It is very easy to successfully reach the vicinity of Mount Olympus, but it is not so easy to find a target that has sufficient weight and is easy to start. Linglong and I waited at the bottom of the mountain for a full hour, and found that there were countless Olympus Divine Races that were close to each other, but it was either too low to attack or meaningless, or too strong to start, or It's a large group of people in droves, and they can't make a head start.

Seeing that there are countless Divine Races going in and out, but no one can start, Linglong gradually began to lose patience, but because I later brought Ling and Xiaochun also summon out to chat with her, finally She didn't cause anything to happen.

We just waited until dusk, and when even I was about to lose patience, two Olympus Divine Races suddenly came down from the mountain. As a result, I immediately listed these two as The target was attacked.

Although the battle strength of the two people we are looking at is not Peak in the Olympus Divine Race, they are definitely counted. Originally, with their strength, I shouldn't attack them, after all, both of these battle strengths are too strong. However, after waiting for such a long time, only these two meet the requirements, so I had to take the risk and try it once, otherwise I don’t know when I will wait!

After finding the target, I quickly gestured to Ling and Xiaochun. After they immediately pulled Linglong and lurked on a boulder, Ling directly opened a layer of translucent black light film to make them three. All of them were wrapped in, and I turned on the stealth mode and lurked in a bunch of bushes.

After the three of us hid, the two on the mountain gradually approached the path in front of us. At this time, the two people who didn't know were still talking while walking, completely ignoring the four dangerous enemies hidden on both sides of the road not far ahead.

"Zeus arranged this way, will Master Hades accept it?" The two men in Divine Race said to the woman who was halfway in front of him.

"Radamantis, do you think if you change to you, would you accept it?"

"I think I won’t accept it! But with Hardy The character of Lord Sri..."

Hearing what Radamantis said but stopped, the woman Divine Race nodded and said: "No one knows Hades better than me, even though Not even Persephone. Although you will not accept such an arrangement, based on my knowledge of Hades, he will definitely agree."

"Maybe we can try to persuade Hades Lord Dis.” Radamantes suggested: “Master Pandora, you are still very important in Master Hades’s heart. If you persuade Persephone to go with you to persuade, your subordinates will follow along with you. , I think Hades should consider our opinion."

"Bladamantis, you don’t understand Hades’s character. Although he looks very easy-going, but You definitely can’t really think of him as the kind of person who will obey other people’s words. He just doesn’t like to fight for anything, it doesn’t mean he has no opinion."

"But if this continues, our Pluto system will be Heavenly sooner or later. God system is annexed? Minos and Akos are still unable to get out of bed. Lord Tanathos was almost burned to fly ashes by Marilyn’s light of purification yesterday, and Hydra is also attacking Christ Divine I was severely injured in the race of Race. If we continue to fight like this, our Olympus Divine Race may be able to carry forward, but the Pluto family will definitely die! I’m not afraid of death, but it’s really true to be framed to death like this It makes me feel unwilling!"

"Anyway, Zeus gave the order, even if he didn’t want Hades, he couldn’t openly challenge Zeus’s authority. And that pesky Athena, what I just said What is it called? I really want to kill her on the spot!"

Radamantis helplessly said: "Actually, who of our Pluto family doesn't want to kill Athena? It's a pity that although she is a wise Goddess, she has battle strength. It’s tougher than Ares. Otherwise, it’s because of her relationship with the Heavenly Gods, and she has been killed without us. I don’t know how many times she has been killed."

Pandora heard Radamanti Sis' words can only helplessly shook his head: "Thanks to Victoria already not in, otherwise Athena may be even more arrogant than now."

I was hearing this name when I was planning to attack these two. Suddenly, he was stunned, and first informed Ling and the others not to do anything too busy, and then quickly called out Victoria.

"Master, what do you call me?"

"You used to have a good relationship with Athena?"

When I heard my question, Victoria was first Frozen, then looked at me in surprise and asked: "Don't you know?"

"Should I know?"

"Of course." Victoria said: "Athens Although Na is a wise Goddess, she is also a War God, and unlike the idiot Ares, Athena knows that I have a good relationship with me, so every time Ares is scared witless by Athena."

"putting it that way you used to be the Olympus Divine Race?"

"Of course, otherwise, why do you think I was sealed in the Light God Palace? Obviously two Divines There was a conflict between the Races, so I was captured. Of course, I actually joined the Light God Palace for a while after that."

"Have you ever been a traitor?"

"Who told Olympus that no one came to save me. They didn't take me seriously, so why should I fight for them?"

"Understood , You go back first.” I put Victoria back into the training space first, and then I quickly greeted Ling and the others to keep up with Pandora and Radamantis who had already walked past us.

As the Chief Manager of the Pluto system, one of the three Olympus Divine Race god systems, Pandora's position in this system is second only to Hades himself. Such a status is enough to ensure that Olympus Lima will be alert after she disappears. After all, the sudden disappearance of such a great character is not a simple matter. In addition, Ladamantis behind Pandora is not an ordinary character.

Ladamantis is one of the three Magicstrates in the underworld. Although there are many Magicstrates in the prefectures in China, it is caused by the population problem in China. In the Olympus Divine Race, there are only three Magicstrates in hell. If you compare it with the status of Celestial Court, Ladamantes should actually have a higher status than Hades. After all, Celestial Court already has eleven hades including me, but the Olympus Divine Race only has three hell Magicrates, so the status of Ladamantis is at least equal to the status of four hades together. Moreover, although there are three Magicstrates in the hell of Olympus Divine Race, these three guys are not equal. Radamantis is the leader of these three, and his position is slightly higher than the other two, so he can't be regarded as a simple role.

The status of Pandora and Radamantis can be said to be not low, so if they can be caught or killed, it will definitely achieve my purpose of influencing the strategic center of Olympus. But, unfortunately, neither Pandora nor Radamantis is anyone who is easy to deal with. Battle strength is at least second-rate in the Olympus Divine Race, and its battle strength is second only to the first-class level. Of Athena, Hades, and Poseidon. Such an existence itself is not a good character to deal with, especially the Olympus Divine Race is still a strong battle race, in such a Divine Race can be ranked second-rate, it is definitely already quite a daring character.

"Master, would it be too risky to attack them?" Ling and Xiaochun have both worked for Goddess, and they have some understanding of the famous characters in the Olympus Divine Race. So they are obviously not as excited as Linglong.

"Although it was a little risky, it is not a big problem in terms of our strength. We will follow them first and launch an attack when we leave Mount Olympus far away."


Tracking Pandora and Ladamantis is not a complicated job. Although these two are both good at strength, their attention is simply not on this now, and because they are in Austria. Near Mount Linpi, so they didn't expect someone to dare to attack them in such a place. Because of didn't expect, we were not alert, so we were able to easily follow the two of them out of the Olympus mountain boundary.

"Master, the distance is almost the same?" Linglong, who was obviously excited about attacking Divine Race, actually urged us to come. Rebels really have the characteristics of rebellion. Linglong has an extraordinary enthusiasm for things like attacking Divine Race that she would never dare to do or could not do. Linglong didn't even mind helping me, the oppressor in her eyes.

Although Linglong urged us only because she was very anxious, I saw that the surrounding environment was indeed suitable for starting, so I used the touch of mind to give them the order to prepare. As for myself, I went to the front and placed a large number of magic familiars on both sides of the road in advance.

We are going to attack two Divine Races after all, and they are the more famous ones. Dealing with this kind of existence must not be taken lightly, and the reputation of others is not given to them. Without such strength, it is impossible to gain a foothold in the Olympus Divine Race in the constant civil war.

Pandora, who was discussing the issue with Radamantis, stopped suddenly as he walked. Radamantis was taken aback when he noticed that Pandora had stopped, and then he noticed me standing in the middle of the road in front of them, and what shocked him was that he hadn't felt the slightest radiating from me until now. strength. In his perception, there was simply a blank space, as if it were just a phantom, but the truth was... it was indeed a phantom.

Just when Ladamantis was surprised that he could not sense the breath of the phantom, a sharp blade suddenly pierced out of his back. Suddenly feeling a substantial aura, Ladamantis quickly jumped to the side to let go of the stab of the sword, and then turned around and slashed the opponent's head with a sword, but after the sword, the opponent disappeared like a ghost-like. Without a trace, he was once again taken aback.

"Damn it, I was recruited!" Radamantes, who swung his sword, suddenly raised his hand and slapped his forehead, but he shot him back. A few steps later, he sat down on the ground, but as he opened his eyes again, the surrounding environment changed drastically. I saw that he was surrounded by a large group of various creatures, and Pandora was fighting with a few people in the distance.

In fact, Ladamantes had entered the illusion before they saw my phantom, but they didn’t notice it. However, both of them are very good. Pandora discovered the fact that she had entered the illusion almost at the same time that my illusion was breathless, and then she quickly left the illusion. Although Radamantis was delayed for a while, he didn't let us get started, so it was considered a good response.

"Master Pandora!" Radamantis, who had just recovered, immediately yelled at Pandora.

Pandora's left and right hands bounced out a row of black balls of light. After the balls of light released by Ling and Xiaochun were neutralized in midair, they suddenly pressed their hands together, and then suddenly pulled them, one handle was close. The three-meter-long black long spear was directly pulled out of a magical array by her, and then she grabbed the tail of the spear and swung it fiercely. A black arc flashed by, and Ling and Xiaochun quickly leaned back and avoided the light. Blade, and the rock behind them was silently cut off the upper half by that light blade.

After two consecutive attempts to force Ling and Xiaochun away, Pandora turned around and plunged the long spear against the II who was sneaking up. The second king jumped out of the blow, and Pandora took the opportunity to shout to Ladamantes: "Leave me alone, you go back and report."

"Yes, my lord!" Ladamantes After agreeing, he immediately used a ring-shaped magic ring to force away the familiars that were besieging him, and then opened a pair of huge black meat wings with a bang, and then jumped into the sky with a fierce flap of the wings. However, before he adjusted his direction and left, he suddenly felt a tight ankle, and a huge pulling force dragged him directly back to the ground.

If Ivorite hovered in midair and watched Ladamantis thrown back to the ground by herself, a row of missiles swept over, and Ladamantis crawled and dodged. I barely escaped, but before he could recover, accompanied by the sound of bang lightning, a golden silhouette suddenly appeared in front of him as if it were moving instantaneously, and then the silhouette again did not wait for him to react. Disappeared, and then he himself was knocked out of the unfathomable mystery.

"Scythe." Looking at the beaten Radamantis, I reminded me. Two white slime balls shot out immediately, one after the other, and then opened into two big nets in the air, instantly binding the Ladamantis that was still in flight into rice dumplings.

The whole body is entangled in spider silk comparable to a steel cable, but Ladamantis is still struggling, but the sickle rushes up like a lightning and picks him up and rolls, waiting for him to land again Has completely turned into a huge cocoon.

Seeing Radamantis being captured, Pandora knew that he would definitely not be able to escape. But she was not the kind of person who would surrender. After realizing that she had no hope of escaping, she immediately pinched with one hand, and then pointed forward, a black arc flashed, and instantly knocked the king who was about to rush forward. After a few feet away, the whole person was smoking after landing. If it weren't for the king himself, he would not be a living creature.

After hitting the king, Pandora immediately turned her long spear over and thrust it into the ground, then grabbed the handle of the gun with both hands and started chanting. Following her movements, a magic array suddenly appeared on her feet and began to expand rapidly, but at this moment, Ling suddenly flashed his eyes and drew a floating magic array in front of him with one hand. With a violent punch, it smashed it to pieces. Following Ling, he vomited blood and retreated until Xiaochun held it back. Pandora on the opposite side spurted blood and retreated at the same time as Ling. The magic array under her feet collapsed instantly, even the long handle. The spear was broken into pieces.

"pu...the realm of forbidden magic!" Pandora tried a few more magics after being injured, but found that he couldn't gather magic at all, but instead he spewed blood from the wound.

Although Ling was also backlashed to a certain extent because of forcibly using the extremely effective spellcasting method to use the spell of this level in the forbidden domain, but because Xiaochun was nearby to treat her, this The injury was quickly brought under control. Of course, even if the injury was brought under control, Ling appeared to be quite weak. But she doesn't need to fight anymore now, so this injury is simply nothing at the worst.

"She can't use spell anymore, for melee." Ling, who was supported by Xiaochun, was slightly instructed after Pandora vomiting blood, and several melee familiars around immediately rushed up together.

Although Pandora can also fight in close combat, she is still a spell attacker after all. Melee ability is not her specialty. She is besieged by a group of familiars who specialize in close combat. She has no weapons in her hand, but she only insists. After three strokes, Ye Yueyi's tail was pulled out, and then the person was stuck in the air by the spider web of the sickle and pulled under the sickle. A few seconds later, she was wrapped in the same way as Ladamantis. Silkworm cocoons.

Xiaochun helped Ling to put a seal on each of the two silkworm cocoons, and then let Ye Yue use the eyes of petrification to turn the two cocoons into stone sculptures. Now if I don't release them actively, Pandora and Ladamantis will basically not have to expect to escape. In fact, they should have stopped their consciousness now, so they simply can't think about running away.

"Hey, did you guys make a mistake?" I've been excited to experience what it feels like to beat Divine Race hard until this time, I jumped out and shouted. After I issued the attack command just now, our group of demon familiars cooperated so perfectly that Linglong didn't even find a chance to intervene from the beginning to the end and the battle ended. Looking at the two stone eggs on the ground, she was left aggrieved except for her gloomy expression. "You guys let me make one move!"

"Fighting is not a game. It's not what you want to do." Ling taught Linglong very seriously: "We don't owe you anything. The extra care for you is just because you have not been fully included in our collective, so I want to give you a chance to adapt, but you should not take this as your privilege. If you say you yearn for freedom, then you should understand that freedom is not For your freedom alone, others also need freedom."

The expression on Linglong's face was obviously pulled down by such a round of reprimand, but she still understood the truth and knew that she was wrong, so she didn't refute it. Xiaochun watched Ling's black face dress up and hurriedly jumped out and sang a white face. "Aiya, is Linglong also excited for a while? Ling, you are called her. This is still too close to Olympus, we should move quickly, lest Divine Race will cause trouble again after a while. "(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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