As soon as An Min noticed our actions, she also turned her gaze to the direction we were looking at. In the meantime, she did not forget to remind Chang Bin to turn the camera. past. However, they just turned their heads and found that a small black spot suddenly appeared in the sky, and at this moment, the black spot was swooping down at the place where they were standing at an extremely fast speed, so that even if they knew that the opponent was not charging The two of them who came by themselves still had the urge to turn around and run.

As the black shadow expanded rapidly, An Min and Chang Bin finally recognized the black spot. This is the dragon that just left.

Almost at the same time An Min and the others recognized the dragon, the dragon dived to a height of only ten meters above the ground, and then saw him slightly adjust the angle of the wings and easily changed it. Dive into a gliding, and then the dragon violently opened his big mouth and stretched forward. An Min and Chang Bin clearly saw two groups of white mist spraying out of the dragon’s mouth, just like two extra-large fire extinguishers, but the function of the fire extinguisher is the opposite. After the fog touched in the air, it burned violently and formed a Fire Dragon that was more than ten meters long.

As the giant dragon continues to spray white mist, his big mouth also sprays a huge pillar of fire forward like a flamethrower, and because the giant dragon is flying across the ground at high speed, this The pillar of fire was like a huge flame broom sweeping the entire road. It was not until the giant dragon reached a location on the other end of the road where there were no vehicle wreckage. The road full of car wrecks and enemy corpses had completely turned into a road of flames, and there was nothing to see except the blazing fire.

"I...what did I just see? A Fire Dragon spray?" An Min muttered to herself almost demented, but soon she returned to normal, but she didn't start the interview right away. Instead, we just turned around and ran into the forest behind.

Just now she was stunned by the sight in front of her, but now she didn’t suddenly feel that her body was so hot until she reacted, and the hot waves in front of her were constantly sweeping over her, if she Standing here for a while, she was pretty sure that she would definitely get burned. When Chang Bin saw An Min turned around, he naturally followed up immediately. As for us, they didn't bother to shout, because Chang Bin was beside him when An Min was talking, and he also knew that our armor could be a high-temperature high one. Two thousand degrees, this temperature is really not a problem now.

The fire lasted for nearly two minutes before it was completely extinguished, and we were not idle during this period. Although the road is fortunately burned, the forest is not far from both sides of the road. The forests on this side of Africa are not as easy to catch fire as the tropical rain forests on the other side of South America. The trees here are very dry and will burn accidentally. We were only here to intercept these government forces, but we didn't plan to ignite the whole country. Therefore, we have been patrolling around the roadside during the fire, and once we found a tree that was burning, we immediately cut it down and threw it into the middle of the road to let it burn up slowly. Under our careful supervision, except for some unfortunately ignited trees that were cut down by us, the woods did not burn.

After the dragon flame sprayed by the lucky jet is extinguished, there are still several piles of fires burning on the road. Among them, besides the big tree we just cut down, there are mainly a few car wrecks, but at this time except In addition to the fact that those tanks can still be seen a little bit, if no one tells you what these things were before, you simply can't guess what they are. For those cars and armored vehicles, let alone the wood and plastic on the car, even the metal frame has melted more than half. On the ground, except for some relatively large deformed metal blocks, more of them are in a semi-solidified state. Although it can still be seen that these items were artificial items before, if you want to judge their origin from some metals, it is really impossible. As for the corpses of the government troops...the cars are all burnt into molten iron, what else is left of the people? Even human teeth and bones can't withstand this temperature, right?

Looking at the already unrecognizable road, I nodded and said: "This should be almost the same, even if someone wants to trouble us, I should not find evidence."

Ling looked at it. Looking at the piles of semi-melted tanks, he asked: "What should I do with that thing? It hasn't been completely melted yet."

Xiaochun said directly: "It's all burned like this, It shouldn't Be leave any evidence?"

Lingling suddenly said: "But then we can still see that the tank was directly cut open. In fact, it seems that there are not many people except us who can do this. Right?"

I thought for a while and felt that Lingling's words made sense, so I hooked my finger up to the sky. The luck that had just flown away immediately came back, but this time I didn't let him wash the ground with Long Yan, but directly let him land.

I pointed to a few tanks over there, and I said directly: "Burn that one more, it is best to burn them all into molten iron."

Fortunately nodded, I walked to a tank. Next to the wreckage, directly pointed his head at the wreckage with a mouth, and a line of dragon flame sprayed on the wreckage of the tank in an instant. Unlike the previous large-area incineration, the temperature was significantly higher when the flame was concentrated by luck, and the color of the flame became pure white. We saw that the outline of the tank quickly deformed in the flames and collapsed to the ground, and finally turned into a large piece of molten iron against the ground. After confirming that the tank was okay, fortunately, he started to cremate the next tank.

"Well, may I ask..."

We were watching Lucky burning the tank over there, and suddenly there was an inquiring sound from behind abruptly. As soon as I turned around, I saw An Min was holding the microphone and planning to interview us, but my first reaction was not to refuse or accept the interview, but to grab her and hug her horizontally, and Sgoth also reacted quickly. He rushed over and picked up Chang Bin, and then when the two of them didn't know what we were going to do, the two ringtone Knights rushed over at lightning speed, dragged their shoes down and threw them to the ground. And as soon as the two shoes fell to the ground, green smoke began to appear in the shoes, and then their shoes suddenly burned in less than ten seconds. An Min and Chang Bin were shocked to see this scene.

"You two are crazy?" I hugged An Min and reprimanded: "If you don't have a brain, you have to have a limit? Didn't you see that there is still molten iron on the ground that has not completely solidified? This kind of open space air cooling Soon, but the ground is still very hot. If you two want the news, you have to consider whether to bring it back."

"Sorry, we really forgot." An Min explained quickly: "Just now When we came over, we only felt that the air was very hot, but we could bear it, so we just..."

"The air flows, and the heat you feel is actually heated by the ground. The air, the land under our feet is now at least five-six hundred degrees. The temperature is too high, and your shoes have no time to transfer heat, and it will be too late when you feel the heat under your feet. When the time comes, if you are stupid, go ahead If you sit on the ground and prepare to take off your shoes, then prepare to change to teppanyaki!"

"Then what...we really didn't pay attention just now." An Min changed the subject and asked as he explained, "That, yes. Can you find something to wear for us? You can’t walk barefoot like this!"

"Sorry, we don’t have the habit of bringing spare shoes in wars. I will send you to a place where you haven’t been burnt. Just walk barefoot by yourself. Just be careful not to step on the plants on the roadside. The ground shouldn’t prick your feet."

"Oh, I see." After An Min finished speaking, I thought she was She will learn a lesson. Who knew that she took advantage of being in my arms and passed the microphone directly in front of me, and then said: "Interview, is it true that the dragon was breathing fire just now? That's not yours. Do you have a flamethrower on your body?"

Looking at her serious attitude, she seemed to have completely forgotten An Min who was in the sudden situation just now. I can only shook the head helplessly. There's really no way. In order to cope with her, I had to walk to a place that was not too hot in front of her while holding her, and explained: "Lucky has three sacs in his body. There are usually three different compounds stored in it. When he needs to breathe fire, he will shrink the vicinity of the sac. The muscles spray the liquid out through a special pipe. These three high-pressure liquids will quickly atomize after contacting the air. The white gas you saw before is formed by those liquids. These three atomized liquids are in the air After mixing, it will deflagrate quickly and produce a high temperature of nearly four thousand degrees, which is enough to melt most of the things you can find on Earth."

An Min is indeed a reporter, as soon as I listened to it. I immediately grasped the point. "You just said he was called Lucky? He has a name?"

"Is it weird to have a name? Nowadays many puppies have names. Isn't it strange that a dragon has a name?"

< p>An Min smiled and asked: "I mean since you named him, then he must be very familiar with you. You can tell how he came into being? It's the egg quilt of a certain legendary creature left over from prehistoric history. Did you hatch or genetic mutation, or... is it an artificial creature created by your Dragon Yuan Group?"

Looking at An Min with an excited expression, I helplessly said: "I'm really confused. , Are you smart or stupid?"

"Huh? What do you mean?" An Min was confused by me.

I explained: "Say you are stupid, you can keenly find those important information in my language, you can see that you are not stupid. But if you are smart, you even have this kind of problem Dare to ask. Do you think that our Longyuan Group sells children’s toys? We are an arms dealer, even worse than a drug dealer! You still want to know our secrets and report it? How many lives do you think you have? Live to bring this news out? Think about it, we can even make a giant dragon this thing. Would it be complicated to get mosquitoes that are only more poisonous than Black Widow to your home? So, if you don’t want yourself If it becomes tomorrow’s headline news, then it’s best not to think about reporting our news. By the way, you don’t have to bother to record, and we will destroy the final video, so instead of struggling to interview here, you It’s better to save some physical energy and do us a little favor. What do you think?” (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is me. The greatest motivation.)

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