An Min was not the only one who was scared by that big insect, but also Mad Dog and Sister Hong. Of course, everyone else was similar. Only the bodyguards of those Mad Dogs were pretty good. After a few seconds, they rushed up to try to get the insect off An Min’s face, but they didn’t have the right tools, and secondly they were afraid of hurting An Min. In addition, An Min was too frightened. I didn't know how to cooperate with others. I just kept twisting and screaming there. Not only did I not get the insect down, but the few officers who were trying to help were staggered.

The mad dog came out of the Great Family at any rate. People were a little arrogant, but it was reasonable to deal with the emergency. After a little sluggishness for a while, he suddenly realized the key to the problem, so he quickly left the struggling An Min and ran to the only Jingjing who was still in the cabin.

"Please, please help!" This guy is not stupid yet, at least he knows that he must be polite when he asks for help. If he dares to arrogantly command Jingjing now, I would never mind Drag him behind the plane to fly a kite with an umbrella rope.

Jingjing just turned her head around after hearing that guy's words. As for her eyes, the mad dog didn't see it because of the helmet blocking. By the way, the mad dog has actually never seen the appearance of anyone in the entire team except me.

Of course, Jingjing, who has a calm personality, will not immediately respond to her likes and dislikes, but directly throws the problem to me. I actually heard the mad dog asking for help in the upper cabin, but I was impossible to take the initiative, so I just gave Jingjing an explanation during the radio contact.

After receiving my instructions, Jingjing did not answer the mad dog, but stood up and handed over the shield hung on her left arm. "Hold it for me." After speaking, she let go and walked towards An Min who was still screaming.

Mad Dog’s original attention was not here. Hearing Jingjing made him then instinctively stretched out his hand and hugged the shield. Who knew that when Jingjing let go, he immediately felt like he was in his hand. As if holding a motorcycle, he threw the shield to the ground with a bang. It's not that he doesn't want to hug hard, it's that the weight of the thing is too scary. Although this thing is not so heavy that humans can't get it, it must be someone like a Hercules. A mad dog with thin arms and legs will know that he is not a strong person. This is pure Jingjing deliberately harmed him.

Although the mad dog later thought that this was deliberately cheating himself, he could only pinch his nose to recognize Jingjing, who was walking towards An Min. He glanced at the shield that fell on the ground, and wanted to lift it up, but after thinking about the mad dog, he just gave up.

On the other side, Jingjing walked up to An Min, but she did not immediately make a move. Instead, she waved her hand to make the officers next to him retreat, and then she slowly said: "I heard you I like to collect news. Would you like me to help you take a picture of what you are doing now? Going back and adding a name is a big news. I have figured out the title for you. It is called Biochemical Monster Attacking a Female Journalist. What do you think?"< /p>

"Don't don't, get it away, get it away!" An Min's voice at this meeting is no longer like a human voice. Excessive fright and the previous screams had a certain impact on her throat, so she would not even speak the right voice.

When Jingjing heard this answer, she still didn’t do it right away, but continued: “This insect is probably a biochemical weapon made in a certain country. It will die soon after being separated from the human body. It should be sent away, but because of your delay, it is now reaching its limit, so it will show such a strong offensive, because it also knows that it will be dead if it does not find the host. Originally we found some dormant gas With this storage tank, I plan to bring it back after it is anesthetized. This is already the method of compelled by circumstances. As a result, you let go of the anesthetic gas. Now you have to find a host for it or you have to watch it die. . What do you say we are going to do?"

"Kill it, kill it... Please kill it!" An Min yelled while struggling, obviously her thinking has been very confused. , Actually didn't hear Jingjing's meaning.

Jingjing is also obviously aware of this problem, so she directly replied: "This is a very important research goal. It is so important that it is worth more than one or two lives. So..."

< p>"Please, kill it, kill it!" Maybe she finally realized the problem, she added: "My family is very powerful, as long as you can kill it for me, I can..."

"Shut up." The mad dog stopped An Min's talk nonsense in time. Unlike the Treasured Young Lady from the family of ordinary officials like An Min, the Mad Dog family comes from the Army System, so he knows more about who our arms dealers are than ordinary people. To put it bluntly, compared with us, what drug dealers and terrorists do can be regarded as pranks among children, because we are a collective that can manipulate a country and even a world war. How many people can you kill if you sell some white flour and put a bomb? The people who die every year because of our arms dealers are not at all less dead than traffic accidents and diseases. If one day plans an international war, the whole world will have to reduce its staff by a percentage, you say. Are the terrorists or the white flour sellers comparable to what we have?

Because of knowing our toughness, the mad dog will suppress his arrogant character later, and now An Min’s words obviously do not help her bad situation, but may irritate us, so the mad dog Only then hurriedly stopped her.

After frightening An Min, the mad dog suddenly said to Jingjing: "Please, can we count our family owing you two favors this time?"

"Young Master !" The officers next to them are not idiots, family favors and personal favors are not the same thing at all. Asking them to help solve An Min's problem is no problem, but this woman must be in order to give the family favor once, but this is too much for the loss.

The mad dog still wanted to speak and scold the bodyguard officers, but my voice appeared in everyone's ears first. "I said you are a bit prosperous, okay? You dare to give family favors for a woman? Do you think you are the elder of your family?"

"I..." I wanted to refute, but opened my mouth to find out Completely speechless, the mad dog finally reluctantly changed the subject and argued: "If something happens to your woman, won't you save it?"

"Of course I will save it, but my wife is Those who can Forecast Future will never be stupid enough to turn themselves into such a virtue."

"Okay, I know you are strong, and I also know that I am inferior to you in everything, but I Please, save her, please? She won’t be able to continue like this!"

At this time, An Min’s face, neck, and arms were all made out by that big centipede-like insect. Many large and small wounds, and because of the struggle, the blood was rubbed everywhere, plus the hair soaked in blood, this was absolutely terrifying and embarrassing. Of course, I knew from my observation that she was actually fine at all, otherwise she wouldn't scream so loudly.

Although I really want to punish An Min for a while, since the mad dogs gave up their dignity and begged for mercy in such a low voice, I couldn't do too much. Rabbits bite when they are in a hurry, not to mention that people are evil in the first place.

"Okay, let's stop mucking my nose and tears. It's like I want to kill someone." After I said that, I walked to An Min and reached out and pinched the Insect. The carapace behind the head flashed with the blue arc on the hand, and the insect's tail and limbs immediately loosened, and I took advantage of it and pulled it off An Min's face.

As soon as the insect was removed, An Min waved his arms and crawled backwards like a cramp, until he was five or six meters away from me and stopped because of being hugged by a mad dog. . After taking a look at the insect in my hand, she threw her head into the arms of the mad dog and burst into tears. Even if she is the kind of person who has a boundless thirst for knowledge, she still has a sense of fear. She really frightened her.

Looking at shiver coldly hiding in the arms of a mad dog, only one eye was exposed and occasionally looked at An Min who we hurriedly hid back. I guess this time she should have taught her enough. Turning around and looking at the ground, I reached out to the jar, and the jar flew into my hand automatically. Tucked the big insect back into the jar and sealed the mouth of the jar, then stuffed it directly to Jingjing, and then I returned to the cabin without looking back.

The officers saw that the matter was over and they all returned to their seats. Only Sister Hong was still comforting An Min with the mad dog, but I guess she wouldn’t want to return to normal for a while, maybe. She will have to have nightmares related to insects in the next few months. Of course, even if she was scared to death, I wouldn't care. If it weren't for the face of the mad dog and his grandfather, I would have killed this woman.

After dealing with this matter, the next journey seemed much quieter. Jingjing and Lingling and I didn't want to move too much. An Min was already a little mentally disturbed by the fright, and temporarily didn't have the energy to make trouble. The cameraman Chang Bin didn't have An Min's assignment. He only knew that he was holding a phone that had already been manipulated to take pictures of the lucky fleshy body, and he wouldn't do anything else at all. The officers are not troublesome people. They are all resting. Mad Dog and Sister Hong are busy taking care of An Min, and they are not free now. Finally, we did not return to the cargo hold until the plane landed.

When I felt that the plane was about to land, I walked up to the officers and said to them: "It will be landing in a while. The airport has already prepared a helicopter for you. Don't forget to go back. I told the Old Master that we are paying for his face this time."

"We will report this truthfully." One of the remaining officers stood up and said, who seemed to have the highest status.

I nodded and ignored him. Instead, I walked directly behind the plane. After landing, we must quickly send the lucky fleshy body to the laboratory. After all, those insects will be made out as soon as possible. Of course, it is more important to figure out how they enter the lucky body, and also to figure out how to figure out where these things come from. As a thing that threatens our lives, we must understand it thoroughly, or we will be planted on this thing sooner or later! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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