"Aphrodite, did you hear them say how to destroy the device?" Zeus asked eagerly.

"No." Aphrodite looked at Zeus replied: "I just heard that they are going to wait for someone to destroy that thing, and then there is no need to go into the water. I guess it should be to send someone to infiltrate first Go in. Of course, it may also be that the other party has bought one of us who is eligible to enter there and destroyed that machine in advance."

When Zeus heard this, he frowned and said: "This probability should not Large. The divine force core storage does have a space force field reinforcement instrument, but the space force field reinforcement instrument is not placed in the hall, but has a separate room, and its own guard is no better than our divine force There are few guards in the core. So even if the other party buys our people to enter there, it is impossible to access the space force field reinforcement instrument. Besides, not everyone in our Olympus Divine Race has entered the divine force core depository. Hearing what Zeus said, Aphrodite thought for a while, then suddenly raised his head and asked: "So what if it is the Twelve Star God?"

"Twelve Star Gods?"

Zeus was stunned by the name, but Aphrodite went on to say: "When I first came back, I told you that the Twelve Star Gods might take refuge. Chaos and order about the Divine Race, it’s just that you didn’t answer me positively at the time. If they are qualified to enter the divine force core storage and approach the space force field reinforcement device, with their strength, even if they did not touch the space force field reinforcement device originally It shouldn’t be difficult to force in."

Zeus, who was not too nervous, can no longer calm down after listening to Aphrodite’s words. He stood up from his position, and then began to circulate back and forth in the room with his hands behind his back, while Aphrodite watched him go around without saying a word.

About ten minutes later, Zeus suddenly stopped his circling behavior, and then said: "Aphrodite, I will give you a task now."

"Divine King, please."

"I want you to call the Twelve Star Gods to me right away."

Aphrodite nodded asked back:" That's it? Is there anything else?"

Zeus nodded. "On this matter, it must be as soon as possible."

"Understood, I will act immediately."

After receiving the official order of Zeus, Aphrodite quickly left Austria. Mount Linpius, and after she left, Zeus called three Divine Races whose bodies were all hidden in golden robes.

"Divine King." As soon as the three Divine Races appeared next to Zeus, the person in front gave a report.

Zeus directly ordered: "You go and follow Aphrodite, on the one hand to monitor her actions, on the other hand, you are also protecting her. In case the Twelve Star God really does something inappropriate , Your task is to help Aphrodite immediately kill or capture the twelve Star Gods. You will decide what to do according to the actual situation."

The three of them immediately bowed their heads to give a salute, then turned around at the same time and disappeared directly into the office lobby.

When these people chased Aphrodite away, I was already at Hephaestus. Since the time I have been away has been quite long, Hephaestus has already completed various materials and some processes that do not require gold thread flowers in advance. After I brought the golden thread flowers back, Hephaestus just finished a new set of equipment with a simple process.

Because the Divine Item suit created by Hephaestus has not been on the human body yet, its appearance looks like a piece of armor turned out of a fire, the whole black paint Mawu is like a piece of charcoal.

Because it's not my equipment, I don't bother to care whether the attributes of this thing are good or bad, so I just handed the things to Hephaestus and left first.

When I came out of Olympus before, I noticed the signal that Aphrodite gave me. Then I took the opportunity to open the crystal communicator, so the conversation between Zeus and her was basically I heard it all.

Now Aphrodite is going to find the Twelve Star Gods, regardless of whether the opponent is sincerely taking refuge in Zeus, there is a possibility of conflict with Aphrodite. I don't want to lose a powerful Divine Race like Aphrodite, so if the Twelve Star Gods are sincere, I will prevent them from attacking Aphrodite and explain everyone's identities. If they are false refuges and really follow Zeus, then because Aphrodite instigated the relationship between them and Zeus this time, they will probably really start with Aphrodite, and all I have to do is Stop their actions and protect Aphrodite from leaving. Of course, whether or not to reveal the identity depends on the situation.

Although it took a while to go to Hephaestus to send gold thread flowers, Aphrodite also inherited the slow speed of Olympus Divine Race, waiting for me from Hehuai After Storrs came out, she was still one third away from the residence of the Twelve Star God. At the speed of a bird, basically Aphrodite can't walk far enough to be overtaken by us, and because of the crystal communicator to help guide the direction, even if I want to get lost, it is impossible. However, when I was chasing Aphrodite to the Twelve Star Gods, and had discovered Aphrodite's location, I suddenly slowed down and landed in the jungle.

Because Aphrodite is currently on a espionage mission, I can’t meet her rashly, so I didn’t lean in immediately after seeing her, but first checked the surrounding environment to Prevent people from seeing the two of us meeting. However, what made me didn't expect is that this search actually found three big fish.

After spotting these three guys, I immediately lowered my height and fell into the jungle. After collecting the take-off birds, walked around behind the three of them, and then hung from the tail of their team to carefully observe their actions. After tracking for a while, I released a few ghost worms and darts to continue to help me monitor the target, and I pulled a little away.

Turn on the communicator to quickly connect to Aphrodite’s signal, and then I directly said: "Now keep your status, don’t look back, listen to me. If you understand, answer me quietly."


"Okay, remember don't look back and don't stop. I'm right behind you about six more than a hundred meters, and there are three Olympics between us. Linpis Divine Race."

"What?" Aphrodite was obviously shocked by the news, but fortunately, due to my reminder, she was surprised and surprised, but her expression and movements were almost non-existent. Change. "When did they start following me?" Aphrodite asked aloud after a little easing of emotions.

"I don't know." I truthfully replied: "I saw them following you when I came down, but it seems that they have no plans to attack, at least for the time being, their purpose is just to follow."

"That means they may have been following me for a long time?"

"Yes. But looking at their actions, these people seem to be very cautious."


Aphrodite asked me immediately: "What should I do now? I don't know what to do if I continue to act like this, or what should I do?"

I thought about it. I want to ask: "How far are we from the residence of the Twelve Star Gods?"

"At this rate, you can see the zodiac where they live in at most ten minutes."

"If that's the case, let's try it."


"Yes. I will show you where they are. Turn around and attack them suddenly. Don’t worry about hurting them. You use big moves as soon as you come up, and then rush to fight with them and ask them for their purpose. If they are really hostile to you, they will inevitably resist, even directly The attack hopes to kill you. And if their mission is not to hurt you, they will definitely explain to you. No matter what their purpose is, at least we will know their intentions afterwards."

Afro Di Te thought for a while and said: "I understand. You are ready, I'm going to start."

Above and forward is the sphere of influence of the zodiac, their twelve Star Gods. But they are not young or old, and in case the three guys behind this are preparing to join the twelve Star Gods to kill Aphrodite, then when the time comes, even if I save Aphrodite, Na Afu Luo Dite's identity was completely exposed. So, you have to get started early.

Those three guys in cloaks are similar to those Necromancers. The hoods of the cloaks shield their faces from their own shadows, making it impossible for others to see their looks and equipment. . However, the cloaks on these three guys are pure golden. It looks like the Olympus Divine Race has three colors, gold, white, and silver. In addition to these three colors, there are few fourth colors. Of course, it does not mean that there is absolutely no, but it is rare.

The golden cloak of these three guys may be quite tight, but with this color, thinking about the position is basically a dream. Unless you happen to be in a golden mountain, or standing in a treasure vault full of gold coins, the cloak of this color is really not concealed. But there is one thing that makes me surprised. Although these three guys are wearing golden cloaks, Aphrodite hasn't found them until now. Whether this is Aphrodite's poor alertness or what is the reason, I didn't want to understand, but with my instructions, she won't be wrong.

Aphrodite, who walked well, suddenly turned his head back without warning, then raised his hand and threw away a red ball of light. The ball of light flew in front of a cloaked man almost in a blink of an eye, and then exploded from a distance of less than one meter from his side with a boom. However, at the moment of the explosion, a light curtain composed of blue electric lights seemed to flash on the guy's body, and then the person was directly blown out.

Because of mental arithmetic and unintentional, plus the sudden action, Aphrodite used a large skill again, so this absolutely formidable power is not small. Just after the guy was blasted out and broke two trees in one breath, he stopped, and the guy standing near him also had a layer of ripples on his body, and then a faint blue light curtain gradually fell on this one. There was a flash on the guy. There seemed to be two cracks on the surface of the light curtain, but they quickly shrank and healed.

At the moment I saw the light curtain, I finally understood why Aphrodite was followed by three guys wearing such masculine bags all the way and I didn’t notice it. It turned out that they had a sense of isolation. A special protective cover exists. However, it seems that this thing is ineffective to me, and I don't know the specific reason.

In short, for whatever reason, after being blown up, the guy who fell to the ground finally entered Aphrodite’s sight. Originally, she wondered why she didn’t feel someone behind her, but she believed that I wouldn’t be joking with her at this time, so she eventually launched a magical attack on a completely empty place according to my instructions. A person exploded out of nothingness. In addition, the space next to it seemed to be broken glass with two small holes, and people could be seen through the hole, but the third person I was talking about still didn't see it.

Although the position of the third person is not seen, this does not prevent Aphrodite from chasing and killing the first target. The stealth shield next to the guy who had just been blown up was gradually repairing at a slow speed, but the guy who had been penetrated by two holes had disappeared from her vision again.

Although knowing that there are two enemies around and that they can't see their positions at all, Aphrodite doesn't care at all, because she knows that I can see, which is enough.

Because only one target can be seen, Aphrodite didn't have to choose at all, and just moved towards that guy and rushed over. Besides, the guy is now being injured and is still struggling on the ground. It is estimated that he is unlikely to get up quickly in a short period of time. It is the best choice to start.

While Aphrodite rushed towards the injured guy, I was observing the actions of the other two guys. After all, Aphrodite would never have a problem dealing with an already injured enemy, but the other two guys really needed attention. Moreover, I also want to judge the purpose of the two from their actions.

According to normal circumstances, if the mission of these two people is not to attack Aphrodite, then most of them will take the initiative to stop at this time, and if they resist without a word, then It shows that even if they didn't want to kill Aphrodite, they definitely didn't go with her. And if that's the case, then I don't mind killing them. Anyway, Aphrodite is now on the mission. Even if these three guys are really sent by Zeus, Aphrodite, who is completely unaware of it, can sue the villain first, kill these three guys and then go back and report to Zeus. Someone attacked her. When the time comes, Zeus can only no choice but to suffer in silence, having unspeakable bitter suffering, even if he is reborn.

Since there is a definite way to cover up this matter, then I am not in a hurry, just waiting to see how these people react.

It turns out that these three guys made very incorrect decisions. After seeing Aphrodite pounce on her companion, they did not call Aphrodite to explain the situation to her, but rushed directly behind her, and the guy on the ground quickly bounced off the ground and bounced The weapon was taken out.

When Aphrodite saw this posture, he knew that he was not the same person. He directly transferred the magic power to the maximum and transferred it to the left hand, and followed the long sword in the right hand and slammed into the opponent’s weapon. , While the other party thought she was going to work hard with her, but suddenly let go, lowered her head to avoid the weapon swept by the other party, and then pressed her left hand on the other party's stomach. With a bang, the guy flew out again, and flew directly into the depths of the jungle.

Seeing that their companions were blown away again, the remaining two immediately took out their weapons and swiftly chased Aphrodite. However, as the two ran quickly, one of them was As if hit by something, he stopped suddenly, but when his companion hurriedly turned his head, he only saw this guy arching forward in a strange posture. Three transparent holes appeared on his stomach, and the blood was flowing. Flowing out from in front of and behind him, but the drop of blood did not directly fall to the ground.

Since these three people can be sent by Zeus to perform tasks, they are naturally not idiots. Looking at the flow of blood, the fool also knows that someone who is invisible has given his companion for a while. The reason why the blood is watching Getting up and drifting in the air is actually flowing along the opponent's weapon, but because the opponent is completely invisible, it is invisible.

These three guys have their own special stealth equipment, and now they have been pitted by others' invisibility. This excitement is not small.

Just when the uninjured guy turned around and was about to rush over, a small current suddenly flowed in front of the guy who stopped, and as the current passed, a silhouette slowly emerged come out.

"Purple Moon?"

I just left the Olympus for less than half an hour, even if the other party has a bad memory, it is impossible to forget me so quickly, so When my silhouette emerged, the other party immediately recognized me.

Before I stubbornly resisted so many Olympus Divine Races alone on Olympus Mountain has demonstrated my extraordinary battle strength. Although this guy in front of me is proud of his strength, he is not arrogant. I feel that I can withstand so many combined Olympus Divine Race attacks by myself. Especially at the last moment when Zeus's big move was taken, it is definitely not something that can be done with a silly head, it is a manifestation of true strength and a confrontation with basic attributes. If you don't have that hardware attribute, even if your fighting skills are at their peak, it is absolutely impossible to hard-wire Zeus's big move.

Because he knew my strength, this guy in front of him didn't even think about fighting me. He didn’t know who attacked his companion before, so he rushed up and wanted to attack me, but after seeing my true face and recognizing who I was, this guy turned around and started running away without even thinking about it. , It's a pity that he only reacted now, obviously it was a bit late.

The guy just turned around and found that there was a beautiful face in front of him who just wanted to look at her and didn’t want to do anything, and his eyes were still dazzling. God fans just want to keep staring at the beautiful rays of light. This is the guy's last consciousness, and then his world ends here.

patted in front of a stone statue with an obsessive expression, Yeyue twisted her waist around me, and then asked: "Aphrodite needs me to help?"

I closed my eyes and contacted the dart that I had released before, and then nodded. Ye Yue turned around and swam out without waiting for me to open my eyes. Although there are no legs, but in terms of speed, Yeyue's speed is actually the highest among all my familiars. In addition to special agility systems such as flying and darts, Yeyue's speed can definitely rank in the top three among the familiars that really walk on the ground.

Yeyue disappeared into the jungle in the blink of an eye, but I didn't follow it, because I knew I didn't need my help anymore.

I killed two of the three following Divine Races, and Aphrodite took the lead in the remaining one at first, and was beaten up all the time. I just saw through the eyes of a dart that Aphrodite still had the upper hand, but it was very difficult to suppress that guy, so I let Ye Yue go over and help. With Ye Yue's strength, two to one, the battle will be resolved soon.

In fact, the battle ended faster than I thought. I don't know why, the Divine Race of the Olympus God System seems to have no resistance to Yeyue's Petrified Eye, and the suppression effect is surprisingly good. It is said that Ye Yue's ability is based on the comparison of the strength of the two sides to produce effects, although the weaker existence can be 100% petrified, but if it is stronger than her, it can only be partially petrified. Moreover, even if it is weaker than her, if it is not much weaker, the petrochemical process will not be so fast, but will slowly enter the petrochemical state. However, the Olympus Divine Race that had just been turned into a stone statue didn't take three seconds from the moment Yeyue stared at him until he was completely turned into a stone statue. This speed is a bit too fast. Generally, it takes about two seconds to petrify a big tree Yeyue, and it takes about this time for a free NPC in the city to petrify. The average player is stared at by the petrified pupil, and the total petrification time is usually between four and five seconds. The ones that can be done in less than three seconds are generally more than a thousand levels lower than mine, and the current level is less than one thousand. Low-level players.

Although there are weak and strong in the Olympus Divine Race, how could it be possible that the ones who were sent to perform secret missions were rubbish? But the other party was petrified all over the body before it lasted for three seconds. What kind of situation is this? Nemesis? Natural enemy? Could the weakness of the Olympus Divine Race be its inability to resist petrification, right?

Although it feels strange, this matter can't be achieved by just thinking, so I didn't think too much in the end.

With the addition of Yeyue, Aphrodite quickly killed the last enemy and returned to me. Seeing a corpse and another stone statue at my feet, Aphrodite asked directly: "What should I do now? Should I continue to find the Twelve Star God, or...?"

I I just thought for a while and said: "Don't go to the zodiac, go back to Zeus, tell him that you killed this person, and you have to do this, this..., that..."

After listening to my request, Aphrodite nodded expressed his understanding, and then gave up the mission and returned to Mount Olympus.

Of course Zeus knows the speed of Olympus Divine Race, so he was stunned to see Aphrodite coming back so quickly, and then he found that Aphrodite seemed to have traces of battle on his body. . The guy Zeus is not stupid. Seeing this situation, he probably guessed what happened after a few minutes of his mind, and then he got a little bit in his heart.

Sure enough, Aphrodite quickly looked towards Zeus and reported the news he least wanted to hear.

"Divine King, when I was about to approach the zodiac, I suddenly found someone following me, so I had a fight with them."

Zeus asked immediately when he heard the news. Said: "Where are the people who followed you?" Zeus almost shouted "Where are the three people who followed you". Fortunately, he didn't react slowly, and he suffocated his words to the point of his mouth.

Aphrodite knew that he almost missed the words when Zeus suddenly disconnected, but he still pretended not to know anything and said: "There were three people who attacked me. I found out in advance, so I deliberately led them to a terrain that was beneficial to me and suddenly launched a counterattack. The three people were unprepared, and two were injured on the spot. The remaining one wanted to attack me, and I was eventually killed by me. Killed."

"What about the two you wounded?"

"Killed." Aphrodite asked, "Is it I Shouldn't you kill them?"

"Of course you shouldn't...should kill them." Zeus shouted angrily and found that he had said something wrong again, but he still came back immediately. . "How can you kill them? At least you have to leave a living to ask who they are assigned? What if they are from the twelve Star Gods, what do you want to do? Now it is dead men tell no tales, even if it is true They did it, you can't find any excuses to deal with them!"

Aphrodite immediately put on a serious expression, handed out three badges, and said at the same time: "I can conclude that they are not from the Twelve Star Gods, because they all carry your badge. They are your direct saints, and there are not many people who have the opportunity to approach and buy your saints. This among which Hera, the Queen of Heaven, and some other high level Divine Race that are more vigorous around you, there must be a traitor hidden among them. The news I originally heard from the Frost Rose League was only to know that the twelve Star Gods deliberately defected, and now it seems that we There are far more people with internal problems than them."

Zeus now wants to pinch Aphrodite’s neck and shout: "Is there a fart traitor? Those three people are me. Go out to follow you! You actually killed the three Saints that I value most, you little bastard who refuses to succumb to me, there is a beauty in there who I just got soaked in! Alas...I still have it! There is no time for the breakthrough, the last line of defense!"

Of course, the above are all from Zeus's heart, and it is impossible to say that he killed him. So, the reality is this. Zeus put on a deep expression and said, "I will investigate this problem myself, so you don't have to worry about it. Those who have access to my Saint Seiya are the high-level existence of our Olympus Divine Race. Which one has been moved? They are all major events. You can’t suspect anyone without conclusive evidence. Also, you have to keep your mouth shut for this matter. Don’t talk about it with anyone."

Although Aphrodite I wanted to laugh, but I still suffocated nodded and said that I would do it, and then continued to ask: "Then what about the Twelve Star Gods? Do I have to call them?" (To be continued. If you Like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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