Looking at me being there for a long time without responding, Jade Emperor finally couldn't wait. "Well... can you return the things to us? Are we going to fetch them now?"


"Will it work?" Look at me. The patience of Jade Emperor is getting worse and worse.

"This...actually...then what..."


"Forget it, let me tell you the truth! "Anyway, stretching your head is a knife and shrinking your head. I simply said directly: "The source of divine force can't be returned to you!"

"What did you say?" The Jade Emperor said the moment he spoke. The seat jerked down and grabbed my neck, but I pinched his wrist just halfway through his hand. Since I was upgraded to level two thousand, plus my original Divine Race killer attribute, the Divine Race at this level of the Jade Emperor can no longer pose an absolute threat to me. It can be said that if I and the Jade Emperor are in a one-on-one duel, the outcome is at most five to five, and if I want to run, the Jade Emperor will definitely have nothing to do with me. Of course, Jade Emperor is Jade Emperor after all. His power does not lie in how powerful he is, but in the fact that Divine Race, which has such a large group of people under his men, has a huge violent organization called Celestial Court, so I still dare not fight with jade. The emperor is facing him. Of course, under normal circumstances I would not be afraid of him.

"I know you are angry, but please also pay attention to your words and deeds. I was wrong first, yes, but I am not your subordinate. Understand?"

I The harsh words made the Jade Emperor who was about to lose his mind a little quieter, but even though he let go of his hand, he still stared at me very angrily and said, "Do you know how important the things recorded there are to us? You actually absorbed it?"

Looking at the emotionally abnormal Jade Emperor, I caught a very key word—information. "You just said that what you want is a piece of information? Didn't you say that you want the source of divine force?"

Seeing that I discovered their purpose, Jade Emperor simply stopped hiding it and said directly: "Yes, we just need a piece of information recorded in a special divine force source."

"Putting it that way is not without hope." I frowned and said: "Information is OK Read it, you guys don’t know this?"

Jade Emperor was also taken aback when he heard me, and then he said: "Yes! How did you forget this before! You can do it!" Where is the source of the divine force that meets Divine Race now? You hurry up..."

I reached out and stopped Jade Emperor who wanted to go on and said: "Wait a minute. The ugly words come first. Before entering In that cave, I encountered a lot of monsters that mutated due to the broken divine force, so we released a super skill at that time. Although the monster was destroyed, the source of the divine force in the cave was also destroyed a lot. At the end of the attack, there were actually only eight sources of divine force left, and one of them was extinguished before our people arrived, so only seven sources of divine force were actually absorbed. If you If the required information is in the seven sources of divine force, then we can naturally find it out for you, but if it is not, then..."

"Absolutely." Jade Emperor is very sure Said: "The source of the divine force that records the information we need has a special protection outside, and it can't be destroyed by ordinary attacks."

"Don't be too happy too early." I first gave the Jade Emperor a vaccination: "Our attack is not a normal attack, otherwise it would be impossible to destroy so many sources of divine force that shouldn’t be attacked. So you’d better do it first. Be mentally prepared, don’t go crazy again when the time comes."

I thought that the Jade Emperor would definitely go crazy after listening to me. Who knew he would say with certainty: "Absolutely impossible, the divine force The outside of the source is wrapped with a seal of rules. Unless you can release a stronger super skill than Hongjun Sect Lord, it is absolutely impossible to break through that seal. Moreover, even if you can release an attack of that level, it is impossible with one move. Destroy it. You must know that the Celestial Court and the power of the immortals attacked seven, seven, 49 times and failed to loosen the seal. How could it be destroyed in an instant? "

"It's possible to hear you say that. Then let's go back to Isengard first, and I will ask Wienera to help look up what information you want. I don't know if she is awake. "

After hearing this, the Jade Emperor said immediately: "It doesn't seem appropriate for us to go together with so many people. It's better that I send a few people to go with you." "

I nodded agree, because even if the Jade Emperor didn’t tell me, it’s impossible to let them all follow. However, I obviously underestimated the shamelessness of the Jade Emperor. He must have known it. I will not let them go together, so I deliberately said it first, so that I could not specify the specific number of people.

Under the arrangement of the shameless guy, the Jade Emperor, there were a hundred Divine Immortal in the end. Follow me back to Isengard. Although this number can only be regarded as one hair from nine oxen compared with the total number of Celestial Court, but this is too much different from the few people mentioned by the Jade Emperor? I don’t trust me, and I deliberately sent so many people to stare at me.

Although it feels like being overshadowed by the Jade Emperor, since they are all nodded, I can’t say anything. Anyway, I didn’t. I'm going to fall back on the bill. There is no difference between one and a hundred. In fact, I really want to speak of which Divine Immortal comes to Isengard. Not only does it have no negative impact, but it is also good for me. At least the appearance of these guys can Let the outside world think that the relationship between our guild and Celestial Court is close, so that they dare not mess with our ideas. Of course, even if there is no such relationship, there are not many people who dare to touch our minds.

With this Help Divine Immortal to rush to Vina's temple. Vina has already woken up at this time, but she doesn't look very good in spirit.

"Huh? Purple Moon Why did you bring so many Divine Races from Celestial Court here? "

"Oh, it's like this. The cave we found before was actually a treasure cave in Celestial Court. That... they have a very important piece of information in the source of the divine force absorbed by us, so they are here to retrieve that piece of information. "

When I say this, Vina will understand. It turns out that we dug someone’s treasure hole, but it seems that I have settled the Celestial Court. After all, they didn’t want anything, nor To be the source of divine force, I just want to retrieve a piece of information.

Vina is not a wooden head that doesn’t understand anything. Since people are so magnanimous and negligent, they are greedy for a little bit.

Cheap is too shameless. "Okay, no problem. What information do you need? I'll help you find it out. I haven't read the information I absorbed before. "

"This..." The Arctic Star Monarch, who is in charge of leading the group of Divine Immortal, stood up and said somewhat sorry: "May I come and find it?" "

When I heard the words of the Arctic Star Monarch, Vina's smiling face Lima changed. If it weren't for the relationship between the Arctic Star Monarch and me, it was a better one, I guess Vina would have turned his face directly. The divine force core of Divine Race is not only the source of power of the Divine Race, but also the archive of this Divine Race, which records all the relevant information of this Divine Race. The Arctic Star Monarch raises such a question, then it is equivalent to a United States The official said to the Chinese leader: "Can I find a document in your country's secret archive? "Isn't it easy to find this unclear? Although the personal relationship between Arctic Star Monarch and me is very good, it is a personal relationship. Now he is on a semi-office, and I am impossible because of the personal relationship. The Jade Emperor sent him over. As the team leader, it is estimated that I have taken a fancy to his personal relationship with me, but this is a matter of principle. I am absolutely impossible to make concessions.

"Arctic Star Monarch. "I stood in front of Vina to block the Arctic Star Monarch and said, "Although we have a good personal relationship, we don't need to talk about it." If you want information, you can tell me what it is, and I will help you find it out. "

Arctic Star Monarch said with embarrassment: "Purple Moon!" I didn't mean to embarrass you, but Celestial Court wanted to get that piece of information back because it didn't want people to know it. You said you came to help us find it, then what do we want it for? "

"What is so secret?" Can't even I know? Am I a temporary staff member of Celestial Court anyway? "

The North Pole Star Monarch was about to talk, when the fairy who almost quarreled with me in Celestial Court before suddenly stood up loudly and said: "What are you talking about with him?" Isn't it just a little god in the lower realm? Just grab their divine force core and extract that piece of information. "

"impudent. "The two voices that appeared at the same time frightened the female fairy. The one who spoke was the peacock who had just entered from the outside, and the other was the Arctic Star Monarch.

To the North Pole Star Monarch scolded the female Xian didn’t dare to stand up. Although she was both Divine Immortal, she was a righteous celestial god who didn’t listen to the announcement. She was just added to Little Fairy after the Celestial Court was downsized due to previous battles, whether it was from position or seniority. She is far from others, so she can only listen when people scold her. However, she doesn’t care about Peacock at all.

"Where did you risk her? What came out? You dare to yell at me here? "

"The desire to extinguish is not unreasonable, that is..."


At the same time as the scream, accompanied by a boom, The Desire Desire flew out suddenly as if hit by a locomotive. It was not until she was blown off that the Arctic Star Monarch said in a lower and lower voice: "That's the Great Wheel Peacock Pluto! "

The second half of the Arctic Star Monarch's Desire is definitely inaudible, because she has now directly knocked the temple into a hole, and then flew all the way out of Isengard's city. Peacock Pluto When she was in Buddhism, she was known as the mother of Buddha, and her battle strength in Buddhism was also firmly ranked in the top ten. Such a fierce person is a first-class existence no matter where he is thrown, even though the current chaos and The Temple of Order cannot be compared with the Celestial Court, but the Peacock Pluto is the Peacock Pluto. Even if I join us now, it is not a small fairy class Divine Immortal that can be bullied.

I’m standing by the wall. He put his hand on the pergola at the hole and looked at the Desire who had flown out of Isengard's realm. After a few seconds, he turned to the Peacock Pluto and reprimanded: "Aiya, how can you be like this, Peacock?" Somehow they are also public officials of Celestial Court. Even if you are not happy, you can't beat them! Even if you want to fight, you don't have to fly people so far, right? What if it falls and hits a kid? Even if you can't hit the children, the ones that hit the flowers and grass are not good! "

As soon as I said this, the star fire behind couldn't help but pu chi laughed, but she still covered her mouth quickly. As for Divine Immortal on the Celestial Court, her face Naturally, it was green and red. Of course, no one of them dared to say anything when they were angry. They came to stare at me to prevent me from failing, but most of them have heard of Peacock Pluto’s power. If this really fights, it might be someone who is going to rape whom.

After educating the peacock, I turned to the Arctic Star Monarch with a red face and said, "Don’t be angry about this, after all, it’s her. Proactive provocation first, no wonder we. As for the piece of information you mentioned...Anyway, I will never let you turn to the divine force core of Divine Race, which is a matter of principle. If you want to get the information back, then quickly think of a way, we can guarantee that we will never read the information in the core of divine force before then. But you have to be fast, we always need to use the divine force core, impossible has been waiting for you here all the time. "

The Arctic Star Monarch heard me talking about this, and I know that this is probably my bottom line. After thinking about it for a while, he still couldn’t figure out a way, and in the end he could only Said: "How about you let me go back and discuss it? "

I nodded and said: "I have already said that, I can give you time to discuss it, but it can't be too long. "

"I must be as soon as possible. "The Arctic Star Monarch returned to Celestial Court alone after speaking. As for the Divine Immortal he brought, they stayed here. They were monitoring our personnel and preventing us from reading the information in the divine force core during this period.

Because reading the core of divine force requires Vena, the main god to have permission, the Divine Immortal group actually only needs to stare at Vina. But I always look at each other like this big eyes staring at small eyes It seems that something is wrong. As soon as I turned my head, I thought of a way. Since these guys are here to monitor us, they can't let them monitor for nothing. At least they need to fully squeeze their surplus value.

"I said everyone. "I slapped my hand to focus all the attention of the Divine Immortal group, and then I continued: "The Arctic Star Monarch has gone back to discuss a solution, and I don't know what to come back. Isn't it a problem for so many of us to stand stupidly here? It's okay if Star Monarch will come back soon, if he waits a day or two before discussing the result, we can't stay here for a day, right? "

After hearing what I said, the Divine Immortal was also a little moved, but their task is to stare at us, and the Arctic Star Monarch is not there, they don't know if it can be an appropriate activity.

Seeing that they started to feel a little moved, I started to continue the next set. "I know that your task is to stare at us, but to read the core of divine force, you need the Divine Race Lord Vina by my side. Open permissions, so as long as she does not touch the core of divine force, your task will be completed. It's really hard for us to stand like this. Why don't we go out and wander around with Vina. The divine force core is in the temple and Vina is outside. Isn't it safer to stay away like this? "

Those Divine Immortal didn't want to stand stupidly. They all felt reasonable to hear what I said, so they started talking. After discussing for a while, there was finally someone in this group of guys. On behalf of everyone, they stood up and expressed their willingness to accept my suggestion.

If they were nodded, it would be easy to handle. I first quietly told Xinghuo to intercept the North Pole Star Monarch, even if he came back after discussing the results , Don’t let him come to Isengard first, even if you come, don’t rush to let him see us. As for myself, of course I took the group of Divine Immortal with Vina to visit Isengard.

Although the architectural style of Celestial Court is also very beautiful, it is completely different from Isinger's style after all. The so-called distance produces beauty. I am accustomed to Chinese architecture. It is also a good choice to see European style occasionally. Of course. , Divine Immortal can't just take them to visit, it has to be a little good. But...Is my advantage so good?

Let’s take the Divine Immortal to visit first The commercial street of Isinger made them understand the popularity of our place. Although Divine Immortal doesn’t care about mortals, once there are more mortals, then they will care. After all, their divine force is based on the gathering of mortals. After learning about Isinger’s popularity, they all understood why I ate like this at Jade Emperor. After all, we can produce a lot of Power of Faith. Although our bank will have its own Divine Race, But because of the super compatibility of the Divine Race of Chaos and Order, the Divine Race of our guild will not cause division of faith. The Power of Faith of mortals will continue to be absorbed by the Celestial Court after staying in our place and circling a circle, so Celestial Court I don’t care about the existence of the Temple of Chaos and Order. After all, this does not affect their Power of Faith collection.

After understanding the Power of Faith problem, I took them to visit the special guild. Architecture-Colorful Dream Pool.

The original function of Colorful Dream Pool was just to gather demons, but with the improvement of our guild's strength, many special buildings have been upgraded, and this Colorful Dream Pool is no exception. The original colorful dream pool could only gather magic power to form a magic solution, but now there is a Goddess statue in the center of the pool. The milk-white sculpture holds a poured bottle in one hand, and one in the other. The plate was placed under the mouth of the bottle. Behind the bottle, a drop of shining colorful light was slowly condensing, and soon It is about to drip into the dish, and a lot of colored liquid has already accumulated in the dish.

I gestured to the guard nodded, who was guarding here. Two little fairies, who were less than five inches tall, waved their wings and flew to the side of the plate. They scooped a pot of water with a small miniature kettle and combined their efforts. Mentioned it back.

Receiving the water bottle handed by the little fairy, I recruited a Divine Immortal, then pulled out one of his hands and carefully dropped a drop on his arm in his doubtful eyes. The solution dripped on his arm as if dripping on a sponge, and Divine Immortal was also the boss who stared at him instantly.

"This...this this...is this Supreme Taoist's Spirit Gathering Pill? Wrong! Spirit Gathering Pill is Immortal Pill and not Shenshui! What the hell is this?"

I smiled and recruited the other Divine Immortal and said: "Wait for me to let them try a drop before telling you. Don't worry, our guild has a lot of good things." I said and raised the one. The small water bottle, like a trafficker holding a lollipop to tempt children, looked towards the group of Divine Immortal with a smile. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point (qidian.com) to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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