"Then arrange it like this. But I think there is another person who can know about this."


"Matsumoto Zhenghe."

I was taken aback when I heard this name, and then I reacted. Yes. As the agent of our guild in Japan, Masaga Matsumoto must regularly intersect with the influence of the Celestial Court in China, so this knowledge is very important to him. In addition, Matsumoto's identity is different from ours. Although he is actually our person, the problem is that others don’t know this, so we can’t expose the fact that we know the weakness of immortal strength, but Matsumoto’s Can. Even if Celestial Court wanted to disadvantage Matsumoto Masaka because of this, it would not be a loss for us.

Once Celestial Court itself is a Divine Race force, as long as Matsumoto Masaka does not rush to the Chinese territory with people, then Celestial Court basically has no chance to provoke disputes. In addition, even if Celestial Court really sends people to trouble Matsumoto Masaka, then we are not afraid. Let’s not mention that Japan also has its own Divine Race system. It is impossible to let Celestial Court act wilfully there. Even if Japan’s Primordial Spirit clan is not as strong as Celestial Court and dare not come forward to stop it, we still don’t worry, because of the Japanese power. It's not that they are all from Masaga Matsumoto. We use Matsumoto Masaga as an agent to control Japan, which does not mean that all of Japan is our power. As long as the Celestial Court's attack on Japan is not severe enough to make Japan unable to wage war on foreign countries, it is all for us. Not a loss.

"Yes. Matsumoto Masaka can indeed know about this." I thought about it and said again: "Even the high level players in the guild around Matsumoto Masaka can know this. It’s something, but I can’t tell them the whole thing, just let them get a preliminary understanding of how to use this skill."

"This is still your own arrangement, we will not intervene." Wei Na said Then he said: "In fact, this piece of information from Celestial Court is more than just the weakness of immortal strength. There are also many analysis and research reports on various divine forces. I think if these things are given to us If the research department of the guild conducts research, it is very possible to develop the ability to evolve the magic of ordinary person into divine force."

"Is that OK?"

"divine force itself is A kind of magic power is only slightly different in nature, and whether it is immortal strength, magic power, magic power, or thought power, it can eventually be transformed into divine force. Isn't there a saying like Myriad Laws Return To One in many Divine Races? So it’s not impossible to say that the magic power of an ordinary person wants to evolve into a divine force."

"There is some truth to this, so you should quickly assist with this information. I sent it to the research department to study them."

"The stuff is ready, but don’t go away." Vina handed me a crystal ball and pulled me back. When I came back, I touched two crystal pillars from my body and put them in my hands.

"What's this?"


"Skills? What kind of skills?"

Spark sees me After the reaction, he helped explain: "The sources of divine force we absorbed before also revealed a lot of skills. In addition to our Divine Race, there are some that are suitable for ordinary persons. You can get the library and convert it into The skill book in the library, and then the players in the meeting can learn it."

"Good, give me something. Are you sure there is nothing else?"

"For the time being It’s gone.” Vina said, “This time I absorbed too much divine force source in one breath. There were piles and piles of mess in it. I have just turned one-eighth of it now. I don’t know anything else, so let’s wait until I study it clearly."

"Then I will go first."

After leaving the temple area with a bunch of crystals, I So I ran to the Isengard Library, found the entry area of ​​the library, and inserted the two crystal pillars directly into the huge crystal reader, and then activated the chairman's authority to select the input skills. When I finished the operation, the books in the corresponding positions in the entire library suddenly moved collectively. A brand new skill book was sent up from the automatic conveyor belt behind the bookshelf, and then automatically sent to the corresponding bookshelf position and bounced out.

The player who was looking for a skill book in the library turned over and found that the skill book in front of him was actually moving. Many players who had seen this situation before immediately went to the skill catalog to take it away. Looking through the newly added new skills.

Looking at the excited members in the library, I just smiled slightly and left the library. After finishing the skill book, the next step is to deal with the knowledge of divine force in your hands. Bring the crystal ball that Vina gave me to the new continent floating island again, find the Institute of Magic Principles, and then give the crystal ball to them. After learning that this research will not yield results in a short period of time, I first left the Institute of Magic Principles and ran to Norin and their Magic Puppet Technology Institute.

I happily ran to the Magic Puppet Technology Research Institute, and as soon as I opened the door of the research room, I saw an object flying towards me in front of me, so I quickly bowed my head, and the object swished away from it. I flew over my head, and after hitting a wall, I rushed out of the institute and flew outside in the sky. Through the big hole in the wall, I could clearly see that the thing rushed down and flew back after spinning around in the air for a few times. Seeing this thing came back, I quickly flashed to the side and let the big hole open. However, the thing didn’t go through the big hole. It slammed a big hole in the window above our head and then smashed through the floor and the ceiling above our head and rushed back to the laboratory, finally accompanied by a patter. oh la la’s metal crash after turning over countless instruments and finally plunged into a pile of scrap parts, and then saw a burst of sparks flashing in the pile of parts, accompanied by a pungent burnt smell and sudden jump The flame that started, the thing finally stopped.

"Ah, it’s on fire. Let’s put out the fire." Only then did I see Noreen running back and forth in the laboratory with a tool belt that looked like a cowboy holster. NS.

Kicked down the door that was only half of it, walked to the pile of parts in two steps, and then pressed it up with one hand, a cloud of white mist drifted over, and the whole pile of parts were hung. After a layer of hoarfrost, the pungent smell and flames naturally disappeared instantly.

"What the hell are you doing?" After extinguishing the flame, I turned around angrily and questioned Norin, who made myself the same as the little cat. This girl was quite quiet before, and recently I don’t know if it’s because of the arrival of the magic puppet Jiaha that her mood has improved a lot, and she always feels that her character is becoming more and more lively.

Not only did Noreen, who I trained, didn't have the slightest awareness of being criticized, she actually eagerly pulled me to dig out the trash and dig out the troublesome thing. "Purple Moon, come and see it. This is the latest thing we made. How about it? It's amazing, right?"

"What the hell is this, let me say it is amazing or not? To be honest, If this thing is converted into a missile, it is really amazing."

When I said this, Noreen remembered not explaining to me what it was. When she reacted, she quickly asked someone to carry the thing back to the test bench, and then she took me to explain: "This is based on the compression deflagration jet engine currently used by the mobile angels of our guild, plus the magic puppet father. The vectorized energy-concentrating technology, and the magic array pulse technology newly developed by father, combine these three technologies to produce the latest vector jet propulsion.” After talking about this pile of technologies, Norin showed up. The deputy's expression of "praise me quickly" looked at me so bluntly, and I didn't know how to answer her.

"Then what...First of all, let me figure out who the father and father are?"

"Aiya, Purple Moon, you are so stupid! Father is the magic puppet Jiaha. Is the original Jiaha the father. The magic puppet Jiaha is naturally the magic puppet father."

"Oh." I nodded and said, "I understand this. , However, you suddenly introduced me to such a large number of technologies. Although I can guess the meaning of them, you should tell me how the performance of this device is? For example, what performance has been improved or reached Do you always know this if you have a certain ability? Or if you just tell me what technology is used, how do I know the ability of this thing?"

I’m so excited. Didn’t you pay attention for a while. Okay, I’ll tell you now. Do you know the kind of engine used in the previous maneuvering days?"

I nodded and asked: "Which one do you say? There are several models of the mobile angel’s propellers, right?"

"There are several models, but in the final analysis, there are only two types and three models." Noreen said: "Land-type mobile The pulse jet engine used by Angel is one type, and all other jet thrusters belong to one type. Among them, the water type is added with a sealing ring and a water-oxygen separation device, and the super type is increased in size, and the other is downgraded. There is also a special type that is made of special materials and is equipped with a magic array. But that type is only installed on the mobile angel for Divine Race. You only need to remember the standard jet engine for now."

"Oh, understand, I know the performance of this model. This model is the most produced in our guild."

"Just understand." Norin said: " I just told you that there are two types of engines used by the mobile angels of our guild. Among them, the pulse jet engine used by the land-based mobile angels has a lower output and is only equipped with a non-flying land-based engine. In terms of technical content, this engine is actually the most high-end. Air combat mobile angels and even Divine Race mobile angels are equipped with relatively low-tech afterburning engines. The reason why we did not choose more advanced pulses The engine, firstly, because the pulse engine technology was not mature at the time, and could only support short-term jet propulsion. Secondly, it was also because the low yield brought by high technical requirements forced us to abandon high-end products. The third is high-end products. Technology is not equal to high performance.

The pulse engine used by the land-based mobile angel is a new product with broad prospects and great development potential. We use it as if primordial people use fire like , I just scratched the surface. As for the engine that is widely used by us, although the technical principle is relatively backward, it is after all an already developed engine. To a fairly high level of mature products, both the current performance and safety are far better than the pulse engine. Can you understand what I said? "

I nodded and said: "Understood. The pulse engine is a child who has not grown up yet and will have boundless prospects in the future. The engine we are using is a middle age person who is over 40 years old. Although he has a low education and a clumsy head, he has rich experience and is still a pulse-stabilized engine. am I right? "

"That's right. However, those are the engines of the past. The one you see now is our latest research result-a pulsed crystal vibration vector jet engine. "

"What about performance? "

"Performance completely integrates the advantages of the previous two engines. The effective thrust of the same volume is eight times that of the standard jet engine, and only a small increase in volume can more than double the power output. In addition, this kind of engine is more than ten times more than the original model in terms of instantaneous output. It can change direction and fly instantly. Once installed on the mobile angel, it can greatly improve the maneuverability of the mobile angel. "

"What about energy consumption?" "

"The energy is liquefied magic crystal steam, which is more than twice as efficient as before, which means that less than half of the previous energy is enough to fly the same distance. "

"How safe is this thing?" Isn't it completely defect-free? What happened to that just now? "I pointed to the big hole on the top of the room and asked.

Norraine explained immediately: "Safety is absolutely no problem. It was not the engine problem just now, but we underestimated the engine thrust. As a result, the fixing frame was broken during the test drive, and then the engine flew out by itself. As for the defects...nor can it be said that there are no defects. The only drawback of this new engine is that it is limited by technical principles and cannot be reduced in size. What you are seeing now is the product that we have reduced the size as much as possible, and it is not something that can be achieved simply by improving the processing accuracy. . Therefore, this engine may not be suitable for installation on, for example, a high-mobility mobile angel. "

"It sounds like the performance is really good, but how about the difficulty of production? The production value of things that are too complicated will drop drastically. I don't want to simply show off the technology of our guild. "

"This is something that can't be helped. If the technology level is high, the production difficulty will naturally increase. However, I think the cost-efficiency ratio of this engine is still very high, and it is much more cost-effective than the previous model, so even if the production difficulty increases, it is acceptable. In addition, I just said that our engine cannot be further reduced in size due to technical problems, right? "

I nodded and said: "What's wrong?" Any questions? "

Norraine took out a blueprint and handed it to me: "Actually, I didn't make it clear just now. It is indeed impossible to reduce the size, but if you want to install more than one in a limited space Engines, or to equip small devices with such engines is not entirely impossible, but the cost will be prohibitively high. So I think this design is not suitable for mass production, it can only be installed on some special models as high-end products. "

While listening to Noreen’s explanation, I flipped through the data in my hand, and found that the engine has not changed at all. The only difference is that this engine designed for special equipment has actually been compressed. Space installation. "Damn, you actually stuffed a large engine into the compressed space. This cost..."

"Of course I know that the cost of the space compression device is very high, so I said before that this is a special device specially designed for special equipment, impossible batch equipment. I think it's almost enough to equip those mobile angels for Divine Race. "

"No, even only equipped with mobile angels for Divine Race. Our guild has more than one hundred mobile angels for Divine Race. If they are all equipped, it will be too scary. I think we should make ten to twenty completely independent super mobile angels separately, install all the technical achievements of the guild, and assemble the strongest mobile angels of the guild at any cost. "

"Is that so?" "Norraine thought for a moment and said: "If we don't care about the cost, then we can assemble a prototype now." Do you want to see? "

"Of course. "

Under Norin’s leadership, we left the laboratory directly and arrived at the experimental assembly workshop behind the experimental area. This is actually a miniaturized production factory, the difference is here It is a place dedicated to laboratories. The production accuracy is much higher than that of the mass production base, but the output is much lower.

As soon as we entered the room, Noreen informed the Chief-In-Charge here that we would assemble A super machine, let him bring some of the high level equipment and various cutting-edge parts of the guild. In addition, as the master of magic puppet technology, the two Jiahas and their disciplines cannot be missed. They will all come. Participate in the assembling design.

"Well, everyone pays attention, this time we will assemble the strongest body that can be assembled with the technology we currently have at the request of the president. So... in terms of cost You can ignore it completely. As long as the last machine can run, it doesn't matter how much it costs. "

"Hey..." I instinctively felt worse when I heard Noreen's words. Although I said that I could spend money at any cost, I didn't say that I could spend money without any restrictions. I don't hesitate to spend money at all. It means to build one with the money of ten magic puppets, but I now have a hunch that Noreen would spend a hundred magic puppets for me to build half a puppet. "Hey, hey... I just got Aiya... "

As soon as I wanted to correct the mistake, I was pushed aside by Norin. Norin herself was on the edge of the experiment platform and said excitedly: "Now we are starting to assemble, and the irrelevant personnel move aside. Stand and don't get in the way. "

"Damn, what is an unrelated person?" I paid the money you made for the magic puppet, okay? Forget it, just do it if you want. Just be careful not to exaggerate! "Although I want to make it clear to Noreen, since she has said so, I am really sorry to intervene again. At worst, I changed the production plan of the 20 units to two or one, so that even this magic puppet No matter how scary the cost is, I should be able to live it. It should be like this? (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is My biggest motivation.)

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