Prepared for battle, I and the two mobile angels had already set up a posture at the gate, and waited for the gate to open by itself before rushing in and killing people. Gun God is not slow to react, as we entered the fighting state, he quickly turned around and ran to the distance to hide. As a gunner, it is not a good habit to stand in front of the enemy and shoot with their heads.

Just as we were ready to face the battle, the gate was finally fully raised. As the entire gate stabilized, Ghost and I both tightened their weapons, and the gate immediately looked towards both sides and slid open after it stabilized.

"This time, you must be careful, if you do it for me again, be careful that I let you guard the Netherworld River ferry. By the way, the secret garden is lost..." The door opened at the same time , A Divine Race walked out of the gate while talking, while the two people who followed him had been nodded and hunched over to show that they understood his words, obviously their status was much lower. In addition to these two guys who looked like slaves, there were three people behind that guy, but they looked serious and pretentious. However, what really surprised me was not that the number of people who came out was two more than the number mentioned before, but...the number was actually N times more.

Behind the raised door is not a small room like an elevator, but is connected to a passage. The three guys in the front and the five people next to him look like a high level Divine Race. However, in the passage behind them, there are a large group of densely packed free Divine Races, which can be seen by naked eyes. Part of it is no less than two hundred people, and it is still uncertain how many will be left behind.

While we were stunned by the situation before us, the guys inside were also stunned. They didn’t expect that as soon as they left the gate of the base, they would meet three people waiting outside with their weapons. What's more, there was a Divine Race battallion behind him. Three people suddenly popped out and said they were going to rob. Isn't this funny? Of course, the ghosts and I are not little thief, at least in terms of our strength, not only are we not weak, but we are ridiculously strong, but these guys in front of us obviously don't know this. Except for the guy who took the lead.

"Purple Moon?"

"Do you know me?"

"I know you when it turns into ashes." The guy said that he held his hand As soon as the notebook was thrown, he touched the weapon at his waist, but after a while, he remembered that he had given the weapon to his entourage in order to sit down and read the information. He turned around and took the sword from his entourage, took the scabbard and threw it aside, and then rushed towards me frantically.

"Damn, what the hell is going on?" I said depressedly while holding the weapon that eternally held the guy.

The ghost and the blade didn't complain so much, anyway, they are all here to test the battle strength. Since people have started to do it first, wouldn't they be an idiot if they don't fight back? Without hesitation, with two metal crashes, the two mobile angels took their weapons in their hands and collided with the Divine Race that rushed up.

The one who aimed at the ghost was one of the three ruthless followers of the previous guy. This guy took advantage of the advance charge and slammed into the ghost, hoping to rely on speed and brute force to knock the ghost to the ground. , Who knows that the jet thruster behind the ghost suddenly flashed and banged at the moment when the two of them contacted, the ghost was still in place, but the guy flew back at a faster speed than before. , By the way, I knocked down a large area of ​​the low-level Divine Race that was about to rush out of the hole, and the Divine Race at the entrance of the tunnel simply couldn't rush out for a while.

The ghost and the Queen of Blades are equipped with a pulse jet engine that is different from other mobile angels. In terms of instant power output, it is stronger than the earlier model. It is not a star and a half. The Divine Race opposite even started to charge first. , But no matter how strong his power was, he couldn't stand the thrust generated by the ghost's instantaneous jet. As a result, he not only didn't knock the ghost into the air but instead bounced himself off.

Instantly hitting a Divine Race, the ghost immediately lifted his giant sword to the other Divine Race ahead and chopped it down, but the opponent was very fast, and a ghost flashed sideways. Chop, and then suddenly attached, pressing the ghost's shoulder with one hand. However, when he pressed the ghost’s shoulder before he had time to do anything, a blue arc suddenly erupted on the ghost’s body and suddenly all concentrated on the place where the guy’s palm was in contact with the ghost’s shoulder, and followed It was the bang that exploded, and the guy flew out with smoke all over his body, and smoked all over his body until he landed.

"Damn, the 1.8 billion crystal coin is really powerful." The gun god who was hiding in the distance was planning to give us fire support, but suddenly a group came out from the hole. Divine Race He is also stupid. Fortunately, the outburst of ghosts prevented the Divine Race from rushing out together, otherwise it would be really difficult to handle. After all, this is the target he found for us, and he is also responsible for errors in intelligence.

After releasing the two angels in a row, the ghost quickly rushed to the Divine Race with the two minions who were next to the first Divine Race, but the battle strength of these two guys is really weak enough. OK. The Divine Race target that the ghost started first saw the ghost cut with a sword and immediately put his weapon on top of his head and wanted to block it. Who knew that the ghost’s weapon was too heavy, coupled with the exaggerated cutting ability of the high-frequency vibrating blade, unexpectedly A sword went down and cut the guy with the weapon into two pieces from the middle. After killing this guy, the ghost moves without any slowness and raises his hand at another Divine Race that has been frightened. With a finger move, a short arrow flashing with golden light penetrates the guy's eye socket with a swish, and then it is With a bang, the guy's head was gone, and the headless body swayed there for a long time before it fell down.

While the ghosts slashed the Divine Races outside the cave madly, the Queen of Blades had already rushed into the passage. Grabbing the neck of the guy who was hit by the ghost and flew in, then pinched the guy's head with a click and folded the guy's head back to ninety degrees, and then stepped on the guy's body that hadn't completely fallen. Entering the crowd behind, the situation behind is completely invisible because the corpse in front is blocking it, but it is not difficult to judge the terrifying of the Queen of Blades from the blood and screams that continue to fly in the cave.

"Totally fall to one side!" After killing the Divine Race in front, I found that those Divine Races were not strong at all, and I ran to the place where the gun god was hiding. Anyway, there was no me there. No problem. I took a picture of the gunman who was completely stupid, and I asked with some dissatisfaction: "This is what you call the agent in Divine Race? Why is it so weak?"

I took a picture of it. The gun god who finally returned to his soul couldn't help complaining: "Is that Divine Race too weak? Obviously your mobile angel is too perverted, okay? How on earth did your guild make such a perverted thing?"

I smiled and said to the gun god: "If you build a research institute by yourself, and then throw a research fund of 800 million yuan, I promise that the things that come out will not be any worse than the two of them. "

"I don't have as much money as your Frost Rose League to do this." Gun God finished speaking and said: "Say it first, although these Divine Races can't meet your requirements, but this and I have nothing to do. Your mobile angel is too strong, I can’t take you directly to kill Goddess, right?"

"Hey, what do you mean by this, I..." I was about to talk to the gun god In theory, I suddenly heard a loud explosion sound coming from the cave, and then I saw a mass of things flying out of the cave directly. Just killed the last Divine Race outside the cave, the ghost just turned around and caught the thing, but it was hit by the thing and glide back five or six meters before stopping. It was because he started the jet. The result of the thruster resisting the impact.

"Damn. Isn't that your mobile angel?" As soon as the ghost stood firm, the gun god immediately recognized that the deformed and deformed thing he caught was the former Queen of Blades After all, although the body was deformed severely, the head and limbs were still faintly recognizable.

"Where does the bastard dare to free Divine Race against us? Don't you want to live?" Following angry roar, a Divine Race with a full body heavy plate armor took three men from the hole ** Came out.

As soon as I saw the four guys, Gunmaster and I immediately understood why our previous opponents were so good. It turns out that the four free warriors mentioned in the intelligence are the latter four guys. The previous group of people should be another wave of Divine Race individuals, and their level should not be high.

"I said that the intelligence is so bad, so I made the wrong person." I said to the shoulder of the patted gun god: "You cover, I will go over and take a look."

"Don't worry." As the gun god said, he set up his gun and deployed it into a sniper mode, ready to give fire support at any time.

When I appeared near the entrance of the cave, the guy on the opposite immediately recognized me. "It turned out to be President Purple Moon. I wonder if I dared to trouble free Divine Race." The guy on the other side said, his voice suddenly became horrible, and he pointed at us with one hand: "But since you dare to make a move, then Be aware of death. This is not China, and your Celestial Court can't protect you."

"hmph, I still use Celestial Court to protect?" I said that I had turned eternity into a sword. Shaped and rushed up.

Seeing that I rushed up first, two metal plates suddenly rose up behind the ghost’s right shoulder, and then the metal plates slid away on both sides, a pile of metal parts protruding from the middle, followed by a while. With the combination of Likacha, the group of metal parts turned into a three-meter-long transmitter and rested on the shoulder of the ghost.

The gun god hiding behind just saw the process of combining the pile of things, and said to himself in surprise: "Damn, is this a deformed Vajra or a mobile angel? How come even the combined weapons come out Huh?"

The ghost in front didn’t pay attention to the words of the gunman behind. His weapon combination speed was quite fast. Just after I collided with the guy on the opposite side, his cannon was completed. Seeing that the tip of the gun suddenly lit up, a blue energy beam was ejected along with the purple arc spray, and it instantly hit the three Divine Races behind the guy on the opposite side.

The three guys are not stupid, they immediately dispersed to all directions when they saw the light beam coming, but they didn't expect this thing to attack with range. After the beam passed through, the arc chased the three people as if they had long eyes and flew past, and instantly entangled the three people, causing all of them to twitch. However, these three guys are genuine free warriors. They are similar to spies in the free Divine Race, and their strength is far from comparable to that of the ordinary Divine Race. The electric current that can paralyze the general Divine Race for a long time actually caused the three of them to tremble slightly and ran out of the attack range. However, only two of them were lucky enough to land safely. The other one patronized the beam that had a terrifying energy response before dodge. Didn't expect just dodge the beam and hit a bunch of blue that was much smaller head-on. The light group, the whole person was immediately blasted out from in midair, and then hit the mountain behind with a bang and bounced back to the ground.

I don't know when the Queen of Blades, who has completely returned to normal, slowly put away the transmitter on the smoking right hand, and then realigned her palm. "hmph, let you know how good I am." The Queen of Blades said triumphantly after flying a guy.

The other two guys who had escaped the beam attack on the opposite side looked back at the blasted companions, and then rushed towards the Queen of Blades and the Ghost respectively.

Seeing the enemy rushing towards him, the ghost quickly lifted the cannon on his shoulders. The launcher was immediately erected and quickly disassembled and recovered into his body. At the same time, the ghost had both hands Touching the two handles that just popped out on his shoulders, and then pulling it out, oh la la made two heavy swords appear in his hands.

When. Yu Spirit General crossed swords in front of him, just held up a sword that the opponent slashed from top to bottom, but the opponent moved very quickly. When he found that the sword was held up, he immediately drew the sword back, and immediately between the three weapons. After wiping out a fire star, the guy suddenly deceived him again, and slammed the sword forward to pierce the ghost's abdomen. However, just as he suddenly took out his sword, but before he had time to stab the ghost, the ghost opened a small door on his chest first, and then just listened to a whistling sound, and a small pen-thick missile suddenly jumped. Out, just hit the guy's chest, and then flew far away against the guy.

The other party probably also knew that this thing would explode, so a hand that fell in the air turned over and let go of the thing. After landing, he wanted to attack again, but he didn’t wait for him to find the location of the ghost. Feeling a chill behind him. He hurriedly turned his head, only to see a giant sword like a door smashed down. With a bang, his sword was chopped into two at once, following the giant sword's speed, cutting across the guy's shoulder, then all the way down, passing through his armpit, and directly connecting the guy's left arm. Cut off with the small half of the shoulder.

"Ah..." The pain caused by a sudden arm made the free Divine Race scream, but the ghost's big hand suddenly squeezed his face and followed the ghost's palm Suddenly a small hole was opened, and with only a sound, a steel cone that was slightly thicker than a normal person’s big toe popped out of the round hole and pierced through the guy’s head with a pile of yellow and white objects. There was a big hole in the back of his head and sprayed out together.

Looking at the soft body, the ghost let go of his palm, and pulled out the steel cone from his head, and then only heard a sound, the steel cone retracted its palm again. middle. Closing the hole on the palm of her hand, You moved her wrist flexibly, then raised her head and started looking for the next target.

While the ghost killed her opponent, the Queen of Blades has fought against another free Divine Race no less than a hundred times, but unlike the situation on the ghost side, the Queen of Blades and the Divine Race There was no confrontation between swords and swords, but a long-range attack. The blue beams of the transmitter on the Queen Blade’s wrist are constantly flying, and the Divine Race opposite is also bombarded with various light balls like machine cannons. If it weren’t for the costumes of the two of them, they would think they were attacking. The laser war in the space age.

The Queen of Blades and the guy were fighting, and suddenly they heard a scream next to him. It turned out that the ghost killed his opponent and stunned the guy who had been bombarded by her before. Also killed. The four free warriors were reduced by half at once, and the leader of the remaining two quickly shook me back with a big move, and then turned around and ran.

As soon as the gunman saw that the guy was about to run, he quickly made up a shot. As a result, the guy went dogshit luck and accidentally dropped the shot and fired the shot. Found that there were still snipers, the Divine Race immediately turned into a beam of light and flew towards the sky. If we let this guy run away, then we have to go to a full-scale battle with the free Divine Race, which is not a good thing. "Blade, ghost, don't let that guy run away."

"The president helped me drag this guy." The Queen of Blades gave up and shot at her opponent and jumped up suddenly. She began to transform as soon as she jumped off the ground, and the ghost quickly ran to her. When the ghost rushed to her side, she just finished the transformation, and the whole person turned into a huge transmitter and was placed on the shoulder of the ghost.

Seeing that the two of them can actually combine, not only the gun god, even I was stunned, but soon I found that the guy who shot the Queen of Blades before was trying to fire here to prevent them from attacking. The guy who ran away. I couldn't bear to think about it, and when I raised my hand, I shot it out with a soul chaser. The opponent dodged the arrow, but lost the shooting angle as a result. When he turned back again, I had already appeared in front of him. Before he could react, his hands clasped his shoulders directly, followed by a violent twist, only hearing a click, the guy's arms immediately slumped.

Taking advantage of my opportunity to stop the guy, the combined ghost and Queen of Blades also completed the preparations, just listening to a hum from low to high gradually becoming louder and louder, and then Just when the guy in the sky flew out of sight, the tip of the transmitter that was transformed by the blade flashed suddenly, and a fan-shaped light band suddenly sprayed out, and then started to face again after the light band was fully expanded. The direction of the guy in the sky gathered and finally condensed into a thin line, and the guy in the sky suddenly exploded into sky fragments at the moment when the beam was fully concentrated, and then all burned to ashes floating in the air before landing. . (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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