Although Victoria’s magic has not been able to sustain it for long, the problem is that the group of Olympus Divine Races on the opposite side don’t know. Even if they could probably guess that Victoria's magic power was running out, they didn't dare to rush upwards. This is like in a gun battle, even if you know that the enemy's bullets are almost running out, but have not run out yet, do you dare to rush forward with the firepower now? So maybe someone on the other side has guessed that Victoria's state will not last long, but they will definitely not be brave and rush forward now.

This group of Olympus Divine Race is not stupid, and Zeus is not stupid. He knows that these guys are thinking about letting others consume Victoria’s magic power, but you don’t charge me or wait. The longer Victoria’s magic power is restored, the more Victoria’s magic power will be restored when the time comes.

"Listen, everyone, when I count to three, I rushed up. Her magic power must be limited. The faster we speed, the less casualties. The first one to rush to her in a while to stop The person she fired the arrow of destiny I promoted him to the Divine Grade, and I gave him double treatment if I was originally the main god. If anyone waits for me to count to three or falls behind deliberately, he will be deducted half when I see him. The Power of Faith is provided. Do you understand? Okay, now I’m counting, everyone is ready. One, two, three punches!"

Reward and punishment, no one dares to dare this time Play tricks with Zeus. As San shouted, the surrounding Olympus Divine Race hurried out from the hiding place and rushed towards us as fast as they could.

"What a bad luck!" When I heard Zeus shout, I knew it was going to be bad, so I reminded Victoria in advance. When the gang of Olympus Divine Race suddenly rushed out of the hiding place, Victoria immediately pulled the trigger of the golden crossbow without the slightest hesitation, and followed the dense golden arrows as flying locusts. The Olympus Divine Race, which rushed out first, was swept down in an instant. Although not all of them were dead, injuries were definitely unavoidable.

Although Victoria didn't mention it before, I also discovered a special ability of Fate Arrow, which is to ignore defense. There are a lot of equipment with neglected defense attributes in the game, but in fact, the so-called neglected defense does not really mean that the enemy's defense is invalidated, but is greatly weakened. But Victoria's Arrow of Destiny really ignores defense. The few armors worn by the Olympus Divine Race are of the low Divine Item level, not to mention that some people have shields and protective shields. However, all these defensive methods are not as good as a window paper in front of the Arrow of Destiny. Whether you are a high-level Divine Item or an invincible barrier, the Arrow of Destiny can penetrate them as easily as through paper, except for the living ones. Nothing outside of the flesh can stop it.

Although Zeus’s rewards and punishments are very tempting, these Olympus Divine Races were still beaten by Victoria’s sudden explosion. Some people even started to run back, but Zeus saw this. The situation immediately yelled again and threw away directly, thunderbolt killed the escaped guy. Seeing this posture, those guys didn't dare to hesitate anymore, and started to rush forward at full speed. Of course, their behavior was in exchange for large tracts to fall to the ground. Although Victoria's magic power was almost exhausted, her attacks were still quite sharp before she completely exhausted her magic power. However, although Victoria's attack is very powerful, the Olympus Divine Race is also a strong race after all. The speed of this group of guys instantly increased to the limit, and a few ups and downs rushed in front of us.

Seeing that the long sword in the hand of the fastest Divine Race was about to slash Victoria’s neck, I suddenly yelled: "Divine Domain-fit."

Well, all the phantoms of the beloved suddenly appeared around me, including Victoria, which instantly vanished. The Divine Race must have a sword swept away, and his body fell forward because of his uncontrollable power. . However, just as he fell, the other Divine Races around were a collective meal, so he couldn't hold back the momentum, so he suddenly pulled out of the crowd and rolled to my feet alone.

The guy tried to get up when he stabilized his posture, but the next second a foot slammed on his back, stomping him back to the ground.

Feeling the pressure on his back, a layer of golden flame burned up on the guy's body. His power also increased in an instant, and even the ground violently shattered because he couldn't bear his power, radiating circles of cobweb-like cracks around him. However, just as he barely supported his upper body with golden flames burning all over, my body suddenly burst into a colorful flame. The flame burns very violently. As it dances, you can even hear the air burst out with a low roar. Moreover, the color of the flame is also extremely unstable, and it seems to be crumpled in the beginning. The rainbow is like a colorful intertwined, but then it will be red and blue, then purple and then beating randomly, but in the end it suddenly becomes a kind of black and strange transparent flame.

There is a fairly obvious dividing line between this transparent flame and the surrounding air. You can clearly see its range. Within this range, the scenery behind is a bit distorted, but It itself is almost transparent, and it feels like an oil film covering the surface of the water. However, this transparent flame is not always transparent. Its surface will be brushed with a band of colored light from time to time, and there are many colored light spots in it that look like a flying firefly, and it seems to surround the nucleus at a very fast speed. Moving electrons generally move at high speed. Because the speed is too fast, you can even see a light tail that is nearly half a meter long behind them.

With the sudden appearance of this strange flame, the golden flame on the guy on the ground immediately began to deviate, as if the smoke from a vacuum cleaner was clearly drawn into my transparent In the flame, and as the golden flame was absorbed, the transparent flame on my body was also dyed into golden.

"Huh." After I opened my mouth and exhaled a breath of black smoke and fire star, I looked at my hands and said, "It turns out that Mingyi's attributes are used in this way."

Yes, just now, after entering the combined state, I actually found that the Mingyi attribute was activated. The string of numbers that hadn't been found to be useful in the first place actually showed a string of instructions for use.

I couldn’t use that attribute for a long time. It’s not that something went wrong, but that the Divine Dragon suit attribute was too strong, so that the transformation of the dark clothes was not complete, which caused the later dragon soul suit to actually become a Finished goods. Until just now, with the help of my opportunity to enter the Divine Domain state, plus I killed a few Olympus Divine Races and absorbed their Soul Power, now Mingyi has finally completed the attribute transformation. However, although the conversion is a conversion, the cost of this conversion is scary enough, because the string of numbers that have been there before, as high as more than 20 billion, turned out to be only more than one thousand, and the rest was completely destroyed. Used to complete the conversion.

Although this meditation attribute has finally been transformed, I am extremely depressed now, because after this transformation, the equipment attribute hasn’t changed at all. The original amount is still the same now. What's the difference between no conversion? However, although the attribute has not changed, there is a small box behind the names of the various parts of the Dragon Soul suit, but there is nothing in these boxes at present, and I don't know what they are used for. And because of the current state, it is not convenient for me to research equipment attributes, so I can only ignore it for the time being.

By the way, after I watched the changes in Mingyi, the Divine Race that I stepped on was about to become a corpse. The other Olympus Divine Races around were all shocked by the changes in their companions, so they all froze in place for a while, and no one dared to move at all.

I just patronized the attribute, and then I noticed that the Divine Race at my feet turned into a corpse. Although I don’t know why it became like this, I know that this Bacheng and Mingyi’s attributes have a certain Relationship, of course I don’t have time to study now.

Kick the guy who has turned into a corpse on the ground with one kick, and I directly lift the eternal hook and scythe to dance out a spear, and then lay on my side, the surrounding Olympus Divine Race Seeing my actions, I knew that I was going desperately, but they didn’t want to die with me, so these guys started to hesitate again. For a while, all you push me and I push you want others to go up first, but they push back and forth. In the end, no one moved their position.

"A bunch of trash, all get out of my sight." Before being afraid of Victoria's arrow of destiny, Zeus had never dared to rush by himself. Although he also knew that he was very strong, but he was not sure whether he could surpass Victoria's strength more than 5 times, because if he couldn't surpass it, then he might be affected by Death Attribute. But because of uncertainty, he didn't dare to try, which is why he kept letting other Olympus Divine Race charge. However, Victoria has now entered into a state of integration with me, so he is not afraid.

Zeus who lined up the crowd rushed out from behind the crowd, the blue lightning in his hand condensed in an instant, and then threw it at me without stopping, scaring the opposite Olympus. Divine Race flashed back quickly for fear of accidental injury.

Looking at the flashing lightning, a golden mask around my body flashed suddenly, and the moment it was shining, the lightning hit the mask and quickly collapsed into A large blue arc flowed from the outside of the mask, and it didn't hurt me at all.

Zeus was stunned when he saw that I was okay. His trial thunder is quite a well-known signature skill in the Olympus Divine Race. Didn't expect is completely invalid for me. However, before he could react, I unexpectedly rushed towards him.

Originally, Zeus thought I would run, but didn't expect me to rush up, but it turned out that he was a little less confident. After hesitating in his heart, the speed naturally slowed down, but when he realized that his imposing manner was suppressed, I had already rushed in front of him.

Looking at me who was already close, Zeus didn’t have time to react, so he could only drew out the sword of the waist sword to fight. As a result, I kicked his sword on the hilt as soon as he was pulled out. The whole sword flew upwards, and then while his gaze flew upwards with the sword, I directly followed the inertia of the forward thrust and slammed into his chest.

My attribute was a bit exaggerated, and when I was in a combined state, the attribute was flipped over several times. Even with the attribute of Zeus, I suddenly hit my chest and the whole person lost his balance and flew out. The group of Olympus Divine Race who was standing behind him had no time to react, and was taken over a large area at once.

As the Divine King of Olympus Divine Race, although Zeus's character is very bad, no one would doubt his strength. Because of their trust in his strength, those Olympus Divine Races thought that Zeus could hurt me this time, and it turned out that not only was I okay, but Zeus was knocked into flight.

As Zeus knocked down a large crowd, I didn't stop at all. I raised my hand and shot the eternal hook as a javelin. Although Zeus was hit and flew just now, he didn't suffer any harm, so he didn't have any sluggishness. As soon as he fell down, he immediately raised his head. As a result, he just saw the flying hook and sickle gun. In a hurry, Zeus directly grabbed the Olympus Divine Race, which was going to help him up on both sides, and blocked him. He followed the boss whose eyes were suddenly staring. At the same time, a spear head with blood was already It came out from the chest of the man in front, and the tip of the spear dripping blood was less than an inch away from Zeus' throat.

A drop of sweat as big as a bean slipped quietly from Zeus's forehead. Since becoming the Divine King, Zeus has fought countless battles, but it was the first time for him to feel the pressure of death so close.

"Ah!" After a few tenths of a second, Zeus suddenly threw the two corpses out, and then he slapped the shoulders of the two Divine Races beside him and stood up and shot at me. Come.

I knew that Zeus would go violently, so I was ready when I shot the hook and sickle spear. When Zeus rushed in, the two moon blades on the left and the right slammed into him one after another. With a wave of his right hand, Zeus knocked off a moonblade with the Vajra guard on his wrist, but the other moonblade flew right behind him, and Zeus had to shoot with his hands. Blade, but he left a blood hole nearly a foot long on his left arm.

The angry Zeus didn’t care about the wound on his arm at all, and he rushed directly towards me regardless, but because of the Moon Blade’s obstruction, my silhouette disappeared from his sight by a few fractions. Seconds, and when he found me again, he was surprised to find that I actually appeared in front of him, and one of his hands grabbed directly towards his front door.

The face is a protected part of the human body. Even Divine Race has instinctive actions, so when I grabbed Zeus’s face, he immediately instinctively folded his hands in front of him. And what I want is his reaction.

Crossed hands to protect the face Although it protects the vital points of the face, it completely exposes my stomach within the range of my attack. Without a pause, my left hand clasped Zeus's crossed hands, and then violently pulled to my side, followed by a right fist hitting his stomach, and there was a heavy hammer, and the whole body of Zeus appeared. The floating effect, because my arms were held by me, the whole person turned into a face-down position and flew in midair in midair.

Seizing the chance that Zeus was stupefied by this fist, I quickly grabbed his arms and yanked down, and Zeus flying in mid-air hit the ground with a bang. A human-shaped shallow pit followed my wrists loose and tight, the whole person turned over and rode on the back of Zeus, then lifted the right hand, the claws popped out with a sigh, and then moved towards Zeus's neck violently. .

If this is true by me, Zeus will be half disabled even if he can't die. The reason why he was beaten so badly by me was not because his strength was not good, but because he didn't face my battle strength squarely. Although he was very angry with me, he never regarded me as an equal existence, and this subconscious cognition caused him to have a huge psychological gap after being beaten up, and it is this gap that makes He was taken advantage of by me time and time again, and he couldn't even find a chance to fight back.

Unfortunately, although my continuous attacks have been done perfectly, Zeus is not alone. I saw that Zeus was beaten severely by me before, and the group of Olympus Divine Races were shocked. It will see if I want to kill them and they will be able to respond. The fastest Divine Race came to my back with a flash, and then he was cut off by the moonblade that flew back in half a circle before he could take a shot. , But just after him, another Olympus Divine Race finally rushed to my side and slashed at my head with a sword.

This guy didn’t stop my right hand, and I chose my head. If my fiercely heart is cut like this, Zeus will be completely planted today. Of course, if I do that, then I will definitely be killed. Even if I am a player, I will not really die, but I believe that I die here. After that, the various punishment attributes of the Olympus Divine Race will definitely make me very unpleasant. So I finally gave up my intention to gamble and didn't cut it down, but quickly stopped and bounced off Zeus like a flea.

The guy who attacked me first showed a surprised expression after slashing his sword, but soon his expression changed from surprise to disappointment.

Of course he was not disappointed because he didn't kill me. What he was disappointed was that I didn't kill Zeus because this guy was Apollo.

As a high level member of the Olympus Divine Race, Apollo’s battle strength can be described as one of the very best, although his usual political status is not as reliable as his battle strength rankings. Before, but in the current Olympus Divine Race of internal trouble and outside aggression, strong personal strength is obviously more important than political status. Just as the status of soldiers in most countries will be greatly improved during the war, the Olympus Divine Race is now in a state of war, so existences like Apollo are highly valued existences. So, once Zeus dies here today, then he Apollo can have a chance to compete for the position of the Divine King.

Don’t forget, the Olympus Divine Races currently present are basically Zeus’s cronies and guards from the Mount Kinabalu. Those guards are just low-level Divine Races, and their attitude does not need to be considered at all. As for those Zeus cronies, they all exist in Zeus's interest group, and Apollo happens to be a member of this group. Although Apollo is not very high in the entire Olympus Divine Race, he is the second person in this trusted group. At present, the mountain is basically the people of their group. Once Zeus dies, it goes without saying that it must be his Apollo temporarily succeeding Zeus as the temporary Divine King. Even if other high level Divine Races come, he is already a temporary Divine King, and when the time comes, it is very easy to change this temporary to official. After all, although part of the key to becoming the Divine King is a factor of strength, the authority to control the source of divine force is also crucial. After all, the strength of Divine Race comes from the source of divine force. As long as you gain control of the source of divine force, you can use the divine force of the entire Divine Race force as a backing. With this ability, even if Apollo has just been injured by the Mother of the Earth once, the very difficult to deal with declining strength can still deter most of the Olympus Divine Race.

Because of this idea, Apollo just put on the posture of relieving a besieged ally by attacking the home base of the besiegers. He actually didn’t want to force me to let go, but Want me to kill Zeus in exchange for life.

Although it was very disappointing to lose such an opportunity, Apollo quickly hid his emotions and rushed up to continue fighting with me. He knows very well that this kind of opportunity is something that can be met but cannot be sought, and if it is missed, it will be irreversible. Asking him to rebel openly in front of Zeus, he doesn't have the courage yet.

I don't know Apollo's intentions at this time. I just watched Apollo's intensive offensive and had to temporarily retreat a little bit, and then gradually moved to the vicinity of eternity.

A Divine Race probably realized that I wanted to get back the weapon, and simply dragged the eternity of the two people into the distance, but just when he proudly thought that his treacherous trick was successful. , But I used my left hand to hold the shield with one hand to carry Apollo's attack, and the other hand stretched out in the eternal direction behind, and the eternity worn on the two dead Divine Race corpses immediately swished from The two corpses retreated and flew directly into my hands, and eternally changed into the form of a whip sword during the flight.

As soon as Eternity started, I immediately slashed it forward. Apollo was cutting it coolly. Seeing my sword cut over, I immediately used my own sword to block it, but the result Hearing an unusual sound, he felt that his whole body hair stands on end and his body instinctively took a step back.

This step saved his life. Just after retreating, Apollo discovered that only half of the sword in his hand was left, and the Sun God Battle Armor on his body had a shallow cut from the left shoulder to the right straddle.

Apollo is very sure that I could not cut his body just now, but the incision on his body is genuine. What does this indicate? This shows that the sword glow emitted by the Eternal Sword is also enough to break his armor. The sword simply missed just now. He was just wiped by the sword glow, and there were more cut marks. If it was hit directly, wouldn't it even be a two-stage attack?

Apollo was in a cold sweat when he thought that he was almost dismembered. As for the Broken Sword in his hand, he didn't even have any distressing time. What is more important than saving his life now?

Just as Apollo glanced down at the scratches on his body in such a few tenths of a second, I rushed to him again, and the right hand slammed out forever and cut it against his neck. Past. Apollo could only use Broken Sword to block it in a panic. This time he clearly saw the eternal collision of the sword with me. There is no stalemate between the two. It is like using a sharp sword to cut a sugarcane. Although there is a little resistance, it basically has no hindering effect. Everything went smoothly for eternity, and the blade that had been missing by half was straightened straight away. After that, Eternal did not stop, and continued all the way forward, slid easily over Apollo's shoulder and was smashed by the shield in his other hand.

After this blow, I did not continue to attack Apollo at all, but suddenly turned around and rushed into the crowd of ordinary Olympus Divine Race. The purpose of my combination this time is to escape, not to come to massacre here, and it doesn't make sense to fight Apollo here.

Although Apollo probably guessed my intentions, he did not dare to catch up, because just after I stepped away, the shoulder armor on his shoulder suddenly fell off with a cry, and then When he turned his head to look, the skin on his shoulder just slowly cracked a red line. Drops of blood gradually leaked from the red line, and soon gathered into a stream of blood dripping from the shoulder.

I touched my shoulder a little scaredly and confirmed that Apollo only slightly relaxed after the skin wound hadn’t cut off the entire shoulder. Don't look at the wound that only cuts a few millimeters into the skin, it just made people bleed, but don't forget. Apollo was not shirtless fighting me. The blow just now had the effect of cutting off his Divine Sword and piercing his Divine Item armor. In the end, my sword was not exhausted, but was smashed open by his shield. If it weren't for that moment, this sword would definitely cut him in half, or at least remove one of his arms.

While Apollo was there to check the wound, I had already rushed to the crowd of Olympus Divine Race over there. These guys weren't very resolute in resisting me. They just saw that I almost killed Zeus and beat Apollo by perils. This made them even more afraid to rush up.

In fact, with the strength of these Divine Races, even if they can't beat me, as long as they swarm up, it is easy to hurt me. But everyone is selfish, especially in this unstable period. If it was the time when the Olympus Divine Race was strong, everyone was united, it would be invincible, but now that Hades and the others have just defected as a whole, the Poseidon family is also a bit big-tailed, and the Heavenly God family is even more due to the continuous repetition. The intrigue of the incident and the people were alarmed. In this situation, who still has the mind to work hard?

The less they dare to fight, the more they can't show their strength, and the more they can't show their strength, the more people will die.

From the moment I rushed into the crowd, I clearly felt that the surrounding Olympus Divine Race fighting intent was not strong, and many people dangled in front of me and rushed to hide behind others. At any rate, I could be considered the culprit of this phenomenon. I immediately understood half of this posture. Then I didn't want to kill anyone, so I rushed towards the edge of the square. Those Divine Races that intercepted me were exactly the same as I thought. They pretended to block me when they saw me approaching, and then immediately retreated to both sides.

Now if we can live broadcast the situation in the entire square, I must be surprised. Because the Olympus Divine Race did not resist the will at all, it always collapsed on the first encounter. From the outside, it looked like a few hundred Olympus Divine Races on the square where I was killed alone. What is the meaning of containment? It was clearly like a lion driving away the sheep.

Olympus Divine Race certainly shouldn't be so weak in front of me, but this is the result of indecision. Troops that dare not fight are very difficult to win. Unless the disparity in strength is too exaggerated like the Americans bullying the third world country, they will not be able to exert their battle strength at all.

The strength of the Olympus Divine Race is indeed stronger than me, but that is the overall strength, not the individual. Yes, there are indeed some of them who are stronger than me in individual strength, and there are a lot of them. It's just like this, no matter how strong they are? Are the buffalo herds on the grassland stronger than the lions? But the water buffalo is still eaten by the lion because they are timid. Except for a few males, they hardly dare to fight against the lion. Otherwise, as long as there is one third buffalo in the buffalo group, it can be fierce and unafraid of when they see the lion. The death rushes upwards, and the lions don’t expect to eat even a cow, or they will have to pay for their lives.

The current Olympus Divine Race is the group of buffaloes. Although they are strong, they are scared. Except for Zeus, few really dare to fight with me. This is why I can drive such a large group of Olympus Divine Races all over the place.

Zeus, who had just been rescued and got up again, saw the invincible sight of me alone among the crowd of Olympus Divine Race. Zeus’s lungs were about to explode at the time. However, he can't attack at all now, because he also knows that the current Olympus Divine Race is quite unstable. So, the only thing he can do now is to lead by example.

When. I just killed it so easily that I suddenly felt the golden light flashed in front of me, and then the Eternal Sword was framed by two axes. This axe is obviously not Mortal Grade. Although the axe blade has broken the boss, at least it has not been directly cut off, and the equipment that can achieve this effect in front of eternity is all things that can be used for the Rank List of the weapon.

"Hey, isn't this the Divine King?" Seeing Zeus's face from behind the axe, I started to mock. "What's the matter? Are you slowing down again? I said you want to take a break at the intermission. Why do you ask people to come up and make trouble?"

Zeus listened to me, but he suddenly sent something out of his hand. Li, the double axe pushed me forward and bounced me out, and then angrily said: "You don't need to provoke me. I know your ability. Even if you can say that the dead is alive today, I will let you I can't open my mouth anymore while lying here."

"Oh, you are so confident? Then try my trick if you can't answer it?"

Fight against Zeus But it can’t be the same as dealing with the shrimp soldiers and crab generals. Zeus is a big boss, and he must have a minimum of respect for them. Remember I heard people say before that to respect your enemy is to respect your own life, because despising your enemy represents carelessness, and carelessness is often fatal. Especially on the battlefield!

Zeus rushed up immediately when he heard what I said. He knew that I would definitely play a big move, and he had also heard about the Lord’s Temple Mount being knocked down by me, so he was very afraid I stake all on one throw and smashed Olympus. Basically, humanoid nuclear bombs and human flesh map artillery are the strengths of our level. As long as you are willing to spend the money, you can add traces that can be seen directly with naked eye from space on the surface of Earth. These are all normal things. Zeus knew that I had this ability, so he didn't want me to make a big move, so he rushed forward without hesitation. However, as soon as he pounced on it, I suddenly disappeared.

Zeus, who suddenly lost his target, slammed the brakes, but because of inertia, his body still slid to the position where I just disappeared. At the same time, he quickly expanded the divine force and scanned the surrounding environment, hoping to find My silhouette, but it's a pity that he swept around and found nothing. However, just when he thought I had used some spell to leave, a sword blade suddenly stretched out of the space in front of him and swung it down. Fortunately, Zeus didn't react slowly. He slammed backwards, and the blade brushed his arm, leaving only a new blood hole on his arm.

"It's a pity, didn't expect you to react very quickly." Just after Zeus flashed away, my silhouette appeared again, but my position was where I stood just now. simply didn't move the place.

In fact, just when I was rushing in the crowd of Olympus Divine Race, because the fighting pressure was not high, I took the time to click the box behind the equipment name, and found that it popped up. Two options, one of which is equipment enhancement, and the other is equipment upgrade.

Since the description is relatively simple, I just glanced at it and understood the usefulness of the two functions. These two functions actually make the equipment stronger, the difference is that one is temporary and the other is permanent.

Equipment enhancement is a temporary enhancement. After activation, it will consume the Soul Power absorbed after killing the enemy, and then put the equipment into an enhanced state. In this state, the equipment will continue to consume Soul Power, unless it is actively stopped or Soul Power is exhausted, otherwise it will not be interrupted. Of course, during this period, the equipment will remain in the state of strengthening effect, and its attributes will undergo some uncertain changes, and every time it is random, it is not certain what will be strengthened. Once Soul Power is exhausted or the enhancement is canceled actively, Soul Power will stop falling, but the equipment will immediately return to the normal state before the enhancement. This is the effect of reinforcement.

The equipment upgrade is different from the enhancement, and its effect is permanent. As long as you invest Soul Power points at a time, you can strengthen the equipment for a stage and make it stronger. But this kind of strengthening is also random, it is not sure what effect will be strengthened, but one thing can be guaranteed, that is, after strengthening, it will only become stronger, not weaker, but the direction of the strengthening is uncontrollable.

This kind of permanent enhancement is obviously more cost-effective than temporary enhancement. After all, it is a one-time payment for lifelong benefits. Moreover, once the equipment is upgraded and the temporary enhancement is used, the enhancement effect will be Strengthen on the basis of upgrading. In other words, the more powerful the equipment is temporarily strengthened, the better the effect. However, although this permanent reinforcement is very cost-effective, it also has shortcomings.

Although permanent enhancement is more cost-effective, it requires a one-time payment of a large number of Soul Power points each time, and the

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