Facts have proved that I really underestimated Norin’s ability to spend money, or I forgot that there is not only Norin, a technological madman, but those two Jiahas are not aware that Norin is so excited. , But the ancients said that "ginger is still hot". Although these two Jiahas are silent, they are completely at the same level as Norin when they spend money, and they seem to be still at the level of spending money. It looks slightly over.

"To make a magic puppet, you must first have a skeleton." Norin said to the magic puppet Jiaha on the console: "The magic puppet father, don't you have a sealed alloy formula? Take it out and use it. Use it?"

The magic puppet Jiaha thought for a while and said: "Okay. Here is the recipe, hurry up and smelt it. Let's make a super skeleton. Oh, by the way, remember to make a little more, for a while. The shell may still be used."

Norraine said with a smile when she heard the magic puppet Jiaha: "Did you forget the magic puppet father? This is the most advanced experimental base in the world. The alloy this thing can be synthesized instantly as long as there is a formula." As she said, she pulled down a metal syringe-like thing above her head, and said: "I have entered the formula just now, and it is almost ready to use now. , What parts do we need, first get the blueprint out, I will use the induction force field to cool and shape."

"Okay, you wait."

While they are there Designing the structure, I rushed to the metal fusion device and turned over the alloy formula. I didn't know the result, and I almost fainted. "Damn, Noreen... How can you use colorful magic crystal powder as a metal fusion agent? This colorful magic crystal is only 30 yuan in total in our guild, okay? You use three yuan, let's do it One-tenth of the amount is gone. How expensive is your alloy?"

Norraine said as it should be by rights: Performance? Using colorful magic crystal as a fusion agent can make metal parts have the ability to automatically gather magic, and because the powdered magic crystal has a larger contact area with the surrounding environment, the energy gathering speed will also increase significantly. Another point is you Maybe you don’t know. The unique Fusion Attribute of the colorful magic crystal can condense the mixed alloy into a structure with energy strike ability, so that even if it is against a pure Soul Body in the future, this magic puppet can hit the opponent with its own body. Isn’t this great?"

"But the cost..."

"Alright, okay, just a few pieces of magic crystal, I feel sorry for you. If you know us I added soul gold and Phoenix tears to the alloy. Why don’t you cry to death?"

"What? You added my Phoenix tears to the alloy?"

"Aiya, this Don’t you hope that the new alloy has the ability to automatically regenerate? Don’t feel bad about those dead objects. Anyway, the objects will not be effective if they are placed there. Items are only valuable when they are used. We are here to help you play the value of materials. "

"My heart!"

Norraine looked at me, who was lying next to the instrument holding her chest, and turned around and said to the others in an indifferent manner: "Okay. Okay, don’t worry about the miser, let’s go on. By the way, where did you just talk about it?” Jiaha next to me reminded: “Speaking of which I’m talking about using gold cores or crystal souls as energy amplifiers "

"Golden core? Crystal soul?" Upon hearing these two names, I spit out blood and fainted completely. What the hell is making a magic puppet? This is a prodigal! Gold core and crystal soul, are they things that can be used casually? Some people may not know just about the golden core, but many people know the raw material of the golden core, because the name of that kind of thing is called fine gold, which is the kind of super magic that is also called the metal with mithril. Metal. However, the difference between fine gold and gold core is the same as the difference between iron ore and steel. Fine gold is precious enough, but gold cores are made from fine gold, and only one gram of gold core can be extracted from each ton of fine gold. We must know that the fine gold in the market is usually traded in grams. How expensive is this gold core?

In addition to the gold core, there is the crystal soul. This thing doesn't need to be refined, but it is worse than the gold core. Although gold cores are outrageously expensive, there is still a way to produce them. As long as they are willing to spend money, it is not difficult to get them. However, this crystal is completely a non-renewable resource, and it only randomly appears in magic crystal mines, and the output is horribly low. Our guild currently occupies so many spar mines, and has just collected more than a dozen grams of crystal soul, and most of it has been used up, and the remaining is less than three grams. What didn't expect was that Noreen actually fell in love with this stuff.

I finally recovered from the dizziness caused by vomiting blood. Before I got up, I listened to Noreen said: "Let’s use Crystal Soul. This thing has a higher magnification, but it’s a pity that it’s less weight. It’s a little bit, why don’t we do a Level 2 amplification, first use the gold core to do Level 1 amplification, and then use Crystal Soul to do Level 2 amplification, so that there is no question. wa ha ha ha...I’m really a genius!"

"pu..." I was knocked down by Norin again when I just got up. I thought that she would only have to harm one kind of rare material, but didn't expect to keep one of the two.

When I woke up again, holding on to the wall and finally got up, I don’t know when a mechanical skeleton of pure metal was placed on the console, and the body of this mechanical skeleton A lot of small things have been installed, and now Norin and Jiaha are holding the precision operating handle to connect the interface between the two small devices, and Jiaha, the magic puppet, is with his group of disciplines next to him. Busy carving a strange magic array disk on a table in.

"Huh? Purple Moon, are you awake?" The magic puppet Jiaha, who had just completed a formation node, suddenly discovered that I had stood up.

I nodded and asked casually: "What are you doing?"

The magic puppet Jiaha quickly replied: "Oh, this? This is a space-time distortion magic array. "

"Time and space distortion? Does this magic puppet have the ability to transmit time?"

"no no no, although the principle is the same, the design direction is completely different." Ha hastily explained: "This is not for transmission, but by forcibly twisting the time connection so that two different time periods of matter overlap, so as to exceed the upper limit of space energy support and create internal gravity holes."

"Black hole?"

"Huh? President, do you know a lot? Yes, it is a black hole."

I was surprised to point to the magic array. : "This thing is used to create black holes? What do you do to create black holes?"



< p>"hey hey hey, don’t faint!" Jiaha, the demon puppet, quickly helped me and explained: “Norraine said, if such an expensive demon puppet is captured by the enemy, you will definitely go crazy, so she let We designed a super self-termination program to prevent this magic doll from being destroyed at any time. However, because the material used for this magic doll is too luxurious, its parts are really too strong. It is simply destroyed by explosion. No this thing. So we designed such a black hole-like generating device. If it fails, we will start an artificial black hole to involve all matter and dissociate it into primordial energy, so that the enemy can't catch anything."

"Then how big is the coverage of this thing?"

The magic puppet Jiaha picked up a blueprint and looked at it slightly: "The specific formidable power is uncertain, but theoretically it should be able to produce A three-dimensional spherical structure with a radius of fifty to one hundred kilometers, everything within this range should be instantly annihilated. Moreover, because this thing opened a black hole rather than a real black hole, it will not be resolved into the final. Energy is absorbed, but a big explosion will occur. Calculated by the complete annihilation reaction of all the substances in a sphere with a radius of 50 kilometers, the final explosion formidable power It shouldn't be less than fifty times the radius. If it is produced If you have a sphere with a radius of one hundred kilometers..."


"Hello... President, why are you dizzy again?"

< p>"A blast with a radius of fifty times, can I not faint? A black hole swallows a radius of fifty kilometers, and a blast radius of fifty times. Have you calculated the area?"

"It's just a circle with a radius of 2,500 kilometers."

"It's just? A radius of 2,500 kilometers? You know How much area can a radius of 2,500 kilometers cover? Also, this is the theoretical lowest formidable power, what if it is the largest data? The radius of the engulfing black hole reaches 100 kilometers, which means that the final explosion formidable power will cover a radius of 5,000 kilometers, and the straight-line distance between the two ends of the explosion area will reach 10,000 kilometers. That's 10,000 kilometers! How big is the span of our country from south to north? A self-destruct range of 10,000 kilometers? Is this a magic puppet or a nuclear weapon? "

"You can't blame us for this! "The magic puppet Jiaha said: "The material of this magic puppet is too exaggerated to blame. You have also engaged in technology, you should know. All high-magic materials, once unstable conditions occur, their energy release will be much stronger than those of low-level materials. We have used too many high level magic materials on this magic puppet, which has greatly increased its overall energy level. Therefore, in case of self-destruct, this formidable power will definitely be much larger than the explosion of ordinary substances. . Not to mention anything else, just the explosion of the liquefied magic crystal vapor in the compressed container of this magic puppet, the formidable power is scary enough. "

"Wait. What do you mean by compression container? "

"This is it. "The magic puppet Jiaha took me to the side of the mobile angel that was being assembled, and then pointed to the two side-by-side capsule-shaped objects that are close to the spine a little bit below the chest of the metal skeleton. Although these two are small The thing looks a little bigger than a duck egg, but the word GY1000 marked with a dazzling red paint on it still scares me. According to the compression container specifications of our association, the label Y represents compression, and GY means high pressure. Meaning, as for the latter number, that represents the compression ratio. However, it should be noted that the ratios of ordinary compression and high-pressure compression are calculated separately. For example, Y10 and GY10 mean completely different. The former means compression. Ten times the volume of the standard compression space, if the volume of the device marked with this word is one cubic, then its actual capacity is ten cubic. The latter GY10 represents the compression again ten times the standard compression volume, that is to say , The compression ratio of this container should be 10 squared, which is one hundred times the compression ratio.

The two compression tanks installed on the mobile angel skeleton in front of me are actually GY1000, that is to say, these two The compression tank uses a compression ratio of 1,000 times 1,000, a total of one million times. Imagine how many egg whites and yolks in a million large duck eggs are poured out? Here, each tank can hold so many things. .

"You actually use a tank with such a large compression ratio to hold the liquefied magic crystal steam. Do you plan to make this mobile angel into a never-chargeable type? "

Norraine said while holding a metal part and installing it on the skeleton: "With such a large reserve pool, as long as this mobile angel does not keep driving his strongest output skills and super The protective cover should not run out of energy. "

"Wait a minute. I seem to hear the protective cover just now, right? Will we have portable shield technology? "

"Nothing. "Norraine answered very simply.

"Without that, how did you put it on the mobile angel?" Can you still install a city-level protective cover for this little mobile angel? That thing just a force field generator is not smaller than this whole mobile angel, right? "

When I finished talking, Noreen immediately looked at me with a surprised look and asked: "Huh? How did you know? We just put the city on the protective cover. "

"Damn, I now know why you guys put him in such a big compressed energy tank. By the way, how did you shrink the city-level protective shield to fit on the mobile angel without affecting its flexibility? "

"No! "Norraine said with a naive look: "We didn't shrink the protective shield?" "

"Then you guys..." I got stuck after saying three words, because I already guessed how they did it. "You don’t use compressed space technology to use the city Is the device compressed? "

"Chairman, you are so smart, have you guessed this?" "

"I..." I wanted to give them a lot, but after thinking about it, I endured it. There is no point in arguing with these technical lunatics. Anyway, the super alloy is used up. The special materials of ”are already invaluable, and I don’t care if you spend that much more. However, it is estimated that at this rate, the final cost of this mobile angel might exceed the cost of a large city. No matter if this thing is built in the future After that, I’ve decided to produce this one. Unless we have any major technical breakthroughs after the guild, I won’t be killed by another one. This is not making weapons at all! This is I’m burning money to play!

Anyway, I’ve decided not to care about how much they spend. I don’t want to interfere with their design anymore, but occasionally I still have to put forward some of my own ideas. Of course. Well, my idea is not to make this mobile angel more luxurious, but to make it a little cheaper. The best weapon is the most cost-effective weapon, not the purest weapon. If a submachine gun costs as much as One billion, a single-shot rifle only costs 1,000. Any country will consider letting its soldiers be equipped with single-shot rifles instead of equipping a squad of infantry with submachine guns. That is a waste of money.

Yes Thanks to my participation, the price of this super mobile angel has finally been controlled to a certain extent, but because Noreen and Jiaha are lunatics, even though I tried my best to control the cost, the final result was still a Monster-level mobile angel.

"Is that done? "After seven hours of assembling work, a mobile angel that looks like a human figure with a skin-skinned is completed, but the current shape is really ugly.

< p>Sumi said while wiping her hands with a piece of cloth: "The main body is basically complete, but the soul interface is installed, then the artificial soul is imported, and finally the outer armor is installed for sealing treatment. "

"What kind of soul do you plan to use?" "

"You just caught two Divine Immortal, didn't you?" Just use the guy with unknown origins and make him a mobile angel, you don't have to worry about Celestial Court making trouble for you. "

"Then as soon as possible, it is not a good thing that the soul of that guy stays in our guild. "

"Wait a minute. "Norraine turned around and took a black suitcase from the table behind and threw it over. I caught it easily, but almost didn't get knocked over by the thing.

"I rely on , What is this so heavy? "

"The soul cage. "Norraine said that the black tube came over again, and then inserted one end into the machine in my hand, and the other end was inserted into a connecting device in the heart of the mobile angel. "Okay." , Turn on the switch. "

"This? "I pointed to the red button on that thing and asked.

"That's it. "

I nodded quickly pressed the switch, and then I saw the mobile angels lying quietly on the test bench as if they were suddenly electrocuted and their bodies slammed upwards, those tied to the waist of the mobile angels The thumb-wide steel strips on the upper and wrists are all broken instantly like noodles, and they have no fixed effect at all.

"Hey, is it okay? "I pointed to the mobile angel who was twisting left and right on the test bench like a cramp and asked.

Norraine replied calmly: "Don’t worry, this is a normal situation for soul transfer. After all, A person's soul is pulled out and stuffed into another body is almost like death once, if there is no pain at all, then it is impossible. Besides, this kind of pain is also a good thing. It can increase the strength of the soul and make it stronger, and it can also completely collapse the thinking and memory part of the soul by the way, so that the resurrected mobile angel will become a blank soul. Bring the memory information from the previous soul. You don’t want to create a mobile angel in the future and suddenly tell you that he is so-and-so, right? "

"That said. Okay, can you start it now? After spending so much money, I have to let me see if my money is worth it, right? "(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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