Hearing what I said, Mira next to her turned her head again and looked towards me in surprise. "What's the matter?"

"That guy...!"


"Not dead yet."

"What?" Mira looked at me in surprise for a while, then suddenly returned to a human form from her body state, and then rushed into the cave over there with her two swords.

Although I know that the guy over there is not easy to deal with, Mira is not easy to deal with, so I did not rush over, but focused on the Turtle Prime Minster and On that super fat dog.

I took a pose, turned my wrists, and the claws of both hands popped out instantly, but before I could rush into the battle group, I was first pushed aside by the huge force coming from behind.

"Where is it? Where is the super creature?" Noreen rushed in as excitedly as a child eager to watch the excitement. The poor thing is that I, the unlucky person who got in the way, was directly caught by her. It was pushed out.

"Huh? Is that creature so powerful? You can't even beat you?" The magic puppet Jiaha who came in behind Noreen asked in surprise when he saw me on the ground next to me. come out. When he was caught by me before, he had fully experienced my strength. Of course, it was precisely because he knew my battle strength that he was so surprised to see me lying on the ground so embarrassed. After all, it would be more powerful to beat someone as strong as me like this. It's no wonder that Golem Jiaha would be surprised to meet such creatures in such a small place.

"Norraine, what's the matter with you?" I asked angrily as I stood up from the ground while supporting the wall.

"Huh? President Purple Moon, are you here?" Noreen asked with a surprised look as if she had never seen me before. I really don’t know that the innocent look in her eyes made her How to answer her.

"Forget it!" I shook the head helplessly, and then said to her: "Which monster do you have a fancy? Let me talk about it first, one of them has been killed."

Norraine heard that she had been killed, and she quickly turned her head and looked towards there. She really saw the bunny bear on the ground that was cut into two pieces, but she just took a look and paid attention. Li moved away because she found something more interesting to her.

"That, that, I want that." Noreen pointed at the big fat dog over there and shouted: "Hurry up and grab it for me. I want that dog."

I turned my head and glanced at the giant dog over there, and then asked: "Where is the Turtle Prime Minster next to it?"

"No, I want the giant dog."

I nodded and said: "Okay, since you want me to get it for you. But do you want to live or die?"

"Living alive, dead is not fun Now." Noreen said excitedly.

"What? Isn't it fun?" I looked at Noreen in surprise and asked: "Do you want to catch experimental materials or do you want pets?"

I heard what I said. Norin immediately turned her head and looked towards me, then her eyes flashed with glittering starlight and said: "I just like it! Don't you give it to me if you don't do the experiment?"

"Okay, I'm scared You're here. Can I catch it for you?" No way, Noreen's invincible star eyes are almost catching up with Princess's enchanting eyes. How did Jiaha come here? Is this something like a constructive creature!

I feel helpless, but I still have to catch it. However, if you want to catch that big fat dog, you must first kill the Turtle Prime Minster next to it. The auxiliary spell of that Turtle Prime Minster is really annoying, and this guy also has a disgusting group attack skill. If you don't get rid of it first, it will be more troublesome to catch the big fat dog alive.

"Lucky, plague, go and stop the dog." I quickly summoned out two dragons to interfere with the dog's fight, and then I myself quickly summoned out Ling and Xiaochun, and then rushed towards I got that Turtle Prime Minster.

Seeing me rushing over, Turtle Prime Minster immediately shot a gray black ray towards me, and I knew it was some kind of weakening auxiliary spell. However, its spell just hit me, and a white light hit me at the same time. With Xiaochun standing by, don't think any spells like curses can take effect. Although the spell of Turtle Prime Minster hit me, it was neutralized by Xiaochun before it took effect.

At the same time that Xiaochun organized the weakened spell, Ling also shot it, and it was a big move from the start. Seeing her pointing forward with one hand, a ball of black light was launched from the tip of her finger, and then it instantly hit the Turtle Prime Minster's head. It's just that the Turtle Prime Minster that was hit did not show any signs of injury, and it froze for a while. However, it just recovered from its surprise and discovered the problem. Because when it wanted to use spell to fight back, it was surprised to find that its spell could not be released.

What Ling used just now is not a low-level spell, but the strongest skill for a mage-forbidden magic. As long as it is hit by this spell, the target creature will be completely unable to use any spell for a certain period of time, or even feel the magic. As for this effective time, it depends on the strength between the target creature and the creature using the skill.

Needless to say, Ling's strength is also Goddess. As for Turtle Prime Minster... Even the original version is just a counselor of the Dragon King, and Ling's strength is not only as simple as the million miles apart. The Turtle Prime Minster, who was hit by the Forbidden Demon by Ling, can't use any magic for at least a few days, and an auxiliary unit that can't put any spells, what else can it do?

Finding that his spell failed, Turtle Prime Minster immediately turned around and wanted to run, but the players in our guild quickly blocked his way, and one of them even hit him directly. However, just when the knife was about to hit the Turtle Prime Minster's head, the Turtle Prime Minster performed the tortoise's life-saving stunt-head reduction.

The shell of the tortoise is notoriously hard in nature. Since the Turtle Prime Minster is an evolutionary tortoise, the defensive power of the tortoise shell will naturally only be stronger. The Turtle Prime Minster suddenly shrank his head so that the player's knife slashed on its turtle shell, making a sound of metal crash, and splashing a fire star.

Finding that a knife was not cut, the player was not stupid, so he flipped the knife and turned it into the tip of the knife facing down, and pierced the hole that was indented to the head of Turtle Prime Minster. Although the tortoise can shrink its head, it cannot completely close its shell. According to the general idea, this blade will definitely kill the Turtle Prime Minster. Unfortunately, although the attributes of Turtle Prime Minster are close to the tortoise, this guy is an enhanced version of the tortoise after all. Now that it has been upgraded to version 2.0, it will naturally have some new features.

When. There was no blood splashing as expected, and this blade still made a sound like hitting metal. The turtle shell of the Turtle Prime Minster actually has something similar to a protective cover at this position of the head. When the Turtle Prime Minster retracts its head, the protective cover can just protect the hole above its head, so It won’t be over when it meets a sharp-mouthed creature like a real tortoise.

"Very good ability." Seeing that the player actually failed to break through the defense of the Turtle Prime Minster, Noreen suddenly came up with such a sentence, which had already rushed to the Turtle Prime Minster. As I was preparing to make up the knife, I also forcibly stopped the fatal attack that was originally planned.

Kick the Turtle Prime Minster to the ground with one foot, then step on its stomach, I turned and looked towards Noreen and asked: "Do you want this in the end?"

" Yes, leave this one too."

I nodded, then turned around and took out Eternal Point to the Turtle Prime Minster and said: "If you are a real tortoise spirit, you should be talkative, right? If you surrender, I can spare your life."

Sure enough, when I finished speaking, the voice of Turtle Prime Minster came from its turtle shell. "Hmph, even if you can seal my magic power? My turtle shell has the realm of impervious to sword and spear, and our Turtle Clan has few other specialties, it is very longevity. If you don't mind, I I can consume it with you. Anyway, if I don’t eat or drink like this, I won’t die for tens of thousands of years. If you are patient, you can wait until I’m hungry and crawl out before you let me surrender."

"hahahaha! You know your strengths, what a pity..." I suddenly lightly tapped the eternal sword on that guy’s tortoise shell. The eternal sword with cutting rules is like cutting tofu. Got into its shell and stuck it on its body.

"Ah..." Turtle Prime Minster couldn't help crying under the pain.

Hearing its screams, I drew my sword out again, and then asked, "Do you understand now? Your tortoise shell is not much stronger than wood for me. You only need to kill you One sword will do, not even a second. Since you said that your tortoise has a long lifespan, that means you still have a long life to live. I don't think you want to end your life early, right?"

"Fine, don't pierce it, won't I surrender?" After knowing that its shell could not stop my sword, the old slicker was just enough to surrender directly. But think about the character of tortoises, this is in line with their habits.

Without the magic assistance of Turtle Prime Minster and the large-scale magic control, the big fat dog next to it was immediately blocked by our people on the wall, and I smiled and walked to the one The big fat dog said in front of him: "Since Turtle Prime Minster understands human language, you should not understand anything with stronger battle strength? Now give you a chance to surrender like the Turtle Prime Minster over there. Let you go, otherwise..."

"Ah Wang..." To my surprise, the big dog didn't answer my request after hearing what I said, but instead directed me to A milky dog ​​barked, and then rushed over without any milk.

"Fuck me!" didn't expect that big fat dog suddenly jumped over. In a hurry, I directly put the Eternal Sword in front of me with my hands against the sword and blocked it. With just a sound, the big fat dog and I bounced back, but I slid back more than ten meters, and the big fat dog bounced back against the wall and hit the wall. .

Just now, obviously we two should be about the same in strength. The only difference is that the guy is much heavier than me, so in the case of equal strength, I still suffer from meet force with force.

"Asshole, you are not happy if you are not beaten, are you?" As I said, I waved the Eternal Sword to the ground, and oh la la, the Eternal Sword was scattered in the air and turned into a two-foot Long metal soft whip. "Get out of my way." After shouting back from the guild players who surrounded the big fat dog, I danced the whip on top of my head, and then slammed it forward.

Slap. The big fat dog flicked to the side at the moment of its whip and body. The whip slammed on the wall behind it and made a crisp sound like a firecracker. Accompanied by the sound, the rock on the wall burst instantly. , Crushed stones and stone powder splashed all around.

The big fat dog was shocked when he saw the formidable power of the whip. It didn’t expect the formidable power of this thing to be so big, but before he had waited for his spirit slowly recovers, he was whistling for a while. The sound of the whip came over again. Although it reacted immediately, it was still half a beat slow, and the whip was firmly drawn on its waist the moment it started. A dull sound like punching a sandbag was accompanied by a scream that the dog was being hurt. The blood was forcibly shaved off by the whip along with a white-haired skin, which was on the side of the big fat dog that was hurting. Howling miserably hid in the corner with his tail sandwiched between them.

Seeing the big fat dog knowing that I was afraid, I immediately retracted the whip, the whistling whip brought a burst of wind in the air, the big fat dog quickly clamped its tail tighter NS.

"Last chance, surrender...or be killed by me. You choose it yourself."

"wu wu...!" The big white dog whimpered for a while , And then shrank himself to the corner of the wall into a ball, and the body was still trembling constantly, you can see that its trembling was not only because of fear, but also because of pain.

Don't underestimate the whip. This thing might not kill people as directly as knives and swords, but to say which is more painful, the whip is definitely much more powerful than those things. The human body feels pain because the nerves transmit pain signals to the brain, so it hurts. However, the sword will directly cut the nerves in the wound. The pain you actually feel is not the pain from the directly injured wound, but the signal transmitted by the nerves near the wound. Therefore, the most painful part of you is actually fundamental. Can't feel it. But the whip is different. It will not cause a devastating blow to the nervous system, and the whip is wider than a sword. It will damage a large area of ​​muscle and epidermal tissue at the same time. This will cause the pain area to be much larger and the natural pain will be greater. . Therefore, the whip has always been a necessary existence in torture equipment in penalties from ancient times to the present.

"Do you know you are afraid?" Seeing the big fat dog cowering, I lowered the whip to the ground and said slowly, "If you know you are afraid, come here."< /p>

The big fat dog glanced at me timidly, then looked at the whip in my hand, and finally moved towards me tremblingly.

Seeing that it was really obedient, I raised my hand, and the big fat dog that was scared immediately shrank again. But the imaginary pain did not happen. After being shaken by me, the Eternal Whip quickly shrank back, and finally retracted into the grip of my hand with a click, and finally even the grip retracted into my hand. The inside turned into a ball and I put it on the back of my left hand.

"Come, come here, come here." Put away Eternal and beckoned to the big fat dog again.

Maybe because the whip is gone, the other party's courage is a lot bigger, but that guy is not stupid, knowing that if he resists, he might get the whip again at any time, so he walked up to me obediently .

"Sit down." I commanded like training a puppy.

Sure enough, the big fat dog squatted down obediently, and he looked very well-behaved. Seeing his cooperation, I looked towards Xiaochun next to him and gestured. Xiaochun threw a healing technique in his hand, and the wound from the whip healed instantly, except for the wound and itching, as if the wound had never appeared before.

"Do you understand now? You will not hurt if you are obedient, and you will get a whip if you are not obedient." After I finished speaking, I extended the hand and said: "Come here and lower your head."

< p>The big fat dog immediately lowered his head to the palm of my hand when he heard my command, and at the same time, my hand flashed white light, the big dog immediately sent out a burst of white light and shrank into a crystal. The white pet egg fell to the ground.

"Next." After picking up the white pet egg on the ground and throwing it to Norin, I took the pets along with the surrounding players, NPCs and mobile angels to the one that Mira beat through. In the hole.

The cave connected to the other side of this big cave is much larger than the one we just fought. After Xiaochun activated the wide-area illuminating technique, we still couldn’t even see the other side of the cave extending to the end. Wherever it goes, it can be seen that the size of this hole is terrifying. However, although this hole is large, it is not suitable for building a secret laboratory. Maybe it was a good place to build a secret laboratory before we came in, but now it is definitely not suitable for any building, because the hole is obviously about to collapse.

Boom. While we were still observing the entire cave, Mira flew directly from the right side of the cave to the wall on the left in her body state, and then smashed out a large dragon-shaped pit. However, before the dust that was smashed into the air fell to the ground, a bucket-thick red beam shot out of the dust and instantly blasted the black silhouette back, and then Mira rushed out of the dust and The black silhouette who got up again fought into a ball.

Seeing the big hole that was just smashed out by these two guys and the cracks on the nearby wall, we already understand the future end of this hole. It is estimated that they will have to collapse before they can end the battle hole.

"President, you can't let them hit like this anymore. The hole will collapse!" A player standing next to me reminded with some worry.

Probably to prove that he was right. Even though his voice didn't fade away, there was a cracking sound from the cave over there, and a large part of the cave roof in the distance collapsed. The dragon-shaped monster on the opposite side of Mira, who was entangled together, quickly let go of the opponent and turned and ran towards us. Of course, they didn't forget to shame each other a few times along the way. I hope that the opponent will run slowly and be killed. It's a pity that both sides are guarding each other, so this act of playing black hands with each other has not affected the other side, and eventually both sides ran out.

"Go back first, I can't stay here." Seeing the collapsed cave roof cracks gradually extending towards our side, I quickly led everyone back to the previous cave, and Mira And that monster also rushed out together. Almost as soon as they ran out, the cave over there collapsed. In the forest above the cave, a large area of ​​the mountain suddenly sank down and turned into a big pit. At the same time, the cave below us was completely filled with smoke and dust.

"Ah! Who sneak attacked me?" Just as our side was covered in smoke, a player next to me called out. I didn't need to think about it and knew that it was the good thing that monster did. But now there is dust everywhere, I simply can't see anything. My ability is dark vision, not see-through eyes, and the blocking effect of smoke and dust is equally effective for me.

"That guy is going to run!" I was not the only one who found the problem, and the player next to the call also reacted.

Since the eyes can’t see, just don’t use them. I waved to the front directly: "Yeyue, help."

Dang. As soon as Ye Yue appeared, she held up a long sword that suddenly struck, and followed her with the snake sword in her other hands moved towards the opposite side, and the other side quickly picked up the big sword in her hand and desperately blocked it. , For a while, only the sound of weapon impact from the surrounding ding ding dong dong was heard.

"Yeyue. What's the matter? Why is there a sound of weapon clashing? Isn't the opponent a dragon?" Mila shouted because he couldn't see it. She thought Yeyue had made a mistake in the smoke and dust, so she quickly reminded her.

I didn’t wait for Yeyue’s voice, and I explained: "Our goal is a guy who can transform. Although I don’t know what his transformation ability is, I’m sure it will transform. . The dragon shape you just saw is just a transformation of him. Now he should be transformed into a human shape, and I don’t know where he got the weapon."

Heard my explanation. Even if anyone doesn't understand it, it is now clear, but the place is now completely filled with dust, and you can't see anything at all, so although everyone is anxious, they can't do anything.

"This damn smoke, if only there was a purifier!" Xiaochun complained next to him.

"Purifier?" I was taken aback for a moment, and then I reacted. "Small dragon girl."

"Yes. Huh? Here...?"

"Just leave it alone, get us some water and get me all the dust here!"

"Understood." The small dragon girl snapped her fingers directly, and there was a sudden bang around her. All the smoke and dust floating in the air disappeared in an instant, but the result was that everyone on the scene Become a mud monkey. Seeing that everyone’s eyes were focused on themselves, the small dragon woman quickly apologized: "An unexpected accident! Sorry, sorry!" In fact, the small dragon woman just used two very simple spells — -Cloud Fog Technique and Gravity Technique. Clouds and mists are tiny water droplets suspended in the air, and what blocks our sight is actually dust floating in the air. As soon as the dust touched the water, it naturally turned into mud, and coupled with the Gravity Technique, the mud that suddenly became heavier couldn't be suspended in the air at all, so it hit the ground all at once. It's a pity that the ground is not an empty no-man's land, but there is a large group of us, so we are all unlucky enough to be poured with mud.

"Okay, don't worry about the mud for now. Go and help, first put that guy down." I pointed to the one that was being beaten by Yeyue and turned into the one next to me. The guy in the image of the player said. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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