"haha, I finally found it." Just as Xiao Budian was fighting with the ninjas, a guy covered in silver white mechanical armor suddenly appeared in the sight of everyone .

As soon as this guy appeared, he immediately looked at the form on the field, and then this guy neither went to deal with the Japanese ninja monster, nor did he trouble the little ones, but just turned around and rushed over there. They ran over to An Min.

The task Xiao Budian accepted was to protect An Min and the others instead of attacking the ninjas, so after seeing the armored man suddenly rushing towards An Min and the others, Xiao Budian yelled directly and surrounded him with wings. All of the ninjas flew into the air, and then rushed towards the guy wearing mecha while flapping their wings.

The person over there was already almost in front of An Min and the others, but didn't expect suddenly heard the heavy and rapid footsteps of dong dong dong from the side. The sound of footsteps made him stop rushing towards An Min and the others and turned to look towards the direction where the footsteps came from, but he just turned his head and saw a huge black shadow hitting him directly. Even with his reaction speed, he could only reach out and hold the black shadow, but the huge impact of the opponent was not something he could resist at all. Almost as soon as the two touched, the man flew back all the way, and even the auxiliary nail claws on his feet used to increase the grip were released before his feet were released from the ground.

The two silhouettes hug each other in the air, then rolled and flew out four or five meters, then clicked and broke a big tree, and then they stopped. The big mecha directly grabbed Xiao Budian by the shoulder and threw him out, but Xiao Budian was more direct. He opened his mouth and bit on the opponent's helmet. Accompanied by a sour metal twisting sound, the guy who was bitten in his original confident expression suddenly turned pale, because the helmet he thought was impossible to be destroyed was gradually deforming. It lasted for about a second or two. Suddenly, there were two clear glass cracking sounds on the guy’s helmet, and then I saw that the tempered glass mask on the face of his helmet exploded completely and turned into a pile of glass shards. , And the guy's horrified expression was finally exposed to the sight of the surrounding personnel.

"You monster, let me go!" Seeing that the helmet could no longer stand, the guy was also anxious. He loosened Xiaobudian's shoulders and changed his hands to hold Xiaobudian's upper and lower jaws in an attempt to pretend to open Xiaobudian's mouth, but he forgot that Xiaobudian is not just a mouth. Just as he grasped Xiaobudian's mouth and successfully pushed it away a little bit, Xiaobudian's two claws had already been pressed on his body and began to scratch randomly. Just like the helmet that the guy thought was indestructible was bitten and deformed, this guy's breastplate didn't last long. At first, I only heard the harsh metal rubbing sound and the continuous splashing fire star, but soon the claw-marked breastplate that was caught could no longer withstand such violent ravages, accompanied by a different sound. The sound of metal deformation, the little bit of claws suddenly passed through his breastplate and tore it apart. At the same time, there was a burst of electric sparks on the guy’s chest, and there was also some black engine oil. Something squirted out.

I completely ignored the oil sprayed on his body, and the furious Xiao Budian scratched the broken breastplate twice. As a result, the deformed outer armor was directly torn off by him. Throwing away that piece of armor that is no longer visible at all, Xiao Wudian scratched the guy’s chest again. As a result, he saw various deformed metal parts and wires and other things were taken out in pieces. come out.

Seeing that if this goes on, he will lose his life, and the big man of Mecha is no longer stronger than the little mouth. He is also crazy now. In a hurry, he took his hand away and clenched it into a fist. Then he saw his fist flipped, and two steel thorns popped out. Then he raised his fist and slammed his small neck fiercely. Smashed down.

Squeak... the scene of blood and water splashing through the skin did not appear as expected. The guy's steel thorns actually rubbed out two fire stars on the tiny scales and slid to the side, and he was surprised In his expression, Xiao Budian suddenly let go of his head, and then turned around abruptly. Before this guy can figure out why the other party let go, a big tail has accurately smashed on his chest. You must know that his chest is basically without any protection at this time, if it weren't for the cushion inside, he could even see his body directly from the outside. In this case, being drawn directly by the tail with the strongest little power, the consequences can be imagined.

The guy squirted a mouthful of blood when he was hit by the tail, followed the whole person and flew back five or six meter away, then fell to the ground and there was no sound. .

As a biochemical creature, Xiao Budian retains many basic characteristics of creatures after all, one of which is very important is that when the organism is in a violent state, the battle strength will soar in a straight line. as the saying goes Does a rabbit bite when anxious, let alone a dragon?

Just after killing that guy, Xiao Budian didn’t have time to rest. Suddenly, he heard a scream from behind. When he turned his head, he saw that it was a ninja and he didn’t know when he touched An Min and the others. Hugging the Sister Hong from behind. If it was an ordinary wild beast, he would definitely talk about it regardless of the actual situation at this time, but the problem was that his intelligence level was even higher than that of most humans, so he had no choice but to stop.

The previous battle had scared everyone into a fool. At this time, Sister Hong reacted and started screaming after being hugged by the ninja, while An Min wanted to go up and save people but didn't dare to move. Mad Dog and his men are in the same situation. They looked at this ninja even though they were holding a gun but they didn’t know whether to fire or not. After all, the ninja had performed the technique of blocking bullets with a knife. He also has the probability of this trick more than 80%. Besides, even if he could not block bullets, he was holding Sister Hong, with such a hostage, they would not dare to shoot randomly.

While everyone was refraining from shooting at the rat for fear of breaking the vases, the head of the ninja in front of him suddenly exploded, and as his head exploded, this guy also The whole flew out to the rear left, and even Sister Hong, who was held by him, was taken with him for more than a meter before landing, while the body of the guy flew two meters away and still slipped on the ground for a while. Stop. And until the guy flew up, everyone heard a gunshot.

It's like a starting gun for the start. With the sound of this gun, the ninjas on the battlefield suddenly started flying up one by one, and they all flew up because their heads exploded. Looking at the surrounding companions being clicked off one by one, even with the low-level intelligence of those ninjas, they knew that they couldn't stay here. As a result, these guys suddenly jumped up and jumped onto the tree one by one, and then only two or three were clicked off before leaving the scene three times from the top of the canopy.

As these guys left, Ling and I walked out of the nearby woods with guns in hand. Of course Xiaobai followed.

"Ah, it turned out to be you! I was really scared to death just now. Thanks to you..." Pop. An Min, who took the initiative to meet us when she saw us, was slapped by me and slapped a meter away, and the words in her mouth naturally broke off. Because my action was so sudden, the other people on the scene were stunned for a while.

The fanned An Min lay on the ground for five or six seconds before slowly getting up. A lot of blood flowed from her mouth, and she also saw two fallen teeth. As for her face, it was naturally the same color as pig liver. The mad dog didn't react until this time and rushed to hit me, but he just got in front of me when I kicked him back. Looking at the officers who caught him, I said directly: "Watch him, and then let me see what he does inconvenient things. Don't blame me for not giving your Old Master face."

Several officers did not answer, but they worked together to crush the mad dog that was about to rush up.

I glanced at the officers and the mad dog, I walked directly to the officer on the ground who had half his arm missing, and then squatted beside him and pulled his severed arm up to see the situation. Ling It was also immediately handed over the truncated arm.

Under the officer’s painful grin, I quickly took out a tube of toothpaste-like thing from the backpack of the armor, and then pierced the seal with the tip of the back of the lid and put it inside. The green gelatinous substance squeezed out. Followed me and grabbed the guy's arm again and said, "If you want to use this hand to hold things in the future, please bear with me." After that, no matter what his reaction was, he wiped all the green things on his broken arm. On, the guy was pumping in pain, of course, but he still held back and didn't struggle or fainted.

It took me five or six seconds to wipe the gel quickly, and then I took out a small sprayer and pressed it hard against the gel-filled surface, and the equivalent white mist was sprayed directly On the green gel, following the frozen thing, it turned into a layer of red opaque lumps at the speed that naked eye could see, just like a blood scab after human blood has coagulated.

Fixed his arm, I did the same with his broken arm, then used a small syringe to inject something into his broken arm, and finally passed it directly to the broken arm. He said with a dazed expression: "Take it. You can reconnect to a hospital with medical conditions within 48 hours, although you can't do heavy work, but the basic activities are definitely fine. By the way, pay attention to the lower arm as much as possible. Don’t stick to your body. The lower the temperature, the longer it will be active. If you can find something to freeze it, it’s better. But now I don’t think that is the condition, but you can use a two-layer plastic bag with the outside layer. Fill the water, wrap your arm with the inner layer and place it in a water bag. This should last longer. The higher the arm activity during your treatment, the smaller the repercussions."

"Thank you, thank you. "The officer was surprised to hear that the arm could be picked up and used again, and thanked me all the time.

After waving my hand to dismiss him, I walked in front of An Min who was still lying on the ground, and then asked coldly: "Did you say I killed you? Or did you kill you?" Continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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