After reaching an agreement with Yeda, there is no technical content for the next thing. It is nothing more than discussing the content and specific quantity of the drug, as well as the specific delivery time and receiving location. . After all these things were figured out, the connection with the military god was also just connected.

"The person you want has arrived, where did you go?"

"I'm negotiating business with people, and it will pass. You ask them to wait there first, Be careful not to get off the assault boat. The battle is underway, and you will be involved!"

"You are late to remind!" The god of war helpedlessly said: "Our people have already fought with them."< /p>

"What?" I got up from my seat at once.

Yeda, they can see me talking there with one ear covered, and many people know about the communicator in our guild, so they didn’t show any strange expressions. , I only asked politely when I saw such a big reaction suddenly: "What's wrong? What happened?"

"The technicians I prepared for you would fight against those who came to grab mines. Get up."

"Those guys are crazy? Dare to grab things from the Frost Rose League?" Hubble's skill in flattery is absolutely world-class, and he can shoot anytime, anywhere.

"The system does not stipulate that we can't grab things from our guilds!" I helplessly said: "Well, don't talk about it for now, I have to check the situation first, hope not to lose too much Okay. Also, do your preparatory work quickly. If you start work one day earlier, I will prepare medicine for you one day earlier, so the speed of medicine arrival depends on your efficiency. Then, I will pass."

"Wait a minute." Seeing me, I was leaving. The guy who was in charge of informing the head of the guild to come to the meeting hurriedly stopped me. "If it's not troublesome, you'd better bring Habu? We also need a contact person."

I turned my head and looked at Habu, who immediately turned earthy. This guy just came back here and swore that he would never sit on something that could fly again in his life. This would call him a contact person. It's not clear if he has to fly with me again. But...what does that matter to me?

"Okay, Habu, you walk with me and lie down."

"Huh? I..."

"Time is running out, don't rush, we I want to fly back as soon as possible."

"Fly back? Also as soon as possible?"

"Yes, don't be fussy and follow me." Regardless of Habu's With an embarrassing expression, I just grabbed him and ran out. Although Habu struggled desperately, but our basic strength points were too far apart, so I dragged him and could still run fast.

I ran out of the small hole here as soon as I reached the position of the vertical well, I directly took out the Asuka summon, and then did not prepare the long spear for Habu alone, and directly pulled him and me They jumped up together, then patted Asuka and shouted: "Go back to where we left before, hurry up a little bit, and hurry up."


"Ah ......"

Birds pulled the long flames and passed through the cave in front of them instantly, especially the Z-shaped curve. The one that the birds flew was called a coquettish, and the air was gliding at a large angle. Compared with this Get up, the so-called drift on the car is all scum. This is the real drift. We move while drifting, and it still rolls.

Listening to the screams of Habu going all the way, the people of the Doggge Alliance returned to the headquarters to summon people to take over the mining area, and by this time we had already reached twice the speed of sound. Since the distance between the two sides is not very far, at the current speed of Asuka, we were near the target point in the blink of an eye, and then we saw a quite exaggerated scene.

"Damn, is this the shrimp situation?" The military god said that there was a fight here, so I hurried to this side, but after now what I see is... "How did it become a press conference?"

"Huh? President, are you here?" Seeing Asuka flying in circles in the sky, someone immediately flew up to say hello to me, let alone an acquaintance . He is a high level NPC in our guild. He is usually responsible for serving as a secretary and part-time bodyguard for Rose. He belongs to the type with high intelligence and special ability to fight. Of course, such NPCs are definitely difficult to recruit.

I just said hello to nodded, and then I looked at the crowd below and asked: "What's the situation? Didn't it mean that there was a fight?"

"Oh, it was a fight We got up, but it was not us who fought those people, but those people who fought themselves."

"Have you fought yourself?"

"Yes, you fought yourself. "The secretary of Rose explained quickly: "They were fighting when we first got here, and then when we saw the logo under our guild assault boat, we knew that it was someone from our guild. After talking with them for a while, it was like this in the end. However, due to the supply of certain goods, some trades had a little friction, but it has been resolved."

Understand nodded, and then suddenly remembered that the guy Habu was dizzy and dying, so he had to land on the ground first, and then put the guy on the ground. After instructing this NPC to take care of it, I walked to Rose’s side, but I couldn’t get there because she was being surrounded by a large group of people arguing about something. Before the group was outside, she was still beating you to death. The staff and the NPC are sitting together for a picnic. I don't know which school they thought it was an outing.

Rose probably also saw me here, and after a few words with the group of people, the group of people shouted and moved to a nearby open space to discuss, and Rose took the opportunity to ran there I am here.

"Are you...?" Seeing Rose walked over, I pointed to the group of people over there and asked.

Rose carelessly walked to her side, first gave a kiss, and then explained with a smile: "It's just a few small guilds, there is no need to be too rigid. These small guilds are not fighting for us. Opponents, but it is still possible to create public opinion. It is not cost-effective to lose our reputation for their little profit."

"Then what did you do? Part of their ore?"

The whole rose hung on my neck, and while dangling, he smiled and reminded: "The scissors are bad!"

When I heard the word, Lima understood it. "You want to sell spaceship to them?"

The so-called scissors gap refers to a state of trade in international trade. In this transaction mode, there will be a serious difference in interest between the two parties who master the means of production and production technology. , The party that produces the production materials can only sell the resources to the skilled party at a very low price, and then the skilled party can buy the resources at a very low price and process them into high-level products, and then use them several times or even Thousands of tens of thousands of times the price is reversed back to the resource-producing country. In this process, the party who has mastered the technology will always take advantage, while selling resources can only suffer.

Pumice mine is a kind of basic resource. Rose at this time mentioned this transaction mode is nothing more than telling me that she is going to conduct a scissors-type transaction, and our guild is obviously impossible to sell resources. Then the conclusion is simple. Rose is definitely going to sell high level finished products to these guys, and in the process we can get more benefits. Then think about what the pumice mine can do. The first thing I thought of was to build spaceships, so I was pretty sure that the rose meant to sell spaceships to these small guilds.

Seeing that I guessed it, Rose said with a smile: "They want pumice mines to build spaceships, but their spaceship technology is very low. Basically, they build wooden ships and use pumice stone to produce them. The buoyancy of the ship can be carried out as long as the individual knows a little bit of carpentry work. However, pumice mines need to be purified. They don’t have the technology. If the natural pumice is used directly, the remaining buoyancy will be very low, even if the ship is very large. , The carrying capacity is also limited. I promised them to help them build two small and buoyant ships for each guild. We mine the pumice ore without charging them. The technical equipment on the ship will be paid for by ourselves, and we will help to make and exchange The condition is that the mining area belongs to us."

"So they will do it too?"

"Hey, please, do you care about your wife and my job anyway? You don't know. How popular is the high-tech equipment of our guild now? The simplified version of the mirage system, the auxiliary equipment for over-the-horizon bombardment, and of course the most important magic crystal steam power system, these things are now sold in our guild, but they are Limited supply, every time the buyers are auctioned, they will break the frenzy of the head. This time I promised every guild to sell them two sets. After that, whether they use them or resell them, it will definitely be a huge benefit. As for us Isn't it... that's just something coming off the assembly line. For us, a set of equipment is just a few more minutes to start the assembly line. It's just drizzle."

I clicked Rose’s nose and said. "I found that you are getting worse and worse lately! But I like it."

"As long as you like, I can be worse." Rose jumped off me as she said, and said: "Speaking of business. I want to mine a little bit of pumice mine and get it back to build a few spaceships for experimentation, so I need the help of your Familiars. They excavate faster."

" Come here specifically for this matter?"

"Of course not." Rose said, opening her Phoenix Dragon Space, and then stretched half of her body into the Phoenix Dragon Space to search for it. She got up, and it took a long time for her to pull her head out of it, holding a pile of documents as thick as "Ci Hai" in her hand and handed it over.

"What is this?" I asked in surprise, taking the file.

Rose proudly said with a smile: "Your new mission."

I looked down and found that the cover of the file was blank, but after opening it, it was on the first page. At the beginning of one page is a big category catalog. Below it is written: skills, technology, history, and resources, a total of four categories.

Because there are too few things on the first page, so I can't see it at all, so I just turned it back and found that the first page is only the Level 1 directory, and then there is the Level 2 directory. , Then the Level 3 directory and the Level 4 directory, and finally the text after the Level 4 directory, but I just looked at it briefly and found the problem. Those texts that I think are not texts, but introductions. In other words, the thing that is comparable to "Ci Hai" in my hand is actually just this catalog.

"This thing is this catalog?"

Rose nodded very excitedly: "This is the information that Vina and the others extracted from the divine force cores. I’ve never found out the things I’ve sorted out. There are encrypted content in the core of divine force. After a second analysis, I got these things. The one in your hand is just a directory. The originals are 274,000 in total. Each book is four times thicker than what you have in your hand. Some of the more complicated things are no longer recorded in books, so they are simply made into inheritance scrolls. Now all these things have been sent to the Isinger Library. , But there is a problem here."

I directly reached out and stopped Rose's next words. "Needless to say, I know. The library can't put it down, right?"

Rose somewhat helplessly said: "It's really too much. We didn't expect to be able to extract so much information. So the library is not enough. But you know, this thing about the library is a functional building, it can’t be expanded if you want to expand, so..."

"So you picked up the library Upgrading Mission, but I have to do it, right?"

"Who can do more?" Rose said coquettishly: "Who told you to be the president of the Frost Rose League!"

"You are not reconciled if you don't exhaust me to death!" I helplessly shook the head and said: "Okay, tell me the content of the task, I just do it!"

"hehe, In fact, it’s not a very troublesome task, but it’s just a process. It’s just a drizzle for you.” Rose said, handing me a scroll, and then exhorted: “This quest has an associated quest, if you can get a special level Evaluation, our guild’s library can also get a random special attribute, so you have to cheer."

"As long as the content of the task is not an intelligence test, I guess I can get a full score. Then we should first Please clean up the ore here."

After we finished talking here, Rose called the chairpersons who were discussing over there, and then simply signed the agreement with them. After the system guarantees, these people all evacuated here. After all, they are also foreign guilds. It is okay to come over to grab things. Long-term stationing is unrealistic.

Shortly after those guys left, people from the Dogg League also rushed to the scene. Because of the problem of medicines, they are particularly focused, and the speed is unexpectedly fast. Of course, they are fast and we are not slow. First let the steel claws transported this time help dig up all the tunnels that had collapsed before, and then built a branch road on the underground river to temporarily divert the flow, and finally sealed the original river with a watertight door. The work before mining is here. Even if it is basically completed.

After finishing the technical work, the rest of the physical work was handed over to the Dogue Alliance, and I commanded the lucky them to dig out some ore and bring them back to the guild together according to Rose's request.

As the economic chief manager of our guild, Rose is okay to come here occasionally. It is definitely impossible to stay here for a long time, so she has to return to Isengard with me after mining, but we Not in the assault boat, but in the bird to go back. The speed of the assault boat was too slow, and we were all at Isinger at that time.

After the ore mining was completed, I took the ore and the rose and took the bird and rushed to the starting point city, and then teleported back to Isengard, and gave the ghost and the Queen of Blades to Noreen and they adjusted it. I separated from Rose. Rose wanted to take the ore to find the question of the experimental spaceship on the shipbuilding, and I took the task scroll and ran to the Isinger Equipment Research Institute.

As Rose said, Library Upgrading Mission is indeed a process task. In fact, the so-called process task is the most common task in novice villages to deliver letters or talk to so-and-so. This kind of task has almost no battle, or the content of the battle is relatively small, just follow the prompts step by step. Run through various places, and then talk to the designated NPC. It is definitely a simple task that can be completed by an individual. However, if it was so simple, Rose would not come to me to do the task specially.

Task name: Construction of the Miracle Library

Task objective: find three books of the world ("Book of Time", "Book of Space", "Book of Energy") And bring back the library that needs to be upgraded

Task time limit: 168 hours

The content on the scroll of this task is actually only equipped with a map besides these three lines, what else It's all gone. People who do tasks often know that the most feared thing in doing tasks is that the reels are too clean. The more things written on the task scroll, the easier the task, because at least you have detailed instructions, just follow them. The most scared thing is this kind of mission scroll with very little content, and sometimes you don't even know where to start.

Holding the scroll and looking at it for a long time, I finally confirmed that the only useful thing was the map. But... "Which fucking bastard is this fucking map?"

I really got angry not because of my poor mentality, but because the map is so painful. The map attached to the scroll is a world map, which is similar to the wall-mounted world map sold outside, but the area is a bit smaller than that, about the size of a 22-inch widescreen monitor. You think about a world map drawn on such a large area, how big should the scale be? However, the locations of the three books marked on the map are actually represented by three circles drawn with brushes.

Do you know how much area a drop of ink can cover on a world map the size of a 22-inch monitor? Anyway, the area of ​​the three circles I saw can almost cover half of China, and the three circles plus one block are almost the size of the entire Asia. You said that this map is drawn, it's better to write a book on Earth directly.

Complaining belongs to complaining, but looking for it is what you are looking for, but it is obviously impossible to search blindly, so I came here.

Isinger Equipment Research Institute is mainly responsible for the design and finalization of some mechanical systems, so the various equipment here can be said to be the most complete in the guild, because they are specifically responsible for production equipment.

Although the coordinates on the map have a large range, according to the probability, the person who draws the circle should draw according to the correct coordinates, which means that the probability of the target at the center of the circle is It is far beyond the edge of the circle, and the probability is smaller the closer to the outside. Of course, because the circle drawn by hand must have errors, the so-called center point is generally not the target point, but it can be concluded that the target point must not be far from the center point.

Based on the above theory, what I want to do is actually very simple-use Microscope to accurately position the center point as much as possible. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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