Ling held the ball of light in his hand and said for a while: "This soul is quite special, it should not be a soul formed by ordinary creatures."

" Can this be seen too?" I asked in surprise.

Ling nodded said: "After all, I am in contact with souls a lot, and I am quite familiar with the souls of creatures. If the souls of ordinary creatures are particularly weak, they usually exist in the form of spherical flames, such as Free soul fragments. But as long as the soul has a certain strength, then the external form he exhibits will be the form recognized in his memory. For example, a person’s soul thinks he is a human being, so his soul is a human being The form, even his appearance before his lifetime can be perfectly copied."

Hearing Ling’s explanation, I immediately understood why Ling said that this guy is not a soul formed by ordinary creatures, because even if this guy changes In the soul form, he still maintained the magic puppet form, and his form was actually the form of a mobile angel, but the pair of wings was missing.

This guy’s current form is exactly the form of that magic puppet whose soul was just drawn by Ling, but the problem is that the magic puppet was just being put together, and this guy’s soul is obviously not in that formed from the magic puppet that was just put together. As for saying that he may be a soul formed by a mobile angel, I think the probability is not big. Mobile angels are high-level constructs that our guild has only recently put into use. Let’s not talk about how tightly our guild supervises mobile angels. Even if the mobile angels form an independent personality, under the soul array of our guild, This guy's personality should be biased towards our guild. Besides, our guild has never heard of a complete loss of mobile angels. Therefore, the soul of this guy is definitely not born from the body of a mobile angel, but why does he think that his form is like that of a mobile angel?

"Can you figure out how he formed?" I said to Ling.

Ling did not nodded or shook his head. Instead, he said unsurely: "This is difficult to tell, and I am not sure if I can figure it out. I can use the soul to try to read this soul. The memory of the soul, but doing so is likely to cause the soul to collapse. In addition, even if it can be successfully read, it may not necessarily be able to know his origin. After all, the birth of the soul precedes the establishment of personality and consciousness, and memory is after consciousness Something that can only appear, so most creatures will not be concerned with how they produce memories. However, many creatures can understand their origin through instinct or later racial education, it’s just this guy..."

Although Ling's words are not finished, the meaning is clear. This guy is obviously not like a normal creature, even if he is a normal creature, he is a constructive creature. The soul characteristics of the construct creature itself are very strange, and coupled with the particularity of this guy, it is difficult to guarantee that he must have race inheritance and the like. So he may not know how he came, even if we read his memory, it may be a waste of work.

"Is there no other way?" I asked helplessly.

Ling thought for a while and said: "There is no way, if you are not in a hurry, we can go back to the trade will talk about it. There are professional equipment over there, you can safely read his memory, and I I think if this guy is really a construct creature, it would be more appropriate to read his memory than to read his soul carrier directly."

The soul carrier that Ling said is a kind of built-in construct. The function of the special parts in the organism is to prepare a place for the soul to be sued. Because most metals cannot be fused with Soul Body, construct creatures cannot attach their souls to their entire bodies like physical creatures. A part that allows the soul to attach to must be installed in the body so that the magic puppet can gain independent intelligence and intelligence through this soul. Personality and thereby upgrade to construct creatures.

Because the soul carrier is the sustenance of constructing biological souls, this thing often has many brain-like functions, such as memory functions. Moreover, the memory that a creature's soul can remember is not actually all the things he has experienced, but only some superficial memories. However, although the soul can record not many memories, living creatures have body parts that can record all memories, such as the brains of physical creatures and soul carriers that construct creatures. Therefore, as long as we can find the soul carrier of this guy, it may be better than reading his soul directly.

After listening to Ling’s suggestion, I nodded and said: "Then go back first. Everyone first go back to the training space, and throw that guy’s body into the Fenglong space. Let’s go back to Isinger first. ."

After taking back the bodies of the familiar and the puppet, I directly teleported back to Isengard, and then transferred to the new continent floating island. Although Isinger has a lot of equipment, the new continent floating island is the real research base of our guild. If it is fully equipped, no one would dare to say that he is the number one if it is the second place in the world.

After arriving at the new continent, I was not in a hurry to go to the Soul Research Institute. Instead, I went to the Magic Machine System Research Center. After we sent the main researchers and a lot of equipment, we grandiose killed. Ben Soul Institute.

I found a relatively large room at the Soul Research Institute, and then I asked the technicians to move in all the equipment for soul research and magic power research, and finally waited for everything to be installed. I just released Ling and released the demon puppet along with the researchers who had been caught in Chaos City.

"Why does this golem look like a mobile angel in our guild?" The technician from the Magic Machine Research Center I called when the golem was thrown out.

"This is what other guilds collected from our guild battle lost mobile angel wreckage and put it together after self-repair." I explained.

"No wonder you look so much like a mobile angel." The researcher who spoke before asked again after speaking, "President, since this is a refurbished part of the mobile angel of our guild, then you are so much fanfare. The one who called us over is...?"

"If it was just a refurbishment, of course it was nothing, but there was an accident in the middle." As I said, I took the video of the previous battle. Come out and show them again.

After reading the battle records, the researchers didn’t need me to explain. They directly directed the two mobile angels they brought over to carry the magic puppet to the workbench, and then a group of researchers They gathered around together and prepared to take apart to see the internal results of this magic puppet, but it was a pity that they did not see a screw seam after looking for this guy for a long time.

"Strange, why are there no traces of connection? It is always impossible to seamless splicing technology, right?" a researcher wondered.

Another researcher said: "Stupid, didn't you read the combat record just now? This guy can even heal his wounds, might the joints grow by himself?"

< p>The two were discussing there. Suddenly they heard a mechanical rumbling sound coming from behind, and then another researcher rushed over while pushing the wheel cutter, and he was still yelling: "Does he matter? Just cut it straight away."

Although the magic puppet has strengthened the metal on its body with Soul Power, after all, the soul is already not in, and the shell is naturally the same metal as before. Since the mobile angel is a mass-produced equipment, the material used in its shell must be impossible to reach the hardness of the cutting machine. As soon as the cutting machine is attached here, the armor is immediately cut out like tofu with a seam. As the researcher carefully moved the cutting machine along the line that was supposed to be the splicing line of the mobile angel's armor, soon the breastplate of the demon's body was completely cut off.

With a click, the researcher hurriedly pulled the cutting machine away. "Quick, help." As the researcher yelled, the mobile angels on both sides immediately walked over to help carefully lift the cut off breastplate a little bit.

Although this magic puppet has changed some of its body structure, this body was originally the body of a mobile angel after all, and the armour of the mobile angel is notoriously thick, with the researcher’s small arms and legs They couldn't move his body even if it was just a breastplate.

Looking at the two mobile angels who helped lift up the breastplate a little bit, the researchers next to him quickly took a few things that looked like flashlights and got to the side of the magic puppet from the side of the breastplate. The crevice of the camera was shot inside. Our guild’s mobile angel’s breastplate is connected to a safety wire. Once the breastplate falls off abnormally, the self-destruct system on the mobile angel will be activated. If no command to close the mobile angel’s intelligent circuit is received within one second, The entire mobile angel will self-destruct. Although this magic puppet was made of scrap parts, the researchers carefully checked it again in order to prevent it from happening.

"It seems that there is no safety wire connected." A researcher said after watching for a long time.

One of the researchers in the opposite group followed: "Neither here, maybe they just didn't pretend."

The researcher with a higher status here is hearing this to his side The mobile angel said: "Look up one centimeter again." The two mobile angels raised their breastplates by one centimeter to reveal a relatively large gap. Now you can clearly see that there is indeed no connection inside. The safety wire is out. "It seems that there is no safety line. Okay, take the breastplate away." After the two mobile angels lifted the breastplate, the researchers gathered around to observe. While they were studying the structure of the magic puppet, Ling and I had already put that guy's soul into the soul detector and started the soul test.

The so-called soul detector is actually a soul signal strength reader, which detects the current inner condition of the soul body by capturing the fluctuations of the soul body collapse, and if there is a soul expert of Ling's level, it is still You can actively search for and read out the memory of this soul, and even some things that the surface consciousness of this soul can't remember.

Under Ling's operation, all the things in the soul's memory were quickly turned over, but the result was useless work. That guy really didn't know how he came into being like Ling guessed, and many things in his memory were very confused. According to Ling's statement, before this guy formed a soul, the soul carrier that his soul entrusted might be prepared for the soul of another creature.

"How can you tell that his soul carrier is not for his exclusive use?" I asked suspiciously.

Ling explained: "This can be seen from the messy things in his memory. There are a lot of very strange theoretical systems in this guy’s soul, but there is nothing in his memory. When did he learn the memory of this knowledge. That is to say, he doesn’t know where the knowledge came from. Generally speaking, if it is a dedicated soul carrier, the memory in it should have detailed source information, and this guy’s The soul cannot read these things, which shows that his soul is not compatible with the soul carrier, and this situation generally only happens under one condition, that is, the soul carrier is not loaded in the original setting. Target soul."

Hearing Ling's explanation, I helplessly said: "Anyway, I now know that we can't get anything with this soul."

"That may not be true. "Ling suddenly said: "The messy knowledge system in this guy's memory contains a lot of knowledge about magic puppet technology. Although the content is messy, I think I can always sort out some useful things. In addition, this kind of reason The situation in which external interference causes the soul carrier to produce an independent personality is also very worthy of study."

I nodded and said: "Leave this to professionals to deal with, let’s go and see the analysis of the magic puppet. How's it going."

Since the soul has been confirmed to be of little value, there is no need to waste time. In contrast, the body of the magic puppet may be more valuable. After all The soul carrier is probably in the body of the magic puppet.

"How's your analysis?" When I walked to the magic machine team, the previous magic puppet had been demolished by this group of guys and there was nothing left. Instead, it was next to it. There was a pile of dismantled parts on the table.

Hearing my question, the researcher in charge of the team said: "The time is too short. We just removed the parts belonging to the mobile angel." As he said that, he pointed to the next one. The table said: "Those are all dismantled parts, we have all checked them, and they are basically the same as the original ones. But now these all are left on the table, things that were not on the mobile angel before, if there is something on the magic doll The secret should be on these parts. However, although the number of these parts is not as large as the ones removed, the total amount is not small. It may take a lot of time to analyze and study all of them one by one."

< p>I was about to speak, and suddenly I saw the few researchers who were standing next to me who were silly. Didn't expect these guys have been in a daze for so long, and they didn't do anything. But think about it, people have just been captured and taken prisoner, and they must be nervous now. How can they devote themselves to research work?

"Hey, what are you guys doing standing stupid? Come and see, is there anything you know here?" I beckoned and shouted at the guys like wooden people.

The researchers were originally because they were in someone else's place, and now they are my captives, so they didn't dare to huddle with the researchers of our guild to do research. But since I called them, they could no longer stay aside.

After running to the console according to my order, the researchers looked at the magic puppet for a while, then pointed to a few parts and said: "These are all we follow you The parts copied by the mobile angels of the guild, because these parts in the collected wreckage are always severely damaged, so we can only copy them ourselves. We can be sure that these parts are not the same as our original design. Any changes."

Hearing what they said, the researcher of our guild immediately waved his hand and said: "Then quickly remove, all irrelevant things are removed, and the rest are the key components. That's right. , Did you imitate such a few things? Where did the other things come from?"

One of the researchers said: "In addition to these, we also imitated some, but I don’t know why, the shape seems to be different from the original design. It should have changed during the healing and growth of his body, so we don’t know if it was caused by these parts."

Hearing what he said, I suddenly remembered that before, it seemed that a researcher had said that there was an external part on this thing that they didn’t know about. If there is really any secret in this guy’s body, it’s in that thing. The probability is definitely over ninety-nine percent. "Hey, didn’t you say that there was a foreign part? Which one?"

"Foreign part?" The previous battle record did not include the section where I talked to the researcher, so the researcher in our guild did not Know what foreign parts are.

The researcher I brought back hurriedly told me what I had told me before to the researcher of our guild, and the researcher of our guild immediately asked excitedly: "Is there this thing? Say it early? Tell me which thing it is?"

"That's it." The researcher pointed to something whose structure didn't seem to be complicated at all and said.

"Quickly, take it down quickly." The researcher of our guild excitedly instructed a few people nearby to take the thing down and put it on a special operating table. superior. In addition to the two low-level researchers who continued to be responsible for dismantling the mutant parts of the magic puppet, several other researchers around also quickly gathered around and began to observe this special part.

The thing that was dismantled is nothing special in appearance, and its structure is a bit like a men's watch magnified many times. Of course, this refers to the similar appearance, but there are no pointers and dials on this thing.

Because there is no special place from the appearance, the researchers quickly thought of their usual method-demolition.

Anyone who does research likes to dismantle things. Biologists like to slice animals, and mechanical experts like to disassemble machinery into a pile of parts. There is obviously a protective shell on the outside of the thing in front of you, and the core structure cannot be seen unless it is opened. However, just when they were about to start with this thing, that thing suddenly had an amazing mutation. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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