Although the magic puppet ran away, there were darts to help me track the position. He simply didn't expect to run away. However, I just turned around and walked out of the cave gate when I happened to ran into the guild leader who had come back from the resurrection. Of course, he had been killed once before, and even if he was an idiot, it was impossible to run back alone.

"hmph, Purple Moon, I didn’t bring enough people to take advantage of you before, this time I will see where you go." As soon as I came out of the cave, the president jumped immediately He came out and pointed at me and let out cruel words. Of course, the reason he dared to be so arrogant was that there were nearly 10,000 people densely packed behind him. It is estimated that if these people were not there, he would have never known where he was going.

"hmph, a group of mobs." I left a sentence casually, and then said again: "I am in a hurry now and give you two choices. One, immediately let me open a way. Second, I will make a way by myself. You choose quickly."

When I heard what I said, the president Lima quit, he jumped out and pointed at me and cursed: "Purple Moon, don't think that your battle strength is so arrogant. .Tell you, this is the site of our underground federation. If you want to behave in our place, you are not qualified."

When you hear the other party’s arrogant words, you know that there is no way to talk about it. So I didn't say anything at all, and directly gathered the eternity in my hands into a heavy sword form. After the eternity took shape, I immediately took a step forward and held the eternity high above my head, and a layer of purple black flame ignited instantly on the entire eternity. Without waiting for any reaction from the opposite person, I waved the eternal flame forward fiercely. A huge pillar of fire took shape in an instant and slammed into the crowd with my swing.

The people on the opposite side didn’t expect me to make a sudden move. When I saw the huge pillar of flame smashed down, there was no time to escape. As a result, everyone could only watch the flame. Zhu crashed into the crowd, and then instantly burned all the people standing on the center line of the team to fly ashes, while the people on both sides of the team were all blown away by the sudden shock wave after the fire pillar hit the ground. And these people are more or less touched by the flames. Many people hurriedly wanted to extinguish the flames on their bodies as soon as they got up. However, the flames attached to their bodies as if they were attached to wood. Not only did they burn more and more vigorously, they actually got on their hands with their slaps. Then it spread to all directions, and finally many people were ignited by flames and turned into human-shaped torches.

I finished with a knife and looked at the player team that had already been killed by one third. I put away the eternal summon and went out of the night shadow and climbed up, and then I just assumed that the remaining thousands of people didn’t exist. Passed through the huge blank area in the middle of the team, and in the process, no one dared to stand up even if it was a symbolic stop.

Since the identity has been exposed, there is no point in hiding it. I rode Ye Ying all the way to the port area. When the guards over there saw me, the first reaction was not to block, but to turn around and ran. Obviously they already knew what was happening over the cave.

I rode Yeying directly onto the harbor dam, and then in the gaze of the group of players waiting to rent a boat in the harbor, I directly drove Yeying to the edge of the pier without any reduction in speed. Let Yeying jump out of the dock. Those who didn’t understand the situation at first thought I was going to ride and jump into the river because of a problem in my head. The above is just a few ripples.

Looking at the silhouette of me riding the night shadow on the river, a player couldn’t help but envy and said: "If only I had such a mount!"

A guy next to him who understood the situation immediately said: "Mountain? That's a nightmare, special BOSS-Rank thing. As a mount? You may not be able to do it when you tie the two together. Besides, just his speed, as long as you don't want to fight you. If you’re tired, you won’t be able to catch up."

"Don’t I just sigh! Let alone the nightmare, one day I can make a dragon and ride a dragon and I will wake up from a dream!"

The people on the pier here are still talking about the situation here, but I have rushed to the exit of the underground river on Ye Ying. Seeing that the front is the dock for personnel transfer, I looked towards the front finger from a long distance, and Mira appeared on top of my head in an instant, and then transformed into a dragon shape with a dragon roar. The camouflage pier in front flew out.

In the city outside, everyone was busy working on their own. Who knew that there was a sudden explosion in the warehouse area, and then there was a loud explosion sound, a beam of rubies shining all over the body. The jewel dragon of light smashed into the warehouse wall and half of the roof and flew over the city, and then I saw me riding out on the night shadow.

As soon as I came out from here, a huge voice rang out of the city. "Attention players in the city, we are the elite Legion of the Frost Rose League. We will launch a guild battle against the city in ten minutes. Please leave the city as soon as possible or go underground. After ten minutes, all those who stay in the city will be They are considered to be eliminated by city guards. In order to avoid accidental injury, please don’t hope that our guild will evacuate the enemy personnel as soon as possible."

This notice has been sounded ten times in a row, but every time it is played, it will Minus one minute. When the last one minute notification was over, a large number of flying units immediately rose outside the city. After waiting for the city's guards to counterattack, these people flew directly into the city and began to attack the city's guards. Qing suppression.

The attack here is the strongest part of the battle strength extracted by our guild. Except that our guild Divine Race did not participate in the battle, this is almost the same when we first played the Russian Divine Race. The original crew. I think that even the Russian Divine Race was just fighting with our elite group to have mutual casualties. Now using this group of people to deal with a medium-sized system city, it is simply using an axe to split the tofu, and almost no casualties occurred. Easy to get the city.

After completing the city suppression in five minutes, the elite Legion of our guild immediately entered the underground river, and then rushed to the chaotic city upstream along the river. As for the city that was just occupied, there are naturally The second line of our guild is in charge of taking over.

I haven't intervened since the elite troops entered the city. I found that the resistance of the city was so weak that I could ignore it. I simply left without waiting for the battle to be over.

According to the information returned by the dart’s contact, the distance of the magic doll is actually not too far, so the night shadow only took one dream crossing and 3 minutes to ran to the position of the magic doll. .

When we arrived at the location of the magic doll, the magic doll was competing with the darts. From afar, we saw light beams flying in the forest, and the trees near the blast were swaying fire everywhere, but the actual effect was Is close to zero. With the dart's ability to move at the speed of light, even if the gun head is aimed at the dart every time it is fired, what about the flight time of the fired weapon and ammunition? Even energy weapons such as lasers are nothing more than the speed of light, and darts can completely flash away. What's more, it seems that there is no real speed of light rays in "Zero" so far. Even Mira’s destruction rays just look like lasers, but the speed is far worse than the speed of light. Otherwise, when I first met Mira, I wouldn't be able to flash her destruction beam, after all, no matter how fast I reacted, I wouldn't even flash the light.

I didn’t rush up after seeing the darts playing with that magic doll. Anyway, this guy’s fighting energy comes from the absorbed soul energy, even if he just ate so many researchers. The soul of, but after experiencing the absolutely amazing energy-consuming teleportation, there shouldn't be much left now. What's more, he is still firing energy bombs all over the place frantically. At this speed, even if he has a power station on his body, it is not enough.

I probably found that I couldn’t hit darts at all. After playing for nearly a minute, the magic puppet finally gave up his intention to continue attacking. Instead, he launched the teleportation device again. Run away, and he also set up his weapon at any time to guard against the darts and then rushed in and teleported with him. However, this time the dart didn't rush in because he already knew we were nearby.

Just when the mine-like teleportation device around the magic puppet was activated, the forest suddenly lit up, and then I saw a red beam of light passing through the gap between the trees in front of it. It blasted directly on one of the transmission devices, followed by an explosion sound, and the transmission device that was hit was instantly blown into a pile of fragments.

Although a teleporter was blasted off, what surprised us was that the power grid around the magic puppet was still working, but the lack of a teleporter seemed to prolong the transmission time. The power grid flashed for a long time and I didn't see that the magic couple felt like it was going to be transported away. It seemed that the energy gathering time was increased because of the lack of a transmission device.

While he hadn't sent myself away, I waved to send a signal to Mira, and Mira immediately opened her mouth and two rays of destruction flew out one after another. There were two consecutive loud noises around the demon puppet on the opposite side, and two more transmission devices were blasted off, but the power grid was still there.

I don’t need to give an order this time. After finding that the thing was still working, Mira directly patched up five more rays and blasted off five transmitters. After a few hits, it began to dim visibly, and finally all the launchers seemed to suddenly lose power, and all of them fell to the ground.

I nodded and walked towards the magic puppet after seeing all those things fall to the ground, and the other party discovered my existence immediately when I appeared.

My performance in the underground cave before seemed to make the magic puppet quite scared, and he became obviously nervous after seeing me again. Looking down at the scrapped teleporter on the ground, the guy turned around and ran away unscrupulously.

Slap. With one of my fingers snapped, a loud explosion sound suddenly came from the front. Lucky suddenly smashed in front of the magic puppet with huge wind pressure, sealing his escape route. However, this guy didn't mean to stop at all. When he saw that there was someone in front of him, he immediately turned and ran to the side, but the plague and Xiaosan simply blocked the roads on both sides, and forced them. That guy can only return.

"Aren't you tough before? How come you run as soon as you see me?" I said as I walked towards him.

The magic puppet also knew that I was the boss here, and when he saw me walking over, he immediately put the main target of the alert on me, but the following dragons still gave him a lot of pressure , Forcing him to be on guard at any time for luck and they engage in sneak attacks.

Seeing that he still didn’t mean to cooperate at all under this situation, I also guess that he probably won’t compromise anymore. In desperation, he had to persuaded one last time: "Look at how you look. It seems that you intend to resist to the end. Although I don’t know why you are resolutely unwilling to cooperate, I respect your choice. Now I ask you for the last time, do you want to cooperate with me to let me figure out the principle of your special ability, or do you want to I will break you up and study it myself?"

The other party did not speak, but crossed his arms in front of him, and then only heard a scream, the claws on both arms bounced out. Seeing that he even showed his weapon, there was no need to ask the answer.

I reluctantly turned around and walked backwards and said, "I'll leave it to you, pay attention not to break it."

Fortunately, I grinned and pretended to be vicious while saying: "Don't worry, boss, I promise to disassemble him into pieces for you to study slowly."

Fortunately, after finishing talking, Mira suddenly opened her mouth and burst out with a beam of destruction. The magic puppet hurriedly flexed his arms and blocked it with the outside of his arms, and then a blue Energy Shield suddenly appeared in front of him. With a bang, Mira's destruction rays blasted on the light shield and was stopped, but the force of the explosion shook the devil back more than ten steps.

"Roar." The magic puppet, who had just stabilized his body, heard a loud roar behind him. He immediately realized that he had retreated too much and had entered the attack range of the dragon behind him. Sure enough, he had just turned around and put his arms in front of him when he saw a huge dragon claw swept over. With a thud, he slapped him horizontally and flew out and broke a dozen trees before falling to the ground. .

Although the all-metal magic puppet is larger than the humanoid player, it has no advantage at all when compared with the giant dragon. Fortunately, they slapped him like flies, and they slapped him away with a casual slap. After all, there is too much difference in size between the two sides, and there is no comparability in terms of strength.

The magic puppet that was slapped flying finally got up from the ground, and just wanted to observe the enemy’s position, a bright sword glow suddenly flashed behind didn’t expect, though the magic puppet At the last moment, he made a dodge action, but it was still half a beat. He only heard a creak of metal tearing, followed by a muffled sound, and a metal arm hit the ground directly.

I looked at his bare right shoulder in surprise. The magic puppet just wanted to bend over to pick up the broken arm on the ground and pick it up again, but didn’t expect a white silk thread sticking out of the forest. On that arm, then the silk thread suddenly retracted, and instantly pulled his arm back. The magic puppet immediately wanted to chase after his arm was snatched away, but after the arm was dragged away, his front was suddenly dark, and then he saw a huge tail swept across, and then a With loud explosion sound, the magic puppet flew out again, and rolled out two-three hundred meters away on the ground in one breath, breaking countless large and small trees during the process.

"Your enemy is us, don't glanced around." Mila, who had turned into a human form, stood beside the magic puppet while holding a lightning giant sword.

Hearing this, the demon puppet was surprised to find that the enemy did not know when he had already arrived. In fact, what he didn't know was that Mira didn't come to him, but he flew to Mira. The tail just now was actually drawn at an angle calculated by the plague, so his flight path was also expected, and it just landed under Mila's feet after stopping.

Although the demon puppet didn't know how Mira appeared next to him, he was extremely scared now. From the previous ignorance in the cave, to the face when I found that I could easily catch his throwing knife, and then to the attention when I realized that I couldn't beat me, now the magic puppet has only looked up to me. Only now did he finally realize that I am not stronger than him, but much better than him. Regardless of whether they were lucky enough to beat him one-on-one, the magic puppet under their joint efforts found that he had no chance to fight back at all. He was simply playing by lucky them. This is no longer fighting, this is molesting, playing tricks, and naked humiliation.

"Ah..." The magic puppet seemed to know that he had no hope of leaving, but he didn't intend to be softened, so he finally decided to fight either the fish dies or the net splits. After sending out angry roar, this guy suddenly jumped up from the ground, and then he saw that his whole body suddenly lit up with dazzling blue light, and it was getting brighter and brighter.

In the moment after the guy roared, I suddenly turned back and looked at this unique personality puppet a little angrily, then helplessly sighed softly and said: "Ling."

< p>"en." With a soft response, Ling appeared silently beside the demon puppet, and then placed a hand on the demon puppet's shoulder, and at the same time, his mouth seemed to be comforting. He said softly: "Enough."

With this "Enough", the blue light on the puppet suddenly began to weaken, and within a few seconds the blue light was dim and almost invisible. , And the magic puppet looked back in surprise and looked towards Le Ling as if he wanted to say something. But it's a pity that he couldn't say a word, so his knees suddenly softened, and he knelt to the ground with a boom, then his body shook twice, and then he suddenly fell forward and smashed heavily. on the ground.

"Okay, take him away." Seeing that the guy was finally quiet, Ling directly ordered Lucky and them, then turned and walked towards me.

Seeing Ling coming over, I asked directly: "I guess it’s right?" Ling nodded, after walking in front of me, he stretched out a hand in front of me. At this time, on her palm, a transparent ball of light that looked like a soap bubble was flashing brightly and darkly, and within that bubble, there was a villain who looked exactly like that magic puppet. Smashed the bubble wall and tried to run out of it. Of course, all his efforts were in vain. "This is the soul of that guy?" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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