as the saying goes The world report is coming soon, but I didn't expect it will come so soon. I collected my things neatly on this side, and heard a bang over there. A big hole was smashed through the top of the cave. I followed my instinctively raising my hand with a pounding sound, my claw and a big knife. I bumped into each other less than two places above my head. If it weren't for me to block it fast, then the knife would definitely be embedded in my skull.

"Who?" Just now, the future person was shocked. Because I didn't see the identity of the other party clearly, I asked aloud habitually.

The other party doesn’t seem to take me seriously. When I heard my question, it’s just replied: "the person who wants your life."

Since the other party has said so, let’s Does being polite to him seem like I am incompetent? "hmph, I want to die straight." After I finished speaking, I immediately bounced the claws on the other hand. Eternity quickly melted and disintegrated onto the blades of my whole body.

"You are the one who wants to die." The visitor yelled and suddenly started rushing towards me, but I did not make any resisting gestures, but turned slightly to face me His front left rushed out.

The guy was wondering why I ran forward to the left without preparing for defense, but before he could understand, he suddenly felt a terrifying wave of magic power coming from behind. In the crisis, he didn't have time to look back, and simply made a little bit of money to his own left, trying to avoid the attack behind him by changing the running route. However, he just turned the corner, and immediately felt a huge heat assaults the senses. In a panic, he could only cover his head and face with his arms, and at the same time a pale-yellow light curtain that tightly wrapped his body also rose. Get up, blocking all the flames from the light curtain.

At first, the guy thought this was my last move. Didn't expect the light curtain just to rise. He was suddenly hit by something on his left side. There was a huge explosion of heaven shaking, earth shattering, and a shock wave. He flew his whole person sideways in an instant. The guy who flew halfway suddenly realized that I had appeared in front of him, and it was only then that he realized that I was not doing meaningless exercises when I was running here, but he would be knocked into the air if it was already done. Here, I'm just waiting here in advance.

Looking at the guy who was blasted over directly, I caught his shoulders in the air without saying a word, then flipped my hands and threw him in the air directly, spinning around. The eternal moments in my body gathered from all the blades of my body into my hand to re-form the eternal sword.

"Eternal-Divine Lightning Flowing Flame Slash."

With the activation of the skill, my whole person shot directly into the sky from the ground, and the one who came up later caught up and was thrown away by me. The guy who came into contact with him in the air burst out a sword qi rays of light flying all over the sky, and immediately afterwards, we saw a space channel suddenly opened on top of our heads, unfathomable mystery, and a lightning bolt flew out of the middle of the channel. The guy shot him directly to the ground. The guy's whole body arc flashed to the ground and bounced again, and then suddenly felt black in front of him, and after him, he changed direction again and flew out sideways.

The guy who was slapped by the lucky slap hadn’t landed yet, and he saw the plague waiting sideways and holding his tail. When the guy flew over, he immediately turned around, huge The tip of his tail slammed on the guy's chest with a howling gust of wind and smashed him back to the original path.

Fortunately, I waited on the spot and raised my slap as I was planning to give the guy another time. Didn't expect that the guy just flew halfway when Lingling yelled: "Holy sword ruling." Then there was another one. The white light flashed, and the guy's body flying in the air suddenly became two segments. One segment continued to fly along the original path and was shot down by lucky claws, while the other segment fell on the spot.

"Boss, this guy seems to be dead." Lucky used two nails to carefully pinch the guy's head and lift his upper body from the ground.

"Big brother!" Before I could speak, I heard a scream from behind. Looking back, it turned out that it was a woman who had come down from the hole where she had been pierced before, but unfortunately she happened to see Lucky holding the half of the guy's upper body dangling there.

Seeing that guy's body and us, the woman immediately pulled out a long sword from behind and shouted: "I want you to pay for my life. Give my big brother my life..."

< p>The woman was slapped to the ground by a huge red dragon claw when she was halfway talking. Following Mila, she lowered her foot from the air and stepped back on the ground the woman who was still struggling to get up.

"What's going on today? Where are so many lunatics?" I looked at the woman on the ground with scarlet eyes like evil spirits and asked.

"hmph, you devil, sooner or later you will be killed by Heavenly Dao."

When I heard the woman's words, my expression startedled, not because of fear, but because of surprise. "Are you from Celestial Court?" Although the guy who rushed in just now wears Chinese-style armor, it's not unique to Celestial Court, so I didn't even think about it for a while. As for this woman, the outfit on her looks like Celestial Court's clothing features, but the style is slightly outdated, so I didn't expect this at first.

When I heard what I said, the woman thought I was afraid of the name of Celestial Court, and immediately yelled arrogantly: "hmph? Now I know I'm afraid? It's too late. You killed my big brother, Celestial Court will not let you go."

Looking at the woman who was trampled underfoot and still struggling crazily, I took the claws and eternity back and walked to her and said, "So good. Well, since you are a dog with a master, arguing with a dog is obviously inappropriate. Let us take you to ask your master.” As I said, I walked over and lifted the woman from the ground. , But the woman immediately struggled violently trying to escape from my hand. I slapped her straightforwardly, and then brought her up to the front and said sharply: "Either you will be honest for me, or I will make you be honest, which one do you want to choose?"

" Go die." The woman directly pressed her forehead with one hand, and then slammed forward, and a red bullet shot out of her forehead in an instant. As soon as I lowered my head, the light bullet hit the helmet guard of the Divine Dragon suit and was instantly bounced out.

"It seems that you don't understand what I mean very well, then..." I said suddenly and threw her up, only to hear a roar, lucky, plague, and the two sides of the small three A head bit her limbs and two legs respectively, and then under my sign, the three dragons vigorously forced in four directions, only to hear a sound like tearing cloth and the woman's screams at the same time. , The woman's limbs were all pulled down in an instant, only the head of the body fell directly from in midair, and I caught it with one hand and raised it in front of me again. Xiaochun's healing skills instantly followed, and the cross-sections of her limbs were healed before the woman died of excessive blood loss. "I said, I will let you be honest, so now, let's go and meet your master."

Put away the pet and summon creatures, and by the way notify the military god to send someone to receive it. The supplies, I sent directly to Isengard and transferred to the Transmission Formation outside South Heaven Gate.

The gatekeeper, Four Great Heavenly Kings, saw me carrying a woman out of the Transmission Formation. They were all taken aback, but seeing my expression seemed very unhappy, they didn't say anything.

After crossing South Heaven Gate, I asked a fairy casually. After learning that the Jade Emperor was in the Soaring Firmament Treasure Palace, I walked directly over.

At this time, the Jade Emperor of the Soaring Firmament Treasure Palace was discussing matters with the Divine Immortal, and suddenly two shouts came from outside the gate that didn't expect. "Stop, the Jade Emperor is right now..." Accompanied by a scream, the two guardian gods will directly fall into the great hall.

"What's going on?" The Jade Emperor looked at me and the god general who fell on the ground with a woman who was cut into a stick, and immediately questioned loudly.

"I should be the one to question." I threw the woman straight ahead, letting her roll all the way to the bottom of the steps in front of the Jade Emperor's frame before being stopped by the steps.

"This...Isn't this Fairy Shouling? How could it be?" Taibai Jinxing beside the Jade Emperor looked at the woman's words in surprise and was uncomfortable.

When I heard Taibai Jinxing's words, I immediately said: "It seems that this woman hasn't lied, so please ask Jade Emperor to explain to me?"

Jade Emperor heard My words were also frowned, and then did not answer my question, instead I asked: "Is it you who entered the ruins of the war of gods?"

"The ruins of the war of gods? What?"

Taibai Jinxing quickly explained: "It's just an underground cave with a lot of..."

"The core of the divine force?"

"It really is you!" When Jade Emperor heard me talking about the core of divine force, he immediately shouted: "You dare to step into the forbidden area?"

"Forbidden area? Do you have a sign to pull the cordon? Have you ever told me about it? "


"Even if it is your forbidden place, I would have strayed into it, and your people would kill you as soon as they met. Thanks to me, it’s kind of like Ability, otherwise there’s nowhere to redress even if you die. What do you guys say now?"

"Bold." A tall and thin female fairy dressed in a daoist robe came out of the queue. Then he yelled at me: "You enter the forbidden area first, and the killer under our guard is also as it should be by rights. Besides, you are not injured, and you have maimed our guard. It is still the same in front of the Jade Emperor. Arrogant, a mortal in the lower realms, where are you when Celestial Court is?" The fairy said, suddenly turned her head and stared at the Divine Immortal angrily behind her, "What are you pulling my clothes for?"

Then Divine Immortal obviously knew that I couldn't provoke someone, so pulling her naturally made her stop talking, but this fairy obviously didn't understand what they meant. When she said this, Divine Immortal also intervened again sorry, and simply stepped back two steps and shrank behind the crowd.

I didn’t speak immediately, instead I turned my head and looked at the fairy so straight, staring for one minute until she was about to go crazy again, and said, “You’re new here. Right? Don’t you know who I am?"

"I care who you are? Seeing that you have no aura and you are not an immortal class, you must be from the lower realm. Let you enter the Celestial Court. Moment, how dare you say crazy words?"

When I heard this, I turned my head and looked towards Erlang Shen and said: "Where did this guy come out? Work on the first day?"

I probably can’t see it anymore. Da Ri Tathagata, who has been sitting in the starting position of the Jade Emperor, said: "This is the 11th Temple Yama Purple Moon, a special staff member of Celestial Court, you should withdraw first." /p>

"Desire?" When I heard this title, I turned my head and glanced at the fairy, and then said: "It is true that the name speaks for itself, all desires are gone when I see this respect. It’s better to watch a few seconds, lest you lose the desire to survive in the future and it will be over."


The fairy is about to curse back, Supreme Taoist suddenly interrupted her and said, "You first step back." After finishing speaking, Tai Shang turned to me and said, "Purple Moon, don't mess around here. We sensed that the forbidden area was broken and sent two guards. Now One is maimed by you, and the other is probably bode ill rather than well, right? Originally, you made a mistake first. My Celestial Court suffered this loss and didn’t say anything, so don’t be cunning anymore. Even if you are cunning. Go, this matter will always be handled, right?"

"Attention, it's not that I was wrong first, but that I was right at all. Whether there is a forbidden land is all you said, and you didn't post it. The card is not stationed, how do I know if there is a forbidden area? If you just point to a place as a forbidden area, then one day you will say that Isinger is a forbidden area in Celestial Court, do I have to move?"

"Fine, do you think we have made a mistake first?" Jade Emperor had no choice but to compromise for the time being.

"Attention, it’s not counted, this is simply. Don’t push your mistakes on others. If you want to talk about things, put everyone’s status on the same level. Only when you stand on the level of equality, you can talk about it. "

"It's all up to you." Jade Emperor said, "If you didn't mark the forbidden area, and didn't notify you in advance, it's all our fault. You are mistaken, and those who don't know are not guilty. As for the guards we sent to be killed, this is considered improperly handled by us, but you also killed our people, so this matter is temporarily even. Okay, can we talk about business now?"

" I have no objection. You have always emphasized that I was wrong and refused to talk about it. Now that you finally decide to talk frankly, I am naturally willing."

Although I knew I was playing tricks, but The Jade Emperor still endured his anger, and asked politely: "This forbidden area is indeed our forbidden area, but you don't know it is a forbidden area, so we should not have happened when you broke into the forbidden area. However, this The things in the forbidden area..."

"Mine, it's all mine." Before Yudi finished speaking, I called out. Are you kidding me? I ate everything in my mouth. How can I vomit it out?

"Okay, okay." Seeing that I was going to play a rogue again, the Jade Emperor quickly calmed me and said: "Those things should be given to you, can't we do it?"

"What do you mean by sending me? That was what I found out, so it is my thing."

"Everything, it's your thing." The Jade Emperor hurriedly said: "It's all yours. Yes, it has nothing to do with Celestial Court."

"Well, it's almost the same."

The Jade Emperor saw me calm down before continuing: "Well, everything in it is you Yes, we don’t care, but one thing is indeed our Celestial Court. You have to let us get our things back?"

"Are you sure it’s only one? Isn’t it a bunch of things of the same type?" "

"Yes. Just one. There are many things of the same type as it, but we only need that one."

Although I know that Celestial Court is so anxious to go back It must be a very valuable thing, but I also know that this thing must not be kept. Although I often play rascals with Celestial Court, I am not the kind of rascal who doesn't know anything but just plays rascals. In the style of Celestial Court, if I was really just playing a rascal, I would have been killed by Celestial Court. How can I tolerate me until now? The reason why I often play rogues with Celestial Court but has been fine is that I know how to measure. There are some benefits for Celestial Court that can be given or not, this thing I will not say anything if I insist on coming down to Celestial Court, but I will never touch some things that shouldn't be touched.

"Tell me what it is to see?" Although the attitude of the Jade Emperor who did not hesitate to cater to me in a low voice can tell that Celestial Court is determined to get this thing, but the superficial work still needs to be done. After a while when the Jade Emperor tells me what I want, I will return it to him. Anyway, there are a lot of things in the cave, and it’s okay to return one or two to the Jade Emperor. I still made a lot of money. Be a good friend. why not?

When the Jade Emperor heard me asking what it was, he roughly guessed that I was going to return it to them, so he immediately said with excitement: "Hehe, it's actually not a particularly valuable thing. You can’t sell it if you take it. Although it’s useful to you, it can be said to be of little use."

"What the hell is it?" The Jade Emperor said that the item could not be sold. Suddenly, shouldn't the Jade Emperor say that?

Unfortunately, what is afraid of. As expected, the Jade Emperor said: "It is the core of the divine force or the source of the divine force in that hole."

When I heard this name, I immediately felt a little bit in my heart. The source of the divine force in that hole was blown by Ling and Xiaochun by half, and the rest was also absorbed by Vina. Now the Jade Emperor wants the source of divine force with me, what shall I give him? I just said that I knew how to measure, and something went wrong in Lima. Now even if I know how to measure it, it’s not enough. Let's not talk about the part that was blown up, even the ones that Vina absorbed, we can't spit it out!


"en." The Jade Emperor looked at me hopefully at what I was waiting for.

Looking at the expressions of the Jade Emperor and the group of Divine Immortal around, I don’t know how to say even if I have a thousand mouths now. Tell them directly that the source of divine force has been absorbed? Doesn’t that mean that the source of divine force is not fatal? But, even if I don't say it, the result is not the same? This is terrible, whether you say it or not, it's a death! If I refuse directly, it is estimated that I will have to be killed once, and then Celestial Court will rush to Isengard with a million heavenly soldiers before my resurrection. But if I agree, what can I give? (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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