My words completely frightened An Min. She looked at me for a long time and didn’t know how to answer, until we had walked out of the high temperature area and I put her down, she Then he asked uncertainly: "Aren't you kidding me?"

"You can use your life to gamble and know that I'm not kidding." I finished. Said: "There are no government forces in the vicinity, but we also found that there are some scattered armed forces nearby. We plan to get rid of them in the past. Are you going to continue to follow us or go back to the assembly point first? Let me remind you that you can’t report anything even if you follow us. Of course, you don’t have to worry about the danger on the way back. We have checked it here. As long as you don’t leave the highway and go to the gathering point, you won’t run into it on the way. Armed personnel."

"But if an anti-government army suddenly ran out, what should we do?" An Min asked.

"I said I won't have it, how can there be any problems?"

"But but..."

"No, but. I said no, then no. If you are really scared, follow us and act together, but don’t count on the news, you will definitely not let you take it back."

"Okay! I'll decide Follow you." After An Min finished speaking, he moved towards Chang Bin and suddenly said, "You still continue to shoot, even if you can't take it back, you are all practicing."

Chang Bin heard An Min's words. He didn't react immediately, but first glanced at our side, and then slightly nodded after seeing that I had nothing to say. Of course, I know about An Min's careful thoughts. It is nothing more than to record the news first, and then go back and find a way to see if I can keep the information. Of course, even though I knew their information, I didn't intend to control it. In the end, they didn't expect to take it out anyway. I didn't need to talk about it now.

After leaving the War Zone just now, fortunately, he immediately flew up and began to provide us with air reconnaissance, and we were ready to move to the location of the next armed group. However, An Min and Chang Bin said that they want to follow us. We can't leave them alone. However, the speed of these two people is very slow. It is obviously impossible to expect them to keep up with us. After thinking about it for a while, I pushed the mask away, put my finger in my mouth and blew a whistle. Soon I saw two huge silhouettes flying from the nearby woods.

An Min originally thought that we were going to call out our luck. Who knew that the creatures that came this time came out of the woods, and when these two big guys got closer, they found out that there were actually two dog. No, in fact, the two of them never thought it was a dog. They just thought they looked a bit like a dog, but they didn't think it was really a dog.

Bailang and Xiaobai were called by me. Their bodies are indeed very close to the shape of a dog. The only difference is that they are too big. Xiaobai's shoulder height is about 1.6 meters, and when he stands naturally, his body length is close to two meters. His body shape is actually larger than many calves. In contrast, Bailang is even more scary. His shoulder height is about 1.8 meters, and his body length is more than 2.5 meters. Not to mention calves, even ordinary cows rarely grow to this size. Although they are huge, the appearance of Xiaobai and Bailang is not very scary. After all, their appearance is the same as that of a dog, and their white fur is also very beautiful, so they are not very scary. Of course, if they open their mouths, it's still quite scary. After all, the fangs of that mouth are not pretty. Even the steel plate on the outside of the armored vehicle can be easily bit through and torn off like paper. .

Because we were afraid of exposing biological and chemical weapons before entering the gathering point, we did not let Xiaobai and Bailang enter the camp. Chinese, so we had arranged them outside as a scout for us before. Because of this, both An Min and Chang Bin saw them both for the first time and were shocked by their huge size.

"Don’t be stunned, you two, hurry up. We will have to deal with other rebels in a while. If you two are too slow, it will drag us down."

Although I wanted to refute it, but An Min and the others knew that they were indeed too slow compared to us, so they had to obediently approach Bailang and Xiaobai. Although they were still a bit scared of these two big guys, the appearance of Xiao Bai and Bai Lang played a very good role in alleviating them, and the two big dogs were lying on the ground obediently, which also made them feel a lot of peace.

In fact, if it is a real canine, no matter how big it is, it cannot be ridden. In fact, not only dogs, wolves, bears, tigers, and lions are not allowed to ride. This is not just a question of personality and body shape, but the key is that these animals have problems with their spine structure. During exercise, their entire waist will move up and down vigorously. If you turn the galloping horse phenomenon into a stable and main branch car, then these carnivores will definitely run up compared to a cross-country motorcycle running at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour on a dry, cobblestone river. The level of the bump can definitely make anyone spit out his own internal organs.

Of course, the above are just general animals. Bailang and Xiaobai are artificial creatures. Although their size determines that they are not very stable when running, they at least have wisdom. Without running at full speed, as long as they consciously control it, they can actually run very steadily.

Although Ling and I are also artificial creatures, we are no better than four-legged creatures in human form. Longyuan's research institute has a project that specializes in animal movement postures. After all, many stepping mechanical devices need to learn from the movement of animals, so we have specifically analyzed the movement of various creatures. From the research results, the human body structure is actually the least suitable for high-speed sports. In addition to better steering, our body structure has almost no advantages. Even if the strength is the same, a human being is impossible to run a quadruped. Of course, the four-legged animals referred to here are those that run on the ground, such as sloths and koalas, don’t use them for reference.

When An Min and Chang Bin climbed onto Xiao Bai and Bai Lang's back, the two big dogs stood up together. The two sitting on their backs quickly grasped the two rotating machine guns that protruded from their backs. This thing stretched out on both sides of the weapon backpack, just sandwiching the person on the back, and the barrel of the revolving machine gun itself looked like a railing, so it was really safe to hold it.

"Hurry up." After standing up, Bai Lang suddenly turned his head and said to Chang Bin on his back. As a result, Chang Bin and An Min were surprised that they forgot to grasp the barrel until they got themselves. The mount underneath moved and hurriedly grabbed the barrel to stabilize his body. However, the two people's thinking about how the dog can talk soon ended, because they were frightened again.

Without the speed drag of the two, we directly began to walk through the woodland at the highest speed. We are all man-made creatures, and we are definitely incomparable with humans in terms of physical fitness. In addition, we are also equipped with power armor that can increase our strength. The speed is naturally amazing. As soon as we ran, the white waves also accelerated. Although they have not reached their extreme speed yet, our speed is already close to one hundred and sixty kilometers per hour. If this speed is higher than a straight and wide highway, it might not feel much, but if you put this speed in the woods, it's another matter entirely.

Riding on the backs of two big dogs, An Min and Chang Bin felt that the surrounding trees were whizzing and flying backwards. They looked forward and found a tree shining their heads. Rushed over. But just when they were about to hit the big tree, the big dog under them suddenly made a diagonal leap to let the big tree go on, and there would be no drop in speed during this time. This feeling of whistling and constantly dodge obstacles is more exciting than drag racing in the city, because you will have a sense of tension that you will bump into things at any time, so that both of them are secreting adrenaline crazily. An Min's fingers holding the barrel of the gun were all pinched white, and if she ran for a while, her hands would be completely numb.

Although both of them were very stimulated by this speed, fortunately, our crazy running didn't last long. Soon the team stopped at the top of a hill. After all, Chang Bin is a man. He adapts a bit faster. He soon eased up and started paying attention to the situation in front of him, only to find that there is a steep hill in front of him. Although the drop is not high, it is still very troublesome for normal people to think about it. of. In front of this hillside is a large piece of flat land, where there are many thatched houses, and many of them are walking. If you look closely, you can see that these people are basically carrying guns.

"Bailang, Xiaobai, you two use missiles to blow up a few cars over there, and then use firepower to suppress the enemy from running away."

Bailang nodded, Then turned his head to An Min on Xiao Bai's back and Chang Bin on his back and said: "Don't hold the barrel, and remember to cover your ears."

"Huh, huh?" Chang Bin He responded quickly and did so, but An Min couldn't respond a little bit, but Xiao Bai didn't mean to wait for her at all. Just before An Min didn't react, she suddenly felt that her foot was pushed up by something, and she looked down and saw that the metal plates on both sides of the weapon backpack under her butt were opened. Then there was a sound of oh la la, two rows of small missiles as thick as human arms protruded from under the opened cover. Before An Min could react, I heard two sou sou sounds. The two missiles had dragged white smoke out, and then there were two sou sou sounds next to them. Two Fireballs exploded immediately in the village in front of them. , Less than a second apart, two Fireballs rose again. She and Chang Bin only saw four civilian pickup trucks being driven to in midair by Fireball, and then crashed to the ground.

"Block your ears." Before An Min and Chang Bin woke up from the aftermath of the explosion, they heard a small to large wu wu sound on both sides of them, and then An Min felt it The "railing" he was supporting actually moved. She instinctively let go of her hand, but did not cover her ears like Chang Bin. However, in the next second, the two rotating machine guns beside her began to roar frantically. In front of the high-speed rotation barrel, there were two flames of more than one meter long, and the sound formed by the high-speed jet of bullets was not as clear and discernible as ordinary firearms. This kind of machine gun fired sound. There was only a sharp buzzing sound, like a whistle being blown vigorously.

As Xiaobai fired first, the rotating cannon on Bailang's body began to roar. Following the sky, I didn’t know where it came from. Two missiles moved two cars that had just started and were about to rush out of the village. It blasted directly into the two houses on the side of the road. After the missile passed, the whip-like bullets fired by Xiaobai and Bailang's machine guns swept across the ground and swept all the chaotic people nearby to the ground.

If the previous battle was relatively clean and tidy, now this battle seems to be much more cruel. Although Xiaobai and Bailang are also genetically engineered creatures, their accuracy in controlling weapons is much higher than that of ordinary people. But this thing about the machine gun was originally not designed with accuracy as the goal, because this child bullet could not determine where to hit the enemy at all. But the formidable power of these bullets is too large, so that no matter what part of the bullet hits, it will make the shot person want to be bitten by an invisible wild beast, and a certain part of the body is directly gone.

One of the enemies with a submachine gun was running and suddenly saw that his left shoulder turned into a cloud of blood mist and flew out, and then his left arm also flew more than two meters away. He himself was directly turned over by the bullet’s inertia belt, but before he got up, the second bullet hit his neck near his head, and then his neck and the lower half of his head were instantly It was gone, and the upper half of his head flew more than a meter away before rolling to the ground.

In such a bloody battle scene, An Min and Chang Bin's faces turned pale, and they felt that their stomachs were tumbling and wanted to vomit, but they didn't have the energy to vomit.

Looking at the people running around in the village below, they all fell to the ground. As soon as I stretched out my hand, the four fire whips immediately stopped shooting, and the barrel of the rotating machine gun also slowly stopped. It turns, but the air with medicinal smell and the barrel of the gun still holding the white smoke clearly tells the horror scene before.

After the four machine guns stopped, I picked up the long spear on my backpack and said: "Everyone uses the sniper mode and chooses the target freely."

Hear me If they did, they immediately took out the long spear and knelt on the ground and started shooting at the house below. The buildings in the village are made of wood and bamboo poles, which simply cannot stop our perspective. With the first sound of my gunshots, I saw a man holding a submachine gun flying out from behind a wooden carriage, and the carriage in front of him also broke directly and hit the ground.

My gunshots are like starting guns. Skots and the others also fired after my guns. In various hidden positions in the village, people were constantly hit by the huge inertia of bullets from their hiding places. None of these people struggled after flying out. In the precision sniper mode, our accuracy can reach almost 100%, especially when the distance itself is not far, and there is no wind.

Our sniper lasted only ten seconds before it was over. In the chaos, there were not many people who knew how to find a place to hide and not to run around. In addition, our shooting speed was so fast that these people were all put to the ground soon.

After confirming that the biosensing scan can no longer find any target, I stood up and waved. Everyone quickly stood up and carried the good spear branch and started to move with me. As for the village, let’s go and take a look. No interest at all.

In this way, we circled a big circle counterclockwise with the gathering point as the center, and we quickly cleared the bits and pieces of the scattered armed organizations around. Although there are still some armed personnel who have not been killed, they are all small armed with less than one hundred people and only equipped with some backward weapons. We have no time to deal with these small armed forces that do not have any threatening effect. Anyway, they There are too few people to overcome any storms. Besides, we really don’t have enough time to kill them all. After all, they have too many organizations and they are scattered everywhere in the forest. Even if we are not going to kill people, but only It is estimated that it would take a day or two for a gathering point of armed forces to run once. We really don't have the energy to deal with them one by one.

Originally, after we cleaned up all the medium and large armaments, we thought there was nothing wrong with this mission, but when we were about to return to the gathering point, the reconnaissance satellites in the sky suddenly sent us An alarm sign came. We quickly turned our attention to the satellite network, and as a result, we soon saw the target discovered by the satellite. It is not a large-scale weapon, but three aircraft, to be precise, three aircraft that cannot be found in any international catalog of active aircraft. However, I have seen these three planes. Although I don't know if it is these three, it is certain that they are at least the same model.

"This is..." Ling seems to have also discovered the problem.

"It seems to be an American power armored transport aircraft." Scot said directly.

Xiaochun frowned said: "Why do Americans appear here? No one of them is at this gathering place."

"Will they go to other gathering places? Didn't it mean that each country has a division of labor?" Ye Yue asked.

"It should not be." I looked at the satellite map and said: "The direction is towards us. Looking at this posture, they are planning to airdrop directly near the gathering point."

" I think we should go back soon." Ling suggested.

I also nodded and said: "The comer is not kind!"

"No way? The Americans and us should not be regarded as completely hostile relations, they do not need to be involved in this kind of international disputes. Do you bother us?" Skyt said.

Emmenes immediately said: "That's not necessarily. If the Americans just come to help rescue, they can send any troops. Why should they send out such secret troops? Isn't their president not? Stuck here?"

When I heard Emenes' words, everyone else also reacted. Even if the Americans are here to help, it's a big deal at most to send out the Marine Corps. There is no need to send out this top-secret unit, right? We must know that American powered armored forces are equivalent to strategic arms, and such teams should never appear in conventional operations. For example, there are no Americans trapped here, and even if there are, they will never have their turn to come. It seems that it is actually very strange that we came here this time. It is estimated that if it were not for the relationship between the mad dog's family, this rescue mission would not have our turn to come.

But if the Americans are not here to help, what are they doing? Trouble us? Obviously Americans are not that boring. So... they have other purposes?

Although we can't guess what they are here for, but now that these Americans have come, we must fight head-on. Looking at the three planes approaching fast on the satellite map, I can only helplessly said: "It seems that our secret cannot be kept this time."

If it is any ordinary force, we will all You can take off those eye-catching things and return to the gathering point, but the problem is that the existence is about the same level as ours. Although we have to surpass the crystallization of these Americans' cutting-edge technology in battle strength, we are only a little bit ahead of them, and we still can't care about dealing with them. Therefore, our wings and Yeyue's tail cannot be replaced, and Bailang and Xiaobai are also out of the scene, and even if the situation is not right, the lucky family will have to come down and join the battle.

Just now our discussions were all done on the Internet, so An Min and the others didn't know what we had communicated, they just wondered why we suddenly ran back like something urgent. Originally, she wanted to remind us that we had forgotten to remove these non-human things from our bodies, but when she thought that as long as these things were exposed, she would have the opportunity to report, she resisted not reminding us.

Of course, we don’t know about An Min’s selfish calculations. We can only roughly judge a person’s emotional changes without using the mental reading ability, so we don’t know that An Min is thinking at this time. What, I just felt that she suddenly became very excited. Of course, because of the huge gap in strength, we directly ignored her emotional changes.

Although we are fast and get closer to the gathering point, the Americans are running on the plane with our feet. This speed is impossible to be faster. So when we were a few kilometers away from the gathering point, the American plane flew directly over our heads, and then within our sight, a line of fire flashed directly under their plane.

"Quickly, the Americans are starting to land."

I stunned An Min and the others with a sudden shout, because they didn't know that Americans were coming over. But after we finished shouting, they also found the plane in the sky, but at this time, there were many black spots under the plane flying towards the gathering point below.

"Ah! The bomb! The Americans bombed us!" Seeing the black spots, An Min cried out instinctively.

I turned around and cursed angrily: "Shut up, that's not a bomb!"

"Ah?" An Min was stunned by my words, but in the end she still He closed his mouth obediently, and the black spots in the sky quickly fell to the open space near the gathering point.

These black spots dropped by the plane are boxes larger than a double-door refrigerator. They are sprayed with camouflage colors, but when they are about to land, they sprayed out from under the boxes. After the long flame, the box falling speed was an instant, and then it quickly decelerated to a state slightly faster than the parachute falling speed. In the end, the flames under the boxes were extinguished when the boxes were only more than one meter above the ground, and then the boxes directly hit the ground with a bang.

As these boxes landed, the red lock light on the side of the box suddenly jumped to the green unlocked state with a beep, and then the cover on the front of the box blew out by itself, and followed A big steel man dressed like a robot walked straight out of the box.

"They landed." An Min said, riding on Xiaobai's body, looking at the place where the box landed in the distance.

"You don't need to say, we saw it." I said to them again: "You go down first and hide in the woods next to you. We may fight in a while, when the time comes I may not care about you anymore."

I said this not because I was afraid of the strength of the Americans, but because another signal appeared in the satellite network, and this time the aircraft was more special. This is simply a missile, but it is very large and its speed is slower than that of ordinary missiles. The giant missile here hasn't landed yet, and two more exaggerated transport planes have emerged from the satellite signals over there. The speed of this thing is also very fast, and it seems that the target is still here.

"What the hell is going on? How come all the elite troops of the world are running here?" Seeing the new transporter appearing on the screen, Skeet asked suspiciously.

Ling turned his head and said to me: "I think we'd better go back to the camp and ask the Chief-In-Charge here. I think our report must have missed some important information."

"I think so." Asking An Min and Chang Bin not to come down yet, I directly asked Scott and the others to stop the Americans, and then the others rushed back to the gathering point at the fastest speed.

The gathering point has become a frightening bird at this time. They have seen everything that has just fallen. At first they thought it was a bomb. After all, they had never seen a direct airdrop without a parachute before. But when they landed on the ground, they discovered that the things that came out of those things were all robot-like things. However, some people with keen observation still discovered that those were not robots, but power armors, but because there were no signs on these things, they didn't know which country they were. Of course, they can at least be sure that these are not things of the local government. After all, this thing is too high-tech. For a country that doesn't even have fighter jets, do you expect it to make power armor?

Because they know that they are not locals, and whether the other party has indicated, the defenders here are more afraid. Unlike those civilians, the army at least knows more. This kind of international rescue operation can be carried out by attracting a bunch of reporters while propagating and interviewing, and there is no need to engage in the same way as a thief. And these guys don't even have a sign on them. Is this a normal rescue? Think with your toes and know that it is definitely not.

When we knocked on the door, the guards here just took a look and quickly opened the door for us. Only after we came in, they were surprised to notice the wings behind us. They were all paying attention to it before. Mecha, who landed on the side, didn't pay attention to us at all, but when they saw us from a distance, they knew that we were back. Later, they didn't pay much attention to us. Now they finally noticed our great changes when we got to the gathering point. In fact, it’s good to have a pair of wings on the back. Yeyue’s big tail and two big polar bear-like dogs are what they are most surprised by. They are only surprised and surprised. This group of soldiers is not stupid enough to take it directly. The gun was pointed at us and called the monster. Of course, the group of civilians who saw us before was as good as the savior, they just screamed and hid as far away as possible from us.

The middle-aged woman and mad dog who had despised us before were also watching the fun on the playground, but they were shocked when they found out that we were back. At first they were planning to run, but in the end they hesitated and walked over after seeing An Min.

I saw them both a long time ago, but I didn't care about them, this is not the time to waste time with them. After I got An Min and Chang Bin down directly, I said to the British officer next to me: "Who has the final say on this gathering point?" The officer looked at me suspiciously for a second. Then he said: "Now I am in charge, but the troops and personnel of various countries are only temporarily under my control, and they are still independent in terms of power."

When I heard this, I directly frowned and said: "Then let the three countries The highest Chief-In-Charge from both the military and civilian sides called over. I have something to ask. It is very urgent. Please inform Zhao Jie, who is coming with us, to ask him to come with us."

< p>The officer became the second in command after Zhao Jie arrived because his rank was lower than ours. Now that I heard what I said, I naturally sent someone to inform me. I took advantage of the time when people weren't here, and directly connected the sensory signals of SKOT with the Internet, and then I looked at the situation outside through their eyes.

At this time, the group of Americans had all come out of the box and gathered to a place less than a hundred meters outside the wall, but the 21-tone Knight of Skott and the others blocked the group. people. Several of those Americans are negotiating with Skod and them, and depending on the situation, it is just a matter of time. But fortunately, the person I was looking for arrived first before they started to work.

This group of Chief-In-Charge is quite puzzled by me. The Chief-In-Charge of the British civil affairs is quite angry, because he was busy directing everyone to pack up and prepare for transfer. .

For this person’s complaint, I chose to ignore it, first I opened my mouth to quiet them, and then I didn’t go in circles with them, I went straight to the subject and said: "I think some of you must be hiding something, I Now I want to know what it is." After waiting for a few seconds, I saw these people just looking at me and didn’t mean to answer at all, and then I continued: "You have seen our appearance, and I won’t tell you. What an official rhetoric. I admit that we are genetically modified organisms, which are expressly prohibited by international law, and we have two more exaggerated companions that have not come down in the sky. We are China’s strategic force and will never appear here. The power in front of ordinary people, even if it appears, will appear in a normal state, just like when you first met us before. However, a group of people wearing power armor have just fallen outside. I can tell you those They are Americans, and they are not wearing semifinished products that you see in the news that are still under development. Those are real power armors that are at least one or two hundred years ahead of modern technology. Don’t ask Americans what to do. They were built, anyway, they are there, and they will soon rush in. In addition, our satellite just sent intelligence that there are two German aircraft and a launch vehicle from Japan are also flying here. I can To tell you clearly, the plane is loaded with the German secret forces, something similar to autonomous robots. And the rocket is loaded with a bunch of monsters, not like us, with a human appearance and high intelligence. It’s a creature of horror, but a truly terrifying biochemical monster."

Speaking of this, I paused for a while to give them time to digest, but considering that the matter was already urgent, I only waited ten. After a few seconds, he continued: "These forces are special forces of various countries, and they are not used for general operations. But now they appear together here by accident. So what do you think they are here for? Anyway, I don’t. I think they are here to save people. To put it bluntly, all the people here are not qualified to work any one of them for a trip in person, but now they are coming together. Therefore, they must be They came with a purpose. But what are they here for?"

"Yes! What are they here for?"

Zhao Jie was also puzzled at this time I asked, but I didn’t pay attention to him. Instead, I said directly: "I need you to give me the answer right now. What are they here for? Someone or a few of you must know something. Those guys are impossible. Came here for no reason, you must have something important enough to attract them, then please tell me what it is, otherwise you will have to die here together. I can tell you clearly that I have no strength Guarantee your safety under them, I can overcome They, but you will definitely die. However, if you are willing to cooperate, I may be able to figure out a way to ensure that you live. "

When I said this, I have been observing the expressions of several people. The expressions of those soldiers have not changed much, but the expression of the British Chief-In-Charge is obviously flickering and struggling. Seeing him like this, I simply stepped forward and squeezed the collar of his clothes and pulled him in front of me. "Sir, I think you should know something? As a gentleman, dragging others to die with you is not a good habit. "

After all, this guy is not an iron-blooded soldier, he is just a contractor. For a person like him, how strong is the psychological quality impossible, the result is that I frightened him and collapsed immediately. Now.

"I said, I said, please, you must save me out! "

"Quickly, what do you know?" "It's not just me this time, even the others yelled together. They were quite puzzled before, but now that this person is softened, they finally understand. After doing it for a long time, they were all dragged into the water. Someone here really knows something.

The Englishman said tremblingly under the glare of everyone: "It's like this. Just five days ago, there was an accident in the No. 3 tunnel of our company. "

The Chinese Civil Affairs Chief-In-Charge next to it said: "We know this, isn't it just a cave-in?" I heard that an underground boring machine was destroyed. It seems that a few people have died, right? "

The Englishman said bitterly, "It's not actually a cave-in. "

"Not a cave-in? what is that? "Everyone asked suspiciously.

The Englishman said hesitantly: "Actually...we actually dug through an underground cave. Suddenly a large hole was dug through the originally good ground, and then the surrounding rock strata collapsed and fell into the hollow below along with the entire tunnel boring machine. After the accident, we sent people down to see if the workers in the tunnel boring machine could be rescued. As a result, we found that the

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