had a strange expression. Others stand in a row with expressionless faces, but this guy's expression will be serious for a while, like a guard standing guard, and for a while, as if he is gritting his teeth and hard work, and as his expression changes, the veins on his body will change. All of them bulged on the surface of the skin, and they looked like earthworms. To make matters worse, this guy's body actually started to become unstable after a while.

Because this line of people stood like a javelin, except that he moved like a fish out of the water, of course Aphrodite quickly noticed him.

Walking up to this guy calmly, Aphrodite looked up and down and found that this was the man in the cloak who answered her before. This guy is obviously the leader of the team, and now it seems that as the leader, this guy is also the strongest in the team.

"Didn't expect that you can still control your body. What a firm-willed guy." Aphrodite suddenly reached out and tapped on that guy’s neck, touching his fingers. When the guy's skin was reached, a red light flashed past, and then there was a hole in the guy's neck, and the whole person suddenly fell backward. After killing that guy, Aphrodite clapped his hands, as if he had done an insignificant little thing and returned to the previous guy.

It is different from when Aphrodite left. Looking at this guy at this time, although his body is still straight and his expression is still that rigid, his forehead is full of sweat. , And his eyes were full of tears.

Aphrodite said with a smile when he looked at this guy, "Don’t worry, he won’t be lonely, because you will be on the road with him soon. Okay, for Don’t let him wait too long, let’s speed up the progress. First of all, don’t mind telling me who instructed you to come here, right?"

The guy who was asked had eyes full of It was resistance, but his mouth still replied loudly: "We accepted the order of the queen Hera."

"Hera?" To be honest, Aphrodite was also taken aback when she heard this answer.

After being tracked just now, Aphrodite already knew that he would be attacked this time. The current internal network of Olympus Divine Race can be described as tangled and complicated, and the building will become so large that the hearts of the people will naturally be unable to settle down. Now that there are three trackers before, it is not surprising that there are more. Besides, Aphrodite was originally ordered to investigate whether the Twelve Star Gods sincerely joined our Frost Rose League, so she had long expected that the Twelve Star Gods might attack her.

Now Aphrodite and the Twelve Star God seem to be two sets of spies. The Twelve Star Gods have expressed their refuge in our Frost Rose League, but in fact they have accepted Zeus’s assignment, and whether they plan to beating somebody at their own game instantaneous transfer, or sincerely loyal to Zeus, this only they know NS. On the other side, Aphrodite's situation is similar. The fact that she ran back from our Frost Rose League seems a bit strange. Some people suspect that she has something to do with us, and some people think that she is still a member of the Olympus Divine Race. Therefore, both Aphrodite and the Twelve Star God do not know who the other party is serving. In this case, both temptation and attack are inevitable.

It is precisely because Aphrodite can think about it so many people might prevent her from seeing the Twelve Star God, so she is not surprised that she was intercepted halfway, just the attacker It was actually appointed by Hera, which made her a little strange.

It stands to reason that Hera and Zeus should be of one mind. Of course, this refers to the analysis from the surface relationship. As a member of the Olympus Divine Race, Aphrodite certainly knew that the relationship between Zeus and Hera was actually not very good. Although Hera is a diva, she is actually quite jealous. Moreover, Hera is not actually a woman in the traditional sense. The reason for succumbing to Zeus is that, on the one hand, the atmosphere on the Olympus Divine Race is indeed a higher male status, and on the other hand, it is also because she really can't beat Zeus, so she became a queen. If it were not for the atmosphere and strength, Hera might become the female Divine King of the Olympus Divine Race.

If you think about it in light of this fact, it is understandable that Hera does not listen to Zeus, or even helpless. However, sending someone to intercept Aphrodite seemed rather strange.

Zeus sent Aphrodite to see the Twelve Star Gods, not for them. He just felt that he couldn't see through the two sides now. On the one hand, he was a little suspicious of Aphrodite, on the other hand, he also felt that the Twelve Star Gods might have really betrayed, so he was completely confused now. In order to clarify the matter as soon as possible, to figure out who betrayed and who did not, so that he can integrate his strength to deal with the forthcoming counterattack of our Frost Rose League and the Divine Race of Chaos and Order, he must make a judgment as soon as possible.

Because of this urgency, Zeus finally used a rather stupid method, which was to send Aphrodite to see the Twelve Star Gods. Let the two teams that are likely to betray each other first. If one of them betrays, when they come into contact together, some unusual reactions will inevitably occur, and Zeus hopes to see who is in the end from this reaction. Trustworthy who is untrustworthy.

Simply speaking, Zeus’s actions are to re-clarify the already muddled water surface in order to guide the next action.

As a member of the Olympus Divine Race, even if the queen Hera has a bad relationship with Zeus, she shouldn’t stop such an action, because no matter what she wants to do, figure out what the basic form is for her. It is also very important. It can be said that mixing the water now does no good to the members of the Olympus Divine Race. Even if Hera intends to take this opportunity to do something, it is not a wise decision.

Because this decision is quite strange, Aphrodite was so surprised when he heard Hera's name.

While Aphrodite was puzzled, the think tank on Isinger's side and I were also together wondering what Hera was going to do. The crystal communicator was turned on during Aphrodite’s interrogation just now, so I already knew the information she had just interrogated. Similarly, Isinger also got the signal synchronously, but we were as unclear as Aphrodite about what Hera was going to do.

While Aphrodite continued to interrogate other questions, Isinger’s think tank was noisy, Heaven and Earth turning upside down, because everyone’s opinions were not uniform, as for me. side. I thought of many probabilities, but in the end they were rejected by myself. No matter what you think about it, mixing the water is not good for the Olympus Divine Race. It doesn't matter if he is trying to stand on his own or he intends to betray and submit to us.

"I said..." Just as we were all there thinking about the reason, suddenly a voice was inserted into our communication channel.

"Bingbing? Why are you in the communication channel?" I was also taken aback when I heard icy voice.

Since Atlantis and the White Shark clan and some other Sea Clan merged into our Frost Rose League, our crystal resonance communication system has been greatly upgraded. The current communication crystal can not only perform synchronous transmission of sound and image, but compared with the previous old-fashioned communicator, its biggest advantage is that it can communicate in frequency division.

To put it simply, the previous communicator was like a walkie-talkie. There was a person shouting in the channel, and everyone with the machine could hear it. Now the communicator has evolved to the mobile phone stage. You can specify and One or a few people communicate, and other people holding the device will not hear what you are saying.

Of course, to complete the frequency division communication, a switch is indispensable, otherwise it can only be transferred by a manual switchboard just like when the telephone was just invented. Of course, our guild does not have a switch. After all, this is a game and not a reality, so we can only use manual switching for frequency division communication. But we are lucky, because we have a military god. Although he appears as a player in the game, he is actually a supercomputer, whose functions are far more powerful than ordinary telephone exchanges. So now the military god is the human exchange of our guild, and it is the kind of zero error. Even in multiple battles, there are tens of thousands of communications on the battlefield at the same time that are communicating in a point-to-point or even multi-point crossover mode, the military god has not missed it once.

But, just now, in our communication, unfathomable mystery actually accessed a communication person who was not in the plan. How could we not be surprised.

As soon as I finished asking, the military god immediately explained: "Bingbing is now in my master control room. All your communications are not encrypted with me, so I heard it very normal."

I feel relieved after hearing this answer. Although Bingbing will not endanger the security of the guild, this communication itself is not particularly secret, but information security is a major event after all, and of course we must pay attention to such things. But since it wasn't an accidental error, it was fine, and there were not many people who could enter the control center anyway.

"Bingbing, what did you want to say before?" After I figured out the reason, I asked Bingbing again. When she interrupted before, she seemed to be trying to say something.

When I asked her, Bingbing said again: "Oh, that's it. I just heard your conversation, and then I also thought of a probability."

" Well, tell me about it.” Although Bingbing is not the kind of person who can think of this kind of problem, there is no guarantee that the three heads and Zhuge Liang will not be able to think of it. Everyone may suddenly come up with some brilliant ideas or ideas, this is not the patent of inventors or literary creators.

With my encouragement, Bingbing immediately said: "I think if it is the people inside the Olympus Divine Race, it is impossible to stir the water, because if they want to protect the Olympics Linpis Divine Race, then hope to find traitors to eliminate them. On the contrary, if it is a person who has made up his mind to rebel, he will find a way to figure out the situation and find those traitors to contact, so as to get hooked with external forces. "

I nodded and said: "We also know this, so we feel weird."

"No, I think so. Although the other party is loyal to Austria, Linpis Divine Race is still trying to contact us and don’t want to muddy the water. So, what if the other party belongs to a third-party force?"

"A third party?"

I All of the think tanks on the side of Isengard were stunned.

A third party? There has never been a third party in the relationship between us and Olympus Divine Race before, but who stipulates that there can be no third party?

Our side was temporarily quiet because of thinking, but Bingbing thought that we did not understand her thoughts, so he explained in a little anxiousness: "I think, if the other party has already turned to a third party, then Hooked up with the other party, then he doesn’t have any need to make things clear again. After the water is muddled, the accidental injuries on both sides will become very serious, and in the end, whether it is our victory or the Olympus Divine Race victory, casualties It must be very heavy. However, the third party is not worried about this, because they are external forces and there is no loss to them. On the contrary, the more serious the casualties between us and the Olympus Divine Race, they ended up instead. The easier it is to profit."

Bingbing is a relatively simple girl, and I can only think of this problem because everyone’s thinking direction is different. She just didn't understand, so she jumped out of the shackles of habitual thinking and thought of the probability of the existence of this third-party force. However, once we figured it out, the speed of thinking and deduction is naturally much faster than her. In Bingbing's explanation of this time, we have already figured out the key.

Yes, Bingbing thought very reasonable. If the water is muddled, we can’t figure out who the Twelve Star Gods are helping, and Zeus can’t figure out who Aphrodite and the Twelve Star God belong, so in the end everyone can only speak on their strengths, because I don't know which ones are his own people and which ones are enemies. The only way is to set up the banner and see where they are getting closer. However, once the battle is set, it means that spy warfare has become a full-fledged battle, and the casualties and investment will inevitably be much greater than before.

It can be said that once both parties are completely confused by intelligence, the price paid by both parties will increase exponentially. It is precisely because of this that neither of us wants this to happen. We both want to find out who is whose person as soon as possible. However, for a third party, once the water is muddled, it is perfect. Let's fight with the Olympus Divine Race, they just need to come and pick up the bargain afterwards.

When we think of this probability, we feel all the hairs on our body stand up. The large-scale operation that we have paid such a high price for, if it returns without success because of this thing, it will be a sad reminder!

"Bingbing, thank you for your opinion, which helped a lot. But we have to discuss things next, so let's not talk to you." I quickly felt Bingbing's opinion.

Sumi at the think tank also quickly thanked Bingbing for his reminder, and then we began to analyze the probability of the third party joining, and at the same time notified Aphrodite to interrogate those caught Captive, to verify our guess.

Although those who were caught were just Saints who were not even considered as the official Divine Race, since they can be sent to perform this kind of task, it shows that their loyalty is very high. And a highly loyal team, the probability of knowing certain secret messages is definitely better than those of ordinary teams.

Isinger said through communication: "Since the opponent is trying to get a share of the conflict between us and the Olympus Divine Race, it shows that they are capable of Reached out to Greece."

Xiao Yao's voice followed: "So the opponent is either not far from Greece, or has the ability to fight across regions."

"No, even It is very close to Greece, and it must be a powerful Divine Race. After all, this is a cross-border battle. For a regional Divine Race, this kind of battle will be a 30% discount if it is not fought. Even if we and Austria are included As a result of Linpis Divine Race consuming each other, the opponent's strength must also be a first- and second-rate Divine Race. Those little Divine Races who engage in witchcraft do not have this strength."

" If you do, the goal is still too much!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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