"Yosefat, how do you feel about me here?" After leaving the new continent experimental area, I soon found Yosefat in the devil beast lair. The excitement of this guy at this time is not much worse than that of Ryan's old man. As the last existence of Huang Golden Lion Dragon Clan, and because of that ridden curse, he fought the Divine Race in Ryan's laboratory for so many years, and now Josefat can be said to be extremely lonely. However, after arriving here, he suddenly saw a large group of various creatures, especially the existence of thousands of giant dragons, which made him excited.

Compared with other species, giant dragons give Josfart the most cordial feeling. Not only do they have a lot of similarities in their body shapes, but more importantly, their life and behavior habits. The lifestyle of these giant dragons is very similar to that of the Yellow Golden Lion dragon, which can be seen from the fact that the nest of the Yellow Golden Lion dragon resembles Dragon Island. Although Josfart knew that his race was doomed to extinction, at least he could experience the feeling of living in a stable group before he died, which made him very excited.

"Thank you so much. This is paradise, no, it is better than paradise."

Looking at the excited and somewhat incoherent Josfat, I directly Said: "I know you are very excited, but shall we meet the expert you mentioned first?" Woolen cloth. "Sorry, I forgot when I was excited. Okay, let's go now."

"Wait a minute, I will get your gathering place first. You can see it, here I am. There are many giant dragons. Their living habits are very similar to your yellow Golden Lion dragons. There was no way before, so let them squeeze in this narrow dragon lair. Now that we have this gathering place, we naturally have to let them move over. Live."

"Yes, yes, that's right." Josfart also wanted to see giant dragons live in their gathering place, although the giant dragon is not a yellow Golden Lion dragon, However, seeing the once gathering place of his clan is full of giant dragons with similar living habits, it can still let Josfat experience the feeling of living in the group.

I called for luck and they hurriedly pulled the Transmission Gate over and said to Josfat: "I know you like the way of life of giant dragons, so you can also work with giant dragons in the future. Live in your colony so that you will not be alone. Of course, the colony is my thing now, so you can't live in it for free. As the rent, you have to take on the security work here. If we fight with the Frost Rose League in the future, you have to help us, even if you are working with us. What do you think?"

For the lonely Josfat, I can live here. I was satisfied, and he was naturally terribly excited when he heard what I said. After a lot of gratitude, he waited quietly for the delivery of the Transmission Gate. Fortunately, they were not slow. After only a few minutes, he saw a large group of giant dragons each holding a rope and hanging the huge giant. The Transmission Gate flew over.

It took me a lot of effort to bring this damn Transmission Gate back, mainly the strange hobby of Huang Golden Lion Dragon Clan. Speaking of this, I really doubt whether this Huang Golden Lion Dragon Clan and Giant Dragon Race are related to each other, or how the hobby is the same? Giant dragons like to collect all kinds of precious metals, shiny crystals, and high level magic equipment with strong magic energy, and these yellow Golden Lion dragons are similar. Although their hobby is not as extensive as the giant dragons, the hobby who likes shiny precious metals is exactly the same. Thanks to the strange hobby of these yellow Golden Lion dragons, this transmission gate made of fine gold also has an unusual weight. In addition to being hard, the most famous feature of fine gold is that it is heavy. If it is made of ordinary metal, wood, or stone, at least 60% of the weight can be saved. If we hadn't had more dragons in our guild, we wouldn't be able to get back something made of such a large piece of fine gold.

"One two, one two, one two..." With luck, they flew to the vicinity of the devil beast's lair, and a neat chant came over. Although the giant dragons are not strong enough, the Transmission Gate is indeed a bit too heavy, so the giant dragons have to shout the chants and work hard together.

"Okay, okay, we are in the place, everyone pay attention, slowly lower, slowly lower... to the left, yes... slower, yes yes yes, pay attention to there Don’t bump into the building..."

With the command of luck and the plague, a large group of giant dragons finally transported the Transmission Gate safely to the designated location, and then accompanied by a loud boom, Transmission Gate finally landed safely. However, as soon as the Transmission Gate touched the ground of the square outside the gate of the devil beast's lair, I suddenly heard the system hint on my side.

"Dragon's Lair, a special building belonging to the city of the Frost Rose League, which belongs to Isengard, has obtained an annex building. Will it be integrated and upgraded to a new building?"

"Can it still be integrated? "I was surprised to say such a sentence, and then I reacted and quickly replied: "Agree to agree." The effect of building fusion is good or bad, but if the system says it is upgrading and fusion, it will definitely become stronger and stronger. So I chose to agree without the slightest hesitation.

As my choice was finalized, the transmission gate made of fine gold suddenly disappeared, and then I saw the dragon's lair next to the devil beast square in our guild suddenly changed its appearance. Originally for the sake of beauty, the dragon's lair and devil beast's lair on both sides of the devil beast square have been repaired to the same shape, the difference is that the house signs are different. But after this fusion, the Dragon's Lair suddenly changed its appearance. The entire dragon's lair has suddenly become a giant dragon head sculpture from the original giant human building. The huge dragon head was sitting in the shape of a roar with its terrifying big mouth open, and its big mouth was obviously the entrance. However, the color of the building in front of Speaking of which is really unacceptable to me, because it has turned into golden.

I'm not saying that golden is ugly, in fact, I like golden a lot. But the problem is that Isinger’s buildings are generally dominated by gray and dark tones. Now a huge Golden Dragon head suddenly appears among a bunch of black buildings. This huge contrast always makes people feel a little out of harmony. .

"Wow, it's so beautiful..."

Just when I despised this color there, there was a sound of admiration around me, looking at the group of giant dragons. Every one of them was about to run out of water, and I could only helplessly pull Josfat and hurriedly flash people. Although putting this Golden Dragon head here a little affects Isinger's overall style, this is after all the place where the giant dragons live, as long as they like it. As for the beauty issue...I don’t come here often anyway, so what the eye doesn't see, the heart doesn't grieve over! But in case I can't help it anymore, I don't rule out the probability that I will send someone to wrap it with an outer wrapper to cover the color. However, considering how much giant dragons love fine gold, it is estimated that unless I wrap it into a crystal structure, the giant dragons will definitely riot!

"Okay Josfat, your future home will be here, now take me to see the expert?"

"Okay." Josfat He said, "Is there a map? I'll show you the location."

"Will you not take me there?"

"Sorry, I was dropped The ban, the other party does not allow me to approach there. But he owes us Huang Golden Lion Dragon Clan a favor, so you can bring this token to the past, he will meet your request when he sees it." Josfat said Passed a coin directly. This is not an ordinary currency, but a coin with a strange shape. It feels like it is made of copper. It has a very difficult to deal with rust on the surface, and it does not seem to be expensive.

I took the coin and carefully collected it, then took out the map and threw it away and said, "Okay, tell me the exact location."

Josefat stretched out his head and looked at it. He glanced at it and said: "It's not this one. I want a map of China."

"Huh? Isn't it in Vietnam?"

"Of course not. The other party is an immortal, except for China. Where else have you seen immortal?"

"Eh...Forget it, you should just tell me the location." As I said, I just rolled out a map of China, and then I talked about it. He directly clicked on a position.

"It's here." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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