"Purple Moon, come back soon. There is something wrong with the cave you have guarded!"

After receiving the notice from the military god, I immediately lost all the floating mountains I gave it to the Arctic Star Monarch and asked him to help me drag it to Celestial Court first, and then I left Wanshanlin and returned to Isengard.

I just came out of Isengard’s teleportation hall, and immediately saw a large group of people rushing towards the teleportation hall carrying large and small things, and the two running behind The position seems to be the magic puppet Jiaha and Norin.

"Huh? What are you going to do?"

As soon as Noreen saw me, she immediately took me and ran and said, "I just heard that the underground river found The powerful lifeform attacked our people. Our new type of mobile angel research just needs a super creature as a sample. You go with us soon."

Anyway, I came back because of this, of course now. I'm going to follow along. Moreover, since I was here, no people needed to move the equipment or anything, so I threw them all into the Fenglong space, and then sent all the tired humming assistant researchers back, and I carried the promise in one hand. Lin, holding the magic puppet Jiaha in one hand, jumped directly into the Transmission Formation and instantly reached the exit of the underground river.

"This is where the accident happened?" Noreen had never been here, so she didn't know the structure of the underground river. As soon as she got out of the Transmission Formation, she thought she was there.

When I heard Noreen’s words, I quickly explained: "No, this is just the entrance. The place where things go out is in the innermost part of the river."

"What are you waiting for? "Nuo Lin crouched directly, hearing only a sound of mechanical turning, she actually opened a small door behind her, and a pair of mechanical flying wings popped up, and then the propellers on both sides of the flying wings spurted out more than one meter long. Blue and white flames, and Norin jumped into the river like a missile, causing the construction workers along the way to jump around.

Looking at Noreen who was charging ahead, I had to look at the magic puppet Jiaha, and then Summon jumped out of Asuka. As soon as Asuka caught me, he opened the afterburner, dragging four long tail flames into the river in an instant. Seeing that I also flew in, the magic puppet Jiaha quickly ran two steps and jumped up, and before landing, he also deployed a pair of propellers behind him and rushed into the river in an instant.

The wide river channel is originally very safe for our size, but if you travel through it at a speed of 200 meters per second, it is completely different. As soon as possible, Asuka hasn’t accelerated to his extreme speed, but I still feel on Asuka’s back that the wall in front is squeezing towards us, as if it will hit us at any time. What’s more terrifying is the top of the river at the back. The stalactites hadn't been cleaned up yet, and the birds had to sway from side to side to avoid those obstacles. It made me feel like I was playing a super roller coaster. The feeling of ups and downs could just shake out the internal organs. Although I can fly myself, after all, flying with wings cannot simulate the up-and-down feeling brought by jet engines, so this flight mode is quite exciting to me.

Although the length of the underground river is not short, our speed is too amazing, so we reached the foremost position of the river in a short while. Although Asuka was the second one to rush in, but because of the four thrusters, it was much faster than Norin and the others, and when they reached this side, they had already rushed to the forefront. Seeing that the front is the end, Asuka suddenly played an oblique backflip in the narrow channel, and immediately turned his direction, and then the four combustion chambers started at the same time, and the huge reverse thrust appeared on the river water. Four big pits, and we finally ended the forward rush and stabilized as soon as we were about to touch the surface of the water. The moment the Asuka completely lost its speed and was about to start to fall, I retracted the Asuka and jumped into the water. Noreen and the magic puppet Jiaha also rushed into the water within one second after I entered the water, like a bomb that drove the river water. All up to the sky.

"Where is it?" Noreen looked around after entering the water.

"Come with me." I flapped my wings and quickly swam toward the cave, while Noreen and the golem Jiaha walked directly along the bottom of the cave. Although they can fly, it's because they have powerful propellers, and the two of them are gone in the water. After all, they are constructed creatures. They are made of metal and weigh a lot more than people. They simply float in the water, do not raise.

I quickly rushed to the entrance of the cave, and I fought to go upstream. As a result, before I reached the surface, I suddenly heard a bang from above and fell directly into the water. I quickly swam over and caught the man, then turned over and found out that it was actually an NPC guard in our guild, but now this guy is no longer breathing, although the heart is still beating, but it looks like Only half life left.

I flicked my wings twice and supported the guy directly on the water, and then shot a zip line to the top of the cave to pull myself out of the water. As soon as I landed, I summoned the injured dying man. The NPC threw it to her, and then rushed into the cave where the fighting sound was heard in three steps and two steps.

As soon as I arrived at the entrance of the cave, I saw a person in the cave flying upside down. After reaching out and catching the player from our guild, I put him aside and greeted Xiaochun and healed him. Then I threw myself into the hole.

The cave here has already been broken up. On the ground lie a large monster corpse and a few NPCs from our guild. Near the entrance of the cave, there are two injured. Players in the guild who can't get up. In the center of the cave, four players from the guild, a dozen NPCs and two high level mobile angels are teaming up against three monsters each.

The races of the three monsters are rather chaotic. The first is a long-haired monster that looks like a rabbit and a bear. It is only a few meters tall, but its strength is amazing. As soon as I came in, I have seen several attacks from players in this guild that have been forced back by it.

In addition to this monster, there is also a dog-shaped creature nearly three meters tall. However, this dog-shaped creature and my white waves are completely two types of creatures. Although Bailang looks like a canine creature, and his height is close to two meters, Bailang's body is a relatively well-proportioned type. Except for the shoulders and other parts that look muscular, the overall body is relatively slim. . But although the animal in front of me looks like a canine, it looks like a puppy just one month old. The whole body looks plump, and the white fluff is added to it. People have a feeling of wanting to go up and knead. However, although this thing looks quite cute, if you really think of it as a harmless pet, you would be very wrong. You can tell from the two fangs in this guy's mouth that this is definitely not a cute creature.

The last of the three monsters is a very funny creature. This guy is a Turtle Prime Minster, not to mention short hands and feet, but also has a big bald head that looks like a tortoise and a human. Of course, the turtle shell, which is indispensable for Turtle Prime Minster, is also indispensable.

Although these three creatures look strange, their battle strength is surprisingly high. The rabbit bear is strong as an ox, even the mobile angel can barely resist its great power. In addition, although the super dog looks fat and naive, its agility and strength are both first-class and strong. Seven or eight people on our side besieged him, and he was messed up. The last Turtle Prime Minster has no outstanding performance in battle strength, but that guy is obviously an auxiliary class creature, not to mention that he constantly brushes various states for his own and ours, and occasionally bursts out one or two large-scale magics. , And his own defensive power is also amazingly high, and our people besie it for a long time and it has no effect.

Of course, apart from the three monsters, the most troublesome scene is actually the last person. This is a-savage?

This strange guy looks very smooth skin, although the surface is dirty, but from the exposed part, it can be confirmed that his skin is very good, and although he has a yellow head like a chicken coop The hair is messy, but from his face you can see that this guy's age not to old, at least he looks quite young. However, even though he has a face that should be considered pretty good, because of the chicken nest on that end and the big yellow teeth, this guy can't look handsome at all.

In addition to the strange appearance, the attire on this guy is also very abnormal. How many long—chicken feathers are stuck in his head? Maybe it's bird feathers, but I don't recognize it anyway, it feels like some kind of bird feathers. In addition, his upper body is basically bare, with only two yellow and gray tiger leather hoops on his arms. It seems that he hasn't been washed for many years. Going down his body, there is a tiger skin skirt around this guy’s waist, which looks a bit like the tiger skin suit Sun Wukong went out to play with. Of course, this guy is not as clean as a monkey. This skirt is also It was as dirty as the apron on the arm, as if it hadn't been washed for more than ten years. Going down the skirt, there is only a string of bells left. This guy has a red rope around his left ankle, and there are five or six small bells hanging on the rope. Apart from this, there is nothing on his feet.

With this guy's outfit, it's absolutely impossible to say that he is a savage. If you are a normal person, even if you have to wear animal skins and live devour raw meat and fowl due to conditions, you can still maintain a minimum of sanitation, and this guy has never been in a place so close to the water source of Juli. Knowing that he needs to wash clothes, it can be seen that he had no such thoughts in the first place, rather than without conditions. In addition, this guy’s battle method also fully demonstrated his identity as a savage, because this guy not only doesn’t use any weapons, he doesn’t even understand normal people’s fighting skills. The entire battle method is exactly the same as the wild beast, hitting with shoulders, scratching with nails, and biting with teeth. Anyway, nothing looks human. However, what is more strange is that although this guy has no human characteristics at all in the battle method, he can burst out a kind of azure rays of light from his mouth from time to time to stun the players who are close to him. The player who flew out of the hole I met before was shot out by this thing.

After initially observing the situation here, I put the weapon away, and with a wave of my hand, I threw out a maneuver that is more than two meters tall and has stout limbs. Angel.

This extremely strong mobile angel is a land-based mobile angel produced by the guild. Its design goal is to deal with those who can't fly and have super strong battle strength on the ground. Because the flight function is completely abandoned, the requirements for self-weight control are greatly reduced, so this type of mobile angel uses a heavy-duty power equipment with a greater output but a larger weight. In terms of external armor, because there is no need to fly, there is no need to worry about aerodynamics and weight. The armor thickness of the same model mobile angel is more than twice and some additional structures, so that it has more than twice the defensive power of the normal mobile angel, and some key positions can even reach more than three times the defensive ability.

In addition, because the ground-type mobile angel does not have flying parts and the pair of wings, there is a large area in the body, and there is an extra row of weapon racks behind it. Therefore, the land-based mobile angels usually carry two super-heavy dual-purpose tomahawks and a multi-functional interlaced wolf tooth chain saw sword that is only equipped on the mobile angel for Divine Race. The giant weapon that players jokingly dubbed the Ship Slayer has the ability to directly sever small battleships, and for flesh and blood creatures, it is a complete ultimate weapon.

The land-type mobile angel who was just released by summon immediately rushed into the battle group. The strong as an ox bunny slapped a mobile angel with a fierce palm. Turning around, it turned around and wanted to kill an NPC that attacked it, but just when its claws were about to be shot down, A metal palm met the paw first.

When. With a sound like a metal impact, the heavy claws of the bunny bear were forcibly caught, and the NPC that should have been slapped to death took the opportunity to cut out a piece of nearly one on the bunny bear with a sword. A foot-long wound.

Wow... the injured rabbit bear roared loudly, and then waved the other palm to slap at the manipulator that blocked it, but the other manipulator followed closely. Holds its other paw.

The land-based maneuvering sky used his own hands to catch the two claws of the rabbit bear. The bunny bear roared while desperately pushing his legs forward, and the land-based mobile angel did not give in. The two are together with it, and for a while, neither of them can help each other, so they can only be so stalemate.

"Good opportunity."

Although the land-based mobile angel and the Bunny are deadlocked there, there are more people on our side after all. While the rabbit bear was dragged, several NPCs next to him immediately rushed up, and all four long swords stabbed into the rabbit bear’s belly in no particular order, and the rabbit bear suddenly roared Brute force broke out, and the mobile angel with a hard top landing battle made it slip backward.

As soon as the land-based mobile angel felt that he was slipping, the nail claws lying on the toes that were parallel in front of the toes suddenly bounced out and nailed into the ground by the way, but the bunny bear But because of the pain, the potential was stimulated, even with the nail-claw mobile angels, they still couldn't stabilize themselves. Seeing that the landing battle mobile angel was about to be overthrown by the rabbit bear, the high level mobile angel that was shot flying before suddenly rushed up from behind and jumped onto the rabbit bear's head, and then put his left arm around its neck Fixed on its body, the right arm swung up and hit the rabbit bear's head desperately, but despite the screams of the rabbit bear being smashed, it didn't fall, and the pain became more and more intense.

Seeing that he was about to lose his support, the land-based mobile angel suddenly raised his head and looked towards the mobile angel hanging behind the rabbit bear, and then made a strange sound from gu lu. When the mobile angel on the opposite side heard this sound, he immediately understood what he meant, and then gave up hammering the rabbit bear’s head, but suddenly stretched the right hand forward, and the land-type mobile angel also bowed its head at the same time. , The Ship Slayer originally hung behind him was shot out by him, and it happened to be caught by the mobile angel hung behind the rabbit bear.

After the ship-cutting knife was in hand, the mobile angel immediately gathered her legs and kicked the Bunny bear's back and jumped up in place, followed by holding the ship-cutting knife with both hands at the same time to start the chain saw blade and use it to fall. A fierce sword of gravity pierced in the middle of the rabbit bear's head. Accompanied by the thunderous roar and the blood spurting from the fast-rotating blades of the slashing knife, the huge slashing knife finally followed the rabbit bear’s head all the way down through the cervical spine and chest, and then to The abdomen finally pierced between its legs and cut into the ground with a sudden sound.

After finishing the slash, the high level mobile angel retracted the sword and retreated a lot, and everyone around stopped and looked at the rabbit bear. The land-based mobile angel standing in front has stopped exerting force. As his hands were released, the rabbit bear's arms naturally hung down, and then a large swath of blood mixed with internal organs fragments from the rabbit bear like a waterfall. Pouring down between his legs, until the ground turned into a large pool of blood, the guy's body finally fell half forward and half toward the middle beach.

"ao..." After the rabbit bear died, the wild man over there suddenly let out a harsh scream, followed by a sudden burst of azure light, which shook several people around him. Then moved towards this side rushed over. However, when he was halfway through the rush, he suddenly felt black in front of him, and a huge claw slapped him on his body, instantly knocking him out like a flying baseball.

Boom, there was a loud noise on the opposite wall. The whole cave wall was shaken and a layer of ashes fell off, and there was a big pit in the shape of a person directly on the wall, that guy Was directly embedded in the rock.

Seeing that guy was knocked into the air, I thought this guy was no longer good enough, but he didn't expect him to stand up from the rock suddenly and let out an angry roar. Looking at the guy entering the violent state, I directly said to Mira beside me: "Continue."

Mila looked down at the guy, then opened her mouth, and a red light instantly turned The guy who was roaring blew up again, and the whole person was embedded in the rock again. After completing this blow, Mira looked towards me, and I shook the head. "There is no prompt to kill, continue."

Mira froze for a while when she heard that there was no prompt, and then blasted against the wall like a rapid-fire laser cannon at a rate of one shot per second.

In a variety of ways, the entire wall was blasted out of a deep hole like a tunnel. At exactly one minute and one second, suddenly there was a bang from the hole, which was different from the explosion sound in between, and Mira stopped the attack. After the smoke dissipated, we discovered that Mira had actually penetrated the cave wall. The huge space connected by the small hole that was discovered before was directly connected to the cave where we are now, and the wall that was penetrated in the middle was at least two. More than ten meters thick.

"It seems that we are in trouble." While everyone was studying the cave, I sighed, not because of Mira’s just now, but because I still haven’t Get EXP, which means that guy is not dead yet. Can withstand Mira’s destruction rays and blast one minute, how strong is this defense? (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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