Looking at a bunch of gods going crazy there, I'm really worried that they will suddenly have a heart attack and hang here, but the hearts of people who want to come to Divine Race should be very strong. Bar? But soon I won't have to worry about this, because when I was about to say something, Minos suddenly ran back with a bunch of Divine Race.

"Come on, pick it up quickly." When Minos came back, he couldn't even make a gift, and directly directed his men to connect the Power of Faith storage tanks they were carrying. That one is still on the valve that he sprayed out. With the completion of the interface docking, Minos immediately pulled down the switch, and then saw the red indicator on the side of the jar start to rise at a speed that the naked eye can see. Minos immediately collapsed as soon as he saw the progress bar. "My lord! Why is this thing speeding up again?"

"It speeding up again?" Radamantes looked at the progress bar and said, "Isn't it this speed?"


Minos nodded said: "It was a little slower than this."

Radamantis thought for a while and said: "It may be because you closed the valve before."


Originally, other Divine Races didn’t expect this. When Radamantis reminded them, they all woke up suddenly, and Hades grabbed me and shouted: "Purple Moon, you are going to figure out a solution!"

"Hey hey hey, what do you want me to do? I haven't figured out what's going on yet?"

As soon as Hades heard it, he explained it to me immediately. Unfortunately, I don't know if he was so anxious that he had no logic at all, and I became more and more confused when I heard it. In the end, Persephone pulled Hades aside, and then asked Pandora to explain the whole thing to me.

Actually, the reason for this is very simple, because the concentration of Power of Faith here is too high.

The core of the Power of Faith collection tower produced by Hades is actually a Divine Race’s Divine Soul. After this Divine Soul is made into a collector, its self-consciousness will be erased, and at the same time Being hypnotized, it is always in the cultivation state of absorbing Power of Faith. But this soul will be transformed when it is made into a collector, so the Power of Faith he absorbed will not strengthen itself, but will all be exported out of the body. As for the specific use of pipeline output or the use of storage tanks for dumping, it is up to you.

The above is the situation when the Power of Faith collector works normally. If you want to close it, you need to block the output port according to the method mentioned by Hades, so when the pressure balance of Power of Faith occurs, the mobile device can no longer absorb Power of Faith. Note that it doesn't stop working at this time, just because it can't output, so it can't suck.

Such as these on/off situations are normal when Hades or Olympus Divine Race, because the concentration of Power of Faith on their side is very normal. However, the concentration of Power of Faith here is not normal, it is too high, and it is ridiculously high.

The ultra-high Power of Faith concentration not only simplifies the collection work, but more importantly, the stopping pressure is increased. When you block the outlet, because the absorption port has the help of external pressure, you can inhale a larger amount of Power of Faith than under normal conditions, causing the internal pressure to build up. This is why I see the valve leaking here.

In fact, it is not only the valve that leaks. I said before that the core of the absorber is a Divine Soul, and Divine Soul can strengthen itself by absorbing Power of Faith. The reason why this Divine Soul as a collector does not strengthen itself is because he has no self-awareness and does not know how to use these Power of Faith, and the other is because he has been transformed, and the Power of Faith in the body is directly absorbed after being absorbed. Output. The Power of Faith channel in his own body has been sealed, so even though Power of Faith has passed through his body, it has not been absorbed by him, so he will not get any benefit from it.

However, although this Divine Soul will not absorb Power of Faith under normal circumstances, this Divine Soul just happens to be abnormal now. The pressure of the Power of Faith in his body is too high. In addition to filling the valve on the output side, some seals in his body are also opened, so that the Power of Faith flowing through his body is not completely output, but a part of it enters. Lost his body and was absorbed by him.

What happens if a Divine Soul absorbs Power of Faith? Of course, the strength has become stronger. What determines the absorption speed of the collection tower? Isn’t it the strength of the core Divine Soul? It’s like the reason why it absorbs energy faster than low-level Divine Race during high-level Divine Race cultivation. Divine Soul, which absorbs the leaked Power of Faith and becomes stronger, will continue to accelerate the absorption speed, which in turn will cause internal pressure to continue. Increase, thereby leaking more Power of Faith. In this way, a vicious circle is formed. The higher the pressure, the more leakage, and the more leakage, the higher the pressure.

If this vicious cycle is simply an infinite loop, it will be nothing, at best, it will turn the collector into a super collector. But the problem is that once Divine Soul cultivation reaches a certain level, it will regenerate consciousness, and when the time comes, the collector will become an independent Divine Race. Imagine the result of a powerful Divine Race suddenly popping out of our collector? Regardless of Ten Temples Yama's question, the Divine Soul's revenge alone will definitely make us peel off. Although Divine Soul’s consciousness was newly created, he still has previous memories, so once he comes out, he must be the first to settle accounts with us, and his strength has also become extremely terrifying. At that time, we really did. It may not stop him.

"What should I do, what should I do?" Hades nervously circled around me, making me dizzy and eyes blurred.

After thinking for a while, I suddenly said: "If we don't close the valve, will there be no leakage? Then Divine Soul will not be enhanced, right?"

< p>Pandora nodded and said: "As long as the valve is not closed, this is the place where the pressure is lowest, so naturally there will be no leakage. The seal we put in Divine Soul's body is self-repairing. As long as it is not leaked for a long time, it will You can repair it yourself."

I nodded and said: "That's not too bad, it's a great waste of Power of Faith. Don't close the valve when the tank is full, let it continue to spray."< /p>

Hades interrupted and said: "But the total amount of Power of Faith is there. After being absorbed, the Power of Faith will dissipate and cannot be absorbed here. The Power of Faith that comes out will not be sucked back by us. Once the Power of Faith accumulated for many years around the Yama Palace is exhausted, there will not be so much Power of Faith in the future for us to suck!"

< p>I thought about it and thought that Hades was right, but in contrast, it would be better to waste a little Power of Faith without causing a few troubles. Of course, it is better not to waste. But if it is not wasted, this transportation process must keep up with the filling speed. Looking at the filling speed, a storage tank will be full in seven or eight minutes at most. To ensure that the four cans can be rotated, it must be ensured that a can can run back and forth in at most 24 minutes, which also includes the packaging and unloading time. If you do this, you must run from here to the divine force core of Divine Race in Chaos and Order within ten minutes. For such a long distance and such a short time to be transported, it can only be carried by flying.

"Do you want to use the guardian long spear to transport storage tanks?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendation, monthly pass, your support Is my biggest motivation.)

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