"What the fuck. Why can't I find it? That guy said that the waterfall is right here, right?"

After a short period of flying, lucky and successful Carrying me up the river and flew all the way to the big waterfall Habu said. However, no matter how we searched, we just didn't find any existence that could be used as a base. In order to find this so-called base, we even used a devil beast lair as their base entrance. Of course, the devil beast that rushed out was lucky enough to have kebabs. The only problem was that the base was still not found.

"Ask that guy where is the entrance?" I couldn't bear it, I could only let the lucky ask Habu.

Fortunately, I had no choice but to replied my request: "But that guy has passed out."

"Think of something."

"That Okay." Fortunately, he glanced at Habu, who had completely fainted on his paws, and then shook it desperately. As a result, the guy fainted no matter how or how he fainted. He didn't mean to wake up at all. Found that the shaking method was invalid, fortunately, he landed directly on the river, and then pressed the guy into the river with a paw.

People will struggle instinctively when they are drowning. This is the survival instinct. It has a higher priority than any dizziness. So Habu, who was just pressed into the water and drank a gulp of river water, immediately tried his best. Struggling. Fortunately, the guy started to move and lifted him up and put him on the shore.

"Hey, didn't you die?" I jumped off my lucky head, and lightly kicked Habu who was lying on the bank of the river and pretending to be dead.

Hab, who got up groaningly after being kicked twice by me, first looked around, and then realized that he was completely covered in water. Struggling in the river before was an instinctive reaction, but his thinking hadn't slowed down.

"President Purple Moon?"

"This is the waterfall you said, where is your guild headquarters? We are all flying around in the sky, why can't we see it? "

Hab was still a little confused for a while, and then he reacted and pointed to the waterfall and said: "Behind the waterfall, passing through the middle of the waterfall is a hole. But we usually look from the side. A small road walked in, but that road is only suitable for people to walk. Your giant dragon is too big and can only be forced in through the waterfall."

"Damn, it turned out to be a Water Curtain Cave! "

After hearing what Habu said, we finally knew why we couldn’t find the entrance for a long time. After a long time, the entrance was behind the waterfall. If we didn’t know it in advance, most people wouldn’t think about it. .

After knowing the place, I jumped directly on Lucky, and then Lucky picked up Habu who was still sitting on the ground, and then suddenly flapped my wings and moved towards the waterfall and rushed over. There is also a difference between waterfalls and waterfalls. The waterfall hidden in the headquarters of Habu's guild is just a small waterfall, with a small height and width, and it is just a lucky width.

After approaching the waterfall, I was lucky and did not rush in directly. Instead, I adjusted my body so that my abdomen was aligned with the rock wall and slapped my wings hard to counteract the impact. When the speed almost disappeared, I put my wings away and used my claws. The rock behind the waterfall is buckled. I stretched my head and looked at the entrance location and was lucky to find the hole and drilled in.

The space in this cave is quite wide, but the whole is wet, especially near the entrance of the cave is covered with moss, if not fortunately the claws are sharper and can be inserted into the rock , Almost impossible to stabilize the body on this kind of ground.

"This is your headquarters? Why is there no one?" Looking at the empty cave, I asked suspiciously.

The following Habu quickly said: "People are in the Underground City below. This is just an emergency exit. Generally, our people rarely go here."

"Yes Why do you let us drill the waterfall at other exits?"

"No, this is the exit. Our people usually use Transmission Formation to enter and exit. There are devil beast nests everywhere outside the exit. So we rarely go out from here."

This guy is telling the truth. When we were looking for the cave before, we just found a devil beast and found a devil beast. You can see the devil beast here. To what extent has the density reached? Whether in reality or in games, South America is really an animal paradise.

"Hurry up and take me to meet your president. This ghost place is even wetter than the bathhouse!" Damn put the mask down after taking off the water on his face. This ghost place is simply It's like an air-conditioned sauna, with mist everywhere, but it's terribly cold.

Hab heard my complaint while leading the way and explained: "This side is close to the waterfall, and it can’t be helped because it’s wet. Our people also think it’s too wet, so we don’t build here. The guild resident, but the guild main body cultivator is down to the ground. This side is only used as an emergency exit. After a while, the tide will disappear."

Dogge Alliance, which is Habu 'S guild is not far in front of the cave where we are now. Advance a short distance from where we landed, then turn a thunderbolt-shaped curve and enter a large vertical hole. The top of this big hole should have been a patio, but I don’t know if it was man-made or formed naturally. Anyway, the densely packed plants on it are now overgrown. You can only see some sunlight from various vines. Projected down through the gap formed by the fallen tree trunk.

The bottom part of the cave is completely invisible, the depth is at least in kilometers, and I suspect that there is a lava layer underneath, because standing here can feel obvious heat coming up from below. The water vapor caused by the waterfall in the front is also just because the hot air here is all sprayed out from the top hole. It is estimated that this is the reason why the Doggge Alliance can build the city in the cave behind.

The passage we entered earlier entered from one side of the vertical well, and the cave where the headquarters of the Dogge Alliance is located is just opposite the vertical well. There is a span of almost 30 meters between the two. This is exactly the diameter of the vertical well. But we don’t need to fly over. There is a cable bridge made of plant and rattan between the openings on both sides. People can walk directly over, but be careful when passing because there is no bridge on the cable bridge. A certain balance.

The entrances to the caves on both sides of the vertical well are obviously not the same size. The side where we entered is lucky to be able to fold our wings and walk through it without any effort, while the entrance on the opposite side is obviously much smaller. I was shaking off the scene with luck, but because of the size of the entrance, I had to take him back first, and then I followed Habu into the cave on the opposite side by myself.

"Hab, who is this, you bring it to the headquarters?" We just arrived at the entrance of the cave and just met two people coming out of it. The man was obviously at odds with Habu, and he didn't seem to know me. , Actually took me to find Habu's fault. However, although this guy doesn't know me, the people following him obviously know me. The man was stunned when he saw me, and then he shivered when he heard what the man next to him was saying. Although he wanted to help, the guy didn't intend to appreciate him. After he was suddenly covered, he overturned the guy, and then turned and cursed: "Don't you know who the boss is? You dare to gag my mouth? You don’t want to be mixed up?” After scolding the guy, the guy turned around and pointed at Habu’s nose and cursed: “Don’t think that the president likes you and you can climb on top of me. Tell you that we are not the same as the Dogge League. For small guilds where people have the final say, the president must also accept everyone’s opinions. You, an idiot who only shoots flattery, will one day kick you out of the guild.” After scolding Habu, this guy seems to be puzzled. , I actually put my hand on my helmet to start cursing, but...

Woo...slap...a ​​sudden clear electric current accompanied by a dazzling spark, that and Habu The guy who was in the wrong path was as if he had touched a high voltage of 5 million kilovolts and was instantly knocked out by the current. The whole person was flying all the way to the surrounding ground and walls and discharged until he fell into the cave inside. And it aroused a scream to be over.

Looking at the Habu and the man brought out by the guy just now, I have to explain. "Don't look at me, it was his own bad luck that triggered the counterattack attribute on the armor, this thing I can't control, as long as it is a hostile touching behavior, it may be triggered, regardless of the strength of the attack. But... he should be grateful for that. Current. If the revenge attribute is not stimulated, I promise he will only be worse now."

As the leader of the world battle strength list, the leader of the world’s strongest guild, and the only one who can participate in the Divine Race benefits Entangled players, my status is not comparable to that of a small guild leader in this anarchic zone. Just because he just dared to put his paws on my helmet, I definitely have a reason to shoot. Even if you don't kill him, at least you have to beat him into a pig. It's just being electrified now, which is definitely a big bargain for him.

When I finished explaining, the person who came out with that guy also reacted. He stammered and explained: "President Purple Moon, I just happened to come out with the guy just now. We are unfamiliar.” After I finished speaking, it seemed that I was afraid that I would not believe it. When he found Habu next to him, he suddenly thought that I had come in with Habu, so he quickly pulled Habu and said, "If you don’t believe me, ask Habu, we really are not. People all the way."

"I don’t have time to care if you are all the way, take me to meet your president, and if possible, gather all the people who talk to your guild. I have better business Talk to you."

"No problem." This guy obviously knows how to do things in Bihab. He directly replied: "I will gather the main leaders of the guild." He was right again after he finished speaking. Habu said: "Habu, you take President Purple Moon to the Conference Hall for a break, we will be there soon."

Seeing that guy ran away like a smoke, Habu quickly took it with him. I walked to the Conference Hall of their guild.

After passing through the hole, the environment inside immediately entered my field of vision. Since the entrance of this hole is higher than the inside, a small platform was built at the entrance of the cave. There are steps on both sides of the platform to go down to the ground in the cave, but now the railing on the edge of the platform facing the entrance of the cave is twisted like a twist. . When the guy flew in, he apparently hit the railing, and then flipped to the ground below, as if he was hitting a person. Now there are a lot of people here who are saying something, but the guy obviously said hello before. After seeing me, the people here did not panic or ran up to make trouble, but collectively bent over to show me politeness, and then automatically gave up a jump. Now I am even more sure that the guy who left just now is definitely very experienced, and even thought of such small details.

Hab saw the people below give way and didn't say anything, so he led me to the Conference Hall directly. Because the total area of ​​this cave is not large, the Conference Hall will be here soon. This place is said to be the Conference Hall. In fact, it is just a small room excavated on the side of the wall of the big cave. There are a lot of Tengyi furniture inside. It looks like that. It's a pity that this Conference Hall has a door. Not at all, it has virtually lowered the grade.

A small guild has the advantage of a small guild. The guy who left in less than five minutes called their president, Vice-President, and several guild leaders, except for being called by me. Apart from the dizzy guy being sent for treatment, the guild's people who talked to each other were almost all there.

"Hello, President Purple Moon, I am the president of the Doggge Alliance, Yeda. I heard that you want to discuss business with us. I don't know what the matter is?"

< p>To my surprise, the president of the Doggge Alliance turned out to be a woman, and she was a little surprisingly thin. Although she wears more exaggerated than Indian chief, but even with a huge feather crown on her head, her total height is definitely not more than 1.6 meters. If the crown is removed, I estimate that she can be 1.5 meters. That's pretty good.

"Are you the president here?"

When I heard my question, the other party seemed to have been prepared for a long time. She immediately explained: "You have to know that the Witch Doctor is A sacred profession, if I can become Witch Doctor, you should understand that I have no qualms about being the chairman of this position. No one in the tribe dares to resist Witch Doctor. Even if there is a tribal war, Witch Doctor will never be killed. With the existence of death, with such an identity, it doesn’t make much difference whether I become the president or not."

"Are you often asked this question by others?"

"No, you are the first one." The other party said, "The reason why I understand your doubts is because I know you people from civilized society." She paused for a while, and then said: " In fact, I went to your country to study."

"Our country? Have you been to China? In reality?"

Yeda proudly nodded said: "Although we This place has always been in war, but you can’t deny that we occasionally have some smart people here. I once got the opportunity to study in China because of a cooperation project of Longyuan Group. In fact, I have lived in China for five years. I don’t know much about the civilized world. I know that in the propaganda of advanced countries, we are described as ignorant and backward places, but please don’t treat us as barbarians. We are also part of the civilized world. At the very least, if you can see us in the game, it means that we have a fairly high degree of electrification here. Monkeys don’t know how to use game helmets!"

Yeda’s words are very strong Self-deprecating and mocking mean, on the one hand, lamenting one's backwardness, on the other hand, it is also ironic that we do not regard them as part of the civilized world. However, what she said is indeed the truth. Eurasian countries now basically treat some South American and African countries as primordial people. Although these countries actually already have a considerable amount of industrial production capacity, because compared to Asia, Europe and North America, these countries are too far behind, so the citizens of developed countries basically look down on the citizens of these countries. .

Knowing that the other person is in a bad mood, I had to change the subject to ease the atmosphere. "What did you learn after living in China for five years?"

"Traditional Chinese medicine." Yeda seemed to know that he shouldn't tell me this, so when I changed the subject, he immediately followed my tone. Said: "I am the chief's daughter, and when I was very young, I was selected as the future Witch Doctor of the tribe. Therefore, I chose Chinese medicine in the cooperation plan. In fact, the Chinese medicine in your country and our Witch Doctor use treatment methods. Many of them are similar, especially the two systems rely on natural plants and animals to make medicine ingredients. It's just that our Witch Doctor's lack of text inheritance leads to slow development and an imperfect system, so the effect is much worse than traditional Chinese medicine."

I said with a smile: "Traditional Chinese medicine is also divided into many disciplines. What do you learn?"

"I mainly learn acupuncture and massage. Here we are food, medicine and weapons They are things that are more valuable than gold. Western medicine has equipment and medicines since the beginning of time. What we lack most here is equipment and medicines. So I learned acupuncture and I can treat many diseases with just a box of silver needles. Here we are. More precious than anything."

When I heard her words, I suddenly thought of a way to cooperate. "If I say that I can get you a batch of medicines in reality and promise to deliver them to you, can you do something for me?"

"Are you serious?" Yeda almost It jumped right in front of me, and I thought she was going to rush to fight with me.

"The medicine is precious to you, but it is not a problem for me, and I happen to have a channel to help you deliver it."

"As long as you can get it Medicine, let us do anything."

"You don’t need to do anything complicated, it’s about the pumice mine you found..."

"Let me Ye Da yelled without waiting for me to finish.

"Please, I have found the mine. You haven't found the mine yet. Why did you let us? That was what we found, OK?"

< p>Yeda heard about the medicine and simply didn’t bother to care about other things. When it was not the request, she immediately said: "Okay, tell me your request."

"I found the ore, but then It is a low-quality mining area with large reserves and a large area. If we mine by ourselves, the input and output are seriously inconsistent, so I hope that you will help us protect the mining area and mine the ore. I will bring technical equipment and some technicians over. They are responsible for the more troublesome part, and you are responsible for your effort. This request is not troublesome, right?"

"No trouble, but how much medicine can you provide for this?"

I think slightly After a while, he said: "At most one container, how much can it hold."

"What about the types?"

"Except for the types that are prohibited from export and some extremely expensive special medicines You can choose anything else, I will help you purchase and pack it to your door."

"Deal." (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) Voting for recommended votes and monthly tickets, your support is my greatest motivation.)

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