Following my orders, a large group of Death God guards and my large familiars ran out and started digging holes for me. Because there are a large number of people, and because they are lucky to be such a giant creature like a large excavator, the excavation speed can be described as quite fast. It only took more than an hour before and after that we dug the entire hillside into a big hole.

"Huh?" I was digging at High Level by the lake and suddenly heard the plague.

"Did you find something?"

When I heard my question, the plague immediately digs two paws again, and then said: "There seems to be something wrong here."


As soon as I heard this, I ran over, and then the plague went directly to the side. At the place where the plague had just dug up, I suddenly found a large piece of rock, and there was an arch-shaped gap in the middle of these rocks. Of course, now this gap has been completely sealed by soil. The reason why it is said to be a gap is because it is surrounded by rocks, and only here is soil.

"This looks like a door," said one of the guys who had been following me.

I looked around for a while and felt that this gap is indeed a bit like the entrance of a cave, but whether it's specific has to be dug to determine.

"You get out of the way first. Steel claws, come and dig here."

Because the entrance is an arc moon gate about three meters high and close to three meters wide, so it looks like There is no way for large creatures like Lucky and Plague to get in, but the digging speed of the Death God guards is relatively slow, so I left the task to Steel Claw. Compared with the Death God guard, the speed of Steel Claw is obviously much faster, and his size is just enough to barely squeeze into this hole, and digging is not affected.

As soon as the steel claw came to the entrance of the cave, he used two powerful front claws to pull up the soil at the entrance of the cave. With a burst of earth and rock flying, the steel claws were all half of the body soon. He got into the hole, and about three to five minutes later, his entire body disappeared in the hole, leaving only half of his tail dangling outside.

"It looks like it is indeed a hole, but it was actually dug in." The warrior among the eighteen people stood by me and watched the steel claws go deep into the hole like a rock drill. Said after ten meters.

I looked at the dirt piled up outside, then waved to the plague to help sweep the dirt aside, and then said, "I hope this is the hole I'm looking for, otherwise I don't know. How long will it take to dig."

My voice didn't stop there, but I saw the steel claws, which had been more than ten meters deep into the hole, suddenly crawled out of the hole again.

"What? Dig it through?" After getting the answer from Steel Claw through the mental connection, I immediately retracted the summon creature with excitement, and then I was about to rush in, but I just ran two steps and suddenly Think of it as if the people outside haven't dealt with it yet.

The warrior who took the lead saw me suddenly stopped looking towards and they also reacted. No matter what monster they encounter here, the strength of this group of people can only be abused, so it is not appropriate to keep them outside. But it doesn't seem appropriate to bring them in, because if Josfart's intelligence is okay, then there is probably a great Divine Immortal living in it, and there should be a very special monster here. Although Josfart didn't say exactly what monster it was at the time, Josfart said he couldn't do that monster anyway, so it can be seen that Divine Immortal and monsters here are very good. Of course it’s okay for me to enter here alone, but I brought in these eighteen ordinary players. In case the Divine Immortal or the monster gets mad, they still have to say whether I can keep them, so it doesn’t seem like taking them into the hole. Suitable.

After weighing for a long time, I finally decided to bring them all. After all, the Divine Immortal and the monster in the cave may not be able to do anything with us, but once they meet the monster, it is definitely ten deaths without life. Of course, I can also leave some familiars outside to protect them, but in that case, if I need these familiars to fight in the cave, when the time comes, even if I call them back again, the delay in the time may affect me. The ending of this mission. I came here this time mainly to do the task I got from Josfat. Protecting these people is just incidental. If they destroy the task because of them, then it will put the cart before the horse. So in the end I decided to take them. Anyway, I have sent away 36 people in advance. Even if I can't keep the remaining 18 people, I won't be all dead, right? I can take out a few, and the dead have nothing to say. Anyway, I didn't say that they would be safe.

The warrior is also a clever man. He also understood my embarrassment, so he took the initiative to say: "Purple Moon, president, let us in together. What's the danger in case we die? I don’t blame you, anyway, many of us here want to see how you fight and do missions. It doesn’t matter if you die."

Since others have said so, of course I won’t No, I directly greeted them to follow me and walked into the cave. Going deep along the entrance of the cave, after walking more than ten meters, I suddenly heard the peng sound from behind, and then the whole cave suddenly lit up. I was stunned for a moment to realize that the torch was lit by the person behind. I have dark vision myself, so I always forget that others can't see things in the dark. In fact, those people behind are more depressed than me. When they first came in, they thought I would order a torch or put on a lighting technique. Who knew that I was running in the dark all the way. The ground in this cave was originally uneven, and not only did I not order the torch, but I also ran so fast. It seemed that it was completely unaffected by the light. Only one of them remembered to take out the torch and light it.

The warrior ignited the torch and found that I turned around to look at them and was immediately shocked. He thought I did not fire the fire intentionally.

"Then what, shouldn't we light the fire?" the guy asked carefully.

I shook my head and said: "Sorry, I forgot that you can't see it in the dark place!"

The little idiot suddenly came up after hearing this, "Everyone Saying I’m stupid, didn’t expect there is something more stupid than me. You can forget what you can’t see in a dark place, you are really stupid."

Before, I was very angry with this guy. Because I thought he was a normal person, and after chatting with them, I already knew that this kid had a real IQ problem and was not arrogant, so I didn't get angry anymore. As a normal person, you should maintain patience and restraint for people who are born with intellectual disabilities and children who have not established a correct world view. This is a basic quality of a person. Of course, for those who have no problem with their own intelligence and are purely brain-disabled. You don't have to bear it at all. If you don't want to offend me, it's okay. If you offend me, you will hit one by one.

"Actually, because of my race and occupational attributes, I have perfect dark vision. Even in a completely enclosed underground space, I can have a sight range of thousands of meters, except for invisible colors. It’s basically the same as in a light place. So over time, I always forget that others need torch lighting in the dark."

The warrior said with a smile after listening to it: "This The ability is convenient, at least the torch money is saved."

When I heard that warrior, I suddenly remembered that the torch in the game does not seem to be cheap, of course it is one hair from nine oxen to me. , It’s not a big deal to fill the cave with thousands of torch, but it’s an extra burden for these ordinary players. Thinking of this, I immediately said: "You should kill the torch and save some money. I have a pet who is good at lighting, and it doesn't cost money, and the effect is much better than your torch."

"Oh , Thank you.” After the warrior said, he greeted everyone to quickly destroy the torch to save money, and I asked Xiaochun to come out and add a holy light to all of us. At first, the group of people really thought I was going to use the lighting technique. They didn't expect to wait for Xiaochun to release the magic, but they suddenly found that their fatigue and other attributes were recovering quickly. "This...this..."

"This is holy light shine, primary level constant state spell." Xiaochun explained: "In fact, this spell can only increase a small amount of endurance, magic power and life recovery speed. The lighting effect is very good. With this spell protection, you should equivalently put a light bulb on top of your head, which can cover a range of 50 meters, and the spell will also move as you move."

"It's amazing. How long can this spell control?" the clever archer asked before.

"I haven't counted it. Anyway, as long as it is not dispelled, it will be okay to keep it for more than eight hours."

"It really deserves to be the president of Purple Moon, even lighting is used. Such an extravagant spell." The warrior exclaimed.

I waved my hand and retracted Xiaochun, and then led everyone to move forward into the cave.

At the beginning, more than 30 meters in front of the hole was the part that was just dug by steel claws. There is still a lot of dirt on the ground and walls, and the excavation of the tunnel is not very flat, and it often needs to be deep. Walk forward with one foot shallow and one foot. After waiting for the first 30 meters, the ground is flattened a lot. It seems that you can see the rocky ground that has been simply polished, but there are still a lot of gravel on the ground in this section. And the soil block, I guess it may be the rubble that rolled in when the landslide occurred.

After going down the tunnel for about fifty meters, the gravel and soil were completely gone. The walls and ground of the passage have all turned into rocks, and the surface should have been dug by hand. Natural caves are unlikely to be so flat. Even the underground channel washed by water will have some round protrusions. It's impossible to be completely flat like here.

Along this passage all the way inwards, after a total of about one hundred meters, the passage suddenly ended and connected to a cave with about three-four hundred square meters. The cave is about ten meters high. There are various rocks in the cave. There are three weird stone pillars piled up by a few large stones in the center. However, what I care about is not these stone pillars, but located in the depths of the cave. A stone gate at the place.

This is an apparently artificially constructed stone gate, the style is the round moon gate shape of ancient China. The gate is composed of two stone slabs, and in the center there is a huge relief picture of gossip. Above the gate, a long strip of stone plaque is hanging there, but there is no word on it.

"It seems that this is the hole I am looking for." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendation, monthly ticket, and your support Is my biggest motivation.)

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