An Min who was completely scared by my cold tone of not knowing what to do, just half-sitting and half-prone on the ground twisted and looked at me stupidly, and then she peeed. Yes, it is indeed pee. Because I have seen the water stains gradually spreading out in the beach.

"Does it seem that you still know that you are afraid?" I looked down at An Min, who now has no image, and I said mockingly. Although she was indeed regarded as a high-quality beauty before, it is a pity that her appearance is really not beautiful at all. No matter how beautiful a woman is, half of her face is swollen from a beating, coupled with the mud and the smell of urine that is permeating, it is estimated that normal people will not think that her current image has any beauty.

It was probably because my girlfriend was bullied by me that he burst out with super long battle strength. The mad dog over there suddenly broke free with a fierce force. The officers who were pressing him tried to rush over again, but He was only halfway through when he saw a silhouette suddenly floating in front of him.

Ling stood directly in front of him and stared at him without saying a word, and the guy was also taken aback for a while and wanted to bypass Ling and continue forward, but that’s it. Several officers after the delay had already rushed up and dragged him back again and pressed him tightly. The mad dog saw that he couldn't break free and began to curse, but Ling and I didn't react at all to his cursing.

"That...Excuse me..." Just when I turned my gaze to An Min on the ground again, the Englishman next to me suddenly asked tentatively.

I quickly turned my target to the other person, then looked at him and asked: "Is there anything wrong with you?"

The Englishman turned my attention to him when I saw him He immediately said: "I know you are the highest Chief-In-Charge at a glance. Well, I can tell you the location of the mine, but you can find someone to send me away afterwards?"

For this man, I didn’t even think about it, and said directly: "Of course. Even if you want to go in, I’m impossible to let you in. As long as you lead us to the mine entrance, I’ll ask someone to take it in. You send it to the nearest airport. So you have no objection?"

"No objection, no objection." The Englishman is thinking about how to survive now. As for the mine...he again Not stupid. That thing provokes so many superpowers to send out Xuezang's secret troops for it. Is his ordinary person caught in the middle of so many superpowers really has a long idle life? The big country that came to grab this place this time almost represents the cutting-edge power of this world. Not to mention that he is just an ordinary person. Even a second-third rate country is involved in this kind of thing. It is estimated that this group of big countries will have to be caught in minutes Pinched to death, let alone his ordinary person?

After talking to the Englishman, I turned my head and said to the officers beside the mad dog over there: "Let him come here."

The officers looked at each other. They hesitated for a moment, but in the end they let go of the guy. As soon as the mad dog was free, he ran directly to An Min and helped her up, but I looked at him condescendingly and said, "Listen to him. If she was just an ordinary reporter, I promise that she has died ten times now. Looking at the relationship between your old man and our old man, I will give her one last chance. Huiwu tells your old man, this time we have done the best of kindness. Also, you will remember it to me, this is I tolerated her for the last time, but if this happens again... think about it for yourself."

After finishing this remark, I directly waved to the officers over there, and I waited for them to come. I took out a small round box the size of a lady's makeup mirror and handed it over, and then said: "Take this, it will guide you to leave."

The one who took the thing. When the officer heard this, he immediately looked at the box in his hand, and then tentatively pressed the only button on the side of the box. As a result, the front of the box popped a small lid, and then projected out in the air. A three-dimensional map of the surrounding environment. When the officer touched the map with his hands, he discovered that the map, which was composed entirely of projections, could be turned by hand and could be zoomed at will.

The officer tried a few times, and then found that there were a few green dots and a lot of red and yellow dots on the reduced map. He asked me puzzledly: "What are these points?"

"This is a tactical map used by our own people, so there are our identification signs. The green ones are me and my subordinates, yellow For the creatures that are not identified as foe or foe confirmed by the battlefield network, red is an enemy or dangerous creature. Anyway, you can avoid these red and yellow dots. This machine itself shows a white light spot on the map, you only need to Look at the white point and you will know where you are. After a while, you follow the map and walk towards the sea. People with our dragon fate will pick you up over there. The map will show their location. You only need to see the green over there. Click, just lean over."

The officer nodded said he understood, and then he and several other officers studied the map, and I called the British and took out another one exactly the same. The expansion of the map box made him point out the location of the mine on it. Since this is a three-dimensional map, the picture is easy to identify. Although the person has not seen this map, he quickly found the location of the mine. When he found the location on the map, a white triangle mark appeared immediately in that place, and the officers over there were also surprised. One of them turned his head directly and asked me: "Brigadier General Shenlin, what's the matter with this triangle?"

Ling helped me explain before: "The one you use is our own. Maps, all signals are synchronized with each other. We have marked on our own map, and you can see them simultaneously, but you don’t care about the changes of these markers, just leave yours. Then the map machine will find the one to pick you up After the team, just hand it over to the other party, they will take care of it."

A few people were nodded, and then they helped up Sister Hong and An Min who were frightened before and pulled the mad dog and Chang Bin over there. I started to leave according to the map. As for the Englishman who wanted to follow along, I called him back. What I told him was to find the mine and let him go, but let him go without telling me the mine. I wouldn't let him go until I saw the mine with my own eyes.

In the eyes of the British, the officers finally took An Min and left us, but before they left our sight, I suddenly turned frowned around. Come, and then waited for ten seconds before seeing a few silhouettes wearing silver white mechanical armor rushing in the woods ahead. It is not difficult to see from their equipment that these guys should be in the same group as the one who was just maimed by Xiao Budian.

The group of people stopped after rushing to our neighborhood, and then they immediately found their companion who was lying not far away. Two of them quickly broke through, and then knelt down and touched it. Guy's pulse. After a few seconds, the man stood up and shook the head towards this side. The leader here immediately turned his head to our side after seeing the staff there shaking his head, and then listened to him pointing at me and saying in a low, thick voice: "You are dead."

"You think like this? I don't think so."

"humph." The man shook his right hand forcefully, oh la la, a piece of armor on his right arm popped out automatically , And then saw a short muzzle stick out. Following him, he quickly pointed the muzzle at me, and almost at the same time, the muzzle began to emit fiery barrage.

As soon as the officers who had not run far saw the situation here, they hurriedly supported An Min and ran forward, while Ling and I moved immediately when the guy fired. .

The moment the guy fired, I suddenly flashed to the side, and then drew out the large-caliber pistol on my waist like lightning and aimed it at this guy's shoulder. Hearing a loud boom like a small cannon fire, a fireball burst out from the position of the guy's shoulder, and the guy himself was blasted backwards, and the whole person almost fell out.

didn't expect my pistol formidable power is so big, the guy quickly adjusted the muzzle and started shooting at me, but before his muzzle was pointed at me, I had already jumped up. I turned over and kicked hard on the trunk above my head, and then I rushed down again, and then just when I was about to pounce on him, a metal net flew out of nowhere, oh la la. Covered me and flew me sideways.

Being caught in the net, my body couldn't move at all. As a result, I naturally landed directly without any response. Before I could get up, there was a burst of bullets chasing me. There were so many fire stars on the armor all over my body instantly, but fortunately, my ceramic armor was quite strong, although the sparks flying in all directions were not damaged in any way.

Just as the few guys who rushed out focused their firepower on me, a white silhouette suddenly jumped out from behind one of them, and then bit the guy’s head back. With a flick, he threw the guy out. Before the person next to him could react, Xiao Budian rushed up from the other side. First, he flew one with one claw, then bit and threw one back, then turned around and flew one with his tail, and finally kicked on the ground. He threw a guy who was greeted in front of him on the ground and directly bit the guy's neck with one bite.

After the guy was pushed to the ground, he saw that the monster in front of him was actually about to bite his neck. He hurriedly blocked him with his left hand, but he bit his arm directly with a bit of a click. Then I heard a zhi zhi quack of metal distortion, and the armor on the outside of the guy's arm began to deform like the previous one's helmet, and the constantly fragile parts even started to emit electric sparks.

Boom. Just as Xiao Budian was about to bite the guy's arm in a spurt of energy, a ball of Fireball burst out of his body, and then he saw that Xiao Budian flew out directly to the side, and the person under him was also freed.

A guy wearing the same mechanical armor puts away the cannon on his shoulders and walks over to pull up the person and ask: "Is it all right?"

The person looked at his arm Mounted on the obviously deformed armor, and then shook his head: "That bitch's thing is really abnormal. It can't even stop our atomic armor. I thought I was going to die just now!"

< p>"Haha, who told you to accidentally order it. In order to support Maggie's Shuangfeng with both hands in the future, I suggest you use your head directly next time."

"Fuck off You." The guy who was molested slapped his companion, and then suddenly shouted: "Not good, Captain is dangerous."

Just when they were talking, the first guy who fired at me before He fired and rushed in front of me. After shooting at me lying on the ground for a few seconds, he found that he couldn't wear my armor at all, so he stopped the fire and took the heavy battle axe on his back. Down.

I was shocked when I saw this thing. Although my armor is strong, it can't stand it. Seeing that guy was about to hit me with an axe, I rolled directly to the side, and the guy’s axe slammed into the place where I was just lying down. Although I don’t know if this one can break through my defense, but look. The effect of almost half of the axe hitting the ground, it is estimated that this hitting my body will definitely shock me even if it doesn't break the defense.

After getting out of the guy’s axe, I quickly rolled over to him, because the guy had already raised the axe again and was about to smash it down, but this time I saw one before he smashed it down. The translucent shock wave directly knocked him out.

Ling jumped in front of me and shouted: "I'll block them, you first figure out a way to get out."

I didn't even care to answer and sat up directly on the ground, and then I folded my hands in front of my chest, followed by a click, and the claws on both arms bounced out together. In an instant, two incisions were made to the metal mesh that bound me. Then, with a move of my arms, the incision was directed towards Down, the rope of the metal mesh and the edge of the blade claw broke, and the whole net was torn apart by me in an instant and flew out.

After regaining my freedom, I just got up and saw another guy spraying a metal net at me. I directly raised my hand and pointed at him, and a shock wave blasted directly in the past and it will not be fully deployed. The metal net directly took him back and wrapped him, and then the shock wave took him back more than ten meters and hit a tree before it stopped.

After I got this guy, I picked up the pistol on the ground and hung it back to my waist, and then stretched out my hand to pull out the long sword hanging on the other side of the waist. When my arm gripped the hilt and tightened, the whole sword made a piercing noise, and then the blade of the whole sword suddenly turned into a dazzling golden.

The American Captain over there shouted directly in the communication channel: "Be careful, that guy has a high-frequency vibration blade in his hand. It can't be hard-wired, and our armor can't stop it!"

Although Captain yelled such words, wouldn't he be cut if he didn't want to force it? Just as he finished shouting, I rushed to the front of a guy. After the guy hurriedly raised his hand and shot at me, I rushed to him with his bullet, and then I saw a sudden in front of me. Three streams of light flashed out, following me directly around him, and it wasn't until I passed him that this guy's right arm suddenly broke off from his shoulder, and a lot of blood spurted out at the same time, because Suddenly there was an X-shaped cross-cut on his chest, which penetrated his entire body, so that his head and shoulders fell directly from the body below.

The surrounding mecha warriors screamed at me when they saw the horror of their comrades, but I did not avoid it, but rushed up to welcome them.

While those guys are busy attacking me, Xiaobai, Xiaobudian and Ling are steadily fighting in the back to find opportunities for sneak attack. Although they are not fast, they will inevitably kill an enemy every time they shoot. , So that over time, the number of enemies will be directly reduced to below ours.

For the subsequent sneak attack, the mecha warriors over there didn't know if they didn't notice it or planned to concentrate their efforts to kill me first. In short, they just focused all their targets on me.

A mecha warrior stood at a long distance, and then the back of his shoulders swelled and deformed, and a metal launcher flipped from his back to his right shoulder. Following him, holding the front of the cannon with one hand and aiming at my position, only hearing a bang, something with an obvious orange red trajectory flew towards me.

When I saw the thing flying towards me, I jumped straight back, and the orange red thing hit the place where I just stood, and then there was a loud explosion sound, and the shock wave blasted the surrounding ground. A layer of dirt was blown out, and I used the shock wave to directly pull the distance away, and then swapped out the long spear I had previously carried from behind and fired a shot at the guy's neck in the air. I saw a lot of blood spurting from the front and back of the guy's neck with a bang, and his entire head rolled off his shoulders.

After finishing the shooting, I quickly withdrew the long spear and replaced it with a long sword, and flashed out on a big tree looking towards the side, and the big tree was just as soon as I left. Another shell exploded into a pile of wood chips.

With the help of the big tree's reaction force, I quickly rushed to the famous and relatively close enemy, and then when he panicked and backed up, I chased him in front of him with a sword and slashed his right hand with a gun. Come down. Before that guy could react, I swung diagonally upward again, and the long sword instantly cuts into his chest cavity from under the guy’s right arm, and then cut directly from the top of his left shoulder. His entire right shoulder is connected to his neck and head. Fell from the body together.

After killing this guy, I didn't rush forward, but quickly backed away, because the position where I just stood was covered by fire. However, even if I jumped back, the other side fired a missile hitting my chest.

Of course, ordinary missiles can't hurt me, but after all, these people are secret American troops, and their technology is not ordinary technology. That missile looks small, but its formidable power is quite amazing. I just felt like my chest was stepped on by an elephant, and all the gas in my chest was squeezed out in an instant, and my head was dizzy, and I didn't even know how I flew out. When I regained consciousness, the comparison of the time returned by the electronic brain told me that it was already two seconds later, but now I feel like there are more than a hundred big bells ringing together in my head, the sound is really The shocked person’s head hurts, and at the same time, I still feel hot hu hu in my nose. Needless to say, there must be a nosebleed in it. Of course, I also noticed a fierce pain in my body. I don't know if the internal organs are misaligned or what happened. I feel bad anyway.

"Master? Master? Are you okay?" Ling's call came from his head.

I shook my head and barely regained my energy, then stretched out my hand to support a fallen tree trunk beside me and sat up. I looked around and found that several enemies were running towards me, but the three of them dragged down these guys in time, so they could not threaten me for the time being.

I tried to shake my head again to make myself awake a little bit, and then I tried to stand up, but I felt a little disobedient to my body, and it seemed to be out of balance.

Suddenly there was a red cursor flashing twice in the field of vision in front of my eyes, and then the cursor suddenly started to flash and scroll down, leaving lines of text in front of my eyes. At the same time as the text, there was a prompt sound in the ear: "Confirm that the maneuver has been seriously injured, now start the function self-test." The sound continued after a two-second pause. "The basic functions are intact, and part of the circulatory system is broken. It takes 20 seconds to repair. The hearing component of the left ear is severely damaged. It is expected to be repaired within 15 minutes. The body balance will be affected before the function is restored. Now the electronic gyroscope is temporarily enabled. Replace the ear pressure balance system. Countdown to start: three, two, one, start."

As the last sentence of the start sounded, I immediately felt that the balance of the body had returned, and the brain was awake. After a lot of time, the cursor in front of me started to flicker again, and the electronic prompt sounded again. "Confirm that the current status level is high-risk. The current system status is low energy consumption, and the body performance is only five percent of the normal value. It is recommended to start the sleep area and enter the standard mode. May I ask whether to start it."

I I chose yes directly in my mind, and then I felt a burst of unconscious heat all over my body, and then it seemed that my whole body was filled with inexhaustible strength, and the most important thing was that my thinking became clearer, and the Americans around me The speed becomes so slow and slow, just like watching a movie playing at a sixteenth speed. It feels that the pictures are jumping stitch by stitch, and each picture will pause in front of you for a long time.

In fact, humans’ perception of time is not accurate. For example, when people feel happy, you will feel that time goes quickly, but when people feel noisy and uncomfortable, you will feel like years of life. Of course, time does not change the rate of loss due to our emotions. We feel that its change in speed is entirely due to changes in thinking.

What is different from humans is that our Dragon Clan’s brain has extraordinary computing power. For humans, things that need to be fully thought of are just like instincts for us, and because of nerves The reflection speed is too fast, so the state of action of normal people is really slow in our opinion. In order to adapt to this extreme sense of incongruity, we are usually in a low energy consumption state. In this state, our electronic brain only performs minimal calculations, while our biological brain enters a state of half-dream and half-awake. If it is a normal person in this state, it is bound to be a mess of thinking, but our thinking ability determines that even if we only use one-tenth of our thinking ability to work, we will not experience any confusion. However, once we restore the working state of the brain, then we will re-enter the super fast thinking mode, at this time, everything happening around us will be like slow motion. Of course, they didn't actually slow down. The reason why they feel that the people around them are slowing down is entirely because we are too fast.

When the cursor in front of me disappeared, a bunch of charts flashed in front of my eyes suddenly, and then they quickly moved to the edge of my line of sight, as if they were near the border of the monitor. These charts directly display the surrounding environmental conditions, including wind direction, wind speed, air pressure, air humidity, magnetic field strength, electromagnetic wave signal strength and signal source information, environmental noise and other information.

These things will not appear at all when the electronic brain is in a semi-dormant state. They will only appear when we are fully activated. At the same time, the metal skeleton in our body has also changed from a follow-up mode to a follow-up mode. Drive mode.

Our Dragon Clan’s internal skeleton system itself is a robot system. Even if we tear off all our flesh and blood, this skeleton can be moved on its own. However, they will always be in a follow-up state, that is, when we contract muscles and bend our body, the metal skeleton will move when it feels the external force. It will not become an obstacle to our movement, but it will not assist us in outputting any strength. However, once we enter the full body mode, its working mode will enter the drive mode. At this time, it no longer moves by feeling external pressure, but moves according to our thinking.

For example, if I want to raise the right hand, then when I decide to do this, my biological brain will send a bioelectric signal to the right arm muscle group, and the muscle group will feel the signal and start to contract or relax. Use this to drive arm movement. However, when the biological brain sends a signal, our electronic brain will also synchronously send a signal to the driving joint of the right arm mechanical skeleton. At this time, the driving joint will work with my muscles to maximize my strength. .

The Americans over there watched me standing there in a daze, desperately attacking the three lines of defense composed of Ling and Xiaobaidian, because they felt that I had been hit by a problem, and they wanted to take this The opportunity completely solved me. However, when one of the lucky ones crossed the line of defense, I suddenly moved.

I saw me moved towards far away. The guy who rushed raised his hand to make a false grip, and then I started to lift my arm up, and the guy was horrified to find that he actually left Touched the ground, but nothing around him touched him. In other words, he is now completely floating in midair.

As he struggled, my imaginary palm suddenly closed, and the guy’s waist armor squeaked as if being pinched by an invisible big hand, and then It collapsed and shrank together and became a metal rod with a diameter less than that of a normal person's arm.

At the moment the waist was pinched, the guy stopped struggling, and it took a few seconds before he began to see a lot of blood in the gaps in his helmet visor. Needless to say, the guy inside must have died.

Looking at the soft guy, I just waved my hand and the guy immediately flew out and fell to the ground, but he didn't move at all during this time. The others around saw this situation only for a second, and then they madly attacked us.

The Captain yelled directly with an external speaker: "Everyone, start Level 1 mode."

Just like we have been in a dormant state before, neither of these Americans Let go of strength completely. Everyone is the secret force of the superpower, and they are also very afraid of each other, so although they are fighting, they have not really let go of the fight. But now the two sides are really fighting, so they don't care about the issue of keeping hands or not.

Seeing that I have activated the standard mode, and the other party has also let go of the restrictions, Ling and Xiaobudian also followed the standard mode. The battle on both sides instantly escalated into a life-and-death battle.

"Go die for me." The Captain before directly pointed the doubled long spear at Ling Meng and launched a red energy group. Ling moved towards him with a finger far away, and a shock wave flew out and collided with the energy group in the air instantly. But the two did not cancel each other out, and no one defeated the other, but passed through.

The red energy group blasted a hole in the center of the shock wave, and then it hit Ling’s chest with a blast and blasted Ling back away, and at the same time Ling launched a shock wave. It also hit the Captain, and directly blew the opponent out.

After Ling was blown up, Xiao Budian quickly rushed to the Captain, but a mecha warrior stood in front of him. Regardless of the actual situation, opening your mouth is a dragon fire bullet. As a result, two trapezoidal lids popped up on the opponent's shoulder, and three light bulbs on each lid lit up instantly. A white mask enveloped the mecha warrior when the light bulbs lighted up, and the small dragon fire bomb exploded on the surface of the mask, but the flame was completely blocked. As for the mask It just shook it twice. However, just as the person proudly thought that he was blocking the attack, Xiao Budian rushed onto the mask, and then saw the blue arc flashing between Xiao Budian's two horns, a blue and white almost transparent. The ball of light suddenly flew out between the two horns that hadn't been small, and then slammed on the protective cover. Just listening to the bang, the six light bulbs on the man's shoulder suddenly burst at the same time, and the protective cover instantly disappeared.

After successfully removing the protective shield, Xiao Budian, who had been prepared for a long time, immediately rushed forward and knocked the man down, then opened his mouth and bit the man’s helmet, accompanied by a heartbreak in the communicator. The guy’s screams, the guy’s helmet gradually deformed and collapsed, and finally the strengthened glass mask burst, and as the mask burst, the guy’s helmet could no longer withstand the huge bite force and was instantly bitten down. Of course, the head inside was also crushed. They were squeezed together and turned into a bunch of rotten watermelons.

After killing this guy, Xiao Budian immediately moved towards the Captain in front of him and pounced, but the person had already run away, but before he could react, a white silhouette suddenly flashed out from the side and bit him. His left arm.

This guy is also smart, knowing that his armor cannot withstand the opponent's bite, so he simply gave up the left arm armor. The position where his left arm armor was connected to his shoulder was automatically disconnected, and as a result, Xiao Baiyi pulled the arm armor down with force.

Because didn't expect this thing to fall off, Xiaobai suddenly tilted with too much force for a while, and the man seized the opportunity to turn around to face Xiaobai and hit him with a row of bullets. A few blood spots appeared on Xiao Bai's body in an instant, and then screamed and jumped out of his attack range.

Just as the guy was about to continue attacking, he didn’t expect another white silhouette but suddenly jumped out from the other side and bit his right arm armor, and he didn’t give it this time. When he loosened his armor, Bai Lang directly applied force, only hearing a click, the guy's entire right arm was directly bitten off.

The Captain was also terrified at this time. He had seen both Xiaobai and Bailang before. When they circumvented Skott’s frontal line of defense, they knew that there were two white dogs, one on our side and the other on the frontal battlefield. Now they see the other one also appearing here. That can only explain one thing. Thing-our main force is back.

Sure enough, there was a loud noise in the surrounding woods, and then they saw Scott and the others rush out together. However, although our main force has arrived, the other party is not alone. Just after Skott and the others appeared, a large group of mecha warriors ran out on the opposite side. Now it seems that it is not our main force that has returned, but the frontal battlefield has merged with our situation.

Because of the sudden emergence of so many people, we dare not do anything for a while. Everyone was guarded and retreated to their side and confronted each other. A total of 28 people came here, plus Bailang, Xiaobai, and Xiaobudian, making it thirty-one. The number of mecha warriors on the other side is obviously more than that of us. The opponent has the advantage in terms of number, but we have the advantage in terms of single combat capability, especially the little one can basically be regarded as a level 1 heavy weapon here. If he really wants to fight, he can kill more than a dozen people. So now neither side dare to act rashly, and this situation will soon become more troublesome, because-the Germans have arrived.

Just after we confronted, there was a rumbling sound from the sky, and then we saw two large transport planes whistled past at the height of the treetops, and then a pile of more than three meters tall, all painted The metal giant with black matte paint hit the ground directly. These things are different from the American mecha warrior. They are real robots. There is no human driving inside, the whole is a machine. The command system is an intelligent computer system installed in the body, which provides tactical command through a manned machine like the American mecha system, but the specific actions are completely automatic.

Compared with the American mecha, the biggest advantage of these robots is their fast response speed, and their execution efficiency is almost as good as ours in the standard mode. Moreover, these guys are obviously more motivated than Americans. After all, they don't need to install individuals in their bodies, so they can free up a lot of space to install large-scale power plants. Of course, these guys have many shortcomings. The most important point is that the intelligence is a bit inferior. Although it can basically be a normal battlefield, it is definitely not as good as humans in terms of tricks. Otherwise, they will not be equipped with manned Captain machines. Another point is that the operating system of these guys is a smart computer, so there is a certain probability of being invaded by a stronger electronic system. Of course, the other party has also done protection. It is not that simple to invade, but it is always a hidden danger.

Looking at the bunch of steel giants that suddenly landed, the Americans and we both had a heartache. If only the two of us can grab it, now that the three are here together, it'

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