"President." Hades brought everyone to me and saluted the old Divine Immortal next to me for a moment. He and the zombie were trapped in the cave. The Chinese Divine Race had never been in contact with the foreign Divine Race, so suddenly he was a little surprised to see Hades and the others.

"Well, President Purple Moon, are these Demon Immortal?"

"Demon?" I turned my head and looked at the old Divine Immortal and said: "People are righteous. "

"no no no." The old Divine Immortal heard me misunderstood and quickly explained: "I can feel righteousness in the sense of strength, but everyone's image is not like my Huaxia Human Race. Ah."

Although Hades has black hair and dark eyes, he is a foreigner after all. There is still a clear difference between his appearance and Asian race. God has hair of gold, silver, and red. According to the Chinese concept, these guys are indeed very similar to Demon Immortal.

"these all are Divine Immortal from western countries, you haven't had contact with them yet. It's normal if you don't know. But in the future you will be colleagues. Let's get to know them."

The old Divine Immortal quickly followed Taoist etiquette when he heard it: "Little immortal art, everyone is polite."

"pu...you you you...what is your name? "Suddenly, I almost didn't get on the ground when I heard the name.

"Little immortal art sea. Is there any problem?"

"Then...there is no problem, it just has the same name as someone I know."

Fahai is a character in Tale of the White Snake. Although he is a household name in China, this old Divine Immortal is definitely a legacy of prehistoric civilization, so he definitely doesn't know what Fahai is. Even I wonder if he knows what a monk is. His Celestial Court has not been established yet, and Buddhism is still there. He has never seen Buddhism. Naturally, it is even more impossible to know who Fahai is.

Compared to my reaction, Hades and the others are much better. After all, they are from a foreign country, and no matter how great the reputation of this character Fahai is, it may not be spread abroad. But I have been thinking about a question. Since many of the characters in "Zero" are derived from real fairy tales, did the White Snake and Fahai appear in the game? It seems that you have to ask someone to ask when you have time.

Between my cranky thoughts, Hades and the others have introduced each other to Fahai. There is only him on Fahai's side, and it's enough to introduce myself, but there are a little more people on Hades's side, so I talked for a long time. I waited for them to finish the introduction before interrupting: "Okay, now you all know each other. If you have time, you can move around more often. Well, I will take Fahai to the divine force core to enter it later. Divine force seed, Hades, what are you doing?"

As soon as Hades heard about the business, he hurriedly approached me whispered: "Did you see the thing behind?"


I glanced sideways, and found that behind the team, there were eight low-level Plutoes carrying a rectangular metal box, while Radamantes and the other two Hell Magistrates were standing on the left and right sides of the alley. Behind, the only front with no one was originally Hades standing. The things that can be protected by these four in the middle are definitely not ordinary goods, and combined with the current situation, I immediately guessed what it was.

"Is this...?" I looked at Hades with a surprised look and asked in a low voice.

Hades slightly nodded with a smile, and when you look at his expression, you know that he is in a good mood now. "I also didn't expect the collection tower to work so well. I filled the storage just one day after it was started. Then I thought, it was not the problem of our collection tower, but the power of faith in the underworld. Too high, as long as the collection tower is activated a little bit, it will be filled immediately."

"Haha, isn't that right? We will have a stable pillar for our strength improvement in the future."

Hades laughed twice and frowned again: "Well, it's good, but Divine Soul is not enough for our transportation. The collection tower itself has a limited stock. In order not to burst the collection tower, we have to turn it off for a while and turn the Power off. of Faith can only be restarted after transporting it back. You don’t know, I know that there are so many Power of Faith there, but I can’t collect it. The cat scratched it in my heart!"

"Don’t worry, don’t worry. , I brought back thirteen Divine Souls this time. Since we have such a high concentration of Power of Faith here, we can’t collect it anywhere, then I think we can postpone the construction of other collection towers. Let’s put these 13 Divine Souls first. Soul makes Divine Soul for transportation, and then back and forth."

As soon as Hades heard that I had thirteen Divine Souls, he immediately said excitedly: "haha, that's really good. We are. After turning on the collection tower, it only takes about three hours to fill a Divine Soul, and it takes more than one hour for us to go back and forth. According to this ratio, we don’t need thirteen transporters at all, I think it’s three One transport is enough. The remaining ten are just made into ten collection towers and sent to Ten Temples Yama. After that, our divine force will definitely grow up crazy, haha, I’m excited just thinking about it now. "

"Your strength is the strength of our Frost Rose League, so in order for us to become strong as soon as possible, I decided to...give me things, and I am responsible for sending them to the divine force core. A Divine Soul went back to make faith collection towers and storage devices."


Hades was also anxious to increase Power of Faith, so he did not refuse, directly After receiving thirteen weird items from me and asking how to release them, they turned around and drove back. I was instructing the four low-level Divine Races left by Hades to carry the collector. Ran to the temple of chaos and order.

Fahai just listened to us and talked there for a long time. It seemed that he understood something, but it was not quite clear. I saw that he wanted to ask but didn’t dare to ask, so he asked: "Still thinking about what we just said?"

Since I asked, Fahai didn’t hesitate anymore and asked directly. Said: "I seem to hear what you said about Power of Faith, can it be used to increase mana?"

"This is not the same as your situation back then." I tried to Fahai He could understand the concept of Power of Faith and explained what the core of divine force is. The Divine Race in the Fahai Society are all in their own right, and they have not yet gathered into a power group, so he does not know what the core of the dao divine force is. Although I tried to explain to him the core role of divine force, because I was a half-hearted person, and the knowledge of Fahai was too different from ours, I couldn’t tell him until I finally reached the Temple of Chaos and Order. Know the truth. "Forget it, we will add Power of Faith to the divine force core in a while. You just take a closer look."


Fahai will bring As he entered the Temple of Chaos and Order, Vina and the others were found. I heard that the Faith Collection Tower in the underworld was produced so soon, the chaos and order Divine Race here is also very excited. A large group of people excitedly carried the metal box and ran to the core secret room located at the bottom of the Temple of Chaos and Order. After entering the core secret room, everyone immediately dispersed.

Vina ran directly next to the divine force core and pressed a hand on the divine force core, and then saw that the surface of the divine force core, which was originally calm like a small sun, suddenly fluctuated violently. stand up. This is the performance of the divine force core being activated. In this state, the divine force core will consume more energy, but it can increase the power of the entire Divine Race. Of course, if the stored Power of Faith is consumed, it will be restored to the normal state.

Hades, who are preparing to build the reservoir, immediately felt the increase in their own strength. They all looked at each other excitedly, because they knew it was Vina activating the divine force core. Ready to supplement Power of Faith.

While Vina turned on the divine force core, Fahai was also dumbfounded and walked to the divine force core as if sleepwalking. After seeing him, Vina was just a little stunned. After all, I had introduced Fahai to her when she first entered the temple, but she didn't understand why Fahai came to the core of divine force.

"This, this...President Purple Moon, is this the core of divine force?"

"Yes, this is the core of divine force. How does it feel?"

Fahai nodded and said: "True didn't expect divine force can also be used in this way. If you put your Life Source Primordial Spirit outside your body, you will have two lives, as long as the Primordial Spirit in this core and your own It’s a good idea that the body can be reborn indefinitely without being destroyed together. Also, this divine force core seems to have the ability to absorb external forces and evolve on its own, and it will feed back to the body, so it is equivalent to having two selves in existence. At the same time cultivation, although one of them can only be cultivated in the lowest state, the cultivation of two bodies at the same time is slower and faster than one. This is indeed a good way to increase the cultivation base speed."

I nodded and said: "In fact, it's not as simple as you think. This divine force core can not only cultivation by itself, but also absorb Power of Faith and quickly transform it into its own power."

"Power of Faith? What did you explain to me before?"

"Yes, we will import Power of Faith in a while, you first extract your Primordial Spirit and divine force seeds and integrate them into our chaos and order In the divine force core of Divine Race, I will let you feel the power of Power of Faith firsthand for a while."

Fahai is still a bit sorry after hearing my words. There is no reason why he just started to take advantage of the Divine Race of Chaos and Order, but he himself really wants to improve his strength, so he is not firm in his mind. Secondly, we also said that this is the whole Divine Race to improve the strength together. Since we are one of us, we can't lose his share. After being persuaded by us, Fahai, who was not very firm, immediately agreed to our words and extracted his divine force seeds and Primordial Spirit into the core of divine force.

After Fahai completed the integration, we started to operate the transporter here.

The gods responsible for lifting the box quickly took out their keys and inserted them into the keyholes on the box at the same time. The metal cover on the top of the box slid to the sides with a sound, and then a shape The metal can, which looked like an hourglass, was lifted out.

The Plutos lifted the metal cans directly under the divine force core and stood there, followed by Vina manipulating the divine force core and began to slowly descend and finally stuck to the position of the bottle mouth.

The Divine Race who was in charge of holding the transporter looked up at Vina and asked: "Are you ready?"

Vina nodded: "Go on."< /p>

The Divine Race immediately grabbed a switch at the mouth of the bottle and pulled it down forcefully, and then, like a kid lighting firecrackers, it ran to the side as soon as it was pulled off. Fahai didn’t understand why he ran out, and suddenly he noticed that the divine force core in front of him suddenly lit up, followed by a tingling and refreshing feeling rising from the soles of his feet to the top of his head, and he gave him to the town who don’t know East, South, West, North. NS.

When Fahai stumbled and ran away from the divine force core, Hades, who were far away in the underworld, also shook their whole bodies, and then all showed expressions of enjoyment.

"The feeling that this divine force core absorbs Power of Faith is really..." Hades couldn't help clenching his fists as he spoke. It was not that he was uncomfortable, but that he was comfortable with his muscles. They were all trembling. If he didn't use his fists to tighten his muscles, he was afraid he would jump up like a madman.

When Hades and the others were swinging one by one, Fahai also shuddered like an electric motor, but he was worse than Hades and others because of the energy transmission of the divine force core. Although it ignores the distance, there will be a strong field area within five meters of it. Within this range, every one meter close to the divine force core will double the feeling of numbness. Although everyone will like the feeling of comfort, there must be a limit. If the stimulation is too strong, it is not comfort but suffering. The Pluto was aware of this situation before, so he fired a firecracker like a child, and ran away as soon as he pulled it.

"It feels like..." A few minutes later, Vina let go of her hand and walked away from the divine force core as if she was dancing. I hurried over to help her.

"How? Excessive stimulation?"

Vina leaned on her forehead and said: "It's like having orgasms fifty times in a row!" I heard a black line, my face turned dark. Looking at Vina flushed. It didn't seem appropriate for Vina to say that when she thought of it, but she couldn't take it back after the words had been spoken, so she simply changed the subject and said: "I heard that Hades has a very efficient collector?" /p>

I helped Vina sit down on the stone platform next to me and said, “The tank you just absorbed just took three hours to fill up. As a result, because there were no extra containers, they had to Turn off the machine first."

"It will be full in three hours? Then, as long as we have enough transporters, can we come once every three hours?"

I nodded and said: "In fact, this speed is only temporary, mainly because no one in the underworld here has been able to collect those Power of Faith, so it will lead to the accumulation of too much free Power of Faith in the space, once these free The Power of Faith is completely absorbed, and the newly generated Power of Faith alone will not have this speed. But you can rest assured that even if the speed is slow, it will definitely be faster than you can absorb Power of Faith. Times."

Vina nodded and said: "Such a large dose, let alone once every three hours, even once every three days is too fast."

Xinghuo also said. : "Yes. When I was in Buddhism, the rate of increase in Power of Faith was at most every month. It was really exaggerated to reach Buddhism's monthly income in three hours. I was a little worried. It’s too late to fully adapt to my own strength increase rate!"

"Oh yes, there is one more thing to tell you." I suddenly said, "Thanks to Fahai this time, I will bring it back. Thirteen Divine Souls, so we not only have more transporters, but we will soon be able to put Ten Temples Yama on our Power of Faith collection tower. It is estimated that the collection speed of Power of Faith in the short term will be There will be a lot of improvement."

"Do you want to speed up?" Vina looked at me in surprise and said: "It's cool to type in Power of Faith, but it can be tiring if you come two or three times a day. It’s off, not to mention it’s once every three hours. If this is faster, I’m not going to die?"

The peacock also followed: "Purple Moon, you are also very awesome, right? I used to be there. I am worried that I cannot get enough Power of Faith and my strength is not improving fast enough. This is the first time I am worried that Power of Faith will eat too much to support the problem."

"You guys... Too fat!"

Joking with Wei Na and others By the way, turn off the activation mode of the divine force core, and follow me with Fahai and them out of the core secret room. First of all, let the underworld gods return to their lives, and after greeted Vina and the others, I took Fahai and left Isengard.

I promised to find a city he likes for Fahai before, and now I just show him around. Although the cities of our Frost Rose League are relatively small compared to the general large-scale guilds, they are only relative to other large-scale guilds. In fact, our total number of cities is still quite large. After taking Fahai around most of our cities, Fahai finally chose our newly built city at the exit of the underground river.

We haven’t had time to name this city since we were struck down, so there is no name for the city for the time being, and most of the buildings in the city have only established outlines, and almost none of the houses have come. And decoration, but the streets and public facilities in the city have been completed.

Fahai said that he was very satisfied with the concentration of Spiritual Qi here, so he decided to settle down here. But instead of living in the city, he lived on the mountain behind the city.

Behind the exit city of this underground river is a big mountain, which is not only very tall, but also not small in size. Fahai said that he likes the breath of the mountains, so we simply built a house for him with wood on the mountain, and there is a newly dug cave behind the house as his Cave Mansion. In addition, in order to facilitate rapid reinforcement, we simply repaired a Transmission Formation in his house. Anyway, the cost of domestic Transmission Formation is not high, and there is nothing at the worst to build one.

After arranging Fahai’s residence and related matters, I immediately ran back to Isengard and diverted to the underworld. When I rushed to Hades where they lived, Hades and the others were busy making Divine Soul for transportation, and they looked at the side and looked like they had already finished one.

"President." When they saw me coming in, Hades, who was busy, stopped.

I hurriedly waved and shouted: "Leave me alone, continue and continue."

Seeing me like this, everyone quickly bowed their heads and got back to life, just the speed in their hands. It's a lot slower than before. Although they can still keep busy with their work, I am watching them after all. They have to spare a bit of effort to listen to my words and prepare to talk to me. Impossible to focus completely on the work in hand as before.

Seeing that everyone is busy, I can’t talk to them, so I ran to Persephone and Pandora who had nothing to do on the side and asked: "How much is it done?"

Pandora first gave me a salute, and then pointed to a metal can that looked like an hourglass next to me and said, "One for transportation has been completed, and the one in Master Hades's hands is almost finished. La Damantis and Arakos are working on the third Divine Soul. After they are finished, they can hand it over to Master Hades to complete the final packaging."

I nodded and said: "Where is the collection tower? Haven’t started to build it yet?"

Pandora nodded replied: "The line of the collection tower has not been fully paved. Now even if the collection tower is put in the past, it can’t be activated, so we plan to store the transportation first. The device is built."

"Yes, the storage is built first, and the collection tower on our side can be fully started. In this way, the collection speed of Power of Faith will definitely be greatly improved."< /p>

"This is all right." As we were talking, we saw Hades walking over with a storage device and placed it next to the storage device beside us.

"Is this done?"

Hades nodded and said: "It's done, but now this transporter is enough, but once there are ten other Yama Palaces If the collection tower over there is also working, the ones in our hands are still not enough."

I was also frowned when I heard Hades’s words: "This is a problem. The ten The Yama Palaces are the original old-brand Yama Palaces. There are more ghosts handled every day than us. So, if we fill a can in three hours, they can fill a can in just two hours, ten. Together, the Yama Palace’s ones are filled with one can every twelve minutes. It takes 50 minutes for us to go back and forth from Isengard, so it takes five bottles to rotate. Count the loading and unloading time. As well as the back-up storage tanks, I think there must be at least eight to nine transport tanks."

Hades said: "But now there are only three Divine Souls used to assemble the storage tanks, plus the original There are only four of them, which is more than one and a half difference!"

"I will resolve the Divine Soul problem. Your task now is to first establish the Power of Faith cycle system, and then we will have any problems. Slowly solve it step by step."

Hades nodded and said: "It can only be done at present, but even if the storage tank is not enough, it will affect the output a little bit, and it will not improve our strength. It’s too direct."

"That line, you start producing the collection tower first, and I will arrange the construction staff."

After hearing my request, Hades and the others I immediately started to produce the Power of Faith collection tower, and I went directly back to Isengard to find roses and ask questions about the construction.

Compared to the construction of squares and collection towers in each Yama Palace, the actual construction volume in our Power of Faith collection plan is actually the hidden underground transmission line, but this project has been handed over The guardian steel claws in the guild are in charge. What I want to deal with is the squares of the Yama Palace and the statues of Yama equipped with collection towers.

As for the statues of the ten king Yamas, I have already worked on this part. I used Celestial Court to send people to collect the appearances of the ten King Yamas and made samples of their statues. Now All it takes is one final confirmation.

Taking samples of the sculptures of ten Yamas, I quickly ran all the ten Yama Palaces around, and discussed with each Yama individually what they needed to modify or modify in their sculptures. Finally, after they thoroughly confirmed, I returned to the 11th Yama Palace with the sculpture.

"Hades, are the things ready? I have already arranged them here."

"No problem. It's all here." Hades turned to the side As soon as I waved my hand, I followed his hand and looked over, and immediately found a row of collection towers on the ground next to it. However, due to the strength of Divine Soul, the size of these collection towers also have nothing common with each other. The largest one is nearly four meters high and has a diameter of more than one meter, while the smallest one is only the size of a thermos.

"Damn, how is the size so bad?"

Hades helplessly said: "The main reason is that the strength of the soul you got back is too big, so it will be big. Small. But it doesn’t matter. At worst, make the statue bigger so that you can put it in."

Looking at the huge collection tower, I can only nodded and said helplessly:" It seems that this can only be done. Oh, by the way, I forgot to ask you before. What should I do with the connection of this collection tower? Can my construction staff handle it?"

Ha Diss shook his head and said: "The connection of the collection tower is more complicated. Those craftsmen of yours are okay to build houses. It is a bit difficult for them to do this. I will let Radamantis go with you in a moment. He knows how. Set it up."

"That's fine." After I finished speaking, I waved directly to the back, and then a group of mobile angels walked in in a neat line, and then under my command, they put the collection towers They all picked up and walked outside.

Of course, the collection tower can’t be directly brought to the Yama Palace to build the sculpture, so we must first cast it on our side, and then transport the complete Yama statue to the corresponding Yama Palace. , This is more hidden.

The process of making sculptures is very simple. Our guild happens to have an auxiliary player who specializes in sculpture. With three-dimensional samples, that player only took one afternoon to complete the ten sculptures. NS. As for continuing to modify things, we plan to do it slowly after we deliver them. Anyway, we need them to cover up the Power of Faith collector inside.

Take advantage of this player’s work of completing those sculptures, I inspected the construction of the Power of Faith transmission pipeline again, and the answer was that the pipeline has been laid under the ten squares in front of the Yama Palace. Just wait for us to put the sculpture on and connect the pipes.

Since everything is ready, I only owe the east wind, then I have to wait here. Fortunately, the time arrived very quickly in the afternoon, and soon I saw the ten sculptures in crude embryo state. Said to be crude, in fact, these sculptures can already see obvious features of appearance. The only problem is that the details of each part are not perfect, and the color has not been painted yet, so it looks a bit dull.

"President, fortunately not insulting my life." The sculpture player ran over excitedly after finishing the last sculpture.

I looked at the ten sculptures that were more than fifty meters tall and nodded, and then directly moved the angels to carry them. Yin Qi in this place is too heavy, and ordinary creatures will freeze quickly here, so the construction team can only use mobile angels. Anyway, they are constructed creatures, and Yin Qi has no effect on them at all.

The fifty-meter-long sculpture weighs more than 40 tons. If it is an ordinary worker, it may take a little effort to carry it. However, the power output of any mobile angel is more than 40 tons, so this The sculpture looked quite big, but the mobile angels were as relaxed as they were lifting an empty stretcher. The four of them picked up the sculpture that was many times larger than them.

In addition to sculptures, I also promised to repair the square for ten Yama, so of course the sculptures should not only be transported with the sculptures, but also some marbles for paving the square, but these things are easy to handle. It was installed directly with a few large carts, and then dragged by the mobile angels and transported together.

"Radamantis, how long does it take you to pick up a sculpture?" I asked Radamantis aloud in the team.

Radamantis thought for a while and said: "In fact, the pipeline connection is very fast. The key is that the tunnel is not well connected."

Because we repaired this pipeline system in secret. Yes, so the impossible just and honorable have been dug to the ground and can only be stopped underground. Similarly, for the sake of confidentiality, the connecting passage located at the sole of the sculpture is also sealed. We have to wait for the sculpture to stand up and let its soles fully step on the ground before we can penetrate the sole of the sculpture to connect with the passage under the ground. . However, there are no complex and sophisticated electronic equipment in the game, so the tunnels on both sides of us are like two moles underground, and we can't see each other at all. If we can make a hole in the ground, we can quickly find each other and connect the passage, but we don’t dare to appear near the Yama Palace. What’s even more annoying is that even the underground construction must be done lightly to avoid being discovered, so this How long the Power of Faith transmission pipeline will finally be connected depends on how long the tunnels on both sides can be connected. If it can be connected as soon as it comes up, it will not take long to complete the connection of a collection tower.

In the process of chatting with Radamantis, our team finally approached the sixth Yama Palace. The speaking of which Yama Palace is not arranged in a straight line at the moment of one, two, three, four, five, but scattered in the underworld of China. Because of this irregular arrangement, the nearest to our 11th Yama Palace is not the tenth Yama Palace but the sixth Yama Palace.

According to the general situation, it takes a long time for the two Yama Palaces to come and go between each other, because the area of ​​the underworld in China is equal to the area of ​​the entire China, but in such a large area There are only eleven Yama Palaces, and you can imagine how exaggerated the distance between them is. However, although the distance is indeed very far, it has little effect on us, because I am the 11th Temple Hades, so I have a guide to the underworld. This guide to the underworld is not a pass that is usually said, but a prop. As long as you bring it with you, your team in the underworld can gain the ability to walk hundreds of thousands li daily. That is to say, as long as there is this thing in the team, then the team's moving speed will be calculated at a speed that can move 50,000 kilometers in 8 hours. Although the sixth Yama Palace is not too close to us, it doesn't take too long to run at this speed, so we soon saw the sixth Yama Palace.

In this case of helping each Yama Palace to repair the statues of Yamas, the ten Yamas thought that I was afraid of being jealous and proposed to help them repair the sculptures. After all, Hades will repair a Hades sculpture and a sculpture of mine in the 11th Yama Palace when he gets to our side, but there are no Yama statues outside the other ten Yama Palaces, so it will appear that we are too pushy. . So the Hades thought that I was afraid of being talked about, so they just built one for everyone so that no one would say anything.

Because of the above thoughts, although the ten Hades are very happy to have a sculpture of their own, they are not too loyal to me. Of course, even if I don't accept my feelings in my heart, this superficial work still has to be done.

dong dong dong dong……dong dong dong dong……dang dang dang ……

We just approached the sixth Yama Palace and we heard the sound of gongs and drums, although the rhythm is a bit chaotic, But the sound is loud enough, especially in this quiet terrifying underworld.

"Aiya, Purple Moon Yan Jun has finally arrived, but I have been waiting here for a long time." Yan Jun of the Sixth Yama Palace, six kings of the city walked over from afar.

As soon as I saw this posture, I hurriedly jumped off the back of Ye Ying, and then I followed the example of the King of the Six City and saluted: "How dare to work the King of the Six City and wait for me here! What a sin! Sin!"

Hearing me and the Six City Kings were polite there, Ladamantes couldn't help whispering whispered: "True and false!"

I deliberately turned halfway. The head whispered: "Do you understand when you go to the countryside? You will have to understand the rules here in China in the future. Even if you want to cramp someone in your heart, you have to smile and say hello to him before you are ready to do it. Of course. This is only effective when the opponent is strong."

Radamantis muttered a few words and then turned to the back of the sculpture. He is the Divine Race from Europe. Although Divine Races from all over the world are comparable in character, they are basically not a good thing, but the Divine Race in Europe is compared with the Divine Race on our side. But there is one difference, that is, they are not very good at disguising the relationship between the enemy and ourselves. Although they can lie, cheat, and understand what pretence is, they generally don't use this thing on people they don't like. If they don't like anyone, they will usually show malice to you straightforwardly. Although they are not soft when it is time to kill and shave, they just won't pretend to be close to you. To put it bluntly, the Divine Races in Europe are really villains, and ours is a group of hypocrites.

Hades’ deployment in the Olympus Divine Race is regarded as a relatively dutiful group of people, and Radamantis is also a relatively calm type among them, so he is not good at Chinese style Social

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