It didn't take much to find Hades, but I was really surprised when I saw him.

"What's the situation?" In fact, I found Hades in the Temple of Chaos and Order. Not only Hades was there, but Vina and the others were there, even last time I The old Chinese Divine Immortal who was found also arrived.

Seeing me suddenly pushing the door in, Hades stood up immediately, and then reached out to me while reaching out and introduced: "Purple Moon, you are finally here, come, let me introduce you A few friends."

"Hello, I am Purple Moon, the president of the Frost Rose League." I first introduced myself before Hades introduced.

There are three people standing opposite me, or three human lifeforms, but their shapes are really quite different. Standing in the middle of the three is a handsome blond guy. How handsome is he? Anyway, as long as you look at it, you will think he is very attractive. Even though I am a man, seeing a face like him will give rise to a three-point favor for no reason. As for women... it's probably a killer of all ages!

This handsome blond man is wearing a full golden armor. It is not a golden rim like me, but a complete golden. From the helmet to the boots under the feet, and even the weapons in his hand are all golden. If it weren't for the obvious Divine Race on this guy, I almost thought he was Athena's golden saint. Of course, there is actually no Golden Saint of Athena in "Zero". I learned from Hades. All the official gods of Olympus Divine Race have their own fighters, and the Saint Seiya of Athena is indeed the strongest of all fighters. However, in "Zero" they are all called saints, and they are not divided into bronze, silver, or gold. This is different from the cartoon in reality. In addition, the Zodiac Golden Saints in the cartoon do exist in "Zero", but they are not Athena's men, nor are they Saints, but the twelve Star Gods. They are Divine Race themselves, and there are a bunch of saint brothers under their hands. But the armor of these twelve guys is indeed golden, and I have heard Hades said about this.

The guy in front of me with a yellow golden armor and handsome man is very likely to be one of the twelve Star Gods. I don’t know which constellation it is. NS. The appearance settings of the twelve characters in the game are completely different from those in the cartoon. Although the character style is the same, the specific appearance is quite different, and the armor is also different from the cartoon.

Hades wanted to help introduce me immediately after I finished the introduction, but the guy on the other side took the initiative to say: "Hello, I am Star God Aries, one of the twelve Star Gods. . Nice to meet you."

"Hello." After I said hello to the other person, I looked towards the two people next to this guy. The first is the one standing next to Iris' right hand. Unlike Iris, this gentle and handsome guy, the one standing next to him is at least two meters tall and is as strong as a polar bear. Look at his arm is definitely thicker than my waist. With the introduction of Iris before, now I can roughly guess who it is even if no one introduces it. The identity of Aries determines that these three wearing the same golden armor are definitely Star Gods, and among the twelve Star Gods of the zodiac, there is only one that can grow like this-Thor in the Golden Ox seat. S.

Sure enough, after the introduction of Iris, I immediately heard that the long giant-like guy introduced himself with a subwoofer-like dull bass: "Hello, I’m Golden Ox, Star God Thors."

After this guy finished speaking, the guy on the other side with a look of scorn also introduced himself immediately: "I am Cancer Star God Kanser."

I said hello to Kansel and Thors politely, and then turned my gaze back to Iris. Although the three of them are all Star Gods, it can be seen from the position that Aries is the head of the three. Thors and Cancer not only separated from the left and right in the position, but also slightly behind Iris by half a position, which is a kind of retreat and respect.

"Excuse me, are you here...?"

No special circumstances are impossible to leave the country’s Divine Race’s sphere of influence, and this rule is The stronger the deity, the greater the restriction, so under normal circumstances, there will be no Divine Race to leave the country's territory hastily. Even if you want to go out, you must do everything possible to find a reason, otherwise it will be very miserable to be punished by the system rules.

Because of the yearning for the Golden Saint Seiya of the Zodiac in the cartoon of "Saint Seiya", I have specifically discussed with Hades about the situation of these twelve people, so I have The understanding is quite profound.

In the original cartoon, these twelve characters were terribly awesome, and in "Zero", they were even more frightening after they were upgraded to righteous gods. According to Hades, the status of these twelve in the Olympus Divine Race is actually a bit like the status of the four Sacred Beasts in the Celestial Court. They belong to the kind of non-heard. Even Zeus could not force them to do anything.

In the setting of "Zero", Divine Race is a group of greedy guys, and they tend to behave exceptionally savagely. Although they seem to be very civilized on the surface, in the bones are completely similar to wild beasts. They only respect powerhouse and believe in the law of the jungle. This is the status quo of all Divine Race forces in "Zero". Since these Divine Races believe in the law of the jungle, in an organization like the Olympus Divine Race, the twelve Star Gods can maintain such a detached position, it is not difficult to imagine how strong their strength is. If they are soft persimmons that can be kneaded at will, how can they be allowed to have such a transcendent identity with the character of Zeus? So, although I haven't seen them make a move, I can conclude that these three are definitely terrifying existence. Their battle strength should be infinitely close to Zeus's level, otherwise it is impossible to make Zeus so tolerant to them.

However, since they are so powerful, the system's restrictions on them will inevitably be even stronger. So, they still have to risk running to Isengard to see me even under such strong restrictions, this thing is a bit strange.

After hearing my question, Iris, as the leader, did not immediately answer me, but said: "I think it is better for us to sit down and talk. This matter is not a simple matter. "

Nodded, I directly invited them to sit down, and then asked again: "Now let’s talk about it. What are you doing here? I don’t think your identity will run away for no reason." Come to me. Besides, we have almost never met before."

Iris nodded said with a smile: "Indeed, we have not met before, but Purple We have heard of President Moon’s reputation. Of course, we know you mainly because of Hades’s migration actions."

I nodded and said: "As the Olympus Divine Race Members of, you really want to pay attention to my situation when something like that happens, but what does this have to do with you coming to me?"

"It's like this." Iris said:" As you know, the Olympus Divine Race until now is not a unified Divine Race. Our internal conflicts are quite fierce. For various reasons, we were temporarily under the rule of Zeus. Although we have also left But that’s too far away, so we only had a little thought. However, Hades and their migration has given us a light."

"You don’t Will you also want to take refuge in me?" Iris said that he understands it so clearly, if I don't understand it anymore, it's not me.

I was not surprised at the answer I guessed. He directly nodded and said: "Yes, we have this plan. So, the three of us will come here in secret this time to see you , Just to ask you to help us join you in the Divine Race of Chaos and Order."

Hearing Iris’ exact answer, I didn’t immediately jump up cheering excitedly to celebrate that I got twelve powerful thugs. . High level thugs means high wages, do you think you don’t need money to hire thugs? Although getting Ayres and their joining can greatly enhance the strength of our guild, and further strengthen the chaos and order Divine Race. However, there are also many problems.

I don't care about the benefits to Iris. After all, they do it with me. I should pay them. Besides, we are not short of Power of Faith now, so adding more members will only benefit without harm. However, if I wanted to get Iris over, the matter itself was not easy to operate.

After thinking for a few minutes, I raised my head and said to Iris: " be honest, we welcome you to join. However, the situation of you and Hades is not the same. It’s not the same. The three gods of the Olympus Divine Race have three cores of faith, so Hades and their cores of faith are in their own hands, which determines that they will not be controlled by others, but your situation is different. .Although you have a transcendent status in the Olympus Divine Race, you are after all members of the Sky God System, and your core of faith is concentrated in Zeus. Even if you run to me, the core of faith will not survive. Isn’t it a waste of effort?"

For me, Iris did not show a frustrated expression. He said in a tranquil voice: "This is exactly why we came to you. If not because If the source of faith is controlled in the hands of Zeus, we can go wherever we think. Zeus can’t control us at all. But because this source of faith is restricted, we have to find someone to help us The divine force seed is taken from the core of the faith of Olympus Divine Race. We think that in this world, it is only you who can do this and are willing to do so, so we will come to you at any cost Contact with you."

Iris' words can be said to be quite straightforward. What he meant was that if they wanted to take refuge in any Divine Race force with their strength, they would rush to ask for it. But the problem is that their divine force seed is restricted. Now they feel that only I can help them get the divine force seed, so they finally chose to take refuge in us. Of course, Hades and the others are here may be one of the important reasons why they chose our Frost Rose League.

"Can you give us some time to discuss it?" After thinking about it for a long time, I still feel that this matter is not easy to make a decision, so I decided to discuss with Wei Na and others first, at least I have to weigh up how to do this Whether the cost is proportional to the gain. I'm not interested in trading at a loss. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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