"Hey, what about you. Hurry up and get out of there. I'm the one who blames me. If you touch it, watch out for me to fight with you." Seeing me standing there staring at him, there is At first, the guy was a little vacant, but after thinking of the one or two hundred levels of EXP, his courage immediately grew again.

"Do you know what you are doing?"

"Hey, what do you mean by that? Tell you, this area is covered by me, dare to move My blame, have you weighed yourself how many catties and how many taels?" Just as the guy was speaking harshly, several other faces appeared beside the pit. One of them pulled the guy vigorously a few times, and then whispered something to him, but the guy in front of him obviously didn't take this seriously. He shoved the person who was pulling him away, then shouted something at him, then turned his face back and pointed at me and shouted: "You, get out of here, don't make Lao Tzu angry."

When I heard him, I was amazed. Turning to look at Yosfat, who was also dumbfounded, I said directly to him: "Hey, someone is going to kill you, are you unresponsive?"

Yosefat gave me a blank look. Said: "You are embarrassed to beat me like this. What's the matter? Do you intend to kill me with this tone?"

I just laughed. "I didn't intend to move you at first, otherwise you really thought you could live now with Three Heads and Six Arms?" After I finished speaking, I found a rock and asked the Death God guard to help me sit on it, and then pointed to the one over there. The person said: "I'm tired, you can handle these."

After hearing what I said, Josfat shook his head directly, and then stood up from the bottom of the pit with support. The group of people by the frightened pit quickly stepped back. Although it is not uncommon for low- and middle-level players to besiege the high-level BOSS and slowly grind their blood, there is a prerequisite, that is, the BOSS cannot have intelligence. You think. If a human being is attacked by a group of obese rats that move slowly, although it may be a little slow at first because of fear, once the person is not afraid of rats, then these rats certainly have no hope of killing the person. After all, there is a big difference in the strength of the two. As long as humans stare at a certain mouse to fight, the opponent will be killed immediately, and once the number of rats drops, the battle strength will immediately begin to gradually decrease. Sooner or later, it will be finished.

It’s the same when players surround the BOSS. If that BOSS has high intelligence knowing to kill the mage and archer first, and then chase down one by one, BOSSsimply like this can’t be circled, only the team has enough Powerful players can only hope to defeat it if they can hold this guy head-on. There are basically several situations in which bosses that are easy to be surrounded, one is that they cannot be used due to the restrictions of the terrain, and the other is that they have no brains. After being dragged by someone with hatred, they will always chase that person regardless of what other people do to him. attack. BOSS like this is the target of low-level players.

Josefart was talking to me just now, and language is an expression of intelligence. even more how Listening to the content of the words just now, Josfat was simply joking, but how can a creature that understands this high level language mode of joking be mentally retarded? Because of this, the people standing by the pit simply didn't expect that they would be able to encircle Yosfat. The reason they dared to grab it was because they thought that Yosfat was no longer good enough, so they dared to start. However, what made them didn't expect was that Josfat actually got up from the pit. This change scared them a lot.

It's different from mine. Although there are wings on the back and the outfit looks dazzling, I am still personal after all. My strength must be manifested through battle. Even though they have seen the battle between me and Yosfat, as long as I stop now, they will still ignore my battle strength. However, Josfat is a yellow Golden Lion dragon. The huge size and hideous appearance had enough deterrent power even if he didn't move, so he simply got up from the pit and scared the people back away.

Shake the hair on his body to shake off the dirt and broken stones, and then Josfat looked at the circle of people outside coldly snorted and said: "A group of little reptiles, you think the great yellow Can you kill the Golden Lion dragon?"

After being frightened by Josfart’s imposing manner, the guy who was talking to me suddenly took a step forward and shouted "Don’t be afraid, everyone. He is already an arrow at the end of its flight. Now he’s holding on. As long as we get rid of him, we will be able to go up to at least one or two hundred levels. I’m getting rich. If you want high position and great wealth, rush with me.” The guy suddenly opened the longbow in his hand and shot another arrow at Josfat. Is completely different.

Yosfart, who was just hit by an arrow, was a little dizzy just because he was hit by a series of attacks, and his previous attention was all on me, and he was suddenly attacked unpreparedly, so Will hit the arrow. But it's different now. After a while, he has recovered from the vertigo, not to mention that he is still facing this guy now. Relying on the difference of thousands of levels, if this kind of arrow can hit him, it will be a ghost.

Slap. The arrow that was shot was directly slapped by Josfart driving a fly. I don’t know where it flew. Then I saw Josfart stretch out his huge front paws and slightly bend the Second Finger at the guy. Then I saw that guy flew out and hit a rock outside several hundred meters with a loud crash.

The morale that hadn’t been motivated in the first place collapsed completely with this guy’s death. The rest of the people immediately turned around and started running, but in front of Josfat this simply looked like children’s hands. The ants running for their lives are normal, and even if they run desperately, there is very little hope of surviving.

I didn’t even bother to use his skills, Josfat climbed out of the big hole and stretched out the giant claw directly to the crowd, patted left and patted again, and then all the people who dared to come over became people. cake.

"How do you feel?" After shooting the flies, Josfat suddenly heard a voice behind him, and when he turned his head he saw me standing not far from him.

Yosfart turned around and looked at me and said, "Well, since I said it, it’s not bad. I’ll use something else for my life, you say what you want Right?"

"Then it depends on what you have. I want a lot of things, but you may not have enough, so I only know what you can provide before I can determine what I need "

Yosfart thought for a while and said: "I am the only one of our yellow Golden Lion dragon clan that has withered, so there is nothing good left. However, we have one place. Lao Wo don’t know if you want it.”

“Lao Wo?”

“It’s a space nest made by a group of powerful Soul Spirit Creatures during the most prosperous period of our clan. Just one entrance is enough. Enter and exit this space anywhere. The structure is a bit like space equipment, but this one can live in living things."

"Let me see first, can I?"

Yoshi Fat nodded said: "It can be, but the entrance to this lair is a bit big. I didn't take it with me. Come with me and I will take you to see."

I took it back to the old man's residence, and found something like a space door in a room that hadn't collapsed. However, the shape of this door is quite cool, because it is as shiny as gold, and I think it seems to be made of fine gold. Looking at the space door that is 30 meters high and more than 20 meters wide, and grows oval as a whole, I can only sigh that these yellow Golden Lion dragons are really prodigal. There is no space door in our guild. There is no need for fine gold to make that thing. That is to say, the material of this door is pure gold for decoration. Isn't it a prodigal to use fine gold as a decorative material?

"This is your lair?"

Josefat said: "This is just an entrance. The space inside is independent and does not exist in this world. However, it does not exist in this world." The conditions inside are very good, very suitable for large creatures like our yellow Golden Lion dragon to survive."

When I heard Josfat’s introduction, I followed him in and took a look.

After passing through that door, I found that we unexpectedly appeared on a huge square. It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a huge square, because the square is at least two or three hundred Tiananmen Square plus one piece so big that I can't even see the side at a glance when I stand at this central point.

Around the square is a circle of steep cliffs that rise vertically, at least more than one kilometer in height. However, the cliff is not all rocks, there are countless holes on the cliff that are densely packed. Of course, I say that they are densely packed just because the number is relatively large, not that these holes are small. Of course, because of the distance, the holes seem to be very small to me, but according to Josfart’s introduction, the holes are actually the nests of the yellow Golden Lion dragon, and the height of each hole is fifty. It is about 20 meters wide, and the width is more than 20 meters.

These cave entrances are not only on the ground. They gradually extend upwards like windows in a building. There are almost two 10th layers from the bottom to the top of the cliff, and because the square is super The cliffs surrounding the square are naturally longer, and there are naturally more caves on it.

"How many holes are there in this circle?"

Josefat shook his head and said: "I haven't counted, I know there are two Twelfth Layers in total. The bottom two layers are both. It is a public cave, which is generally used to store materials or as a place for meetings or transactions. Only the third layer can be used to live up to the house."

"What is outside the cliff?"< /p>

"Outside the cliff is a large forest, and there are many devil beasts and other species that can provide food for the people who live here. We can fly over and take a look."

When we flew to the top of the cliff, I suddenly found that there was a blue coastline farther away in the surrounding forest.

"Is this an island?"

"Yes." Josfat said: "The structure here is modeled after Long Island, so there is sea water around it."

"Let’s go to the beach and have a look."


When we reached the beach, I first tried the sea and found water It is warm, the temperature is about thirty-two degrees. The sea water is very clear, and you can see the seabed several meters deep through the sea surface, and there seem to be many creatures under the water surface.

"Didn’t you say that this is the Independent Space? How come there is such a large area of ​​the Sea Territory?"

"This sea is just an illusion." Yosfat said:" From the edge of the island, it is only 20 kilometers away, and there is nothing further. Although the blue sky and white clouds and the sea surface can be seen farther away from the edge, they are all illusions and people can’t get through. This The sea creatures in the sea are the real sea creatures we caught from the outside and stocked here, so it looks no different from the real sea. But if you swim in the water for a few laps, you will find that there is actually no devil beast in the sea. Exist, the biggest ones are just some carnivorous fishes, and there are no powerful creatures."

"Are there powerful creatures in the forest behind?"

" No. This forest is equivalent to our pasture, so we are also impossible to allow dangerous creatures to survive in it. At first, when the Golden Lion Dragon Clan was more prosperous, there were even some large herbivores, those carnivores. The devil beasts of our clan were later arrested and put in with the gradual decline in the population of our family. The purpose is to prevent the explosive reproduction of herbivorous devil beasts from destroying the ecological balance here."

" It's quite good at environmental protection." After I finished speaking, nodded and said: "This place is good, I want it. But compared with your life, this settlement alone doesn't seem to be enough, right?"

Actually, this settlement is already quite a good thing, but in my opinion, transactions must follow the relationship of supply and demand. For me, this thing is completely dispensable. Although it is good, it is not necessary, so I don't have a strong need for it. Conversely, this thing was rubbish for Josfat. Originally, this settlement might indeed be a very important existence for their Yellow Golden Lion and Dragon clan, but now their clan has only one existence left. It seems that houses are indeed very important to modern people, but if all the humans on the Heaven and Earth ball are dead, when you are left alone, you will still care about one or two houses. Or a residential area? It can be seen that the commemorative value of this settlement may be far greater than the actual value for Josfat. So, since this thing is not that important to both of us, its value naturally cannot be calculated according to the normal value.

Josefat probably knows that this is not enough to satisfy my appetite, but he is probably a miserable mess. After all, in order to deal with the guy who cursed them, their family has been thinking about all kinds of things. The way to invite people to help, the material resources consumed during this period must be quite amazing, so they can be said to have spent all their property. If this settlement hadn't had a special significance, it might have been sold by them a long time ago.

Because he didn't know what else could be used to buy his own life, Josfat was in trouble there. However, just when I thought he had no good things to sell his personal affection to let him go, Josfart suddenly remembered something and suddenly said: "I really have nothing to give you. However, I don’t know if I can introduce an expert to you. Can I pay off part of the debt?"


"In fact, it is not only an expert, but also a very difficult to deal with. , It’s just out of control. If you have a way to deal with him, you will be able to reap a lot of benefits."

I had already planned to sell my personal affection to let him go, and I have not reported too much for the compensation. Great hope. He didn’t expect to think of something again. Although it is not a direct benefit, according to my experience of doing so many tasks, it should be considered a task. As long as the task can be completed, the reward should be Not bad. Anyway, it's just an excuse. Since you can get a good task, it's not a loss.

"Okay. Because of your old friend's recognition of Jiaha's face, I won't care about you. Give me this settlement, and then take me to meet that expert. The two of us are cleared."


After we reached an agreement, we returned to the Transmission Gate in the center of the square together, and then went through the Transmission Gate back to the old man's underground laboratory.

Originally, the old man’s plan was to go back to Isinger to see the situation with us, and if he is satisfied, he will send someone to move things to Isinger, but because I and Josfat Now the entire laboratory has been beaten in a mess, and there is no way to live. The old man was naturally very angry when he saw the laboratory doing this for us, but I found an opportunity there and quickly persuaded the old man to move directly to Isinger. Because I let him go, Josfart also took the opportunity to help me persuade the old man to pay back my favor. Finally, under our persuasion, the old man finally agreed to go directly to Isengard with us.

Because I suddenly got a technical talent, I have no time to go to the altar. I gave Suren a communication crystal and agreed to let him be the guide next time I come back, and then I returned to Isengard with the old man and Josfat. But the old man caused me a lot of trouble along the way. The main problem is that old man's experimental equipment and various equipment. Although I told him that Isengard had everything there, he just didn't believe it and he had to bring everything. His underground laboratory looks small in size, but the various equipment is amazing. Fortunately, I broke a lot of things when I was fighting with Yosfat, otherwise I guess there will only be more things to bring.

In desperation, Summon took out my large flying monsters to bring all these broken pieces, and then flew back to Isengard all the way to Grandiose.

"That's Isinger?" When we flew near Isinger, both old man and Josfart were shocked by the sight in front of them. Although they have long heard me say how gorgeous Isinger is and how huge, but in their hearts they just thought I was boasting. Although they also think that Isengard is definitely not small, they just think Isengard is a relatively large city, and completely didn't expect it to be so big.

"Really strong Death Aura." Josfat felt the Death Aura densely around Isengard from a long distance away, especially the top corners of the city walls in Isengard suspended In midair is surrounded by giant black liquid crystals with magic light belts and a faint green light gathering tower in the middle of the city. All of these give people a dark and deep feeling. It can be said that even if it is a blind, as long as you stand within the range of Isengard, you can feel the Death Aura that assaults the senses.

Compared to the Death Aura that Josfat felt, the old man found the quilt. In the past, there was a saying that the world in the eyes of people with bright hearts is also bright, and the world in the eyes of people with dark hearts is also dark. The world is the world, it will not change because of someone, so whether it is a person with a bright heart or a person with a dark heart, all they see is that world. The reason why they see different worlds is because people will selectively pay attention to some things that they recognize. This is a psychological characteristic, and almost everyone has it, but the degree is different. For a mentally sunny person, all he can see is the sunny world. Even if he encounters some bad social phenomena, he will treat it as an accident or an individual phenomenon. And a gloomy person with unbalanced psychology will unconsciously pay attention to some social ugly phenomena, and because he takes the initiative to pay attention to these things, he feels as if the whole world is ugly, so he becomes The more gloomy.

This old man is just as technical as Jiaha, so what he focuses on is technical. Although Isinger’s first impression was the deeply depressed Death Aura, the old man directly ignored these things. At first sight, he noticed the huge black liquid crystal floating on the top of Isinger’s city wall.

"That that..." The old man yelled at the black liquid crystal over there.

I glanced at the black liquid crystal, then turned to look at him and asked, "That is Isengard’s defensive crystal. When the city’s defense system is activated, these crystals will become the city’s defense center. Not only can they It supports a huge magical barrier to protect the safety of the city, and it can also absorb the free magic power on the battlefield to actively counter the enemy."

After listening to my introduction, the old man asked: "But how do I feel about them? Is the magic fluctuation very low?"

After hearing the words of the old man, I did not answer directly, but took out the communication crystal and said directly: "Activate the defense system of the peripheral city wall."


Following my order, the huge black liquid crystals on the four corners of the city wall outside Isengard suddenly blasted and ignited huge purple flames, and stayed on the city wall. The crystals less than two meters high at the top buzzed directly to the center of the Isinger Twin Cities. At this time, these crystals were at least five-six hundred meters high from the city wall below. It’s not over yet. With the crystals in place, a purple light curtain visible by naked eye began to form gradually on the periphery of the city wall. At the same time, several purple arcs began to rush between the Twin Cities, and they were located at the four corners of the city wall. The four crystals also shot out thick purple beams of light connected to each other to form a quadrilateral light net.

"Sharing magic power?" The old man is worthy of specializing in research, and these things can be understood at a glance.

I nodded and said: "Keep watching, there will be more."

Following my words, a crash-bang suddenly opened on the flat surface of the top of the city wall. Rows of small openings followed by sticks that looked like streetlight poles protruding from the top of the city wall. After these sticks were stretched out, the four metal claws on the top of the sticks suddenly opened neatly, and then the white crystals fixed by the metal claws suddenly floated up at the same time and suspended more than ten centimeters above the top of the metal sticks slowly. Spinning.

The old man looked at the crystals and said: "I can feel a strong wave of magic power. Are these attack weapons?"

I still did not answer, but directly raised his hand A crossbow arrow was fired at one of the crystals, and then the crystal on the top of the closest stick to us suddenly flashed, a white light shot out the center crossbow arrow from the crystal in an instant, and then listened to a thud. The steel arrow shaft exploded directly in the air into a pile of fragments and scattered.

Until the beam attack technology, I opened the mouth to explain: "This is a defensive weapon from a stray technological civilization, and its function is somewhat similar to an automatic defense system. They will autonomously attack all entities flying towards the city. Or magical energy. As for the attack on creatures, someone needs to help judge the type, but it doesn’t need to be judged by each target. As long as the specific attack range and classification method are given, they can attack autonomously in most cases."

old man nodded and said: "A very advanced weapon."

The old man just finished talking here, and suddenly a row of openings opened on the top of the city wall over there, and then He saw hexagonal towers rising from the top of the city wall, and then the top armor of these towers began to open to both sides, and then thick tubes gradually extended from the top of the tower. After the tubes stretched out to be seven or eight meters long, the entire tube began to tilt forward and fell down, and finally stopped in a horizontal position.

Of course, there is no need to explain these things. Don’t say that the old man is a technology. Even Josfat recognizes that this is a fort, but compared to Josfat’s Watching the excitement is different, the old man was surprised and asked me: "Are these all magic crystal cannons?"

"Most of them are, but not all. There are a few gunpowder cannons and some special cannons. Among which is included a part of the magic light cannon and some things like dissociation ray cannons."

"Do you have dissociation ray cannons?" I didn't know if I heard it, I was shocked when I heard it. The old man didn't expect that we would have a dissociation ray cannon, and suddenly when we heard the name, we almost fell off our lucky back.

Seeing the old man being so excited, I just explained calmly: "The key components of the dissociation ray cannon are more complicated, and the materials are not easy to find. We only built a dozen of them, which are basically Experimental weapons."

old man nodded said: "It's already amazing. You must know that dissociation is the closest attack method to Law Power among all single magics. You can itemize it. It’s even more unusual. I always thought you were bragging, but now it seems that you may indeed have better experimental equipment than mine."

"Of course, I never brag. "

I heard the crystal communicator ringing when I finished talking, and as soon as I connected, I heard Hong Yue shouting inside: "What the hell is going on? Why is Isinger's defense system? It started?"

When I heard this voice, I broke into a cold sweat, and quickly explained: "Sorry, sorry, I just found a senior technical talent, and I am showing our strength to others."

"That's it!" Hong Yue's voice suddenly eased, and then said softly: "Next time there will be this kind of thing, say hello in advance, don't make us nervous." Hong Yue cut off the communication directly with this, and I was still stunned for what happened.

"Strange, did Hong Yue change his sex?" I just thought she would scold me. Didn't expect let me go as simple as that.

I shook my head and didn't worry about Hong Yue anymore. I directly ordered the military god to turn off the defense system, and then flew into the city with the old man and Yosfat.

Before it was not obvious outside the city, even the old man felt the depressed breath when he entered the city. That kind of terrifyingly powerful pressure makes people feel like walking next to a sleeping Siberian tiger, and the muscles of the whole body that feel unconsciously will tighten.

"Don't you feel uncomfortable living here?" Josfat asked, feeling the atmosphere around him.

I shook my head and said, "It’s just fine to adapt. In fact, we people don’t have the same sense of breath as you. Besides, our city is more majestic, which can be used to deter the enemy. I’m happy that it’s too late. Well."

"That's true."

Speaking, we have already flown to the city Central Region. Looking at the Isinger Great Library below, I directly asked The familiars transported the old man's things to the warehouse, and then asked Lucky to take Josfat to the devil beast's lair to report, and I took the old man directly to the small square outside the library.

"Looking at you there is a good library, I guess you must be very interested in research materials. Come, I will show you the library of our guild, and I promise you not your little book The library is much stronger."

The old man just glanced outside and was stunned by the library in front of him. After that, he didn’t know exactly how he entered the library, and until he saw it. After the huge book reading area, he was awakened again.

"It's big!"

"Hehe, it's not just big here." As I said, I took the old man through the classified library under the public reading area and entered the line After meeting the database, he directly opened the closed data area of ​​the database with the president's authority, and then he kept the old man into a library that was more than a hundred times the size of his small library. Although this room is relatively small compared to the other book areas of the Isengard Library, it is still ridiculously large for the old man. "Let's take a look, here are the technical materials of our guild."

"What? All technical materials?"

I nodded and said: "That's right. These all are technical materials about various basic theories of magic, and specific application materials are still in other rooms. As for those combat skills or other miscellaneous books, they are all in the very large hall above. The information here is very detailed."

After listening to my words, the old man didn’t seem to believe that he usually rushed to a row of bookshelves and pulled out a book and turned it over. As a result, he turned it over. I opened the book and settled there immediately. For technical people like them, suddenly see some important or profound technical information, it is naturally neglect sleep and forget about food to continue reading. But I only woke him up from reading after waiting for half an hour. Looking at the dissatisfied expression of the old man, I quickly explained: "There are so many books here, you can't finish reading even if you stand here and read it for a hundred years. Besides, these are just basic theoretical knowledge, what about other things? Anyway? As long as you join our Frost Rose League, you can read these things whenever you want, and the book won’t run away. You might as well go see Jiaha first and then come back. But I think it’s waiting for you to finish reading our research. The experimental area won’t want to come back to look at the materials, because those cutting-edge experiments are definitely richer and more vivid than these materials."

Although there are still some reluctances, the old man finally gave up after listening to my words and continued here. The plan to read a hundred years of books followed me through the catalog and left here.

Finally brought the old man to the Transmission Formation, and then went directly to the new continent experimental area. In no rush to take him to see Jiaha, I first took the old man around the various experimental branches.

The experimental departments of the new continent floating island are built in blocks. Usually they are researched separately. Only when there is a need to design and build something, will the involved departments draw a part of the backbone The power comes together to concentrate on the work.

The old man, who was a little unhappy about me forcing him out of the library, completely threw his previous unhappiness to the end of the world after arriving in the experimental area here. Looking at the excited old man, I felt at that moment that I was not taking a great scientist to visit the high level laboratory, but was taking a little child to the children's playground.

"Wow, what is this? How can such a powerful energy output come out?" The old man found a huge device in the High Energy Research Institute with a dazzling glare Later, he rushed up excitedly, touched and looked at it, and grabbed a researcher next to him and asked.

The researcher hadn’t noticed when there were more people next to him before. After being caught, he immediately wanted to ask where the guy from unknown origin came from, but at the discovery station. After facing his nodded me, he calmed down and explained to the old man: “This is a magic compression reactor. Its working principle is to pass through the unequal pressure output principle of the tapered magic pipe. General's magic is pressurized to a very extreme state."

"And then? Then?" The old man asked, jumping and jumping like a child waiting to hear the story.

"Then we discovered that when the magic power is condensed to a certain level, it will become like this." The researcher is not good at explaining, so he directly chose to show it to the old man. He closed the door of the empty experimenter, then turned on the machine, then pushed a switch all the way to the top, and finally the machine shone with more terrifying rays of light and magical fluctuations than before. Then, when the old man hid in horror and thought that the machine was about to explode, the rays of light in the machine suddenly went out of hungry, and then the researcher turned on the machine and used a clamp to take out a piece of only sesame seeds. Large transparent crystals shining with seven colors of light.

"This...this is a colorful magic crystal?" The old man almost fell off his jaw after recognizing this thing, and then he kept asking how this thing appeared. After all, in the previous machine It is empty, he has seen this. Moreover, the magic power that was so powerful that it was about to explode suddenly disappeared, and this magic crystal appeared inexplicably. All these phenomena made the old man feel as if a cat was scratching his heart. He wanted to know the principle and process of these things too much, but there were so many things to ask that he didn't know how to speak.

"Fine After haha, you can ask yourself slowly. But if I were you, you won’t use that slow method."

The old man who wanted to stay and figure out the reason for this experiment listened to me. The words

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