The Gun God was dragged into the room by me, and then I briefly explained to him why we had trouble with Divine Race. Of course, I can’t say too much about the specific things. The reason I told the Gunners is only to test the combat performance of the ghost and the Queen of Blades. The other parts belong to our guild secrets, and I will not tell the Gunners.

"Do you mean that you ran over from China to slaughter the gods just to test the performance of these two mobile angels?" The gun god looked at me with a very idiotic expression on you and said:" Are you okay? Come on, it’s Divine Race, not Chinese cabbage! Kill it if you say it’s killing chickens or sheep?"

"I don’t want to either!" I pretended With a rather depressed look, he said, "You have also seen that these two mobile angels stay like this. Our guild has invested this number to create the two of them. As a result, their heads are stupid. The strength still said in the past, then I can still balance in my heart anyway, if even the combat ability is an idiot, I will consider whether to take it back to dismantle and recycle!"

The gun god looked at me Bi's gesture was a little puzzled and asked: "36 million is really not cheap, but it won't hurt you like this, right?"

"36 million? Could you add two more? Zero."

"3.6 billion?"

"Cost price."

"I...your guild is really rich!" Gun After speaking, God turned his head and looked at the ghost and Queen of Blades, and then moved to the ghost and knocked on his shell and said: "3.6 billion? This shell is not made of fine gold, right?"

< p>"Fine gold is rubbish compared to this one. This thing is an alloy made by grinding into powder with colorful magic crystal. Although the main component is only iron, the auxiliary metals in it are all high magic metals. There is no one. The price is cheaper than fine gold. In addition, this alloy formula is also a new thing. We don’t know how much money we throw in for this formula."

The gun god was surprised after hearing this. Said: "How about the performance of this alloy? Such an expensive alloy should not perform badly?"

"The physical performance of these two mobile angels is very good, and all the hardware indicators are not good enough. , As long as the two of them can fully display the design performance, it’s no problem to kill me heads-up. But the problem now is that these two mobile angels are completely in a state of mindlessness. According to the group of researchers in our guild, their Fighting instinct should be fine, so I want to test it."

The gun god obviously disagrees with me. He was surprised and said: "Even if you want to test your strength, just test it yourself. Why do you have to find Divine Race to start?"

"After all, you can't let go of your hands and feet. They again It’s not a player, otherwise, if you borrow a training ground, death is not punished. The mobile angel cannot use the player duel platform. If it is broken, it is broken. There is no way to protect it. It’s better to find an enemy to try."

"What do you think? Even if you can’t do it yourself, will those Divine Races fail to show mercy? In the end, your mobile angel will become A pile of scrap iron?"

"no no no, you don’t understand what I mean." I quickly explained: "I don’t plan to go to full-scale battle with the free Divine Race, I just want to find a few orders Start with the free Divine Race. With my strength, even if the two mobile angels can’t beat them, once I intervene, it’s okay to save them. Besides, if my mobile angel is stronger, there won’t be any What's the loss? Take a step back and say, even if my mobile angel can't beat those free Divine Races, I happened to have no time to rescue. At worst is just to take the destroyed mobile angel wreckage back for dismantling. Anyway, if If they really have low battle strength, wouldn't it be useless to keep it?"

The gun god shrugged: "Anyway, the thing is yours. It is your own business if it breaks, and it has nothing to do with me."< /p>

"Then you agree to help?"

The gun god stretched out a finger and said: "It's okay to help, but the relationship between the two of us doesn't seem to be good enough for free The point of the other party’s dedication, right?"

"What conditions?" The gun god is not someone who is easy to deal with. Besides, we really only have a normal cooperative relationship, not a friend. Or an ally, I can only say that he is an acquaintance, so I didn't plan to let him work for nothing. The key is to see whether his asking price is reasonable.

"I will help you once, and you will help me once." Gun God said.

"It sounds fair, but what exactly do you want me to help? Pour you a glass of water is also a help, and help you destroy a country is also a help. You help me find the Divine Race that was ordered, Then give me a chance to start quietly and help me erase the traces afterwards. Although this is not a small job, it can't be said that I have to agree to any request, right?"

The gun god said immediately:" Of course I won't be so shameless anymore. My request is actually very simple." As the gun god said, he reached out and handed me a piece of paper.

I took the piece of paper and looked at it in a puzzled way. It turned out that what was written on it was actually a contract. The content was a gambling agreement between the gun god and a guy called the queen of spades. . The two need to find three people each to be their own personnel, and the three people sent by the other party will fight in a place called the Barbarian Arena. The final winner can make a request to the loser, and the other party must accept it.

"This doesn't seem to be a system agreement, right?" I asked, holding the piece of paper.

The gun god drew the piece of paper back and said: "The other party's credibility does not need you to care about. You can just help me win this duel. Regardless of whether the other party abides by the agreement afterwards. , That has nothing to do with you."

"Is there anything to say about this barbaric arena? It doesn't seem to be a very ordinary place from the name."

"Of course." Gun God said: "The reason why the Savage Arena is called the Savage Arena is that its punishment is very serious. Those who die here will lose one-tenth of their level."

"Damn, then I If you lose, don't you have to be deducted more than 200 levels?" I cried out in surprise.

The gun god shouted in a louder voice than me: "What? You are more than two thousand level?"

"How many levels do I need to notify you? Let me talk about it first What's the fucking rules of the arena? You lose two hundred levels at a time, the price is too serious?"

"Do you think you will lose?" The gun god did not argue with me. Instead, it hits the point directly.

When he said that, I couldn't continue. That's right. Who are we? The world battle strength ranked first. In places like the arena, I really don’t have to worry about the punishment for failure. Anyway, it won’t be me who fails. What is the cost to me?

Seeing that I didn’t answer for a long time, the gun god continued: "Anyway, you will not lose, and the price is meaningless to you. Besides, after you win, it is not that absolutely does not have. Good. If you win in the battle, you can get half of the loss of the loser's EXP. In other words, if the opponent is level 1,000, you will lose one hundred levels after losing, and you will get a player from 900 Half of the total amount of EXP required to upgrade to level 1,000. Although these EXPs certainly can’t make you level 5 Level 10, there will always be three Level 5, right? Besides, the opponent’s combat personnel will definitely not only have level 1,000. And the higher his level, the more benefits you have."

Although the gunman said very well, I am not stupid at all. People who believe that pies will fall from the sky will only fall into traps. I don't believe that pies will fall from the sky, so I can usually avoid traps on the ground.

"If it’s so simple, why didn’t you make it yourself? Even if the battle strength list changes now, you are also ranked third in the world battle strength list, right? As long as gold coin and I don’t help each other out, you Isn’t it a sure win? Don’t you do such a good thing yourself? Do you want to pay me or give me benefits again?"

"Of course I am asking you to pay, so Things are not exactly as simple as I said. But the reason why I didn’t participate was not because of traps, but because I was not allowed to participate in the war as agreed. So..."

"I don’t care. The reason why you did not participate in the battle, I just want to know all the benefits and threats of this game, don’t lie to me, otherwise our agreement may be invalidated at any time."

The gun god helplessly said: "Okay, okay , I’ll tell you everything. I didn’t lie to you about the benefits mentioned earlier, but this time the duel uses the real world mode."

"What is the real world mode?"

" All the things in the game are useless. During the game, the participants can only wear tight-fitting sportswear. You can wear the equipment in the game, but all the attributes will not take effect, and it will still be considered as a load, which will be serious in the end. Affect your battle strength performance. In addition, your attribute points in the game in this real world mode will also be invalidated, and the participants will use actual personal physical fitness data. In other words, this game is actually like it is Fighting in reality, you rely on your physical fitness and fighting skills in reality. The only difference is that you can automatically recover all your injuries after the competition is over, without leaving with a single injury."

"Are all the attributes in the game unavailable?" I confirmed.

The gun god nodded and said: "Yes, all can't be used."

"That's OK, I accept this agreement." Not using game attributes may be for other experts. Turn him from expert to mediocre, but for me it will only turn me into a superman. Because my physical fitness in the game is not only not strong at all compared to those outside the game, it may be a little bit weaker. In addition to the game, my body cannot use those complex skills, I can say that I outperformed myself in the game. Moreover, when my opponent and I regained the physical fitness data of the outside body together, my strength increased, but the opponent decreased. So if I could still lose, it would be really unreasonable.

Hearing my agreement, the gun god immediately called out the system agreement, and then signed an agreement to exchange help with me. After I confirmed my acceptance, he smiled and shook hands with me, and suddenly Asked: "I forgot to ask before, are you afraid of pain?"


Until ten minutes later, I continued to curse the gun god shameless. . He actually didn't tell me that this game is specifically for gambling, so in order to stimulate those who like violence, this game was opened ten times bloody mode. Not only will the flesh and blood fly in the battle, but the pain is also six times the normal value. If you are stabbed with a needle in this arena, it will feel like being pierced into your body by a steel bar in reality. People who are not good at Willpower may just be drawn out of a wound and fainted. .

"Okay, you have signed the agreement, so don't scold me. At worst, I will work hard to find you a better target."

I am also satisfied with the words of the gun god. In fact, the reason why I keep complaining is to make him take things seriously for me, not that I am really afraid of pain. Pain is just a signal transmitted to the brain through the nerve system after the body is injured. As a product of the artificial Heavenly God project developed with the goal of humanoid weapons, my electronic brain can completely shield the pain signal. In other words, if I don't want to feel pain, I can't feel it at all. As for the scene of flying flesh and blood, I don't even care about that thing. I have seen more disgusting things in the biological laboratory of the Dragon Fate headquarters.

Probably my complaint really worked. After that, Gunner really sent a bunch of men to help me find the information about the Divine Race that was ordered, and I found it for him. .

"Come and take a look. My people have found three suitable targets." Gun God handed me a copy of the information: "Six free Divine Races will arrive in an hour. This place called Monk County deals with a escaped Divine Race member. The advantage of assaulting them is that you can bring the escaped guy to help. The disadvantage is that there are too many opponents, and a problem will come if you run away."< /p>

"Where are the other two?" I asked as I flipped through the information. The information on hand is very thick and contains too much content, so I can't finish it for a while.

The gun god continued: "There is also a Divine Race. Although it is a good attack, you have to test two mobile angels. I am afraid that it is not enough."

I nodded and said: "What kind of goal was the last one?"

"The last one is a total of four free Divine Races. They entered an underground cave an hour ago, and they have not yet Come out. The advantage of attacking them is that the number of people is moderate, and they are unlikely to run away if they are stuck in a hole. In addition, it will be more convenient to destroy evidence or something."

"But what?" So many advantages The gun god didn't choose the target directly. Instead, it was used as an alternative, which can only show that there must be some difficult points for this target, otherwise he would tell me to go here directly.

The gun god said with a clever expression on your face: "But these four Divine Races are free warriors."

"What is a free warrior?"

"It literally means a combatant who defends freedom. Of course, it is definitely not such a person. The freedom warrior of the Free Divine Race is actually equivalent to real national agents, who specialize in destroying some enemy invaders or invaders within the sphere of influence. The type of rebellion and non-acceptance of rule. In addition, infiltrating and invading other forces is one of their main tasks."

"Damn, isn't this the Divine Race version of the CIA?"

The gun god nodded and said: "So, to them, the ordinary Divine Race is like civilians, while they are agents. Think about the gap between the two and you will know why I didn't directly choose this target. ."

"No, let's choose this goal." I almost decided without thinking about it.

"Are you crazy?"

"No, I'm not crazy." I said seriously: "I just want to test the battle strength of this super mobile angel. Stronger, the more useful the data I get. Besides, what if they are strong? It’s just four Divine Races. I’m going on with my Familiar, and it’s okay to hold three of them, isn’t it? Think you can’t get one with my two mobile angels?"

"Okay, anyway, you are the one who is in trouble. I'm only responsible for hiding in the distance and shooting cold guns, in case anyone runs away. I lost it, so don’t blame me for not helping."

I smiled and said: "Don’t forget, I’m not an American, and free Divine Race can’t control me. My power Basically, they are all in China. There is only one starting city here. At the worst city, I don’t want it. Can the free Divine Race still catch up to China? Our Celestial Court is known as the world’s first Deity Clan force. Do you feel free Can Divine Race meet them with good results?"

"I said, it is your own to cause trouble. It has nothing to do with me. Anyway, don't say I didn't remind you."

"It's alright, I promise not to blame you, am I?"

The gun god nodded said: "Come with me. Those people have been in for more than an hour, in case we They left before they arrived. Even if you want to trouble free Divine Race, you have no chance."

After confirming the target, I took two mobile angels and rushed to the intelligence with the gun god. The cave in the middle. Since the Gun God did not have a faster flying mount, he drove a foreigner today and rode directly on the ghost and was taken to the destination by us. Of course, if there is a choice, the gun god would rather walk here, after all, ghosts are not a comfortable means of transportation. Let alone the life-threatening acceleration, just the cold and air currents at high altitude can make people collapse.

"Are you really sure it's here?" I asked unsurely looking at the dark cave in front of me. It's not that I doubt the intelligence network of the Holy Spear League in the United States. It's just that the hole in front of me doesn't look like a person can get into it. Is this his grandfather clearly a rabbit nest?

"It should be right here!" Gun God's tone is obviously also extremely uncertain. He had only received information from his subordinates before. It was the first time he had seen this hole, so he was not sure why the hole was so small that he could only let the rabbit go through it.

"Would you like to call the person who sent the information to ask?" Seeing the gunman, he was not sure, so I could only suggest that he ask someone to ask.

Nodded, the gun god, was about to agree to my suggestion. Suddenly, he saw the hole in front of him shaking for a while, and then slowly rose up. When the soil layer under the ground was lifted up to a layer of more than a foot thick, a rock with obvious artificial traces appeared under the soil layer, and as the ground continued to rise, we finally discovered that it was a stone gate .

"It seems that the answer has been found." As I said, I drew the eternity out, and at the same time signaled the ghost and the Queen of Blades to prepare for battle. The concealed entrance is designed to be concealed to prevent outsiders from discovering it. It will open if someone approaches it like an automatic door in a shopping mall. Why is it concealed? Therefore, the only reason why the gate has risen now is that the group of people are coming out. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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