The Divine Immortal who are busy earning money at this time simply don’t know that the Arctic Star Monarch has returned, and the Sparks at the Temple of Chaos and Order are talking to the Arctic Star Monarch. They explain us. The reason why it hasn't arrived yet. Seven minutes or more is not a long time. Xinghuo asked the North Pole Star Monarch to order some fruit plates and then a guard asked him to inform us. This time, it was delayed for nearly three or four minutes, and so on. After the guards left for a while, a carriage drove out of a small door below the temple.

The carriage from the temple ran to the back door of the training center without any use for a while, and then drove directly into the parking garage of the training center from behind. As soon as the carriage stopped, several guards lifted a large box from the car and quickly transported it to the VIP lounge of the training center.

The box just landed and was opened with a bang. Vina, disguised as the Peacock Pluto, quickly jumped out of the box, and then walked out the other door of the VIP room.

As I was in the stands, I saw the Divine Immortal below suddenly turned their gazes again, and immediately realized that Vina was back. The reason why the group of Divine Immortal reacted every time is because they have been tracking Vina’s divine force fluctuations. If it weren’t for the Peacock Pluto’s divine force level to be too high, the powerful burst of divine force concealed the moment of exchange between her and Vina. Divine force changes, these Divine Immortal must have discovered anomalies long ago. However, it is a pity that they never have a chance again.

Seeing that Vena and Peacock have changed their identities and canceled the illusion, I also walked to the edge of the stand and shouted to the Divine Immortal below: "Everyone, there is a word over there that the Arctic Star Monarch has returned. Now, do you think we should go back?"

As soon as I heard that we were going back, those Divine Immortal were a little unhappy, because they had just been coaches for more than 40 minutes. It doesn't count time, so if you go now, it's like doing nothing before.

Of course I know that these guys are very upset, but I did it on purpose, so I didn’t give them any comfort. I just said, “There’s a business today, everyone should be wronged. After all, the Arctic Star Monarch It’s okay to make people wait in a hurry. Anyway, we are here for a long time to be open to you, can you come back anytime you want to come."

Those Divine Immortal can only leave helplessly after hearing what I said. The training ground followed us back to the Temple of Chaos and Order. After all, this matter is indeed a business today, and there is no room for them to make any mistakes. As for the suffocation in their hearts, they are also angry with Celestial Court and the Arctic Star Monarch. What does it matter to me?

After our gang returned to the Temple of Chaos and Order, the Arctic Star Monarch quickly stood up and said: "You can count back. Hurry, we have a solution."

"Oh? I don't know what the solution is?" I pretended to be curious and asked.

The North Pole Star Monarch said that he quickly took a clay pot out and handed it to me, and then exclaimed excitedly: "That's it."

"Wow, what is this stuff? Huh?" Just now North Pole Star Monarch handed that thing over. When I stretched out my head to look at it, I didn't pay attention and took a big breath in. The smell was disgusting, and it made people vomit it even overnight.

Seeing that my face turned green, the Arctic Star Monarch realized that the smell of this thing was a bit unpleasant, so I quickly moved the thing aside and put the lid on.

"What the hell is this?" I endured nausea while holding on to the wall beside me and asked again.

The Arctic Star Monarch excitedly said: "This is the solution to the problem."

"How can this be solved?"

The Arctic Star Monarch moves forward again With a beckon, the three Divine Immortal who followed him walked over. However, I didn't notice until now that one of them was crushed by the other two.

After the three Divine Immortal came over, the Arctic Star Monarch pointed at the man in the middle and said to me: "This guy was supposed to be sealed into the immortal pot forever because he violated the tenth rule, but because of this time The thing makes this kid a bargain for nothing. We plan to let him check the source of your divine force, and after we find the information and hand it over to us, we will let him drink all the pot of cleansing soup just now. This way everyone’s secret will be I'm proud to save it. How about it? This method is feasible?"

"Wait, tell me what is this Shen Shen soup?"

"Oh. This Shen Shen Soup is actually an enhanced version of Meng Po Soup. In general Meng Po Soup, if someone has a strong mind, or something like cultivation success in the future, they may remember the past. But this Shen Shen Soup will make people feel better. His soul has completely returned to its newly formed state, even if he becomes immortal and holy in the future, he will be impossible to regain his memory. This guy has violated the heavens anyway, let him read the secrets of both of us and directly use this soup to make him change Become a mortal soul, and then send him to Samsara Reincarnation. Even if he helps us solve the rewards of this incident, everyone will benefit. Do you think it’s okay?"

I nodded and said: "This way It’s really good to say that it’s coming.” I said to the three guys again: “You come with me.” Seeing I only called those three guys down, there was no Arctic Star Monarch either. Forced to follow along, but talked to the Divine Immortal who stayed and looked at us before. I guess he was asking them if Venus had contact with the source of divine force during this period of time. But I am not afraid of him asking. Those guys are still in the dark anyway. Even if the Arctic Star Monarch asks them, they can only answer the answers I want them to say.

Leaving the upper floor of the Temple of Chaos and Order and entering the secret room under the Temple, after opening the seven or eight special organs, the source of the guild’s divine force was finally completely exposed before our eyes.

"Come here." Vina yelled to the guy who was the middleman, and the two Divine Immortal standing behind the guy immediately pushed him forward. The guy staggered and stabilized, and then walked to Vina's side. Vina stared at him and looked up and down for a while before reaching out and pressing on the source of divine force in our guild. After that, I saw the source of divine force outside the source of divine force, which was like a hedgehog. Go in. "Okay, but let me move faster, you only have 30 minutes."

The Divine Immortal nodded quickly reached out and pressed it on the ball of light, following him as if he was electrocuted. Shivered.

The source of divine force is the foundation of a Divine Race. Even with the permission of the main god of Divine Race, Divine Race of foreign races cannot read the content of the source of divine force at will. It’s good to be shivering all over the guy like this, and it’s not uncommon for Divine Race to force himself to read the source of the divine force of other Divine Races and drive him crazy.

After shaking like a vibrator for nearly twenty minutes, the rays of light suddenly flashed on the source of divine force of our guild, and a bright aperture suddenly appeared from the back of the source of divine force , And then instantly brushed across the surface of the source of divine force and finally hit the palm of the guy that was in contact with the source of divine force, and exploded like a lightning strike, and that guy was bombarded the moment the sound appeared. Flew out. As soon as the guy here landed, the source of the divine force of our guild immediately flashed with colored lights, followed by another scream, and all the light thorns bounced out in an instant.

"What's the matter?" One of the other two Divine Immortal who was in charge of this Divine Immortal questioned us a little angrily, as if we were planning to breach the contract.

Vina’s reaction was even more straightforward than that of the guy. She flipped her wrist and pulled out a golden long spear that was more than two meters long. After dancing for a circle, she directly pointed the gun tip there. The guy looked at the two Divine Immortal on his throat and said: "Your people are not doing well. They only take your information and try to read other things."

"How do you know he read Something else?" a Divine Immortal argued.

Weina Leng snorted and said: "The permission I just opened only allows this guy to read one message. The source of divine force launched a counterattack to show that he read the second message."

"How can you be sure that the things we need will not be divided into two pieces of information and stored in the source of divine force?"

"Because the Jade Emperor and I talked about one piece of information." I stood on Weiwei Na faced the two Divine Immortal and said: "A piece of information, this is the promise of the Jade Emperor. It is also because of this promise that I agree to let you read the source of our divine force. If there is more than one piece of information, it is not our problem. If you think you have any comments, then go back and talk to the Jade Emperor."

Hearing what I said, the two Divine Immortal glanced at each other, and then they exchanged a few words in a low voice before one of them opened. the mouth and said: "Okay, let's go back and ask the Jade Emperor." After that, the man had to come over and pull the Divine Immortal who was pressed by Vina on the ground with a gold long spear, but just as soon as he reached out, Vina Suddenly long spear picked, and the frightened Divine Immortal quickly backed away, but as our guild grew, Vina's strength was not what it used to be. Although Divine Immortal temporarily pulled his hand back, he still took a step slower, and a big hole was picked out by the golden long spear on his sleeve. "What do you mean?"

"We should have asked this." Before Vina finished speaking, I stood up and said. "After he read the first message, he tried to read the second message, which means that he has the mind to spy on the secret of our chaos and order, Divine Race. Since he has this idea, who can guarantee that he read the first one? What information is it? What if the article he just finished reading is not what you want but the secret of our guild?"

Then Divine Immortal immediately faced the Divine Immortal who was crushed on the ground after hearing it. Said: "Did you just read what we want or other people's information?"

"It's the one you ordered. I read the information you ordered before I want to take a peek. Tell me about their secret, really."

When that guy said that, Divine Immortal looked up and looked towards me, which meant to say: "You can let people go now, right?"< /p>

Although I understood what he meant, I didn’t have the slightest intention of letting people go. Instead, I asked directly: "Are you sure he is telling the truth? I advise you to change yourself. It’s good to read. As for this guy, I can’t assimilate it directly to the people here and let him the soul flew away and scattered, so that everyone’s secrets can be preserved, don’t you think?"

< p>When I heard what I said, Divine Immortal immediately said angrily: "Do you think such a guilty fairy is a Chinese cabbage? Where are we going to find you a second guilty Divine Immortal?"

When the guy finished speaking, I looked at him and said, "I don’t care anyway. If you insist on believing in him, then we will hand him over to you, but if he is not reading your information, you don’t come to me again. Now, I won’t let you send a second person to read our information, so how to deal with it is up to you to decide."

After listening to what I said, the guy hasn’t had time yet. When the decision was made, the guy who was pressed by Vina first reacted and yelled: "Guangxin Senior Brother, you can't abandon me! Let me secretly read their secrets as I said before, and let me wait for my reincarnation. Re-listed the immortal class, and also gave me the Qibao stick. You can’t abandon one's benefactor after achieving one's goal!"

"What are you talking about here?" Divine Immortal on the opposite side heard this guy He almost jumped up, but seeing Vina faintly raised the tip of the gun, he still held back and did not dare to step forward. Not to mention that Vina is a righteous god, even if I really want to move his hands, he is definitely not an opponent, so he is still very wise not to move, just point to the guy and curse: "You bastard, death is near. Want to frame Celestial Court?"

"Senior Brother, how can you turn black and white? Didn't we talk about it before? You can't abandon me!"

No wait The guy on the other side replied, and I asked first: "Are you really sure that he is talking nonsense? If it is true, then we will absorb him."

"This... …" Although the guy on the opposite side wanted to say that he was saving that guy, but when the words came to his lips, he still held back. In fact, at this step now, even if they don’t tell me, I know it’s arranged. The guy who was restrained by Vina shouldn't be a Divine Immortal who made a mistake, but a trust they found. Although he has to be reincarnated once for this mission, all the process of a person’s reincarnation is within the jurisdiction of Celestial Court. As long as Celestial Court is willing, he can easily let him continue to be Divine Immortal in his next life, and he can get better than what he has now. More powerful strength. So this kind of small sacrifice must be a bunch of Divine Immortal rushing to do it. This guy can get this job, not only does not mean that his status is low, but it should be said that other people have good connections, otherwise such a good thing has long been used by others. Snatched it. However, it is also because of his well-connected contacts that Divine Immortal on the opposite side can hardly make up his mind to sacrifice him. After all, this kid has an unusual background. Sacrificing him will definitely be a lot of trouble. However, if they admit that this was prearranged by them, that guy might be saved, but the relationship between Celestial Court and us is completely ruined. Although it's okay to want to repair it later, but in my personality, I don't even think about it if I don't dig a large piece of meat from Celestial Court. Now that guy is weighing, weighing the price of repairing the relationship between the two sides and the cost of sacrificing this Divine Immortal, which one is more.

While that guy was still thinking about which side is more important, I already said first: "Looking at how you are so hesitant, is it really your collusion? It seems that we are The relationship between the two seems to be redefined!"

Redefine the relationship? The guy looked at me suspiciously, trying to figure out what I meant by redefining the relationship, but he understood everything as soon as he touched my eyes. Redefining the relationship means that the relationship between the two sides has changed from cooperation to hostility, and an opponent's personnel appears next to the source of the divine force of this Divine Race, and what will happen if the Celestial Court is changed? Of course execute without any mercy myself. In other words, not only do I want to kill the restrained Divine Immortal, but the two of them who are responsible for the escort plan to kill together.

As soon as he thought that his life might not be preserved, the guy immediately became clear-headed, then straightened up his back and said sternly: "Nonsense, how can we Celestial Court do that kind of thing? This guy? He is a sinner himself, and he must be holding a grudge against Celestial Court in an attempt to provoke the relationship between the two of us. President Purple Moon, please deal with him. Let’s go back to the Jade Emperor to discuss and find another sinner. As for this By the way, please don’t touch the source of your divine force yet."

"hmph, wasting time." Vina coldly snorted, and then turns the long spear in her hand and swipes the ground with the tail of the gun. The Divine Immortal fainted, and then reached out his hand to lift it and walked out of the room with me. The remaining two Divine Immortal looked at the guy I was carrying and they had no choice but to follow.

I waited for a long time at the North Pole Star Monarch to see that we actually brought that guy back, but their two Divine Immortal were as dejected as deserters who had lost the battle. It was obvious that the matter was half broken.

"Purple Moon! Is this...?"

"Oh, this guy refuses to cooperate...." I explained the matter in one breath, and kept paying attention during the period. The expression of the North Pole Star Monarch, looking at his appearance, this matter should have nothing to do with him, probably he didn't know that the guy was a sinner in disguise. However, from what I just described, I think he must also understand the reason, because now his face is obviously a little red, which shows that he feels very sorry for us.

After listening to my explanation, the Arctic Star Monarch said to Divine Immortal, who was responsible for staying behind,: "You continue to wait here. I will go back to Celestial Court and ask for another sinner. You Don't run around, I'll be back soon." After that, the Arctic Star Monarch sternly said to the two Divine Immortal who were responsible for the escort: "You two will not roll over and come back with me?"

The two Divine Immortal also knew that they were going to be unlucky when the matter was messed up. Hearing the bad tone of the Arctic Star Monarch, they didn't dare to contradict them. They had to leave Isinger together in a desperate manner and return to Celestial Court to return to life. As for the group of Divine Immortal who were left behind, they all looked at me restlessly. They also understood the explanation just now, and understood that Celestial Court's attempted trick was seen through. They are also looking forward to coming to Isenger to do part-time jobs to earn the fruits of experience, and now they don't know if there is any chance.

I know what Divine Immortal looks like, but letting them work is a win-win situation, so even if I fall out with Celestial Court, it’s impossible to let them do part-time jobs. Of course, even if I didn't intend to reject their part-time job, I would say as if I had been wronged a lot. In short, let these guys feel that I gave them a lot of face. as the saying goes It’s convenient for people to make it convenient for themselves. If you send them a favor today, you will get rewarded one day sooner or later. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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