"You bastard dare to appear here! Today I will let you know how good our Olympus Divine Race is."

"Athena? "Zeus was slightly surprised and looked towards Athena, who had just appeared on the edge of the square, with an expression of excitement. To be honest, it was a coincidence that Athena came. If she is twenty or thirty seconds late, Zeus will definitely go to war with me again. Even if he is extremely unwilling, he must do that unless he doesn't want to be the Divine King of Olympus Divine Race in the future.

"Hi, long time no see." Compared to Athena's angry expression, I didn't mean to be afraid or angry at all. Instead, I greeted her. But I soon discovered that there were two people behind Athena, one of whom I didn't know, and the other was Aphrodite.

Of course, I won’t be the slightest happy to say hello to Athena. On the contrary, my cynical attitude made her even more angry. Of course, I originally greeted her to make her angry. I prefer an angry enemy to a calm enemy. At least an angry enemy loses his mind, and an irrational person is usually easier to deal with than a rational person. Of course, it is also very scary for irrational people to go crazy, such as-now Athena.

"Go to hell!" Athena rushed up angrily after seeing me say hello to her. The speed was almost like teleporting, and as she ran, a set of Golden Battle Armor It has appeared on her body.

When. Looking at the golden sword that was smashed in the face, I directly used eternity to frame it, but the expected situation did not appear. Athena's sword unexpectedly got stuck with Eternal, and it was not cut off. However, the contact position of the two swords is not at all peaceful at this time. The blades on the top of the two swords are like two grinding wheels grinding each other, and the red fire star is flying everywhere.

"hey hey hey, isn’t it the last time I arrested you? As for the murder of his father and his enemies? Look back, your dad is not dead yet. If you want revenge, wait for me. Please kill him first."

"I'll kill you first." Athena slammed my eternity away, then stretched forward with one hand, and a golden ball of light suddenly appeared on her. The palm of his hand then quickly extended to both sides in less than a second and turned into a staff more than two meters long. Almost as soon as the wand was completed, the golden ring on the top of the wand suddenly flashed, and a golden bullet flashed from the golden ring and flew towards me. Because the thing appeared too suddenly and I was not prepared, I couldn't get out of it when I found it. Fortunately, my reaction was not slow, and I pushed my shield to the front.

Boom...With the loud sound like a bell ringing, my whole body seemed to be hit by a truck and flew out in an instant, but because I have wings, I didn’t lose my balance at all, I just moved backwards. After floating for a few meters, he landed safely.

Although I successfully knocked me into the air, Athena knew that it was impossible to hurt me alone, so after shooting the light bullet, she threw the staff into the sky, and then grabbed her left hand. Throwing his golden sword to the right hand, followed the whole person and rushed towards me.

I saw Athena's movements in the air, so as soon as I hit the ground, the eternity was turned into a hook and the gun was pulled down. Athena's sword is not as long as my hook, so she entered my attack range first, but she had no choice but to raise her sword to block her. As a result, there was another sparks flying in all directions immediately, and the two weapons bounced off again. Taking advantage of the chance that I was shaken away, Athena immediately speeded up and tried to get close, but I suddenly flicked the tail of the hook, and the eternal hook instantly softened and became a long whip. Then I Shaking the grip in his hand fiercely, the long whip seemed to be alive and moved towards Athena's waist and was wrapped around it.

Seeing the triangular barbs on the rolled whip, Athena also knew that it would be miserable to be entangled, so she decisively reached out to the sky and followed the whole person. For a golden light, and after the golden light flashed, the location of Athena turned into the staff she had just thrown into the sky, and Athena herself ran to the original position of the staff in the sky, and she seemed to be before the staff. All of the inertia was inherited, and the whole person swung the sword fiercely at me with the momentum of the fall.

Looking at the golden sword that smashed down at the top of my head, I decisively let go of eternity, and then suddenly took a half step forward after seeing the opportunity, and then suddenly jumped, and took the initiative to face the falling Athena and ran into it. When I was less than half a meter above the ground, we two collided together, but the impact position deviated from Athena's original expectation.

Originally, Athena was expecting a sword to hit me on the top of my head or shoulder, but because my active attack made the impact position too close, she did hit me on the head, just It was not the sword that hit the top of my head, but the hilt. Almost as soon as my head hit the hilt of the sword, our bodies slammed into each other, followed my hands and the claws suddenly popped out, and then slammed under Athena's left and right ribs in an embracing posture. Entering her abdominal cavity, I even felt the tips of the two upper hands hit a piece in Athena's belly.

We often use weak ribs to describe weakness because the ribs on both sides of a person are very fragile. Even if this position has been specially trained, it is definitely weak compared to other parts. This is the human body. The Innate defect determined by the structure, acquired training can only be corrected in a small range, but it cannot completely offset this weakness. Similarly, because this is a defect caused by the shape of the human body, as long as all humanoid creatures have similar organ structures, these two parts are considered weaknesses.

The ribs were pierced at the same time, and it was still six holes at a time. Even Athena, who has the title of War God, couldn't resist the scream. However, I did not feel the slightest softness due to her screams. Just after both hands and claws penetrated her ribs, I immediately retracted my abdomen and arched my body, and curled my legs to my and hers with the power of my abdominal muscles. Between the body, I followed my feet and pressed Athena's abdomen with force, and then the wrists used force to make the blade claws cross Athena's belly, and my legs also forcefully pushed my body away from Athena's side. Got out.

Because the blade claws lay in Athena’s belly, and we were separated quickly, the six blade claws were directly cut out of Athena’s front abdomen, instantly The six holes turned into three gaps. If it weren’t for a hard armor to fix the shape of the muscles and not allow the gaps to be fully opened, just this one would be able to pick out all of Athena’s internal organs, even if she was a Divine Race, this one. At least it can keep her out of bed for three to five days.

Because of the trauma to the abdomen, Athena was kicked by me. The whole person lost balance and fell back. Because I was prepared, I cut Athena in the claws. Immediately after his abdomen, he raised his hand over his head, and at the same time, he leaned back, hammering his fists violently on the ground from the top of his head. After being on the ground, he straightened his upper body and stood there.

There are many speaking of which, in fact, the whole process takes less than two seconds before and after. The surrounding Olympus Divine Race only saw Athena play a space shift, and then ran into me They got together, and then the two separated. I landed safely, but Athena fell to the ground and sprayed blood all over the floor.

"Athena!" Seeing Athena fell to the ground, she covered her belly, and the blood under her instantly spread. Aphrodite and the me who came with her did not The woman he knew rushed up immediately. The woman I didn't know hugged Athena and treated her directly, while Aphrodite stopped Athena and I in a gesture of preparing for a fight.

Although Aphrodite is my spy now, the Olympus Divine Races don’t know this, at least they are not sure that Aphrodite is a spy, at most It's just suspicion. Whether they believe it or not, at least on the surface Aphrodite's defense against me can still earn some trust points.

Although it was between me and Athena, Aphrodite did not rush to fight me. While she was guarding me carefully, she turned around and asked Athena: " How is the injury? Are you okay?"

Athena reluctantly got up from the ground with the help of the woman next to her. Although the injury was serious, it was Divine Race after all, where physique was there. In addition, the woman just used treatment for her, so although she is still very weak, she can at least get up with the support of others.

"Aphrodite, don't be impulsive, you are not his opponent."

Aphrodite and Athena had a good relationship before, and Athena knew it too. A large part of Frodite's strength comes from her equipment. It’s just that now Aphrodite’s equipment has not been destroyed. Although she knows that she went to Hephaestus to order a new set, but after all, it has not been done yet, so the current Aphrodite’s battle strength is really good. I didn't get on the table very much. Of course, this refers to the battle of the first-line master Divine Grade. Against those little gods, Aphrodite is still pretty good.

After hearing Athena's words, Aphrodite pretended to hesitate for a while, and then ran back to Athena as if determined to help her move back. I did not stop them from leaving. First of all, because Aphrodite is my person, I don't want to have unnecessary conflicts with her for the time being. After all, no matter how realistic the acting is, there may be weak spots. So the less contact between the two of us, the better. Are you here? I’m being surrounded by those Olympus Divine Races. If I stop them from evacuation, the other Divine Races will definitely help. When the time comes, I still can’t stop them. It’s better than that. Don't do it right now, it's a gentleman who can behave anyway. We need to know that we are currently planning to subvert the Olympus Divine Race, and we are not sure that any of the Divine Races present will become ours in the future, so it is good to leave a good impression in advance. Of course, the most important reason is the third point, because the guy Zeus is staring at me. It's clear from him that he intends to sneak attack me while I do it. Zeus is already stronger than me, so if I have another sneak attack, how can I block it? So I won't do such thankless things.

"Zeus. No one is making trouble now, let's divide it up, right?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for it. Monthly ticket, your support is my biggest motivation.)

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