"It seems this is the hole I'm looking for."

"But this door looks pretty solid, how do we get in?" Follow me After entering the cave, the group of people took the initiative to help me find the opening mechanism of the door, but after searching through it, they found nothing, and the door doesn’t look like it was opened by a mechanism, on the contrary It was opened from the inside.

"It doesn’t make any difference to me whether it’s strong or not. Anyway, the door that’s strong is cut open with a sword. The point is that I don’t know if the one inside is still inside, just in case I smashed people's doors with a single sword, and then it will be difficult to deal with!"

When I heard this, the warrior who took the lead began to think about it, and everyone else started to think of it. Method. However, when a large group of us were thinking about how to open this door, the little fool did something that surprised us. I saw that we were all thinking of a solution there, but he suddenly walked to the door and directly reached out and slapped the door a few times, and at the same time shouted: "Hey, is anyone home?"

Knock on the door . What a simple act? If it is in reality, except for thieves, most people who come to someone’s door as it should be by rights must knock on the door first, but in the game everyone seems to have forgotten that the original door can still be opened like this, even as for here. Among the nineteen people in me, only the little fool still remembers this method.

Of course, when at first we saw him knocking on the door, we were only a little stunned, and we didn’t expect any results. However, just after the little fool waited for a few seconds and knocked again, a cold voice came out from the door asking: "Who is making noise outside the door?"

"I... …" The little fool was about to answer, when I suddenly jumped over to him, grabbed the collar of his clothes and pulled it back.

"Is there an immortal inside the door? I am an acquaintance of Huang Golden Lion Long Yosfat. He said he once got an immortal promise here to help him accomplish one thing, but he Now I have transferred this promise to me. I wonder if the Immortal Elder in the door is the expert that Josfat said?"

After listening to what I said, the person inside the door paused slightly. After a while, I asked: "I don't know what you are talking about, but is the yellow Golden Lion dragon you mentioned is a golden creature with a lion head and a giant dragon body?"

"Yes, yes, yes, Josfat is a lion head, giant dragon, and his body is golden."

Getting my confirmation, the voice inside the back door immediately said: "If this is the case , Then I should know it. But at the beginning we had a certificate, did you bring it?"

I immediately nodded and said: "I brought it. It’s the very difficult to deal with rusty. Copper coins, right?"

"Since you know that it is copper coins, there is nothing wrong with it. It's just that I can't fulfill my promise now. If you are in a hurry, you need to find another way."< /p>


"I have two reasons. One is that this cave had been violently shaken before, and the stone gate was damaged. I can't open it now."

"It's easy to open the door. If it doesn't work, I can forcibly remove the door and fix it for you later."

"One door has something to do with it, but I'm worried about you. Nothing. If you can open this stone gate, then the first question will naturally not be a problem."

"Then what is the second question?"

< p>"The second question is the scourge of my guard. Since you were called by the strange dragon, you should have heard him say that there is a dirty thing besides me. As soon as I leave, he will come out to do harm, so I must guard it all the time, so I cannot fulfill my promise now."

I thought for a while and said: "In fact, I mainly want to see Immortal Elder this time. , I don’t have any special requirements for the time being. If Immortal Elder doesn’t mind, I’ll take down this door and meet with Immortal Elder. How about?"

"Alright. Then you can try it. Door I have closed the array inside, you just need to open the stone gate."

"many thanks."

and Divine I inside After mmortal finished speaking, I directly took out the eternal state, turning it into a long dagger, and plunged into the top of the gate suddenly. Judging from the conversation just now, the Divine Immortal inside seems to be very talkative and has a very good personality. I guess if I can help him solve the monster he suppressed this time, I want to tell him to join our guild. It is not a problem. Even if he doesn't willing to join our guild in the end, it will probably give me some benefits. Of course, what I hope most is to persuade him to join our guild. Although I still don’t know the ability of this old Divine Immortal, but Josfat said that the three of him are not the opponent of this old Divine Immortal, so I guess the battle strength of this old Divine Immortal can at least be reached. high level Divine Race level.

While I was thinking about how to fudge the old Divine Immortal to join us while cutting, the one-foot-thick stone gate has been cut into a rectangle like tofu. The gap. After cutting all four sides of this rectangle, I inserted Eternal from the center of the rectangle again, and then let the part that passed through the door panel unfolded into a hook to hang the door panel, and then I grabbed Eternal and pulled it out. With the sound of rock rubbing, I dragged a stone slab the size of a refrigerator from the stone gate carved with gossip pictures.

I probably heard the sound of the door being opened. The Divine Immortal inside said as I pulled down the stone slab: "The weapons used by the kid are so sharp. Cutting stones is just like cutting tofu. Do you know if you can lend it to me for a while?"

As soon as I stepped through the door, I heard the words inside. I was taken aback for a moment, and then he said: "That's natural, but I don't know what Immortal Elder wants to cut? "

The player’s equipment is bound. I haven’t heard of NPC grabbing the player’s equipment, so Divine Immortal should just borrow my eternity to use it, and I almost do it. Thought of his purpose. I guess he borrowed weapons for the monster he guarded. Although he has been guarding the monster here for so many years, he is a Divine Immortal after all, and cultivation belongs to cultivation. Traveling around the world is also necessary. But now being confined here by this monster is the same as going to jail, he must be unwilling. Most of the reason he has been here before is because he has a strong sense of responsibility and does not want this monster to go out to harm others, so he has not dared to leave, but if there is a way to kill this guy, then I think he will definitely not give up the opportunity to leave.

Because I thought of the old Divine Immortal's purpose of borrowing eternity, I immediately agreed. Anyway, eternity is a weapon of Artifact Spirit, which can not be taken away by others, as long as I want to take it back. , Others can't keep it at all.

The Divine Immortal inside did not directly answer my question after listening to me asking what to cut, but said: "You will know what I need to cut when you come in."

Following the words of Divine Immortal, I just finished walking the passage behind the door. The gate was not directly facing the old Divine Immortal's place, but there was a passage more than ten meters forward at the door. Turning to the right at the end of the passage was where the old Divine Immortal stayed. At this moment I just walked to the turning position, and as I turned that corner, I finally saw what was going on inside.

"This... Are you...?"

After seeing the situation inside, I was stunned at that corner. Although I have thought about many situations before, the situation in front of me is still beyond my expectation.

I saw a natural stone cave of less than 50 square meters directly behind the corner of the passage. In the center of the cave, there were two people sitting and kneeling. No, not two people, but... a fairy and a corpse. . That's right, it's a fairy and a corpse. In the center of the cave, there is a giant zombie who is wearing a yellow golden armor, his face is blue and purple and wrinkled, and a giant zombie two meters away is lying on his back. His hands were stretched straight and diagonally upward at this time, and the fingers of both hands were all penetrated into the chest of the Divine Immortal above him.

On this zombie's body, a Divine Immortal wearing an azure robe is lying sideways in a strange posture at this time. This Divine Immortal knelt on the zombie’s chest and pressed it firmly to the ground, while the other leg stretched out behind him to maintain balance, but his chest was pierced by the zombie’s claws. Look. This depth is estimated to be able to pass through his back a little further. However, even though his chest was pierced, the old Divine Immortal didn't fail to do anything. He leaned forward at this time, and accurately covered the zombie's mouth with his left hand, blocking his entire mouth and nose. At the same time His right hand is to pinch the fingerprint, and the index and middle fingers are close together and point at the center of the zombie's eyebrows.

Before, Josfat also told me that the old Divine Immortal was guarding a monster here. Seeing this situation, how could he guarding the monster? Is this status stalemate in the fight for one person and one corpse until the last minute? That zombie’s claws pierced Divine Immortal’s chest and broke his protective body divine light. The corpse poison must have affected Divine Immortal’s body, and the old Divine Immortal’s left hand covered zombie’s mouth and nose to prevent him from sucking Yin. Qi gets energy replenishment, and at the same time, the right hand of Divine Immortal is on the zombie's eyebrows, which is to use spell to seal the Divine Consciousness of that zombie. Seeing this zombie with his eyes closed at this time, he must have completely lost consciousness and entered a dormant state. However, as soon as the finger of Divine Immortal left his forehead, the zombie would wake up immediately.

Seeing this weird posture, I finally understand why this Divine Immortal has not left for so many years. Maybe he really has the idea that he doesn't want the world to be harmed by this thing, but it may be that he simply can't go. Now that zombie's claws are in his chest, as long as he let go, the zombie will immediately crush his body and disperse his Divine Soul, and he can't get the zombie's claws out of his body without removing his hand. . Therefore, he is now completely trapped to death, and he can do nothing at all except to maintain the status quo.

"Purple Moon, what is going on inside?" I was in a daze, and suddenly I heard the voice of the warrior coming from behind, but the other party saw the hole before I could answer. The situation inside, and then he was just as stunned as I was there.

Although the warrior was stunned, I was awakened. Hurrying to the cave, first gave Divine Immortal, who was still smiling at me with his head up, and gave a slight salute. Then Divine Immortal also repaid my nodded, and now he can only move his head.

A closer look reveals that the old god Immortal Elder has divine poise and sagelike features. Although the robe is hanging on his body like a rotten rag, and his head is covered with dust, it is still I can feel huge and peaceful power fluctuations from him. This image of him is pulled into reality, as long as he is cleaned and then changed into a clean daoist robe, without speaking, you can trick a group of people into kowtow and burn incense at him at that stop. I have to say that the look of this old man is so different that I am Divine Immortal is not engraved on his forehead. Is this really an immortal template?

"My little friend is wondering what Poor Daoist looks like?" When I found that I was staring at Heavenly God for a while, Divine Immortal suddenly said jokingly by himself.

I was immediately awkwardly reminded by him: "Sorry, but the main reason is that you have grown too much Immortal Qi."

"hahahaha. Actually, I don’t have much Immortal. Qi is gone, and some of them are almost consumed by this guy." The old Divine Immortal was obviously helpless when he said this, and it would be helpless to guess whoever did it. In fact, I think that even if he can be like him, the psychological quality is quite good. If ordinary people can spend thousands of years with a zombie like this, they will probably collapse early.

After listening to the words of the old Divine Immortal, I immediately said: "You hold on for a while, let me see if this zombie can be dealt with."

The old Divine Immortal no When I went to check on the zombie, I shook my head and said, "This scourge is not a normal zombie. I think I was also a genuine Great Immortal back then. How can Divine Immortal do something like this when dealing with a zombie, which is a way of the underworld? It’s just a zombie ancestor, a special zombie that was artificially cultivated by using the witchcraft technique to deal with people in my Immortal Sect. The normal fairy magical artifact has no effect on him, and the things that the general zombie fears do He was all ineffective. Furthermore, this zombie's Indestructible Vajra Body, impervious to sword and spear, I fought with him for three days and nights and hit him countless times, but none of them worked. In the end, I desperately used the Life Source Yuanjing to live. He was temporarily sealed off by his sacred gate. If I could simply kill him, I wouldn’t end up like this in the past!"

"This thing is so powerful?"

< p>"Looking at me like this, you should know that what I said is true."

I nodded and said: "Anyway, let me see it first. Don't you also say you want to lend me Would you like to try the weapon? Maybe I can chop him."

Old Divine Immortal nodded and said: "Then try it tentatively. Anyway, even if it’s invalid, it’s just this."


After listening to the words of the old Divine Immortal, I first put my hand on the temple of the zombie, and then all the attributes of the zombie were immediately displayed. At first I thought that Divine Immortal's words were a bit exaggerated, but when I saw this guy's attribute Lima, I was dumbfounded. Regardless of the basic attributes of this zombie, just the attributes written in the column of his characteristics are enough to cause headaches.

There are a total of four attributes in this zombie’s feature column, which read: strong, strong, resistant, and infection. It seems that these four attributes are not too many, but if you look at the explanation behind them, it can be really devastating.

The explanation behind the strong attribute is as follows: Ignore physical damage, and only take a little basic damage when the enemy’s attack power exceeds one million, or the enemy’s weapon level is Divine Item with neglect defense, When penetrating the damage attribute, it can cause one-ten-thousandth of the damage of the normal attack power.

What does this mean? This means that as long as your attack power is less than one million, then you hit him and you didn't hit him. Even the system's forced deduction of blood will fail here. And if your attack power exceeds one million, congratulations, you finally broke the defense, but unfortunately, no matter how high your attack power is, the damage will always be one. Fortunately, there is an additional attribute requirement later, that is, if you hold a Divine Item and it happens that this Divine Item has piercing damage or ignores the defense attribute, your attack power can be used normally, but the damage value is only calculated as the normal value. One in 10,000. What is the concept of calculating only one part in 10,000 of this damage? That is equivalent to a damage absorption attribute of 9999/10,000 points, and you will only count one point for every 10,000 points of damage you hit.

I took a look at my attribute. Eternity is the Divine Item, and it has a neglected defense attribute, which just meets the requirement of breaking defense, but according to this attribute, if I hit every ordinary attack, I can cause more than 100 points of damage to this guy. What is the situation with more than a hundred points of injury? It seems that I haven't seen this damage value appear since I was level 100. Now even my Death God guards and Qilin warrior hurt thousands of people when they hacked people. What is the deal with more than a hundred points of damage?

After discovering that I could only cause more than a hundred points of damage to this guy, I checked the blood volume of this guy again, but it didn’t matter if I didn’t look at it. At this point, my legs were so weak that I fell on my stomach. On the ground. This guy's blood volume is pretty good, directly after a string of zeros. I count, get, 2 billion.

100 blood deductions per attack, 2 billion points of blood, when do I have to cut it?

That's not a big deal. I looked at the speed of this guy's recovery and was dizzy. This guy is a zombie, and zombie has a feature, that is, anti-high blood thickness and quick blood return. Although this guy is a special zombie, this point is not missed. His actual blood recovery speed is 212 points per second. At this speed, if I can't cut three swords in one second, it will not be able to keep up with his blood recovery speed. According to this data, if I am alone here to chop him, even if I die, he may not die.

After reading this strong attribute, look at the strong attribute below. This one is more perverted. Attribute explained directly that this guy's power can move mountains and lift tripods, and has nine strength of Dragon. How powerful is the Nine Dragons? The female small dragon is Divine Dragon. Although her strength is not as good as Western giant dragons such as luck and plague, it is not much worse. Add one piece to the strength of the nine dragons...Anyway, I don't think there is any problem with lifting a hill as a dumbbell.

Of course, if this strong attribute is only strong, it’s okay to say, the key is that there is another one behind this, that is, this guy’s attack has a crushing blow effect, which means that he has a certain amount of hitting. There are two cases of probability. First, your weapons or armors are shattered; second, your bones are shattered. Of course, sometimes the two situations may happen together.

After reading the strong attributes, look at the following. resistance. Many people have this attribute, but it is used to weaken magical attack power. However, this guy's resistance value is a bit scary. Even if the average person has magic immunity, he still has to suffer some damage, but this guy’s resistance attribute says to suffer damage, but he only suffers one hundred thousandth of the normal damage. Calculated based on this damage, no matter whether it is Ling or Xiaochun, as long as they don't use big moves, they can hit dozens of damage at most with each attack. I felt that I came across this guy and I felt like I had returned to Novice Village, and unfortunately I ran into a monster outside the high level leveling area in Novice Village.

In addition to the above three, this guy has one last attribute-infection. This attribute is very simple, just two functions. The first is to make the creatures injured by him unable to return blood and continue to lose health, and the second is to resurrect the creatures killed by him into his men. This attribute seems to have the same function as my evil dragon guardian ring, but I am resurrecting a corpse, and he directly infects living people.

Although these two functions are well understood, I still feel uncomfortable when I see the specific description, because the two attributes of this guy have very special descriptions.

First of all, his infection cannot be dispelled and treated, which means that as long as you are injured by him, it will be completely hopeless. Death is only a matter of time for you.

Secondly, the resurrected corpse of this guy will have 100% of the body's battle strength. This one is especially terrifying. The battle strength of my resurrected corpse is all discounted, but the resurrected corpse of this guy can have 100% of the body's battle strength, which means that his companions will fight more and more, and almost impossible to exhaustion.

In fact, in addition to the above four attributes, this guy has many additional attributes. For example, he can ignore the divine force just like me, so he beat the old Divine Immortal so badly. There's just that this guy doesn't know how tired. This is very annoying, and it seems that undead creatures have this characteristic. But this guy is particularly annoying with this ability, because he has high blood and thick defense, others are impossible to kill him in a short time, only slowly, and he does not know fatigue, which determines the effect of slowly consuming this tactic on him. Very bad.

In short, this guy is a huge trouble impervious to sword and spear. To deal with him, a large group of super-level existence must work together to hopefully get him done in a short time. Of course, if I try my best to use Sacred Beast to transform and release ults, it is possible to hurt him with one move. However, that would hurt him at most, and consume half of his blood at most. But what should I do with the remaining half? When the time comes, I will enter the period of weakness.

The old Divine Immortal looked more and more ugly after seeing me touching zombie's temple, and he immediately understood what I was thinking.

"How? I didn't lie to you, did I?"

I nodded and said: "This guy is really hard to deal with, I can only consume half of his health at most. "

"What? Are you using half of his health?" Old Divine Immortal asked in surprise.

I nodded and said: "Actually, although I can't kill him independently, but also not to say that I really can't do anything with him."

"Oh? Do you have a way to deal with him? "

I nodded and said: "I have seen this guy's attribute just now and found that he has a fatal flaw."

"Fatal flaw? What flaw is this guy?"

"He is not fast."

Old Divine Immortal shook his head after listening, "I knew this a long time ago, but what if he is so defensive and not fast? Normal? His attacks are of no use to him."

"General attacks are really useless to him, but what about attacks if you calligraphy?"

"Legal attacks?"

"Yes, law attack."

"Can you use law attack?" Old Divine Immortal looked at me in surprise and asked.

I nodded, and then directly took out the wheel of commandment behind it. "With this thing, I can actually use some of the rules to attack. But it is still a bit difficult to deal with this guy. Even if my good luck draws the strong rules, it will only increase some damage, and eventually I have to slowly wear his blood. And during this period, he must not be infected, otherwise he will really be over."

Old Divine Immortal thought for a while and said: "That's right, as long as he is not infected, this guy's attack power is actually good. Not too strong, the key is that he impervious to sword and spear plus stalker, it is really a headache."

"Old Divine Immortal, in fact, if you promise me a request, I can still pay Find a helper for some price, so that the odds of winning will be even greater."

The old Divine Immortal heard me say that you can find a helper and said immediately: "As long as you can get rid of him, no matter what the cost is. I’m willing to give."

"It’s not that exaggerated, as long as you are willing to join our guild will become a member of the Guardian God Race of the Frost Rose League." Hearing what I said, then Old Divine Immortal hesitated immediately. Seeing him hesitate, I asked: "Are you in any dilemma? Are you afraid that Celestial Court will not let people go?"

"Celestial Court? What is that?"

"You don't know what Celestial Court is?" I remembered just after I asked. This old Divine Immortal has been trapped here for so many years, and he didn't know how long he stayed here before being found by Josfat. In other words, he was probably already here before Celestial Court was established, and he has not been out since then. It is not surprising that he does not know what Celestial Court is.

After I briefly explained the concept of Celestial Court to the old Divine Immortal, the old Divine Immortal immediately said: "I don't want to join you not because of the Celestial Court problem, but because of my own problems. "

"Your own problem?"

"Yes." The old Divine Immortal said: "I have made a great wish before, this body is only for good, not for evil. .If I join you, I must do things for you, but if your order conflicts with my code of conduct, what should I do? Helping you violates my oath, and it’s a bit inappropriate if I don’t help, so... …"

"You don't have to worry about this. You can decide for yourself when you have various tasks in the future. As long as you feel that we are evil, you don't have to do it. I will never blame you. "

"Well, in that case, what alliance do I want to join yours?"

"Frost Rose League. But you are not joining the Frost Rose League, you join us Guardian God Race of the Frost Rose League."

"Anyway, I will listen to you in the future. It doesn't matter where I join."

The agreement is reached, and I immediately said with a smile: "Well, since you are willing to join, everyone is your own. It is worth paying for your own people." As I said, I snapped my fingers, and then Victoria appeared next to me.

"Master." As soon as Victoria appeared, she first gave me a salute, then looked towards Divine Immortal and the zombie on the ground, and then asked: "Are these two goals?"< /p>

I hurriedly said: "The one above is my own person, and the one below is the target. This time I am counting on you, please be sure to get a better attribute!"

Actually, the ideal situation for dealing with this zombie is not for me to find a group of helpers to besiege this guy to death, but for Victoria to shoot Death Attribute directly with the arrow of destiny. Although Victoria's Arrow of Destiny is very unreliable, you have to admit that her Death Attribute is still very scary. No matter what kind of existence the other party is, once you get the Death Attribute, you will immediately kill it immediately. Whether you are an ant on the ground or a Great Firmament Golden Immortal, it is all the same. In front of this attribute, there is no one except the High God like the Mother of the Earth. There can be exceptions.

Victoria opened his Wheel of Fate immediately after getting my confirmation, and the old Divine Immortal over there narrowed his eyes after seeing this huge golden magic array disk. "This is... the law...?"

Victoria just smiled triumphantly after seeing old Divine Immortal's expression, and then saw her suddenly let go, and shouted: "Fate Arrow.” With a golden light passing through the magic array disk, then an area on the Wheel of Fate flashed fiercely, following the golden light directly increased by several times its brightness and directly hit the zombie on the ground.


The moment Victoria yelled this, I felt a little bit in my heart, but because I knew that Victoria’s skills were not reliable, I had already known it for a long time. Ready. At the moment Victoria yelled that bad sound, I rushed up and slammed into the side of old Divine Immortal's body, knocking him out. And just as the old Divine Immortal was knocked out, the eyes of the zombie on the ground suddenly opened. At the same time, his mouth opened sharply and developed a low roar, and a purple smoke came out of his mouth directly, and I quickly pulled off the helmet mask. Does the ghost know if this gas is poisonous?

The old god immortal who was hit and flew over there was still flying in the sky, and a silhouette had appeared next to him, and followed him to catch him. After the old Divine Immortal was caught, he still seemed a little unresponsive, but the person who caught him threw him to another person, and then pulled out the weapon and moved towards the zombie and charged. past.

Let’s not mention the situation of the old Divine Immortal. After losing the suppression, the zombie woke up immediately and found that the Divine Immortal in front of him was gone, but a new face was straightforward. Knocked into his arms, so he directly restrained the body tightly with his hands in a circle.

"Damn! Hurry...Help..."

After knocking the old Divine Immortal into the air, I didn't expect that zombie actually hugged me, and this guy actually After he hugged me, he tightened his arms vigorously. Does this guy have nine strength of Dragon? No matter how high my defense is, I can't stand him playing like this! The Divine Dragon suit was immediately struck by this guy with a zhi zhi quack, but fortunately, the Divine Dragon suit is a combination of high level Divine Item and national equipment. The defensive power is not covered, and it actually withstands it. The guy's power was not crushed instantly. However, although it was not completely squashed, the waist of the Divine Dragon suit actually shrank in a circle. At that moment, I felt that my waist was about to break.

"Let go of the master!" Lingling rushed to my side immediately, but she happened to see the zombie and found that I could not kill me, and I was about to bite me. So she didn't care about helping me out, she would block this big tooth first. I saw that she directly pointed the holy sword at the zombie's wide open mouth and thrust it in, and then she heard a sound, that guy’s four canine teeth directly bit on the holy sword and aroused a piece of it. fire star. But fortunately, the holy sword is after all the holy sword. Although the fire star that was bitten is straight out, it is blocking the guy's teeth anyway.

"Quick...Quick...Help me...I'm about to break my waist!" Seeing Lingling and the guy's teeth tightening, I could only desperately call for help.

"Master hold on, I'm here!" The king appeared directly beside me, and then he started to pull the guy's arm out, and the second king appeared here almost at the same time as him. The other side of the guy hugged his arm and pulled out. But it is a pity that neither of these two are power-type. Although their strength is great, they are still far behind the nine strength of dragon, so no matter how hard they work, they can't pull them.

"Help! The waist is about to be broken! Hurry...who will help!"

"Let me go!" Jingjing suddenly appeared beside zombie, and then raised He lifted the shield to face zombie's head and smashed it down, but when the sharp horn on the bottom edge of the shield hit zombie's head, there was a sound as if it had hit a steel ingot. With a burst of fire star, Jingjing's shield was actually bounced.

"This won't work, think of another way!" I screamed desperately while smashing zombie's body where I could reach.

The king suddenly said: "We are too weak to help, so quickly get the master out. If the place is spacious outside, you can let lucky them help."

"Yes, yes. Yes, large creatures are definitely cheaper than us." Lingling said, she directly carried me and the zombie together with a few other familiars and ran out of the cave.

The old Divine Immortal over there saw that I was carried out and quickly said to Xiaochun who was treating him: "Hurry up, let's go out too, maybe I can still help. !"

When Xiaochun heard it, he immediately pulled the old Divine Immortal and ran out, while Ling on the other side pushed the already scared Victoria Road. "Don't be in a daze, go out and make up a few beneficial conditions for the master."

When Xiaochun heard it, she realized that Victoria was still nearby, so she turned her head and looked towards Victoria with a slight reproach: "What attribute did you get just now? Why did the zombie suddenly go crazy?"


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