When we rushed to the other side of the city, Jingjing was already doing what I explained earlier.

Of course I didn’t want Jingjing to come and kill people, on the contrary, I asked her to save people. At this time Jingjing was using the local dialect she had just learned to direct these people to stay away from the city. I was lucky enough to explode the gamma-ray cannon on the robot, which caused the leak of high-concentration weapon-grade nuclear material inside the gamma-ray cannon. Now almost all of the space around here is radiation, and its intensity has reached the level that it can be lethal. To the point. Of course, this lethal effect is not so terrifying that it can kill people in minutes, but the longer you stay, the faster you die. Besides, even if you can't die, the various other diseases caused by radiation are definitely not fun.

African countries generally have low levels of education, but since it is a port city, its openness and cultural level are significantly higher than those of ordinary cities, so people here also know what nuclear radiation is. Just as Jingjing said this, those people immediately believed her words, and then turned around and started running. As for Jingjing, she continued to guide them in the sky.

Seeing Jingjing doing a good job, I didn’t rely on it to help. Anyway, as long as the group of refugees run up, it’s just a matter of saving them. There are people who don’t believe us to stay. If we die, we deserve it. He was unlucky.

Actually, in the current situation, there are really no people below who do not believe us, because the task of Jingjing and I is to tell them that the American battleship was destroyed and the nuclear reactor was leaked. This is half true half false, so they don’t believe it. After all, most of them have seen some of the battles on the sea before. Although they can't see clearly, they know that the Americans are fighting. As for the leak of the nuclear reactor on the battleship, this is also a matter of reason. After all, both sides are impossible to keep their hands in the battle, and it is normal to hit the nuclear reactor, so no one thinks this is a problem. Besides, they can't think of any reason for us to deceive them, and for the safety of their lives, even if we are telling lies, running a section of the road is not a big deal. The refugees did not use their lives to bet whether we were false. The courage of words.

Watching the refugees retreat away from the radiation source one after another, I turned around and flew back to the sea with Lingling. At this time, the robot had been completely dismantled by fortune into a pile of fragments. There were distorted metal fragments everywhere on the ground, and some were even thrown into the middle of the city.

"Lucky, is there something wrong with your biological core?" When I went back to the beach and saw that Lucky was still whip the corpse, I was frowned immediately.

Fortunately, I did not hear the dissatisfaction in my tone at all. It was like a person who had drunk with an abnormal state of excitement. He turned his head and showed off to me: "Haha, master, look at me, I will How broken is it?"

Looking at Lucky, who is completely unaware of the situation, the silver next to me seemed to have noticed my dissatisfaction. She dragged her injured wings and pushed her luck. He looked towards Bai Yin, then turned his head to look at me after seeing her actions, and then looked at me as if suddenly thinking of something and asked in surprise: "Master, you don't want me to take revenge, do you? "

My brow furrowed even harder after hearing this. If someone asks this kind of words, I will not find it strange, after all, this is a normal emotional response. But the problem is that fortunately Dragon Clan, he shouldn't have such emotions. His condition today is very strange. From the very beginning when I was fighting the robot, I felt something was wrong. Now it seems that something is really wrong.


The luck over there is still a bit unclear, so he looked at me, not knowing what I called him to do.

I still don’t understand when I see him, I can only helplessly command: "Connect to Nuwa."

"Huh?" The brow furrowed even harder. After all, I was just giving orders instead of talking, and I was lucky to hesitate. This obviously did not conform to Dragon Clan's behavioral characteristics. Fortunately, even though I was stunned for a few seconds, I was still unhappy and nodded in the end. At the same time, I also got in touch with Nuwa.

"Nuwa, help check Lucky's body, he seems something is wrong."

"Okay." Nuwa immediately said to Lucky after agreeing: "little fellow, first Transfer your consciousness to me for a while, and turn your body into remote control mode."

"I, I..." Fortunately, when I heard this, there was instinctive resistance, and my body was shaking. Up.

Nuwa realized something almost immediately, and shouted directly to me: "Shenlin, use your authority."

When I heard Nuwa's prompt, I immediately turned my attention to luck. , And then my eyes flashed. In my sight, Lucky had become a translucent individual composed of green light and shadow, and then my sight began to zoom in, and then quickly locked the mechanical skeletons on Lucky’s body. The joint position, at the same time, aimed at the huge electronic brain in Lucky's head, and then a series of final passwords that only I could send were transmitted, and Lucky was like an electric shock with a violent shake, and then like She lost her soul in an instant and slumped down and smashed heavily on the ground.

Different from luck, Baiyin is a giant dragon made directly in reality. She has not received knowledge instillation from the system, so she has no idea what I mean to all Dragon Clan. She always thought that I was able to direct them only because of my higher status than luck, and she also accepted my command because of her idea of ​​singing with her husband and the realization of the meaning of dragon fate to her. But now, she finally realized that things were far from being as simple as she thought.

"Lucky, husband! What's the matter with you?" Silver rushed to Lucky in a panic, wanting to move but not daring to touch, then turned to look at me and asked, "What the hell did you do to him? "

I replied very calmly: "Don't worry, the lucky mind has been transferred. Now what is left here is a shell. You have also seen our spare body in the base, replace it The body is not at the worst thing."

"Then he..."

"There should be something wrong with his body, and it has reversed his consciousness. I just He closed his mechanical skeleton with the highest authority, so he will collapse now. Don’t worry, he will be moved back when we finish checking."

Although he is still worried, Silver is at ease. After a while, she realized something again after a few seconds, then turned her head and looked towards me and asked: "Can you do the same to me?"

"Not only you, but the whole Dragon Any individual of Clan, I can turn off his electronic brain and mechanical skeleton at will to put it into a dormant state. If there is no problem with you, I think you should understand."

Silver just pondered for a few seconds. nodded, and then said: "I understand."

I understand that although these four words are not many, they may never be understood by a human being. We, Dragon Clan, have corrected many conflicts of thought from the genetic level. For example, there is a huge difference between us and human beings on the two points of defensiveness and harmfulness. For the complex and changeable species of humans, the idea of ​​harming others is almost irreversible. Even if there is no conflict of interest at all, there will still be people who want to infringe upon other human beings. This is determined by the competition and killing instinct engraved in human genes. The suppression of ethics and social violence can only reduce and restrict this behavior. , But it can never be eliminated. But our Dragon Clan does not have such a problem, because we have no such characteristics from our genes, so it can be said that Dragon Clan has absolute mutual trust and absolute unity. This is why we have only shown some luck before. The abnormal personality made me discover the reason for the wrong, because it has violated Dragon Clan's way of thinking.

Like I have the special authority that can control the whole family in my hand, if it happens to humans, then other people must do everything possible to get rid of this controlling person. Even if this person will never use this permission, other people will not let him go, because they don't believe that this person can't use it. But within our Dragon Clan, this behavior can be directly understood and accepted, because there is no intrigue and intrigue between us Dragon Clan, we may lie, may pretend, but it is all external, we will never Deceive and deceive one's own person, unless it is to help each other.

Of course, the final authority in my hand is not absolute control authority, because Dragon Clan does not have absolute control authority. The permission in my hand to close other Dragon Clan is actually just to close him and make repairs and adjustments in time when my individual has a possible failure. On the contrary, because I may also encounter such problems, Ling Hexiao They also have the right to close me, just because I have the right to close the whole family, so close me is not just one of them who wants to close it. There must be at least three seniors like Ling or Xiaochun. I will be shut down when the Dragon Clan issues instructions at the same time, and if it is the Dragon Clan Legion composed of Qilin warrior, then at least a thousand people must issue instructions at the same time to shut me down. This is a kind of insurance and also a self-maintenance mechanism for the race.

After getting approval from Silver, we walked to Lucky and checked his body roughly, and Nuwa also controlled the various internal structures of Lucky's body from the inside, and then started the one by one test After inspection, we found the problem soon.

"It's here." Following my guidance, Lingling picked up her special sword and inserted it into a muscle at the back of her neck, and then gradually applied force with her hand, very relaxed So he stabbed the sword in. After the stabbing was deep enough, Lingling drew hard, the sword was pulled out again, and I quickly squatted up and put the right hand from the incision into the lucky muscle. As I continued to exert force, my entire arm quickly penetrated into the muscles, and then I closed my eyes and started groping in the muscles by electromagnetic induction and the touch of my hand. Sure enough, I quickly touched a hard object, and the thing actually moved after it felt my approach, but I was faster, and when I grabbed it forward, I pinched the object in my hand. Then he pulled it out.

Squeak... As my hand was pulled out, a very sharp scream rang out. The sound made our ears tingling a bit, but fortunately, that thing only After calling for a few seconds, it stopped, and only then did we have the opportunity to observe this thing carefully.

This is an insect, its shape is similar to a centipede, the watch is covered with a black carapace, the length is about 30 cm, and there are dozens of extremely sharp arthropods under it. It is wrapping around my wrist desperately trying to pierce my armor, and its head has a pair of large pliers, and it is desperately trying to bite me one by one. But unfortunately, the position I pinched was very accurate, just behind its head, restricted by the carapace, it could only turn the back half of the body around my wrists, but the pair of large pliers on the head was completely sturdy. Not useful.

"What the hell is this?" Lingling looked at the insect I pulled out with a little surprise and cried out: "Do we also have parasites in our bodies?"

I Reluctantly shook the head and said: "I am not quite clear. The details must be checked by professional equipment at the base."

Shook the head and asked: "This is the lucky behavior before. Caused it?"

I nodded and said: "Yes. Just now Nuwa still detected the meridian signal on the lucky body after pulling away the lucky mind, so she asked me to follow the signal Looking for the signal source, I found this thing. They seem to be attached to the lucky nerve circuit, and then add signals to it to achieve the purpose of affecting the lucky behavior and emotions. However, it seems that this thing cannot directly control luck for the time being. , And its electrical signal strength is too low. After the lucky main consciousness is closed, it cannot drive the lucky body to respond with neural signals. It can only send out some messy signals in vain."

Silver nodded asked again: "Then I am lucky to come back now?"

I shook the head directly. "No, there are at least a dozen of these things in his body. I dug out this one just to see what it is."


< p>"Yes, and there are more than one. Nuwa estimated based on the signal strength. The total number should be between 13 and 15. I found one, indicating that there are at least 12 to 14 more."

"Then let's go back quickly." Bai Yin said anxiously because he was worried about luck.

I can only comfort her first: "The transport plane is already on the way, and we will have to wait for it to arrive. Once we go back, we will give him a full check."

Wait for the plane. For a while, of course we can’t sit there. First, we use data communication to connect Xiaobudian and Xiaobai with their signals and let them go to a relatively deserted area we designated to wait for us. The reason why they are not allowed to come is mainly because they are still following. Mad Dog and An Min's group of people.

Here are all radiation lines now, since I promised to take people back, then I will not harm them. For our Dragon Clan, the radiation here is just like an ordinary person basking in the sun, and it's still the sun when it is cloudy, so there is no harm at all. However, for human beings, as long as they stay here for a few minutes, their chances of getting cancer after waiting for more than ten years will definitely be hundreds of times higher than that of ordinary people. If they stay here for more than an hour, then I guess they will have all sorts of weird problems within three years, and they will definitely not live for ten years.

In order to take care of them and to find a suitable landing place for our transport aircraft, we pointed them all to the deserted area, where there happened to be a wide dirt road with both sides In the flat wasteland, our transport aircraft can take off and land vertically. Such an environment is already very good.

We have not been idle after assigning them. Jingjing commanded the refugees to run as far as possible along the way. Lingling was assigned to the sea to drag the bodies of some American soldiers back to the coastal waters, and then waited for them to be washed ashore by the sea, so as to provide sufficient evidence.

Silver’s task is more strenuous, which is to carry luck to the assembly point. We can't do this except her. After all, luck is too big. Even if we have the strength, it is not easy to carry him on his back. Moreover, even if we don't care, the ground can't stand it. As far as the area of ​​our feet is, if we carry luck on our backs, it will really be one step at a time, and it will be the kind that sinks into the top of the head with one foot.

After assigning them all, of course I can't rest, because I have to check the remains of the robot to see what's left. It was judged that the problem was lucky because of this wreck. It is said that this thing is a secret weapon of the Americans, and the technology on it must be something we can learn from. Normally, even if you don't take the initiative to capture a complete one, there is no reason to destroy it after defeating it? It's as if the army of a certain country killed an alien, and didn't want to find a scientific research unit to pull it over for research. Instead, it had to chop it to pieces and burn it to ashes with a flamethrower. Isn't this an idiot?

Based on this idea, I was so quick to judge that there was a problem with luck. As for now, of course, I try to check to see if there is anything that has not been broken by luck so I can bring it back for research.

The result cannot be said to be lucky, but it is not too bad. Fortunately, the destruction is very thorough, but basically it is torn with claws and mouth, without using energy weapons and dragon flames, so even if it is very difficult to deal with, if you fight it back, you can still research something. Only this amount of functionality is exaggerated. Of course, I am not worried about this. Nuwa is there anyway, scan all the pieces that can be found, and then let Nuwa play the three-dimensional puzzle. It is believed that Nuwa's computing power can completely recover it in less than two seconds.

My work of collecting debris is going well, but the robot is too big, so I’m impossible to take it all away. First, there is not enough manpower, and second, there is not much space for the transport plane. Packing Lucky and Silver is already very reluctant. After all, they originally expected them to help bring some things back when the plane took off. As a result, not only could they not help transport the things, they became one of the passengers instead.

When I collected all the pieces that I thought were valuable and packed them into a found box, our transport plane finally arrived. Seeing the plane flying low above us, I quickly threw my things into the box and started to rush to the assembly point, and Jingjing and Lingling also immediately noticed that the plane was coming.

When we flew to the meeting point, the plane had stopped and was making a U-turn on the ground. This time there were two planes in total, not small in size, otherwise they wouldn't be able to fit the size of luck. Of course, Bai Yin had to take another plane, which could not carry two dragons.

"What is this?" An Min's reporter syndrome seems hopeless, so he dare to ask if he has been so miserable.

I simply ignored her question, and then handed the metal trash can to the two crew members who ran down. That’s right, the part I just installed is actually a trash can, but it’s not a trash can like a water bucket in our country, but an American-style trash can, which is two meters wide and one meter high, just stuffed. A large trash can that three or five people don't feel squeezed in.

The city was blasted so badly. I didn't bring any handling equipment at the time. It was pretty good to be able to find such a trash can for parts. Of course, there is nothing dirty in this trash can except the parts. The previous tsunami helped me clean it.

After the crew moved the trash can into the plane that had been adjusted, I immediately worked with Jingjing and Lingling to help Baiyin get lucky into the cabin of the previous plane, and then Baiyin himself Entered the plane behind.

After confirming that the two dragons were on the plane, I directly boarded the plane in front, and then the act recklessly silly woman An Min happily followed. I glanced at her and didn't say anything. As for the mad dogs, they are much more honest. They are walking behind carefully, for fear of making me angry.

The plane took off immediately after we all boarded, and because I didn't want to stay with that crazy woman, I simply climbed into the cabin on the top of the plane. There is usually a small passenger cabin on the top of such a large transport aircraft, which is mainly prepared for escorts. Of course, the long benches on both sides of the cargo hold can also be seated, but the comfort is much worse.

An Min glanced at me first after seeing me climb the stairs, and then approached Lucky, who hadn’t reacted to anything since his appearance. After circling around the lucky body a few times, she started to make crooked ideas. First, she ran to the lucky tail while no one was paying attention, trying to get a piece of scale down. Of course, it was in vain. Those are dragon scales that even missiles can carry. If they can be pulled down by hand, it would be a big joke.

After the failure of the scale stealing plan, the restless woman began to approach Lingling again, and then tried to ask something. As soon as she opened her mouth, Lingling pulled out the sword on her body, and then sighed. She plugged it in again, and the next second she left her seat in the woman's stiff expression and climbed the stairs to the cabin. Finally, Lingling closed the cabin door and An Min eased over, but when she lowered her head, she found her clothes. I don't know when she was actually cut into a pile of rags. If it weren't for the top end, she would have to be seen by others now. But she didn't dare to move now, because the rags were just hanging on her body, and she only needed to move it to make sure it disappeared immediately.

As soon as the mad dog saw the situation, he ran over and put his clothes on her body. Although it was a little dirty, it wouldn't run out anyway.

After taking a note of Ma Wei, An Min still didn't mean to stop in the slightest. Seeing Lingling ignored her, she moved to Jingjing again, while Jingjing leaned on the cabin wall and closed her eyes to rest. An Min made a few words casually, but Jingjing simply ignored her, and she couldn't do anything about it.

Probably she was born with no idea what it means to learn a lesson. After discovering that we ignored her, this crazy woman began to study everywhere in the plane. Of course, during the period, I took a lot of photos for Lucky, all of which are stored in her mobile phone that has been passive.

Although luck is big news, but the photos are taken from time to time, and this woman soon began to lose interest in these things. But she soon found what she was interested in-a metal jar.

This jar, which is slightly larger than the thermos, is fully sealed, the outer layer is stainless steel, and the silver light is shiny without any marks, and the opening method is only very simple, just twist it.

An Min has been paying attention to this jar for a long time, because Lingling had been holding this thing before, but it was thrown on the floor after she was annoyed by it, so now she has it Chance. After Niu Tau confirmed that Jingjing hadn't noticed her, she carefully walked to the side of the jar and picked up the thing, then turned her head and looked at Jingjing.

In fact, with our electromagnetic induction ability, even if we don’t open our eyes, we still know what the people around us are doing. Of course Jingjing also knows that An Min is approaching the can, and she is also going to intercept it. It's the Insect that was dug out from Lucky's body just now. However, just when she was about to move, my voice came from the data link. "Leave her alone. Just be careful not to let the insect be killed by them."

After hearing my voice, Jingjing's tight body relaxed again, and An Min over there thought He was not found, and he was cautiously approaching a corner where no one was hiding the jar. After walking into the corner, she confirmed again that no one nearby noticed her, and then slowly unscrewed the jar with a look of excitement.

She originally planned to open the jar slowly, but when she just unscrewed the jar and was about to open it slowly, a considerable force suddenly came from the jar. She pushed the lid open, and then she saw a huge black insect with face looks sinister popped out of the jar and hit her face. Almost instantly, the high-pitched cry resounded throughout the cabin, while in the passenger cabin, Lingling smiled puchi, and even I smiled slightly unconsciously.

The insect has just been roughly studied. Apart from the long and terrifying, the external band can release current to interfere with nerve signals. It is actually not a threat. It is not toxic and does not have any powerful organs. The big tongs on the mouth are a bit lethal, but the thing is better than the crab tongs at best, at most it can cause a little injury, and it is impossible to kill people.

Since it won’t be fatal, we just don’t care about it. Anyway, there are still many insects in the body. Even if one is killed, we don’t feel distressed.

It’s different from our taking pleasure in other people’s misfortune. At this time, An Min was so scared that he even changed the tone of her cry. As soon as the thing hit her face, he desperately hugged her face. The tail was also wrapped around her neck, and the arthropods of this thing were very sharp. An Min had already been scratched and injured, and when they heard the barking mad dog, they looked at the insect and frightened them at all. What should I do. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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