Because I said that I don’t have to account for this, and I let these Divine Immortal come to our guild to work part-time at any time, so these Divine Immortal all seemed very happy. But because the Arctic Star Monarch said when he left that he would be back soon, these guys couldn't use this gap to become a coach. Anyway, the time is not long. Even if it takes less than an hour, it is still nothing. It is better to rest here. Of course, I won’t let the Divine Immortal be idle. When they had nothing to do, I also introduced them to some other part-time jobs in our guild that are suitable for them. I also promised that as long as they go back and introduce them. Other Divine Immortal come to work, I can get them commission. The stronger the Divine Immortal they introduced, the more the number of people, the longer the service time here, the more their commission will be.

With this reward of mine, each of the Divine Immortal began to plan out which Divine Immortal familiar with each other would go back to work together. As for us, that rebate simply doesn't take seriously. The act of hiring Divine Immortal to work for us like this is actually equivalent to turning Divine Immortal into our mercenary. Although Divine Race will be restricted in many things, there are many things they can intervene. At least when our guild is busy with foreign wars, we can temporarily let some Divine Immortal take care of us, even if someone wants to We stabbed a knife in the back, and we can safely fight outside.

On Isengard’s side, we were talking in a friendly and harmonious way with the Divine Immortal group, but Celestial Court was about to start.

"Jade Emperor, do you know this?" The Arctic Star Monarch questioned the Jade Emperor angrily.

The Jade Emperor first started to be asked some sorry answers, but when he thought about his identity, he reacted. With a fierce slap on the table, the Jade Emperor pointed to the Arctic Star Monarch and said: "Impudent, have you forgotten what your identity is?" The elephant did not have the right tone. Even if the Jade Emperor did something wrong, he was the Jade Emperor after all, and his identity was there. No matter what, he would not have his turn to blame the Jade Emperor.

"Jade Emperor forgive me. I was confused just now. It’s just that I’ve done a little too much this time. Even if you put aside my personal relationship with Purple Moon, don’t you know about Purple Moon, Jade Emperor Is he a temperamental person? Just relying on his unreasonable and sly eloquence, this time let him take up so much reason, we don't vomit a few mouthfuls of blood, he can let us go? How is this calculated? It’s all a loss!"

Jade Emperor heard the words of the Arctic Star Monarch and sighed: "Oh...we were also confused for a while, but now things have come out, the important thing is to solve them quickly. Seriously."

"Jade Emperor, putting it that way where is my discipline...?" A Divine Immortal stepped up and asked with red eyes.

The Jade Emperor glanced at him helplessly and said: "This position was originally unsafe. Since you seized this opportunity in the first place, you should take this risk. Now that the matter is a foregone conclusion, we can only sacrifice Guangxi. Accept it!"


"Nothing." The Jade Emperor sternly said: "Unless you want to fight Purple Moon, don't say anything. "

I was so scared by the Jade Emperor, that Divine Immortal had no choice but to retreat, while the Arctic Star Monarch stood up at the right time and said: "The Jade Emperor. This secret information is good. To do it, just find a guilty fairy to complete the matter according to what I said before. The key is how to appease Purple Moon. Listen to the paragraph he explained to me, although he didn't say it clearly, but the meaning is clear enough. He has clearly determined that this matter was arranged by us. If we don’t give him some benefit, we are afraid that we should not expect to bring up the information!"

"This is really a problem." Jade Emperor After thinking about it, there was no good idea, and finally threw the problem to the subordinates. "Do you have any good solutions? Give your opinions. The Purple Moon hole is not so easy to fill. We have to figure out a solution."

Supreme Taoist said: "This matter In fact, it has been basically determined. Purple Moon knows that we are plotting against him, and there is no face-to-face dismantling, which is obviously asking us for a hush fee. So, what we really need to decide now is the question of giving more to less."

Da Ri Tathagata also followed: "It is true. This Purple Moon's appetite has always been great. If the things are missing, he will use more questions. When the time comes, we will have to pay more. However, If we give too much, we won’t be a good deal!"

Arctic Star Monarch suddenly said: "Although I shouldn’t interrupt about this, I think it’s better to talk about it. Purple Moon’s personality is more like that. I understand. In fact, his behavior is very regular. Although it seems that he often makes some weird ideas, he still follows the values ​​of an ordinary person. If you give him one, he will give you two One, and if you owe him one, he will take you ten. Therefore, I suggest that the hush fee for Purple Moon should be more than less. We can’t suffer too much from giving a little more, in case it is less. , Then there are endless troubles."

"Star Monarch's words are bad." A Divine Immortal stood up and said: "Purple Moon is a mortal anyway, even if we have to take care of his feelings There is no need to behave as if you are afraid of him. I think that the compensation issue can be as little as possible."

"Daoist said it was pretty good. Purple Moon is nothing but nothing. A mortal, we shouldn’t be so afraid of him. When does Celestial Court have a rule to apologize to mortals? This case cannot be opened."

"Good mortal." The North Pole Star Monarch was also a little angry. Turning to Divine Immortal, who was standing and talking with no backache, said: "Are you two real or fake? Purple Moon is a mortal? Is he really a mortal? Let's talk about it. Why is Divine Immortal higher than a mortal? Isn’t it because our Divine Immortal is better than mortals? If every mortal can beat Divine Immortal, do you think Divine Immortal can still be more noble than mortals? That Purple Moon’s battle strength Don’t you know, based on his strength, does it make sense to say that he is a mortal or a Divine Race? Should Purple Moon really turn his face at that time, is it feasible for you two to be responsible for blocking him? If you are willing to rush in front of you, then I have no problem, you just need to give more things to less. "

When the Arctic Star Monarch said that, those two Divine Immortals were immediately misfired. It's easy to talk big, but they dare not meet force with me when it comes to fighting. There is no one who suffers from this in Celestial Court. Few.

"It’s OK, it’s meaningless to be noisy. I think the Arctic Star Monarch is right, so we just follow the Arctic Star Monarch’s meaning. What's the problem with Celestial Court? Is Celestial Court missing those two treasures? "

The sentence of Jade Emperor is the final word. With this sentence laid out here, the following part will be easy to handle. The Divine Immortal was summed up there, and soon a compensation bill was drawn up. Come out. However, in order to prevent any accidents, the Jade Emperor asked the Arctic Star Monarch to bring a special gift so that the Arctic Star Monarch can decide whether to give the second gift based on my performance after seeing the first gift.

When the Jade Emperor and the others were discussing this list, the guilty Divine Immortal that needed to be prepared was brought over. This time this guy is obviously different from the last time, because he looks like Immortal now. Qi is gone, and even his popularity is almost gone. But it’s right to think about it. The criminals of Celestial Court are naturally impossible to make him feel better. If you want to raise the white fat, then you are not a criminal.

Extracted according to the gift list. After the gift, the Arctic Star Monarch took two more gods to escort the guilty Divine Immortal to Isengard again. The reason why he did not bring the two of the last time was that the Arctic Star Monarch had a psychological problem, and the other was that he was afraid of annoyance. I’m not happy.

Isinger here we are talking and very happy when the North Pole Star Monarch ran back with people. When I came up, I didn’t speak, but took a look at the quilt. The escort guy.

The Arctic Star Monarch is also a sensible person. As soon as I saw my expression, he immediately said firmly: "I didn't know what happened last time, but this time I can guarantee that it is absolutely true. "

I nodded and said: "I still believe in your character, but how can this guy behave like a ghost?" "

The Arctic Star Monarch glanced at the Divine Immortal and said, "This guy was thrown into the immortal pot three hundred years ago. He hasn't been tortured into a lunatic for so many years is already considered determined. He heard that he could be reincarnated as a human being after half of this incident, and he almost jumped up happily. But after all, it has been so long for too long, and the soul is relatively weak, so it looks a bit miserable. "

"Since there is no problem, then come with me. "

Tell Vina to take this guy and the two escort gods down to the guild’s divine force source depository, watching the Two Divine Generals and the North Pole Star Monarch Xia Wei Na opened the same permissions for the guy as last time, and then the guy started to read the information.

Because I really hope that I can reincarnate and no longer suffer from the torture, this time this Divine Immortal Very cooperative, I quickly finished reading the information, and then condensed the information into a soul fragment under our gaze and gave it to the Arctic Star Monarch.

"OK, the task is complete. Bring that soup. I want to watch him drink it. "I said to the Arctic Star Monarch.

The Arctic Star Monarch is also relaxed when the stuff is in hand, and then nodded took out the previous medicinal soup and poured it into the guy. Of course, the medicinal soup was fed by myself. , But the main purpose is to allow me to appraise the effect by the way. Fortunately, the reality of Appraisal Technique can really clearly remember this thing, and I seem to have discovered that this thing has a little extra use.

"Okay, Your business is over. However, Celestial Court planned to cheat me about this...? "

Since the Arctic Star Monarch brought the gift list, it was naturally well prepared. As soon as I said that, he immediately took out a gift and handed it over. "Celestial Court also knows that this time the matter is true. It's a bit embarrassing, so...this is a little bit of compensation. "

I took the gift list with a skeptical expression and simply scanned it, but it surprised me for a while.

Because I was dealing with Celestial Court at this time. There are quite a few, so I also know the behavior and habits of Celestial Court quite well. Judging from my knowledge of Celestial Court, those Divine Immortals are very stingy. It may be a bit too much to say that they are cheapskate stingy, but They really can only pluck one or two hairs. If you think about it, it’s simply a dream.

However, this time Celestial Court was uncharacteristically. They opened for me and came out with an absolute worthy one. It is a generous gift list. According to the habit of Celestial Court, it is absolutely abnormal to be able to issue this kind of gift list.

"Did the sun come out today? "I looked at the gift list and asked in surprise.

Arctic Star Monarch faintly smiled and said: "Actually, don't be surprised. This kind of gift list is mainly based on your personal strength. Because your strength has improved, Celestial Court has also paid more attention to you. Naturally, this gift can no longer follow the standards of the past. "

I understand the words of the Arctic Star Monarch. The Celestial Court in the past only occasionally needed me to help them, so it treats me like a boss to its employees. As long as you maintain basic respect, don’t Deliberately belittling me, that's almost the same. But now, as the strength of our guild and I have improved, especially after the elimination of the Russian Divine Race, it is obvious that our strength cannot be measured by a simple mortal organization. Now, Celestial Court has placed us in the position of partners instead of wage earners. Although our partner is still a small organization compared to Celestial Court, we have entered the same position as Celestial Court anyway. It’s about the order of magnitude, this treatment is naturally impossible and the same as before.

I don’t feel any surprise about the list in front of me after I understand the reason. After all, our status is different now. You should get more.

"Arctic Star Monarch, this gift list is not bad, I accepted it. However, I still want to have some business talks with Celestial Court, and I hope Celestial Court can help. "

"Just say it. "Arctic Star Monarch heard me just talk about business instead of asking for other conditions, so I didn’t care. After all, I have done business with Celestial Court many times. From my habit, although I like to be messy, but when doing things It’s pretty reliable.

Since even the Arctic Star Monarch is now nodded, I no longer hesitate to speak directly: “Actually, I have two businesses here. One is that I hope Celestial Court can Divine Immortal, who is guilty and needs punishment for Celestial Court, and the monsters and powerful individuals caught by Celestial Court are sold to our guild. "Looking at the Arctic Star Monarch seems to be talking, I hurriedly said: "Don't worry, I don't want to release these people as subordinates, so I won't threaten the interests of Celestial Court. These people in our guild are used to make some props, so for Celestial Court, they are equivalent to the soul flew away and scattered. I think Celestial Court It shouldn't be rejected? After all, those detainees in Celestial Court keep it as well. It doesn't matter if it takes up space, it's a hidden danger, isn't it? "

The Arctic Star Monarch thought about it for a while and said: "Although I can't directly decide on this right now, I think there should be no problem." Of course, criminals who want to buy all are probably impossible, and some people who feel like they are impossible, but most of them should be sold to you. "

I nodded and said: "Then wait for you to go back and ask the Jade Emperor before giving me an answer. As for another business, this is I want to ask Divine Immortal of Celestial Court to come to our guild to help when I have time. Do you think this is feasible? Of course, it is not voluntary labor. People who help will get paid, and every time they come to help, according to the payment they get, I will return 1% to Celestial Court as a gratitude fee for Celestial Court supporting those Divine Immortal who came to help. The nature and time of Divine Immortal's work can be freely determined by them. Our guild provides jobs that require immortal help. Each job will have a corresponding salary according to the job. Immortals are free to decide what job they choose, whether they want to do it or not, and how long they want to do. There should be no problem with this, right? "

After hearing this, the Arctic Star Monarch said immediately: "Since it is such a free agreement, then I think it must be passed. When the Celestial Court itself has nothing to call Divine Immortal, their time is also free, so they basically don't care what Celestial Court does. Of course, if you are willing to give some benefits, I think the Jade Emperor will actively encourage those Immortals to help. "

When I heard the words of the Arctic Star Monarch, I was thinking: "It's strange if the Jade Emperor doesn't support it." Divine Immortal works for nothing, so where can he find such a good thing? It is estimated that when the Arctic Star Monarch returns to tell him that he will have to drive people to us every day, anyway, it is not himself who is working. "

Although I thought so in my heart, I definitely couldn't say that on my lips. After the Arctic Star Monarch agreed, I asked him to communicate with the Jade Emperor on his behalf. Too worried, after all, this is a mutually beneficial cooperation, Celestial Court is also good. With Celestial Court’s shark character that is excited by smelling blood, it’s strange that they don’t do anything good.

And the Arctic Star Monarch After finishing the incidental information, I took him back to the upper living room, and then the Arctic Star Monarch returned to the Celestial Court with the 100 Divine Immortal. As for Divine, who had become a blank soul Immortal was thrown directly to me. According to the Celestial Court's agreement, this guy should be sent for reincarnation, but since the Celestial Court has no time to take care of him, I naturally greeted this soul. Anyway, our guild There will still be a lot of souls like this in the future.

After seeing the Divine Immortal all leave, I quickly turned around and ran to Vina and stretched out her hand. Vina looked at me and blinked. Okay. As if asking me what I wanted to do. I saw Vina pretending to be stupid and I had to say, "Where is the Divine Immortal of Celestial Court before?" "

"Aren't you carrying one in your hand?" "

"I'm talking about the previous one. "

"Oh, you said that. "Vina said with a look I just remembered: "It has been absorbed by us." "

When I heard Vina's words, I didn't mean to believe her, but took a long tone and asked: "Oh? Really? If you are not obedient, you will be restrained. "

According to the status in the game, Vina should have a higher status than me. After all, she is the god of our guild, and I am just the leader of the guild. But because we all have The physical body actually exists, so Vina is actually more afraid of me.

Listening to me, Vina knew that her lie was unsuccessful. Annoyed, she directly put a seal stone in my hand. I took a shot, then panting with rage turned around and walked away, unceasingly chanting: "hmph, cheapskate!" "

I can only smile at Vina’s awkwardness. I took the seal stone in my hand and looked at it, and then said: "I hope you can meet the requirements, and I won’t be offended for you. It's Vina! "As I said, I took the seal stone and turned and walked out of the temple. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendation and monthly pass. Your support is my greatest Motivation.)

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