After introducing the powerful formidable power but destined to become a display of the vertical launch system of the liquefied magic crystal steam missile, King Chuang took me to visit several other weapons on this ship.

Strictly speaking, this super multi-function battleship does not have many types of weapons. Its design is a very purposeful extreme design result. Therefore, although it is a hybrid multi-function battleship, But weapons and equipment are not complicated. Except for the super naval gun used for battleship warfare and opposing shore suppression, and the first-class missile system with first-class formidable power, there are only six weapons left on this ship. For a battleship, the number of eight kinds of weapons is really pitiful, but the concept of our guild designers is "enough is good", so they still insist on only installing these weapons.

In addition to naval guns and missiles, the Third Type weapons equipped on this ship are two magic light cannons located on the top of the island. The magic light cannon has basically become an essential weapon for our guild’s super battleship. In our Frost Rose Alliance fleet, as long as it is a battleship equipped with a magic light cannon, it must be a battleship. The formidable power of this thing is almost the same exaggeration as its cost. In terms of single-body lethality, the formidable power of this thing is much larger than that of the liquefied magic crystal steam missile, and almost as long as it fires, it can’t be destroyed. Target. Of course, since this thing has a slower rate of fire and is expensive, there is no need to install too much impossible.

The two magic light cannons are installed on the front and back sides of the observation cabin on the top of the ship island. The two cannons are hidden in two spherical reinforced protective shields. The turret itself can be closed. Only one launch channel will be opened when launching. In addition, because the spherical turret has a rotation angle of nearly 320 degrees, there is a large overlap in the firing range of the two guns, basically as long as it is not from up ahead and directly behind the target. , Both can attack with two magic light cannons at the same time.

After visiting the Magic Light Cannon, we visited a small weapon. The shape of the launcher of this thing is like a large flamethrower. Of course, it is not a flamethrower, but a kind of energy. arms. This thing emits a red energy jet. Although this jet cannot reach the speed of light, it can reach more than ten times the speed of sound. The designers of this weapon were the Atlantis researchers who took refuge in our guild. After absorbing many Sea Clan technologies and fusing some of our guild’s technologies, they finally came up with this miniaturized weapon. Although this thing is still more than three meters long and weighs more than 300 kg, it is definitely a small weapon for battleship. Compared with general large weapons, this thing has no explosive power, and it has only three advantages. The first is the fast rate of fire, which can almost shoot hundreds of rounds in one minute like a machine gun. The second is strong penetrating power, which is larger than the main gun formidable power in terms of penetrating power, and can easily penetrate steel plates more than one meter thick. The third is that this weapon has a simple structure and low price, and quantity can be used to supplement quality.

Because the price of this small energy gun is super cheap, and it is simple to manufacture, almost all the spare vacancies on this ship are filled with this weapon. It is said that there are more than a thousand doors in total. According to the design idea, this weapon is a three-purpose weapon. First, it can be used for air defense, second, it can be used as a short-range defense weapon against approaching boats, devil beasts and torpedoes in the water, and third, it can even be turned around and used as a deck interception weapon in case someone board the ship. In addition, due to the simple structure of this thing, once it is damaged in battle, just remove the broken launcher, install the new launcher in the warehouse, and then connect the energy pipeline to directly restore the battle strength. Although it is not as good as the liquefied magic crystal steam missile and main gun in total formidable power, this weapon is definitely the highest in terms of cost performance.

After watching this close defense weapon, we visited a device that we didn’t know whether it was a weapon or armor. This gadget is actually a set of system, the main body is located inside the hull, and only a few hundred launch ports are set up in various parts outside the ship. When this thing is activated, it can produce a special energy response, which will cause the metal object to heat up suddenly and play a destructive effect. Of course, the energy range generated by the generator will be a short distance away from the battleship itself, so as not to ignite the battleship itself. Although this thing can be used to injure people, I think it is more like a defensive equipment, or it is actually an alternative protective shield.

The main gun, the liquefied magic crystal steam missile, the magic light cannon, the small radiation cannon, and the energy boundary generator. In addition to these five pieces of equipment, there are three other weapons on this battleship. One is the torpedo. This thing is actually similar to the design principle of the missile. It uses the guided arrow demon array to guide and track, and relies on a magic crystal-powered propeller. It is almost the same as a missile except for navigating underwater and not being powered by rockets. There is no difference. Of course, the size of this guy is far from comparable to that of the liquefied magic crystal steam missile, and there is not only one type of torpedo on this ship. Among them, the more numerous are torpedoes loaded with explosives. This torpedo is relatively cheap. If the battle is not fierce, this torpedo will be used to save war consumption. The biggest difference between another torpedo and this explosive torpedo is that the warhead is filled with liquefied magic crystal steam, and compared to the explosive torpedo, this torpedo with liquefied magic crystal steam is slightly larger. However, because the ship does not use torpedo tubes to launch torpedoes, two torpedoes of different calibers can actually share one launching device.

Because of its larger volume, this kind of liquefied magic crystal steam torpedo has more charge, and the liquefied magic crystal steam itself is much larger than the explosive formidable power, so this heavy torpedo The actual formidable power will be extremely scary. Generally speaking, this type of torpedo will not be directly used in naval battles. It is actually a torpedo against a port that can destroy a port at a time. Of course, it's okay to use it to attack the enemy battleship, but then the problem you have to face is how to escape from the flying metal fragments. After all, even if this torpedo hits a battleship, it will blow the opponent into millions of pieces of metal. It is estimated that as long as the explosion point is controlled, it is not impossible to blow all the ships in a piece of Sea Territory at a time.

After visiting the torpedoes and torpedo launchers, King Chuang took us to the back of the hull, which was close to three-fifths of the hull. The ship island at this location is relatively narrow except for the First Layer, which leaves a lot of space on the First Layer ship island. The designers installed six launchers at this location, three on each side of the island. The shape of this launcher is very similar to that of a large missile launcher in reality. The main part of the launcher is like a long slanted box, with a hydraulic lever at the bottom that supports and controls the launch angle. There is a rotating chassis under the hydraulic lever, but the rotating angle of the rotating chassis is less than one hundred degrees. limited.

There are a total of six valves on the front of the launch box of the launcher, which means that there are only six missiles in a launcher. However, the missile in this launcher is not the medium-sized missile that is more than two meters long and is only slightly thicker than the calf of an ordinary man. This launcher is filled with a big guy with a length of seven or eight meters and a diameter of 1.6 meters. This super missile, called the City Destroyer, is not actually used for naval battles, but for shore attacks.

The large missile itself is actually just a carrier. When it is launched, it will fly diagonally upward, and then explode above the designated target, and then spread out a large piece of submunitions centered on the explosion point. After landing, these sub-munitions can carry out a devastating blow to a large area. Although this kind of submunition may be a bit difficult to deal with hard armored targets such as heavy battleships, it is definitely a class of weapons of mass destruction when dealing with ordinary houses and personnel exposed in the wild. In general medium-sized cities, as long as this one is dropped, at least half of the city will be gone. Even in a large city, six missiles from one launcher will be almost finished.

For this kind of brutal weapons of mass destruction, even the few Human Races who followed me were gasping. If it weren’t because it’s too expensive, they would all like to see it live. The launch effect.

After King Chuang introduced us this super weapon of mass destruction, he excitedly took us to the tail section of the battleship, where there is a large flat deck. I know this must be the strongest attack weapon on this battleship-the takeoff deck of the mobile angels. But there is no runway or anything on this deck. After all, mobile angels are not airplanes. They don't need a runway to take off and land. As long as there is a place for them to settle down, theoretically they can take off and land anywhere. Of course, although the mobile angels do not pay much attention to the take-off and landing environment, as a professional mobile angel mothership, this ship is more or less equipped with some auxiliary equipment specifically for mobile angels.

During the visit, King Chuang introduced us to those auxiliary equipment one by one. I took a look at it, mainly three types of devices. The first type is an ejection device composed of high-pressure gas and an elastic device. It can directly eject a mobile angel from the hangar into the air at a height of 50 meters. The mobile angel can ignite in the air or accelerate at the same time as it is ejected. , This allows the mobile angel to obtain a relatively high initial velocity in an emergency state to prevent it from being shot down in the process of leaving the ship. Of course, if necessary, the mobile angels can also take off directly from the platforms on both sides of the deck, so that more mobile angels can fly at the same time. As for the top deck, that one is mainly for the landing of mobile angels.

The King Chuang was excited to take us to the hangar below the deck. The hangar uses a multi-layer design. The top two floors are all berths for the mobile angels. The Third Layer is the ammunition warehouse for the mobile angels, used to store the liquefied magic crystal steam used as power and various consumable weapons and ammunition. The fourth layer at the bottom is the repair area. Damaged mobile angels can be repaired on this layer. If necessary, this place can also use replacement parts to assemble a brand new mobile angel, but it can only be assembled using ready-made parts. It is impossible to build with materials. After all, the mobile angel is a constructive creature with a high technical content, not something that can be made with this little piece of equipment on a ship.

"How many mobile angels are there?" I asked aloud after seeing the parking area. Originally, if the mobile angels were all here, I could know the number by just a glance, after all, my electronic brain was not white outfit. Unfortunately, this place is still empty for the time being, because the supporting navy mobile angels are still undergoing final assembly on the steel city side, and have not been equipped with the battleship yet, so there is nothing here now.

The king of Chuang looked at the empty parking area replied: "The designed parking capacity of the parking area is three hundred and twenty. But if it is forced to install, at least seven or eight hundred can be packed in. It's just that. The management will be chaotic, and the supply may not keep up."

I nodded and said: "With the battle strength of mobile angels, even if only three hundred and twenty are installed, it is quite exaggerated. What's more, we are not the only mobile angel mothership. Hundreds of mobile angels are dispatched together. The scene is already magnificent."

The King Chuang laughed when he heard what I said. He said excitedly: "Yes! I used to be the only commander of battleship, but now I have directly changed to a multi-function aircraft carrier. This is really a shotgun change. But President, when will this mobile angel be equipped? Looking at such a big hangar empty here, how frustrated?"

"Do you think that mobile angels are children’s toys and you want to make as many as you want? These guys have a higher technical content than battleship itself. We Now it can only produce eighty planes per day. You have to equip more than two thousand battleships at a time, and those old-fashioned battleships that have been modified are basically equipped with eight to twenty mobile angels. Together, this number may already exceed that. There are three thousand. You can calculate how long it will take."

"His grandfather. Only eighty in a day?" King Chuang said depressedly: "This will have to wait until when it will be ready." ?"

"Eighty planes a day, more than three thousand planes is more than a month, are you so impatient? Besides, during the time you built the battleship, the steel city was already building naval models. It’s a mobile angel. There may be hundreds of them."

"There are hundreds of them? Then I have to get them and fill up the ship first."


"No." I interrupted Chuangwang’s thoughts and said: "After the new mobile angels are in place, fill in the scattered battleships. You have some new ships that have not completed the final process, if not this time I won’t let you go out to sea if you receive weapons. So you should give me peace of mind. If you want to command mobile angels to fight, you should go to the Biling-class and stay there. I can arm the Biling-class first."

When the King Chuang heard this, he said dejectedly: "After the conversion of the Bi Ling class, there are only twenty mobile angels to carry. How can you enjoy it like this?"

"Don't complain, Twenty are good. Let me ask you another question. What is the name of this ship? Why didn’t I see the name of the ship after a walk on the ship?"

" Of course you can't see it anymore." King Chuang said, "This ship has not been completed yet, and the name has not been given. XJ001 has been used as the production code during the previous production, and the specific ship name has not yet been given."

"That's it? What do you plan to name it? And how do you decide the rating?"

"I'm afraid you have to ask Woma and the others, I just care Sail, shipbuilding is not my responsibility."

"Woma is on this ship?" I asked in a slightly surprised manner.

Chuangwang nodded and said: "She was in the engine room. In addition to receiving weapons, we were also doing a trial flight. When we went to the United States before, it was said that there was something wrong with the propeller and we needed to deal with it. , So Woma used Transmission Formation to directly go to the starting point city to adjust it for us. When she returned to the voyage, she did not disembark, saying that she wanted to check the sailing situation."

"Then let’s go and see. Let her."

"Okay, come with me."

When we reached the engine room, there were only the few Human Races following me. There was a gasp. For an ancient person who did not understand computers, even if he saw a light brain with independent personality and self-thinking, he would not have any excessive emotional changes, because he did not understand what the things in front of him represented. However, if a computer developer in the electronic tube computer era saw this optical brain, he would definitely be trembling with excitement. The food Human Race I brought is actually an advanced alien race. Although they have lost the ability to make high-tech items, it is not a problem to understand the technical content of the equipment. It is precisely because they understand that they will be amazed and excited. This group of Food Human Race is now completely shocked by the huge device in front of them. Looking at the huge building-like giant machine in front of me, and then at the complicated pipes connected to the device and the densely packed meter at the bottom of the device, this group of Human Race was so excited that they almost couldn't breathe. Since the crash landing on Earth, this is the most advanced equipment they have seen, none of them.

"Is this thing an energy jet thruster?" The famous food Human Race patriarch suddenly pulled me and asked.

Woma, who was originally discussing something with a few technicians and did not notice our arrival, suddenly looked back at our side, and then asked: "How did you know? We also just I don’t even know the chairman."

The patriarch who eats Human Race was a little cringed when Woma asked. It's not that he is timid, but that he doesn't know who Woma is. Although their race is not afraid of fighting, they are very shy in terms of interpersonal communication.

After I nodded to indicate that it’s okay to say it as usual, the Human Race patriarch said, "The interstellar aircraft used by our iron-blooded clan uses this kind of engine. The principle is the same as yours. Yes, it’s just that yours is still the primary level application. If you want to get rid of the planet’s gravity and fly, you have to develop at least three or four more generations."

Under the explanation of this eclipse Human Race patriarch, I roughly Understand what he meant. In fact, he said that our equipment is relatively backward. This specific gap is like the technical difference between the engine installed in the world's first car with a piston engine and the engine installed in the most advanced high-end sports car. Although our thruster already has all the basic principles and general structure of this energy jet thruster, there is still huge room for modification in many details. Therefore, this thing in front of us is almost an antique for the food Human Race. . Of course, they can't make even this kind of antique now. After all, it has been on Earth for too long, and the civilization is not completely lost, it is already very good, and the technical materials have already been lost.

Woma this girl is a tech freak in her own right. When someone said that their new proud work was very backward, she immediately went into a runaway state, but the technicians would run away again. I directly controlled her with one hand, and then asked the patriarch to quickly explain a few words.

The Food Human Race patriarch immediately explained what I said. The other Food Human Race patriarch who came with him also helped explain some things.

Woma itself is a technology, and unlike these half-hearted guys, they have real abilities. So when she heard what these guys said, she immediately entered a more exaggerated state of excitement, but she was angry before, but now she has become excited. She didn't care what the parents were like, she just pulled over those few Human Races and started chatting.

If you compare Woma to an ancient carpenter Master, plus the strongest blacksmith and a master of geophysics, then this group of human races are like ordinary modern people who have traveled to ancient times. Although an ordinary modern person is completely ignorant of various advanced technologies, with his own experience and knowledge, it is certainly no problem for a modern person to guide the ancient Master to come up with some pseudo-modern technologies. Even if the technical content of the car is too high, it will definitely be no problem to make a bicycle or tricycle without rubber tires.

This group of food Human Race is now the modern people who have traveled to ancient times. They have seen all kinds of advanced equipment in their race. Although they can't make it, they know the general principles. It was the ancient Master. Although she didn't know many principles or things, at least her technical background was there, and she could understand many things as long as others clicked. What's more, the technology of this food Human Race is not advanced to the point of unimaginable, their technology and our technology are actually in the same technical paragraph, but our technology is the starting point of this technical paragraph, and they are almost there. It's the end. So although Woma is not clear on many details, because the basic principles are the same, she has no obstacles to understanding.

"Is that so?" After listening for a while, Woma took the initiative to ask some questions. The patriarch and the group of people he led were able to cope at first, but Woma asked more and more. The more professional they are, the sooner they can't stand it. Fortunately, there are still some maintenance personnel in this Human Race Tribe. Although these people can't compare with the scientists in their clan, after all, they are also engaged in technology, so they know more than these leaders. More importantly, they have been exposed to real high level machinery before, so they are very clear about the details.

After the patriarch couldn't help but found a few maintenance workers and a guy in the clan, Woma got more answers immediately. This group of people understood the technology more comprehensively and in-depth, and Woma quickly figured out some of the problems that had plagued her for a long time.

A Human Race maintenance worker who was asked said: "The gas pipe must be designed in a ring shape, and the outlet must have a partial pressure device, otherwise the high-pressure gas will be blown into the reaction chamber without buffer. The atomized reactant is directly blown into the decompression grid of the reaction chamber, so that the concentration of the reactant is actually reduced, which not only wastes fuel, but also reduces output power."

Woma He patted his thigh and said, "It turns out that this is the case. It's strange that the reagent consumption and output are disproportionate each time. I thought it was friction loss before, so the problem is here! So how did you solve it before?" /p>

"Using multi-point injection, the reaction gas is blown into the reaction chamber from multiple directions at the same time, the decompression grid is eliminated, and the pressure of the high-pressure gas injection is used to offset part of the explosive force, only on the side of the energy receiving plate Releasing the pressure can completely eliminate the waste of reactants, and because the reaction chamber walls in other directions are no longer under pressure except the receiving plate, the reaction energy can be concentrated on the receiving plate. If the energy loss of the receiving plate itself is not considered, At least 10% of the extra output can be generated. In addition, because the cavity is no longer under pressure, the cavity wall can be replaced with a thinner, low-strength lightweight material, which can reduce the volume and weight on the one hand, and reduce the weight on the other hand. The production cost and the difficulty of processing."

The maintenance worker explained this, and Woma was nodded by listening. She said excitedly: "Just an improvement of the jet head can actually reduce energy consumption while increasing energy output, but also reduce production costs and processing difficulties. Even the reliability of the equipment and the use of lifespan have also increased. This is really a multi-tasking effect. Good idea. Come on. Tell me about any improvements to your equipment?"

Looking at Woma excitedly, I directly greeted the representatives of the Human Race and their patriarch: "I see us Let’s go first. She will probably not finish the question for a while. We don’t understand it anyway, so let’s go somewhere else."

The human race patriarch seemed to have been caught before. I was scared, and as soon as he heard that he could go, he quickly ran away with his men. Although their clan doesn't care about fighting with any enemies, chatting is really not their specialty, especially in aspects they don't understand.

After leaving the bottom compartment, we briefly visited the living area and various command and control facilities on the ship. These things were repaired fairly well, but many places were exposed because the final assembly has not been completed. And some pipelines, it is estimated that it will take more than a week to complete the entire ship.

After leaving Woma and the others, I remembered the question of the ship’s name and forgot to ask, but thinking about Woma’s current state, she might not have time to take care of me in the past, so I simply did. Give up the plan to go back. What's more important is that the few Human Race executives around him are really scared of being asked, and they won't go back to their deaths.

During the visit, I also chatted with these guys about their race. I learned from the chat that their clan is not actually called Human Race, but Iron Blood Race. The term "Food Human Race" is actually a kind of derogation from foreign races, just like we call Japanese "little Japan" or "Japanese devils". They themselves are definitely impossible to call themselves that way. The title of Food Human Race is the title given to them by the locals here in South America, and of course they call themselves by the words of the iron-blooded race. The guys who borrowed from the Iron Blood Race in the Iron Blood Fighter movie not only inherited the title of Iron Blood Race, but are also very similar to Iron Blood Fighter in many features, including Avatar body characteristics, technical strength and the like. Of course, it seems that this group of iron blood is a little gentler than the iron Blood Fighter in the movie, at least they don't have the habit of picking people's skins.

In the chat, I also learned a piece of valuable news from these iron-blooded people, that is, their enemies are actually in Earth. Their two races are not a one-to-one war that completely defeats the other, but the strength of the two sides is almost irrelevant. The Jagged Clan is better in combat capability, but the opponent's technical strength is stronger than them, so the two sides always fight evenly matched. But in the end, the two sides ran out of resources. There was no way to start moving while continuing to fight. Then the iron blood was forced to land on Earth, and their enemies chased this way to an arrow at the end of its flight. Finally, He also landed on Earth. But unlike them, the other party is said to have landed safely and the spaceship was not damaged. However, according to the speculation of the iron-blooded patriarch, it is estimated that the opponent is not much better than them. Because the population of that race is relatively small, and the reproductive capacity is also very low. In the absence of fighting between the two clans, the iron-blooded clan was downsizing to the point where the race was almost unsustainable. The other party estimated that the problem might be more serious, and it is even possible that the clan has been extinct. However, according to Jagged patriarch, even if the other party destroyed the technical products before the extermination, there will always be something left. As long as it is brought back to research and research, it may not be a gain.

I only wrote down this information temporarily. After all, the other party’s landing location is unknown, whether it is still unclear, and whether the technical product remains unclear. It would be unrealistic to ask me to find it without knowing anything.

After visiting here, we went to the cockpit of the battleship, which is also the command room, but I did not intend to command the fleet back here. In fact, I just brought this group of iron and blood to familiarize themselves with the situation on the battleship, after which I have to leave first. It only takes a day or two to return with the fleet, so I don't have time to play slowly here. But when I was going to leave first with the iron-blooded patriarch, Woma also happened to appear in the Transmission Formation cabin on the ship.

"Huh? Don't you want to adjust the thruster? Is this adjusted?" I looked at Woma and the team of Iron Blood Race mechanics behind him and asked.

Woma is obviously very excited, she said excitedly: "With their technical guidance, we can manufacture third-generation or even fourth-generation propellers. What kind of first-generation products are still struggling to do? Waiting to go back to Isenger to dismantle and replace the new propeller. The volume is reduced 2/3/2021, and the power is increased by at least 18 to 20 times, which is 30% more energy-saving than the current one. There is such an advanced propeller. Why use this broken thing?"

"You are really a model who loves the new and dislikes the old!"

"Of course, the technology is the newer the better." Woma said excitedly. .

Unlike her, when I heard this, I was frowned and said: "It is true that the newer the better for you who are engaged in technology, but this is not the case for me! Our battleship is Fighting! If you make a new machine, install it directly. What if there is a problem in the battle? If you can't guarantee that there will be 100% problems, I would rather use a stable and reliable old-fashioned propeller."

Just now Woma was dazzled by the new technology, and now she calmed down when she heard this. After a little hesitation for a while, she said, "I'm sorry, the president, I just got overwhelmed. But I still have to build this new propeller, but I won't be in a hurry to change the gear. I will debug it for a while before I say that there is no problem. And this new machine is manufactured according to the kind of advanced equipment they said. It is the mature technology they have used for a long time, so it should be no problem in terms of stability. But I will still be careful. As for the propulsion on this ship Actually, I have already adjusted almost the same. The remaining minor problems should not affect the use in the short term. We should have replaced the new propellers when there may be problems after a long time."

Hearing this, I also nodded and said: "This is like something. But I suggest you don't just stare at the propeller. The original technology of the Jagged Clan is based on a system, and their technology is not lame. You can fully understand their technical system, and then consider integrating our own technology."

Woma once again nodded and said: "The president is more thoughtful than I thought. I understand, and then I I will pay attention to these. And these people I plan to take back and assign them to various departments. Their skills are not the same, and it is not very useful to gather them all together. It is better to separate them to each department they are good at to guide us. Researchers are better."

I nodded expressed support for Woma's decision, and then directly greeted them to use Transmission Formation to transmit to the starting point city.

The Transmission Formation on the ship belongs to the Military Transmission Formation. Although it can be sent across the country, the distance is limited, so we can't return to Isengard directly. We must use the Transnational Transmission Formation in the starting point to transfer it.

The technical staff of the iron-blooded clan are very curious abo

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