The evacuation process went very smoothly. Of course, the main reason was that the place we chose was relatively remote. After successfully evacuating, we quickly went around in a circle and returned to the vicinity of Mount Olympus and randomly found a city hotel to live in.

Pandora and Radamantis are missing. The Olympus Divine Race will inevitably have a large-scale search. When the time comes, it is not easy to hide outside. However, there is a saying that it is black under the lamp. The literal sense is that the street lamp can illuminate a large area nearby, but it is black directly below it. The extended meaning is that the more dangerous the place may be, the safer it is because of the other party. According to inertial thinking, intruders who have done such a major event must not dare to hide in such a close place, so they will relax their guard in this area and strengthen their search for further areas. According to this theory, the safest place is actually near Mount Olympus. So it’s actually the safest for us to hide here, because Olympus Divine Race doesn’t pay attention to searching this area at all.

"What shall we do now?" Linglong asked.

"We? Of course we are waiting here."


"Do you want to fight the Olympus Divine Race head-on? Even if our strength is very strong, it is only an individual existence after all. The opponent is not only a Divine Race, but also an entire Divine Race. Even if our strength can kill one or two of them, it is absolutely impossible to oppose their entirety. You have to figure it out. I know you really want to fight Divine Race, but it must be based on the fact that we are back alive, otherwise you still pray that this kind of thing will not happen."

< p>Linglong was snorted a little angry after I said it. When I looked at the loyalty, it became negative again. Fortunately, it was only negative three, and the value was not too big. After thinking for a while, I took a piece of Huang Cancan fruit from my body and handed it to Linglong's eyes. "This is regarded as an apology."

"You want to send me a fruit?"

I thought about it and took another one out and grabbed it in my hand: "This Mei is an apology. As for this, it’s a free tasting."

After listening to my words, Linglong suddenly snatched the fruit I handed over and said: "I only want to taste this for free. As for you She apologizes, put it away.” As she said, she took a bite on the fruit as if she was venting, and then her expression changed suddenly. After staring at the fruit in her hand in surprise, her gaze instantly turned to me to search for another fruit, only to find that I had actually handed the fruit to Ling, and it was the house that made her even more angry. Basically, the demons in here are now gnawing a fruit in their hands, and Princess even has a right hand in her left hand and a gnawing face full of juice without the image of a lady.

"Didn't you say that it was an apology?"

"You told me not to." I said with an aggrieved expression.

"If I said I don't want it, you won't give it?"

"Nonsense, if you don't want it, I will give it to you, isn't that forcing you? Didn't you say to Freedom, do you most hate others forcing you to do things you don’t want to do? I respect your meaning now, and if you say no, I will not give it. Isn’t this compromising with you according to your habits? What’s wrong? Don’t you Like this? Wouldn’t it be better for me to force you like your original master in the future?"

"You...huh..." I was so angry that I didn’t know what to say, Linglong turned her back. Go or not to see me. However, just when she was sulking there alone, she suddenly found that two fruits were handed to her, one on the left and the other on the right.

"I'm joking with you. Don't be so stingy, right?"

"hmph!" The smile on Linglong's face was fleeting and quickly put on an angry face, but After I increased the number of fruits to six, her psychological defense immediately collapsed. Of course, as she accepted the fruit I handed over, her loyalty quickly rose from minus three to eleven. Thankfully, this damn loyalty has finally returned to a positive value, and the historic breakthrough has entered a double-digit era. Of course, we have to admit that the value of eleven loyalty is still a failure!

Looking at Linglong holding the fruit in excitement and gnawing wildly, I was planning to go back and let the flower-burial man have a little more of this kind of fruit. The effect of this kind of fruit specially used to increase loyalty and favorability is simply amazing, and the taste of this thing is really great, if it is not for the current production is not high, I plan to use this thing as a solid drink instead of drinking water. .

Although the hotel room looks like a leisurely scene, in fact I didn't really rest. That's right, my familiars have indeed returned, but there are large groups of Spirit Armor worms wandering around Mount Olympus outside. These little spies are constantly sending back various information about Mount Olympus, which of course also includes the location of each Divine Race and their search.

Obviously, the search for Olympus Divine Race is proceeding exactly according to my guess. They simply sorted through the people in several cities under Olympus, and then moved the target to a wider area. During this period, there were countless spies of all kinds, but I was safe and well hiding in the hotel.

After a whole night of searching, the entire Olympus Divine Race finally gave up the search completely. They finally discovered the battlefield where we ambushed Pandora and Ladamantis, but the clues that followed were completely misguided by me.

Actually, I did not leave the scene immediately after attacking Pandora and Ladamantis. Instead, I released a formation of Death God guards. These Death God guards rearranged the scene to a certain extent after we flew out of the scene to make it look more intense than the actual battle, and all traces of the battle that might have exposed us have been removed, leaving only The traces of a simple sword attack. After doing this, these Death God guards immediately ran to the sea leading to Italy, carrying some stones. Their footprints were deliberately cleaned up, but they deliberately left some other small traces along the way for the Olympus Divine Race to track. In the end, those Olympus Divine Races could only chase all the way to the beach along the traces we arranged, and then they would find a small piece of cloth on Pandora's skirt and a few pieces of linen clothes. As for the source of the pieces of linen clothes... That was actually collected when we were fighting the Divine Race angels on the Temple Mount. There is nothing wrong with this kind of cloth, but because it is the clothing of angels, there will always be some angelic breath. With the ability of Olympus Divine Race, it is definitely not difficult to figure out the origin of the clothes. And this is my brought trouble to others plan.

The Jehovah miser and miser even dare to rely on my account. Later, he actually wanted to turn my face on me and kill me. This behavior is absolutely unforgivable. As a third-party liaison organization between the gods, if I easily let go of the Divine Race between Jehovah and Christ this time, then there will be a second and a third liars. If things go on like this, I'm still a fart? Therefore, this time the issue is no longer just a question of debt ratio. To be honest, compared with the event itself, that little benefit is really nothing at worst.

Although we have successfully attracted the attention of Olympus Divine Race to Christ Divine Race, but this matter will not take effect in a short time, so I must add fire to make Olympus Divine Race realized that Christ Divine Race was their biggest trouble, so they had to slow down or even suspend their aggression against Divines. When the time comes, let the Olympus Divine Race and the Christ Divine Race go to life and death, we just have to sit and watch the fun with popcorn.

After the search operation that lasted until the early morning of the second day, Olympus immediately began to close the team and return to their respective jobs. After all, the Olympus Divine Race is still invading the three major European temples at the same time. As well as the territory of the Christ Divine Race, it can be said that the current Olympus Divine Race is already in a state of war. At this critical moment, if it weren't for Pandora and Ladamantis' identities, Olympus would never bring back personnel from the front line to conduct searches. But now that the search has reached a conclusion, it is not worthwhile to waste manpower on this. Therefore, every member of the Olympus Divine Race almost all returned to their jobs early in the morning of the second day, but two of them did not leave.

The two left behind are not small characters. One of them is Persephone, the Goddess of Spring. In terms of relationship, Pandora and Hades should be regarded as siblings of different surnames, the two have a good relationship, and Persephone is Hades's wife. In other words, Pandora should be regarded as Persephone's sister-in-law, and according to what I learned from Victoria, it seems that Persephone and Pandora's personal relationship is also good.

As Hades’s wife, the sister-in-law has disappeared, and Hades has no time to care about this matter. Of course, Persephone, who has little battle strength, will of course share some sorrows for her husband. So after the gods left, she stayed and continued searching for information about Pandora, hoping to find some more precise clues.

Besides Persephone, the other person left is Ares. This guy's status among the gods is quite high. After all, in terms of battle strength, he can already be regarded as one of the three main forces in the Olympus Divine Race besides the Zeus three brother.

In the entire Olympus Divine Race, the three brothers of Zeus, Hades and Poseidon can be said that battle strength is the existence of heaven, and the three under them should be wisdom Goddess Athena, Sun God Apollo and this War God Ares. Moreover, in fact, apart from Zeus three brother, Ares should be regarded as the strongest existence in the Olympus Divine Race. Although this guy is often scared witless by Athena, it is definitely not because Ares is incompetent, but because he is unlucky.

According to Victoria, Ares is a guy she hates, and victory in battle is not entirely determined by strength. Luck also plays a big role in combat. Even if you are a martial arts Grandmaster, if you run into muscle cramps during a fight, it is entirely possible that you will be killed by an apprentice who has just learned two tricks. Therefore, although victory is related to the value of martial power, it is not necessarily absolutely related. And Ares belongs to the super unlucky master, because he has a bad relationship with Victoria, who is in charge of probability issues, so every time he fights with others, he always has some problems. He has been beaten badly by Athena because of this reason, not because he is really lacking in strength.

After this search, although the Olympus Divine Race was evacuated, Ares was retained, not because he was very good at fighting, but because of his bad luck. He stayed on the front line not only did not have a positive effect, but also because of his tragic luck that other Divine Races were unlucky with him. This time it happened that such a big disappearance occurred inside the Divine Race of Olympus, so the gods together used this excuse to throw all the follow-up work of this matter to Ares. It doesn't matter if he can get Pandora and Radamantis back, as long as he doesn't hurt everyone on the front line.

For this reason, there are now two high level Divine Races near Olympus Mountain, Ares and Persephone. Of course, the high level Divine Race is impossible to go around alone, especially when you know that the local area is not safe. Therefore, Ares and Persephone each brought a battle squad of more than 300 people, but the personnel in this team is not Divine Race, but-Saint Seiya.

Yes, it is indeed a Saint Seiya, but it is not the same as the Saint Seiya in the cartoon. The first is that these saints do not only belong to Athena, but each Divine Race has its own saint. Of course, there is a difference between a Saint Seiya and a Saint Seiya. Saint Seiya like Athena is especially good at fighting. Sometimes only two or three Saint Seiya can kill a weaker Divine Race, and some Saint Seiyas of little gods. It may be slightly stronger than the ordinary person. This is the gap.

Aris's Saint Seiya ranks are very high, and they are also outstanding in battle strength, but it is a pity that they also inherited Ares's terrifying luck, so they don’t know anything so far. It's called victory, anyway, no matter how many enemies they encounter, they can always come up with something and be defeated by the enemy unfathomable mystery. But having said that, participating in thousands of battles in a lifetime and failing again and again is still alive. This in itself can be regarded as a rather strange luck.

Compared with the Saint Seiya of Ares, the Saint Seiya of Persephone is naturally much inferior in strength. However, Persephone is also very high in status anyway, so her Saint Seiya The fighters are also quite capable of fighting, and without the weird luck of Ares, her saints know what victory is anyway.

After the battallion Olympus ended, the two Divine Races began to lead their saints to search for various clues on the land of Greece. Of course, they should be Persephone. The two people searched separately. Persephone’s original words were: “There are so many of us that are enough to ensure our own safety. It can only be a waste of time to be together. It is better to be more efficient than to be separated.” Of course, what she thought in her heart, except for Ari. Everyone probably knows that idiot.

"What should we do?" Linglong, who was gnawing at the last fruit, suddenly heard Ling Xiang's question. Because we were all resting before, this suddenly came out without warning. One sentence made her a little confused.

I closed my eyes while sensing the message sent by the ghost worm, and said: "I want to find a way to kill one of the teams."

Linglong saw me and Ling said that she was totally wrong. After I understood the content, I immediately came over curiously and asked: "What are you talking about?"

I didn't answer her, but pulled Princess's hand and put it on her forehead. Linglong’s information was instantly connected to Linglong’s mind, and she immediately understood what we were talking about after following her. My Familiar and I can share our hearts with each other, so Ling and other Familiars can also see the Ghost Worm’s information. However, Linglong's loyalty is too low, it will be like a bad signal when accessing our mind sharing. Others can get information synchronization at any time, but she has to actively check the information to get feedback, otherwise the mind sharing will treat her. It is almost shielded.

I didn’t care about Linglong who was digesting information, I directly asked the surrounding Familiars in the heart sharing: "Which team do you think is better to attack?"

Xiaochun said: "From the analysis of battle strength, of course Persephone's team has a better grasp. It's just based on Victoria's intelligence, that Ares..."

Everyone chuckled, then Victoria He said: "Anyway, in my memory, Ares has fought countless battles in his life, and never won it once. So if it is I, I will choose him."

Ling said with some uneasiness: "Ari Si always lost the battle because of your interference. Now that you are not working in the Olympus Divine Race, will his strength return to normal? After all, Ares is a War God. According to normal circumstances, the entire Olympiad In Linpis Divine Race, apart from Zeus three brothers, he should be counted as the most powerful. If he is the only one, we don’t have to worry, but there are more than two hundred saints by his side, this is a bit risky. We finally had a hard time Bring the goal of Olympus Divine Race to Christ Divine Race. In case a Saint Seiya runs out and tells Olympus Divine Race the news, then our plan will be ruined immediately."

Victoria immediately explained: "You misunderstood. I did not have a good relationship with Ares before, but it is not all my reason that he always loses. He always loses every time he fights with Athena because of me. But it’s only because I had a good relationship with Athena at that time. Usually he lost the battle really because his own luck was really a tragic mess, and it really had nothing to do with me. For this reason, he went to look for it. Goddess had passed his fate, but his luck problem could not be solved in the end. So you don’t have to worry about Ares’ luck recovering suddenly. That guy is a natural and unlucky person, a model of tragedy."

The King Suddenly he said next to me: "Fortunately, I was not that miserable. If I were Ares, I would have committed suicide. I have fought a battle in my life and I have never won a battle, and suddenly I dare to continue fighting. Ares's willpower is really good. Worthy of admiration, if the average person is estimated to be crazy!"

After listening to everyone's words, I said in a final word: "Well, our next goal is to choose Ares. Let's take a look. To what extent can this ill-fated 10,000-year-old man be unlucky!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. .)

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